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About RobberBaroness

  • Rank
    lil stinker


  • BPAL of the Day
    Gingerbread and Lavender Sugar
  • Favorite Scents
    Snake Oil, Penny Dreadful, Lucy's Kiss, Fleurs du Mal, Baoban Sith, Alice, Gingerbread and Lavender Sugar, Tombeur, Bewitched, Gelt

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  • Country
    United States

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  1. RobberBaroness

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    Is there anything that smells at all like Dead Leaves, Blue Lilac, Black Currant, and Black Orchid? It was so good and my bottle broke! I haven't found any other lilac that smells so dark and sinister!
  2. RobberBaroness


    This is what I was hoping Mega Size Chocolate Bar would be! An equal mix of smooth chocolate and spicy Snake Oil, definitely a new favorite!
  3. RobberBaroness

    Dead Leaves and Champagne  

    Pretty and bubbly and eerie! This makes me think of a walk home from an elegant Halloween party on a cold night.
  4. RobberBaroness

    Cacao, Dark Fruits, and Oud

    I really like this one! It's a dark gourmand, the sweetness reading as deeper and more intense than a lot of the cacao scents. Might get a bottle, depending on how I like the other cacao scents.
  5. RobberBaroness

    Amoretti LXXV

    The apple note seems to go cloying, though maybe that's just me (I found the same thing with one of the Halloweenies.) Or maybe it's the combination with the musk. It smelled very nice in the bottle, but now I feel like I'm in a cloud of flavored syrup.
  6. RobberBaroness

    Erotic Sake Bowl

    Pink and sugary and tart and delicious! I don't know if I'll buy this since I already have Baobhan Sith, but I'll definitely use up the decant vial. It's like a fizzy cocktail or fancy candy, uplifting like a good citrus scent should be.
  7. RobberBaroness

    Gingerbread Vampire

    The lab's chocolate note often overpowers everything else, but it's balanced here by the gingerbread and anise. I think the weirdness is nice and distinctive, an offbeat gourmand. I could see a vampire smelling like this at a midnight party where they serve absinthe and bat-shaped cookies.
  8. RobberBaroness

    Pomegranate Sufganiyot

    I was afraid this might be all fruit- my experience with Blackcurrant Sufganiyot- and when I first opened the bottle, it was very tart. Luckily, when I put it on my skin and let it dry, it became a very pretty, sweet blend. The pomegranate was soft and bright, while the pastry provided a warm base. This will be one I wear a lot, and not just in winter.
  9. RobberBaroness

    Can't access cart

    I was finally able to do it by switching to a mobile device! Thank you so much!
  10. RobberBaroness

    Can't access cart

    I added a bunch of perfumes to my order, and now the drop down menu for the cart won't scroll down to let me hit Check Out! I can't even edit my cart to take some off! Does anyone know how to resolve this?
  11. RobberBaroness

    Two, Five & Seven

    This is what I wanted Peacock Queen to be- a big rose bouquet, pink and sweet and almost overpowering. I'm a little self-conscious wearing it, hoping it isn't bothering other people, but there's something so fun about being so purely rosey!
  12. RobberBaroness


    This one shifts on me! I started out not liking it at all- probably the musk, that's very unpredictable on my skin- but it's settled down into a wonderful golden vanilla. I'll have to keep the sample around for whenever I'm doing any Arthurian writing!
  13. RobberBaroness


    This is a new favorite! The florals are there, but there's also an unexpected note that almost smells citrusy- I guess that's the carnation. It's a playful scent. I probably don't need a bottle when I already have Alice for my carnation needs, but I'm definitely using up the sample!
  14. RobberBaroness

    Rose Red

    Rose Red 2016: This is rose candy to me, very similar to Pink Snowballs. It's sweet and cold and very pink, despite the name.
  15. RobberBaroness


    This is a nice dark rose on me! I like it a lot, though I doubt I would have used up a full bottle. I can definitely get the vampire feel, especially a modern day leather-clad vampire!