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Everything posted by Lucchesa

  1. Lucchesa

    Eat Me

    This smells yummy in the imp, but something disastrous happens when it hits my skin. It turns weird. I have learned this sometimes happens with cake or pastry notes. They just don’t like me. In an hour or so it's more pleasant, but sadly Eat Me is not for me.
  2. Lucchesa

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    Where is the evil? This is a lovely summery floral, something my mother would have worn, whereas from the name I was hoping for something my mother would have been slightly unnerved by. I love Baudelaire and was expecting a little more "mal" from Fleurs du Mal, something deeper and debauched.
  3. Lucchesa

    Screaming Mandragora

    I safeguard my Screaming Mandragora frimp because I know I'm unlikely ever to get another one. It's marvelous on me, managing to be earthy but not heavy. There's a balancing fruitiness and acidity, almost a cotton candy scent in the imp that becomes richer as it dries. I wear it when I want to be grounded but optimistic.
  4. Lucchesa


    Alice was the first bpal scent I fell madly in love with, and it is still my go-to feel-good scent. I travel with it; I wear it all year long; it buoys me when I catch a whiff of it. Pulling out the stopper invariably raises my mood two or three notches. Just thinking about Alice raises my mood. Love it! It is sexy in a light, flirty, but not little-girl way, delicious in an Earl Grey tea with marzipan cookies way. When I was home for the holidays and put it on to go out to a family event, my mother, who has Alzheimer's disease, said, "You smell wonderful!" I also have the hair gloss, and also adore it.
  5. Lucchesa


    I wanted to love Hunger -- I found it gorgeous and lush in the imp and wet. And it is very long lasting -- I could put it on at night and still smell the traces on my wrists doing downward dogs in yoga the next morning. It dries to something deep -- the black narcissus? - which, as the previous poster mentioned, just doesn't agree with me. I can tell it must be fantastic on many users; I'm just not one of them. ETA OK, I wrote that over a year ago, when I was just beginning to go beyond Alice. I retested it in fall and loved it. It's this devilish combination of virginally sweet, which I associate with orange blossom, and drop dead sexy. And given that my skin eats up so many blends, I appreciate its staying power. It's not 100% me, but it is damned fun to wear.