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BPAL Madness!


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About IslandRain

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  • Birthday January 15


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    United States


  • Favorite Scents
    Kurukulla, Paris, Chaotic, Night Gaunt, Goblin, Verdandi (see "about me" for more details)

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  • Interests
    The Arts in every genre


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  1. IslandRain

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Hmmmm, interesting about the musk. I find it a little frustrating that some bpals are labeled specifically as to what kind of musk(s) they use and others just say "musk" or "musks".... Wish the Lab would be consistently specific for those of us with reactions to know what blends to avoid I've never been able to wear "regular" perfume and was so excited when I came across bpal... Some work, some don't but I'd love if the elimination process were made a little easier for those of us with serious reactions to certain notes...
  2. IslandRain

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I actually just ordered a scent locket the other day off ebay but I'd like to try and avoid buying any imps in future that contain things I know have allergens that affect me in them... (Does anyone have any thoughts on Xiuhtechtli notes for brain allergies?)
  3. IslandRain

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Yeah, I've tried cross referencing it with other imps I have but haven't found anything that has the same notes (crazy, eh? With all of those, nothing listed is the same). So that's why I posted this thread. As for my symptoms, it got red and burning sensation immediately and I had to wash it off right away with soap, water and alcohol. I get migraines easily too so I've had to wash off quite a few very quickly but the only one I couldn't get off fast enough for head-type allergies (rather than skin allergies) was Xiuhtechtli -- holy songs that one exploded off my skin. I literally had to wash it with alcohol over a dozen times before it started to go away but again, I don't know what caused that reaction either. I actually emailed the lab about that too because I know they don't list all of the notes but as I said, I never heard back from them So I just wanted to get a general sense from people, but I know "head" allergies can be very different for different people (skin allergies too but not as widely variable as headache triggers).
  4. IslandRain

    Pink Snowballs

    2012 version Wet: this smells like those soft plastic Strawberry Shortcake character toys that were scented like the characters' fruit (can't remember which character specifically this reminds me of). Eugh. Dry: the plastic smell goes away (thankfully) but now it just smells like those rose shaped, scented soaps you'd find in a dish in a grandmother's bathroom...
  5. IslandRain


    You know that smell when someone liberally sprays floral air freshener in a bathroom after, AHEM, utilizing the facilities? That's what this smells like on me Not sure what note is the culprit on me though (the violet? the lilies?) as I haven't tried too many bpals yet...
  6. IslandRain

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I'm wondering if there are any notes that more commonly cause skin allergies than others? And more specifically - has anyone had an allergic reaction on their skin to Himerus? I did and I'm trying to figure out what note(s) from it to avoid in future, but I'm a newbie and can only rule out Bergamot as a non-factor since I've tested others with that note with no problems... I emailed the lab weeks ago with my question but never got a response ?