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About CluckingBell

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    a little too imp-ulsive

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  • Favorite Scents
    Yerevan (gone but not forgotten), Katharina, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Tombstone, Theoi Nomioi, Scarecrow, Glasgow, Fae, Tamora, Titania, Peach I (2016), Four Seasons: Winter, L'Agonie, 51


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  1. CluckingBell

    Switch Witch 2019

    Would you like anything from Future Primitive? (It's fine to mention OOS things, I've probably already bought it! ? ) Sure! Products: Probably sugar scrubs (either currently listed), soaps (whipped or bar), or body creams. Scents: Clotted Peach Cream, Dark Carnival, Dragonsblood Brown Sugar (Scrub), Four & Twenty Blackbirds, Ghost Smoke, The Gloaming, Nutcracker, Orange Coconut Mallow, Pandemonium, Rook & Raven, Sparklebox. Does anyone have a favorite horror movie that they love? Need a copy/DVD of? I’m not really into horror movies. If I had to name a favorite, it’d probably be Cabin in the Woods, which probably tells you everything you need to know (and I already own it). I do collect animals-run-amok (horror-lite) movies, preferably from the 1980s or later (the B&W ones have a different sensibility, like the creators might have known they were cheesy but they didn’t expect their audience to find them cheesy, and I don’t like watching movies with real animals made pre-AHA-monitoring of animal treatment—CGI solved a lot of ethical problems while making films even cheesier!). I’d be open to receiving a werewolf movie of some sort, but I tend to watch those with the sound muted and my hands over my eyes… I’d love to have a copy of April Fool’s Day (1986), if that’s out on DVD. It might be terrible, but I remember enjoying it as a kid. Do you like smallish knitted stuff (hats, fingerless mittens, scarves, toys, etc. -- be specific!)? Yes, especially fingerless mittens (I have kind of small hands—the base of my middle finger to the base of my palm is only 3.5”, so small but stretchy is best; if there’s more than about 1-1.25” of mitten past the top of the thumbhole, I get really fidgety). Simple scarves are always welcome, especially weird and funky yarns. I recently saw some crochet bumble bee patterns that were adorable. Do any of these knitted items appeal to you? 1. Easy Fingerless Mittens—Yes, but you’d have to remove about an inch off the finger length (and then adjust even more for my stumpy hands). I don’t like to have my pinky and thumb swallowed up like in the samples in the photos. 2. Pfeilraupe Asymmetrical Scarf—That’s gorgeous, but also looks like more effort than I can afford to put into wearing a scarf. 3. Odyssey Shawl—I’m not much of a shawl person. 4. Close to You scarf—Too drafty for our winters. ? 5. Rikke Slouch Hat—Also not much of a hat person. 6. Simple Yet Effective Cowl—Also not much of a pull-things-over-my-head person. 7. Knitted Pumpkins—Probably not. 8. Little Bear Stuffy—Yep, I do like stuffies with personality. How do you feel about thrift store finds (assuming they're in good condition and have been thoroughly cleaned before shipping)? I like them! I may have bought several full size Rituel de Fille makeup items in a frenzy over their whole vibe. If I tested something once or twice (and it can be sanitized), would you be interested? Sure, BUT: I’m a real amateur (I only use 4 make-up brushes!), so unless it’s an eyeshadow sort of product, you could probably find someone who’d make better use of them. Are you interested in trying different skincare products from higher end, clean brands? Maybe? Not an all-over daily face product, because I’m pretty happy with my routine at this point and I’d rather not become addicted to an expensive new product when olive oil is working so well for me. ? But if you had samples of an eye cream or some other targeted-use product, that might be a good fit. OH, and any interest in anything from Torrid, noting their "fangirl" and Halloween collections are updated? I’m not into any of the fandoms I saw. I kind of like the bat/moon hipster panties (I’m a size 10). What on the following list would you like to receive something related to (or have something donated to in your and Joni's honor?) animal rescue pie dogs bears turtles inappropriate candies (either in shape or in contents—ex., boozy candies, creatively shaped peanut brittle…) Pretty much anything here. Dogs and pie would probably be last in preference for anything decorative in nature, but certainly a donation to a dog rescue of some sort would not be amiss. (A donation to turtle or bear rescue would be fantastic as well; pie rescue, maybe not so much.) I don’t drink, so “boozy” candies aren’t winners per se, but I do like rum, brandy, and tequila flavored things, minus the alcohol. I'll be going to Seattle, London and Paris during this round- anything you'd love to have from any of these locations? I can’t think of anything specific. Though if you’re thrifting in London and see a T-shirt with an angry (but cute, cartoony) highland cow’s face on it that says “mad cow,” I’d be interested in that. They were selling them at the tourist stops all over Scotland when I went years ago, but once I decided I needed one, I never saw them again. I’ve never even found a picture of one online. Is there anything you would particularly like from Japan? Stationary, bento supplies, a particular snack, etc. The fall flavors for kitkats this year are Chestnut, Sweet Potato and Apple Pie. Chestnut Kit-Kats sound interesting. Thinking about really good natural food stores like Natural Grocers or Whole Foods, if you could have ANY bath and beauty or body care items, what would you love? I'm not familiar with their offerings, but probably scrubs or cooling mists for summer would be best. Also what kind of treats, snacks, foods, condiments, bulk items, teas, housewares from the same natural food stores would you love? Also, are there any particular sustainable kitchen or household items you would love to receive? Whatever's in my questionnaire re: food should cover it. I can't really think of any housewares I lack, but I'm sure there's something out there that would make my life easier I just don't know about yet! Did anything catch your eye from the Liliths? I'm curious about Bullseye, Impromptu Goat Yoga, My Tiger, That Villain Romeo, and You're a Daisy If You Have. Would you like anything from Lush? I don't know. I've never shopped there. So, there's a Euro coin of some denomination coming out with Asterix on it.... Is there anything kind of weird and niche about which you feel this way, fellow witchees? Maybe Wallace and Gromit? I'll have to do some thinking... ETA: As may be obvious from my questionnaire, all things Wonderfalls (e.g., smoosh-faced wax lion --- I'm waiting for someone to make a 3D printing pattern for that) or Community (e.g., Torg the troll, any merch). I know a number of BPALies attend Dragon Con. Would any of you be interested in handmade earrings in the (in)famous Marriott Carpet pattern? I never-ever wear earrings. Kickstarter (and similar): Any thoughts, witches? I don't spend any time on Kickstarter, so I don't have thoughts. I tend to learn about campaigns elsewhere, but I've only ever backed one. Do you have an Etsy/Goodreads/Amazon or anything else wishlist you’d like to share? Goodreads is in my questionnaire; I'm CluckingBell on there, too. I didn't know we can't search for wishlists on Amazon anymore—that's annoying! Mine's at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1QBSWBQ53YDWD?ref_=wl_share I don't have much on there, but I did realize I have the first two seasons of WKRP. And what’s your preferred wrist/necklace size? Wrist is none, really. I don't like having things on my wrists. Necklace is probably in the 16-18" range. Nothing bulky or clunky. Does anything from Bird & Blend take your fancy? If there's a chai tea that tastes as good as Svarta Fönix Bókaflóð smells, I'd like to try that. Otherwise, refer to my questionnaire for tea stuff. ...how about wash cloths, anyone need any? What colors?? I have more washcloths than I can handle at the moment. I did accidentally leave a hand towel and dish towel in rental a few weeks ago, if you run across a nice set in a thrift shop or something (used towels are so much more absorbent than new anyway). No strong preferences as to color. My bathroom and kitchen are beige, so almost any color will work. Cute cats or chickens or other designs would be fun in the kitchen, and anything but dark brown or black in the bathroom. is there anything from World Market that tickles your fancy? I haven't been in so long I wouldn't know where to start. Maybe something cute for Halloween? A bumble bee towel? There's a special thing happening over at Rituel de Fille this weekend, where some gorgeous makeup items are coming back for just a couple of days. I'll be placing an order Sunday or Monday- anything that might strike your fancy, either from the special sale or from the site in general? (https://ritueldefille.com) Their eye soots are lovely (anything but blue for me), but also probably too high-class for my skills and the canvas I have to work with. If you get something coppery or purplish for yourself and want to send a small sample, though, I wouldn't complain. ? How do you feel about tarot or oracle decks? Would you be interested in any (for artwork or for mystical purposes)? New or used? I'm interested in all of them, for both artwork and mystical purposes. New or used. I don't have a big collection: mini Rider-Waite and Crowley Thoth tarots, the Druid Craft tarot, and a Cary-Yale Visconti reproduction I found at a consignment shop a couple years ago. And "Medicine Cards," which is mostly animal symbolism. Open to any others! Would pigment samples from companies like M.A.C. or Notoriously Morbid tickle your fancy? If so, what colors catch you eye? Probably no more than any other company. I'm pretty unsophisticated when it comes to make-up, and I don't use it to make statements. Coppers and browns for eyes (I don't mind shine or metallics here); pale, matte shades for cheeks or lips. That's pretty much it for me. Do you have a favourite saying or quote? "If nothing else works, then a total, pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through." —General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett How do you feel about spicy foods, and where on the Scoville scale do you hit your limit? I've never been really big on spicy foods, but I'm just altogether too old for them now. They make my tummy hurt! I'll survive a little cayenne or jalapeno, but for the most part I try to stay in the green zone these days. How do you feel about coloring books, especially those pertaining to a personal interest or fandom? I like them fine, though I don't have much time to work on them. My mom gave me the Firefly one; I think I have the Princess Bride one on my Amazon wishlist. I don't know what else might be out there. A few questions have been asked about knitted items--are crocheted equivalents acceptable? (crocheted fingerless gloves, shawls, etc.) Any fiber issues? Crochet is fine. Re: fiber, no allergies, but please avoid scratchy stuff for anything that touches my neck or wrists, please. About the Weenies: please list what you've bought or are definitely purchasing for yourself *as well as* what you would like to possibly receive from someone else! Nothing jumped out at me as must-haves on first perusal. I'm curious about Carotene, Song of Autumn III, and Song of Autumn IV, and usually anything with apricot or oakmoss. Dear Witchee, are you at all boozy? Anywhere between hard cider to straight whisk(e)y? And any interest in the "unusual" stuff? (unusual as in non-mainstream, local craft ciders or meads, regional fruit wines, experiments from local distilleries, etc) Occasional margarita cupcakes is as far as it goes. I never learned to like alcohol. Nail Polish: Do you need or want some? If so, what colors and brands are you interested in? Definitely don't need any. I'm always game for fast-drying metallics/chromes. Open to other colors as long as they're fast-drying and don't require multiple coats. Does anyone else do nail wraps? Not me. What about postcards? Fine by me. Not something I collect, but still cute as a form of communication. Is anyone interested in anything from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween release (or, presumably, anything else from the site)? I'm not really familiar with their stuff. This Mortal Coil, Moonsand, and Hekate Cat look interesting. How do you feel about salt? I don’t mean, like, salted nuts or potato chips. I mean straight-up salt, like alder-smoked finishing salt or Hana Flake sea salt. Don't use it, but I'm open to new experiences, as long as they're vegetarian. I am infamous for baking (shortbreads savory and sweet, poundcake, various cookies and bars), butter caramels (flavored or plain), and catnip. Are any of these relevant to you or your household? Any and all. I like sugar, especially if it isn't pumpkin spice or carrot cake. And doesn't have a bunch of dried fruit. Do you like to cook and do you need/want any spices for such pursuits? I like easy cooking, so I'm always looking for spice blends that will go well with stir-fries, eggs, roasted veggies, etc. Would you wear any of these? Nuada and Manannan would definitely get some use here. Do you have any utilitarian needs for everyday life? Things that would help or that you've been needing or wanting for work or whatever? Undoubtedly, but I can't think of any right now. What kind of vegan snacks do you like? And vegan chocolate...favorites? Primal Strips (especially teriyaki or hickory-smoked). I'm sure I'd like any chocolates, but I'm not familiar with any specific brands. Obvious salty stuff like pretzels, popcorn, Veggie Straws... How would you describe your crafting style? Whimsical & Cute? Elegantly modern? Totally Traditional? Probably somewhere between traditional and whimsical. So....we are about to process a metric f*ton of green tomato relish, which is basically bread and butter pickles but with sliced green cherry tomatoes. Is this relevant to any witchees? Generally not a fan of sweet pickles/relishes. How do you celebrate Halloween/Samhain? Do you dress up? Would you like something for your costume? And am I the only person left on the planet who wears socks? Buy candy, knowing I won't get trick-or-treaters, watch scary movie, eat candy. I wear socks, including Halloween-themed socks. Are you interested in anything from Art Of Tea or Adagio Teas? Probably not, but I'll refer you to my questionnaire. I make light-weight hairfalls, doll-style, using a variety of fun stuff, like ribbons, lace and soft batting. Would you be interested in receiving a set in the colors of your choosing? I don't know what those are, and Googling only got me alopecia results, but it doesn't sound like something I would use. And a quick question here--I'm going to this amazing looking event on Saturday--does my witchee see anything they might be interested in? https://www.facebook.com/events/903999316607440/ (the Oddities Market) Not sure exactly what they might have, but nothing too macabre for me, thanks. How do you feel about enamel pins? Love them, hate them, slightly interested, totally indifferent? Indifferent? I've seen cute ones, but I wouldn't have anyplace to display them. what is your T-shirt/shirt of choice Size? Prefer fitted cuts, so for girly/junior shirts that usually means an XL. Misses size M. Unisex M. Anything that can encompass a 40-inch bust will work. OCTOBER LUNACY! I know turn around time is unlikely, but just saying (JUST SAYING), dear Witchee, did anything catch your eye? I'm curious about Palo Santo & Sandalwood, but I don't actually know what palo santo smells like... So Blood Moon Botanica is having an update soon. It's a surprise what will be listed (besides the Moon Dew serum), but you can take a look at past items on her web page: https://archaichoney.com/bloodmoonbotanica (Britton used to run Haus of Gloi.) Witchee, are you interested in any kinds of things from the Blood Moon Botanica update? I probably don't need any wound care products, I don't get sick much, and I try not to burn stuff indoors. But yes, I'd be "interested." ? also I took some beading classes and have been making bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Would you be interested in any? If so, how big is your wrist or how long would you like your bracelet? Any preferred styles of beads? I think this has been covered, but no to bracelets or earrings. If I was to donate to an animal rescue on your behalf as the "lucyboo" component of this swap, is there one in particular that you would choose? Maybe Pig's Peace Sanctuary? What is your very favorite Halloween candy? If you don't have one/don't do candy, what's a seasonal treat you love? Probably Reese's peanut butter cups. I just got an email from Lush that their Christmas stuff is now up online! anything you might like? I'm really not familiar with their products, so would just refer you to my favored scent notes. If you were my witchee, would you enjoy home made (canned) preserves? I'm going home to Can All The Things & I'm thinking some bananas foster butter/sauce might be a nifty thing for you. Probably! I am in Las Vegas is there anything you would want from here? Maybe if they have alien/UFO/Area 51 spillover merch...?
  2. CluckingBell

    Eleven Pipers Piping Hair Gloss

    Smells downright carbonated wet on the hair, like 7-Up, then dries down quickly to pure sweet-tart fruit---almost syrupy rather than bubbly, but the tartness keeps it from smelling too dense and cloying. The musk seems to waft and linger, so it's less noticeable in my hair than when I reenter a room I just left and get a soft hint of 51. After 12 hours, the scent is still strong, but the fruit has mellowed a bit so the musk has more room to play. Fun, festive scent that makes me think of (non-alcoholic) punch at a holiday gathering.
  3. CluckingBell

    Heliotrope? Or sweet/powdery notes?

    I think of heliotrope as a nasal prickle rather than an actual scent, so I may not be the best person to offer advice. :-) REGARDLESS...I like Fae (peachy) and Tamora (vanilla and sandalwood), but Hollywood Babylon (strawberry, vanilla, black cherry) may be more your speed. Dawn: Maiden (milk and honey) looks like it has potential for sweet and creamy. You can review all of the lab's heliotrope blends at https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/heliotrope/.
  4. CluckingBell


    I'll try to update when I've given it a full day's wear, but my initial impressions are very positive. I definitely get "sun-baked" rather than "scorched" or "barren," and nothing nightmarish about it. On me, Scarecrow has the same full, rich, rounded, Mother-Nature's-loving-embrace quality that I get from Theoi Nomioi, but maybe with some florals and a hint of field stubble in place of the trees. It's a beauty with a nice, mid-range throw. That said, I got my imp secondhand, so it could have been a well-aged sample I tried. I'll know better once I buy a bottle brand new. ETA 2017: After getting a lab-fresh bottle, I definitely understand where the banana and/or nail polish comparisons were coming from. Those elements diminish on dry-down, but this may be a scent that requires a little aging to reach its fullest potential, and I think it's worth it. ETA 2020: My bottle is now 3 years old. It smells pretty nasty in the bottle and absolutely glorious the moment it hits my skin, just like the original imp I tried. No artificial banana nail polish smell during drydown. So glad I didn't give up on it! CluckingBell
  5. CluckingBell


    I've had pretty good experiences with patchouli so far, but Vixen showed me how it can go wrong. As soon as it hit my skin, it began to smell like musty outhouse toilet paper, which just got stronger and stronger as time passed. An hour later I was removing several layers of skin trying to get the smell off of me. Fortunately, I seem to be in a minority. CluckingBell