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Posts posted by sarahmarie

  1. Aaah, the apple is definitely here in this one! There's a general tartness to this scent (the cranberry), and to me there's a green note - the apple trees, the leaves and branches and grass. This is a very perky, fun scent.

  2. On me, Creepy is very much like Miskatonic University meets brown sugar. It's sweet sweet sweet. I like it, but I'd love to smell the apple! It doesn't seem to come out on me at all. I think I'll give this one some time to age and see if that makes a difference. It's lots of fun and will be good for this season, regardless.

  3. This one is intense and confusing, complex and high-end. It's definitely smooth and chocolate-orangey with a thick buttery undertone, and the cardamom pops right up on me. It's not buttery like the pumpkin scents or Gluttony, it's a more subtle, though very rich, buttercream.


    It has dried down to a a light creamy version of itself. It's very interesting. I admire it as a perfume but I'm not sure if it agrees with me or not - orange and I, we're on ambivalent terms. I'm going to have to wear it a bit to decide. But this is definitely a very compex and luxurious chocolate scent that I'm impressed by, whether it's for me or not!

  4. I was gifted with an imp of this one and am very grateful to have been able to try it!


    Storyville and I, however, were not meant to be best buddies. It's nice in the imp - very red musk, very alluring, vaguely fruity and vaguely spicey. On my skin though, it's oddly flat. The red musk smells warm and delicious, but it just lacks some dimension on me, and despite the musk, it doesn't last long. I'll probably still wear it from time to time, and if not I know someone else will be very happy to recieve it. Thanks to ivyandpeony for giving me an imp to try! :P

  5. I was surprised by how much I liked this! It's sweet and fruity, very much a candied plum scent. It reminds me of the jelly ones, actually - the candies you find sometimes at Christmas. It's really very nice when I first put it on - my only complaint is that it fades very quickly. I think I'd probably want a bottle of it though, the better to slather a bit (and I never slather).



  6. I've been hesitant to review F5, because I can't quite pin it down. I can't decide what it smells like or whether I like it! It is obviously a clean, refreshing scent -it just wears a bit floral on me (it's something teas seem to do on my skin). It vanishes quickly for me, as well. I'm going to hang on to this one for warmer days, and see how it feels to me then.

  7. I love Nocnitsa as a fall scent. To me, it's very autumnal - a chilly forest with the strong scent of fir trees and underlying wood and leafy ground. On my skin, it fades fairly quickly despite starting out strong, but in my hair it lasts all day. I really like this one a lot for this time of year, and will definitely enjoy the imp. :P

  8. This one wears a bit too soapy on me, so I probably won't be keeping the imp. However, it could be really awesome with the right skin chemistry! It's green and sort of succulent, if that makes sense. But on my skin, it turns all pretty and then all soapy, not exactly what I was hoping from from something called Isles of the Demons. Where is my volcanic gas, dammit? :P

  9. Wet on my skin, this reminds me very strongly of Chiroptera...which is odd, since I don't know that they share a lot of notes. As it dries, it changes to a more...traditionally floral perfume. It's pretty, sweet and floral with lilac dominating. I can also detect the rose. I can't really identify any greenery specifically.


    This is pretty - very pretty. I don't know how "me" it is, but I do love lilac and will probably at least keep an imp of this bottle, if not the whole thing.

  10. In the bottle, this is strong, sharp, and very sweet. On my skin, though, it mellows out quickly, leaving only a quiet, warm scent of creamy chocolate. Whatever gives it that creamy sweetness seems to like my skin, and while I'm not getting a lot of throw from the little test I did, I do get a close-to-the-skin chocolate that's really very nice and kind of sexy. I like this a lot. That's two winners from the Carnaval for me so far! Yay! :P

  11. Wow. Just...wow! This is so nice! It does remind me very strongly of Smut, but it's a lighter, more varied scent. The musk is very similar - all deep and sexy and sweetened by the vanilla. But the other stuff going on in here makes it complex and very changeable. There's the patchouli, but it's blended so well that it doesn't bother me the way patchouli sometimes does. It just gives some slight edge to the sweet muskiness, and makes it just a bit tobacco-like, as others have said. And there's a touch of tartness in there too - the fruit notes. It reminds me at times of root beer, but only for a moment at a time and in a really sexy way, if you can imagine. :P


    This is totally awesome...a scent worthy of our real-life Mme. Moriarty. :D

  12. Miskatonic University, to me, is a comforting and warm smell. Of the new update stuff, I'd recommend Dia de Los Muertos, perhaps, and maybe Creepy if that sort of thing cheers you up like it sometimes does for me. :P


    I also like Baku and Somnus for putting me in a relaxed, sleepy place. from the TAL, I have Peace and White Light, both of which I use sometimes when I need to feel calm and comforted. Both can be applied as perfume-with-intent, which is usually how I use them.

  13. Some of my favorite summery scents:


    Chiroptera (my #1 favorite, smells like a summer evening in a garden to me)



    Midway (soft and sweet)

    Wanda (for evenings *only* - much too heavy for daytime. I used to wear this to Waterfire in Providence and it totally fit the mood)


    I've also been really digging Hungry Ghost Moon lately, and I think it would work well in the fall as well.




    Trick or Treat


    Silk Road (could also be summery, it just wears a little warm on me)

    all the pumpkin-y goodness



  14. I'd say...


    All purpose (for someone who doesn't know his or her taste, a sort of sampler of different types):




    Silk Road

    Antique Lace





    Gluttony or Jack (buttery food scents)

    Bliss (because chocolate, dude!)

    Cheshire Cat


    LE: Midway or Snow White


    This list is based on my early experiences with BPAL, and my few enabling experiences. :P

  15. I'm going to try this without revisiting the scent description, just 'cause.


    This is light and clean, and once on my skin, very tart and fruity. There are brief waves of other scents...sweetness and very light wood, with some sort of something else I can't identify thrown in that gets deeper as it dries. I think I like this, but it faded very quickly so I will have to give it another try.


    ETA: On the second wear, I'm having a *lot* more success. It's crisp and tart and gingeriffic, grounded by the sweet woodiness. Very unique. It's morphing gently every now and then, and I think it's going to stick around longer, too. I think I'm really digging this blend!

  16. This is nice enough on me, but amber....amber just sort of becomes overwhelming on my skin. It's nice in the imp - very warm and sweet and well-balanced. I think many, many people are really going to like this one. But since amber is really LOUD when I wear it, I'm going to pass on this one.

  17. Drink Me is very hard for me to pin down. It's soft - it just sort of swirls around me in a comforting cloud without being at all strong. It's sweet and reminiscent of cake and fruit, but I'd say it's better than those two things sound in a perfume. It's really nice, and unusual.

  18. This one smells a lot like a mango to me, which is funny, since Tweedledum is the one with mango in it. But that's what it smells like to me, on my skin - a nice, bright, fresh mango. It has good staying power in my hair, but fades quickly on my skin. I really like this one and have used it twice already. :P

  19. Okay, I didn't expect this, but I LOVE Roadhouse. LOVE. It smells just like beer when it's wet, but in this fabulous, deep, sweet way. The hops! They're so delicious! Seriously, it smells like a *really* good beer. I can also smell the weedy goodness, which becomes more prominent as the hops settle down.


    Once it's dry, this is a light, weedy scent on me with a nice grounding of sweet, rich hops. Very unique, very yummy.

  20. Sweet, hot, wet florals. It's definitely exactly as described - there's a hint of decay to that heat and moisture, as there always is in those kinds of conditions. It's the sort of floral I like, but I don't know that it's me. It reminded two of the 3 people I was with of their grandmothers, and I guess that's part of it - but I think it's also potentially very sexy, depending on the person and environment.


    So, New Orleans = sexy grandmothers. Or not. Oh dear. :P

  21. On my skin, Jazz Funeral is a light, mossy floral with a hint of dirt. In my hair, it was straight up fresh graveyard dirt, like whoa. I don't really like the dirt scent - it kind of freaks me out - but I still like Jazz Funeral. It's a moody, unusual scent, but not a desperately sad one. Perfect for the sentiment it's trying to express, I think.
