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BPAL Madness!

Sokudo Ningyou

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About Sokudo Ningyou

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 08/24/1981


  • Location
    Milwaukee suburbs
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Whatever I feel like for the day.
  • Favorite Scents
    Bayou, Baghdad, New Orleans, Dragon's Blood, Dragon's Musk, Nuit, Mama Ji, Chrysanthemum Moon, Hades, Hi'iaka, Holiday Moon, The Library is Haunted. Florals (not lavender!), musks (except patchouli), and spices are my jam.

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Writing fanfiction, reading fanfiction, literacy in general, and Peace On Earth. Or at least Understanding.
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
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  1. Sokudo Ningyou


    I just got a bottle from someone who says this was basically bought when it originally dropped, so it's very well aged, and I smell almost exactly the same thing. It's so bizarre. I'm hoping it's a time of the month thing, or something else, but I usually amp spicy scents, and this is just... The exact opposite of that. Buttery berry. Absolutely crazy. Like, this is almost Butterbeer on me.
  2. Sokudo Ningyou

    Trumpet Honeysuckle & Lemon Beebalm

    Lemon slaps me in the face immediately when I sniff, and on skin. It takes almost twenty minutes for it to die down enough for me to smell honeysuckle, which I love , but nowhere near as strong as the lemon. Probably good as a layer with another scent, but on its own? Lemon candy. And about half an hour after I swiped it on, it seems to be fading. Definitely the same as zankoku_zen's comments.
  3. Sokudo Ningyou

    Streets of Detroit

    This is the scent of being a teenager in the late 90's, and goth shops in the city that smelled almost exactly like this. It's uncanny. I actually bought this from someone on Facebook expecting something I would probably be gifting someone (since the notes seemed perfect for them), and then...I sniffed it. And remembered very vividly walking into some of those stores that I haven't seen in over twenty years. I really don't know what the sweetness is from, maybe the myrrh? But it's just this strangely sweet, incensey smell that is so very reminiscent for me of those old shops even more than Thorns straight up clove. I kind of want to bathe in this stuff now. I might need to buy several more bottles. Unbelievable. I can't say I smell much leather at all except maybe at the very end, though, so anyone looking hell bent for leather may be disappointed.
  4. Sokudo Ningyou

    Holiday Moon

    I love this scent, and I wish so hard that it would be brought back for another Lunacy. This was one of the first scents I got when I first discovered BPAL not long after its release, and it's still amazing. A light refreshing green scent, with tea and ginger and so so good. I may be hoarding it like a jealous dragon, but I will be dearly upset when my bottles are done.
  5. Sokudo Ningyou


    I've been wanting to try Shub forever, and I finally got an imp! Unfortunately, this is nothing like I hoped. I like spicy scents, but not necessarily "foody" scents, and this is total cookie gingerbread on me right away. I smell like a Christmas bakery, and while I love eating gingerbread, I don't want to stink like them. After a little while, it's beginning to calm down and sharpen into just ginger, but it's not enough to make me like it. Sigh.