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BPAL Madness!


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About cassiejaynebunk

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 11/25/1980


  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • eBay
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  • BPAL of the Day
    a cacophony of BPAL!
  • Favorite Scents
    GOTH QUEEN, Banshee Beat, Silky Bat, Loved to Death, Devils Night, Sin, Imp, and Goblin.

Profile Information

  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    all things Goth, the Dresden DOlls/Amanda Palmer, Doctor Who, Neil Gaiman and reading fantasy novels in general, veganism, and hanging out with my kid.
  • Mood


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign

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  1. cassiejaynebunk

    Snake Oil Lemon Bomb White Tea Fuck Up

    it smells like lemon pledge. like polishing the furniture while wearing snake oil lol.
  2. cassiejaynebunk

    Kinda Sorta Snake Oil Cream Soda

    it smells like drinking a cream soda ice cream float while wearing snake oil lol. it's exactly what it says it is.
  3. cassiejaynebunk

    All Hallows Chaos: Dead Leaves

    My bottle is #2 - it really just smells like straight up dead leaves to me.
  4. cassiejaynebunk

    Ask The Nearest Hippie

    It smells like the East Meets West store at my local mall. It’s freaking fantastic And I love it so so much!!
  5. cassiejaynebunk

    Bonfire Night

    HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD. I finally got my hands on a bottle of this and I die. I’m dead. It’s everything I hoped it would be and more. I could cry. This is the smoky, campfire-y, boozy, sweet smell I have been searching for. Omg I NEED ALL THE BOTTLES.
  6. cassiejaynebunk

    Black Apple and Patchouli Hair Gloss

    this smelled like rotten apples to me, and everyone else in my house hated it too. so sad.
  7. cassiejaynebunk

    Silkybat Hair Gloss

    Silkybat has become my signature scent and to have it in hair gloss form is just heaven. i buy up every bottle i can find because i basically use it every day. please please please bring it back!
  8. cassiejaynebunk

    Dead Leaves and Burnt Marshmallows Hair Gloss

    I FREAKING LOVE THIS!!! it really smells exactly like the description which is basically what i want to smell like ALL THE TIME so yeah, this is fan fucking tastic.
  9. cassiejaynebunk


    Szepasszony is one of those scents i would seriously consider giving my right arm for. it reminds me so much of the B&BW Herbal Mist that i used to bathe myself in during my teenage years. that scent too was discontinued years ago and it still breaks my heart. my scent choices have changed so much since then but i still mourn the loss of that one every day. this is a lovely herbal aquatic, and i love it so much. ugggghhhh it makes me so sad i will only ever have this imp.
  10. cassiejaynebunk

    Fortuna Populi Romani

    My second fav of the Fortunas. it smells exactly like it should. i get the smoked vanilla/sandalwood/patchouli blend, and the juniper freshens it up. i do wish that it lasted a bit longer though that may just be my skin.
  11. cassiejaynebunk

    A Wild and Naughty Girl

    when i first got my decant from the lovely Ajevie, it was allllllll chocolate. now that it's aged a month or so, the patch and the tobacco are the dominant notes and HOLY HELL I LOVE THIS BLEND! omg it really does make me feel wild and naughty. friggin love this one.
  12. cassiejaynebunk


    opens with a blast of Pinesol and Dr. Teals Lavender Epsom Salts, and then calms down to a beautiful herbal blend that i would kill for a bottle of. wahhhhhhh i wish the Lab would make this available!
  13. cassiejaynebunk

    2013: Steel Phoenix

    this started off smelling like October to me, then took a turn for the worse and started to smell like liquid smoke and honestly never got better. BOOOOO SKIN BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I wanted to love this so much
  14. cassiejaynebunk


    WHYYYYYYYYY CAN'T I BUY A BOTTLE OF THIS???!! i love the Labs lavender, and this blend is no joke. it's a grown up sleep blend. something i can't wait to put on and snuggle up with. my boyfriend gave me a gift card for my birthday, which happened to fall on black friday, so i made my purchase and got the frimps of Silence and Stillness. so wish i could get this year round.
  15. cassiejaynebunk


    oh my gosh. this is SUCH a memory scent for me. it reminds me of my old home after the rain. we had a field that went to hay every year to use for the farmland assesment, and a creek in the back, and lilac trees up the way... this is the scent of my childhood home after the rain. ah, it almost makes me cry a little. i miss my old home so much.