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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by illuxtris

  1. On imp: It smells like the white musk oil I bought ages ago from Body Shop. It's my favourite room oil, so I'm definitely pleased how this smells promising.


    Wet: Same as in imp. I hope this scent lasts on my skin! I've read some of the reviews at how it disappears quite fast.


    Dry: Not much change either. I'm wondering where the ozone/marine notes are because it all smells like white musk to me.


    Around 5-10 mins later: I get a whiff of the marine scent, but it's fleeting. There one moment, gone the next.


    Two hours later: Noooo. I can barely smell it on me now, and I have to put my wrist to my nose just to have a faint sniff of it. I wonder if it's just because I haven't lathered on enough (Midnight had the same effect until I made sure I had a lot on me); I'll try again when I'm not subject to sweltering heat and perspiring like mad.

  2. On imp: Sweet jasmine. After trying Dragon's Eye (and even Dragon's Tears -- will have to write up a review for that) which I consider as "strong" jasmine, I now have categories for the scent note. Heh. Anyway, this isn't making me feel like throwing up from a headache.


    On skin: Not much difference during wet and drydown. Still the same jasmine, and I want to know which makes it smell sweet -- the honeysuckle or buttercup? I agree with the reviews above, it's a 'yellow' scent; makes me think of butter and pancakes. :D


    After 10-15 minutes: Okay, I'm getting a whiff of something like smoking grass. Not burning, but the smoke after it has burned. Now I really want to know how honeysuckle and buttercup smell like individually.


    After 2 hours: This really is a soft and delicate scent because the smell is fading already. :P I still smell that smoking grass thing sometimes, but it disappears after a second sniff. So far, this is the only jasmine that I've tried that didn't smell oppressive to me (again, minus that weird smoking grass deal).

  3. On imp: Wow, strong floral. I'm a florals fan but I can't quite put a finger on this one; it smells familiar and the feeling I associate with it is not something pleasant.


    Wet: Same as in imp. The florals lessen a bit but it's still strong enough to be disconcerting.


    There isn't much difference on drydown, still the same smell. I put some of this on the way to work while waiting for the traffic light to change. Around 5-10 minutes later at work, the smell clicked -- it reminds me of piles of sampaguita (Arabian jasmine) that is offered in the altars of sculptured images of saints. I have no idea which note makes it smell like that (lilac? lily of the valley?) and I wish I know so I can stay away from it.


    I really thought this scent would work for me, but I guess my nose and skin chemistry just don't agree with it. Or maybe I have just lathered too much of it? I may try it again some other time to see if it would still yield the same effect before deciding on giving it off for swapping or selling.

  4. On imp: PEACH. Yes, there is that much peach in it that it deserved to be out on caps. It nearly made me retch, so I postponed trying it and the next time I tried smelling it, it was somehow more tolerable.


    Wet: Still some major peach scent, but I'm catching a whiff of something floral.


    Dry: All the peach action had gone and I can only smell a teeny bit of it, it's mostly the floral-y thing coming out. I'd really like to know what amber and/or myrtle smells like individually just to know. =\


    Around 15 minutes after application, I was in the car with my mum and she was like, "what's your perfume? You smell like an old lady." I thought it was just her, but around 5 hours later, my co-worker passed by me closely and she was all "why do you smell like an old lady?"


    So yeah. Definitely not a good scent on me. It's turned into a powdery old lady smell on me, and I'm thinking it much be the floral because Midnight had a similar sort of result with the turning into powdery thing.


    I'm rather sad, because this was highly recommended too. Oh well.

  5. I just had to post a picture of this as I'm so proud of it :P


    I don't get on with Excel, I prefer databases. I don't have the MS Office database program, so I used the OpenOffice (a completely free suite) one.


    Here is an image showing a day's solid work. :D


    Just a thought if you don't like Excel! :) Although I do admire all the work people put into spreadsheets!


    ETA: The database has all the GC collections plus the Carousel and Carnaval Diabolique. I've included LEs only if I have them myself - no use filling up disk space with the Lunacies as I never buy them :D


    It needs updating actually, haven't put the last two updates in yet. Oh well, after exams...



    Damn, colour me jealous. I'd love to have something like that, except I don't speak the language of database and therefore have no idea where to start.


    I'll have to content myself to highlighting my Excel spreadsheet for the meantime. ;)

  6. The Spirit of the Divine Messenger, the Lord of the Crossroads, He Who Owns All Doors and Roads in this World. He is the intermediary between the Orishas and mankind, and stands at the intersection of humanity and the Divine. He opens all paths of communication, both mundane and Heavenly. His ofrenda contains coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum.

    Ahh, my first foody scent!

    On imp: This is one imp filled with caramelized goodness. It reminds of this caramel chocolate I can't quite remember the name of...

    On application: Oh dear lord, I can't distinguish it. It's like an amped version of the caramel-filled imp (and I thought that wasn't possible anymore!) which is slightly sickening.

    On drydown: Oy, this reminds me of pina colada! And I'm amused that I'm sort of right on with this, since pina coladas contain (aside from pineapple) coconut and light rum. Hee. And I thought my nose would be totally clueless.

    After a few more minutes: Okay, what is with my skin that I end up not smelling like anything (or just some very, very light whiff) at all after a very short span of time? I'm getting annoyed, I don't want all the BPAL oils to end up like this on me.

    I'll be wearing this one to bed, let's see if I still smell Elegba when I wake up.

  7. Sniff from imp: Wow, floral indeed. A big blend of flowers that my newbie cannot pick out any individual note. But it's not the strong, heady type of floral which is yay for me because strong scents make me nauseous.


    On application: Still floral, but I'm smelling something jasmine. So I went and hurried to look at the description and...no jasmine? But reading the reviews on this page, someone mentioned 'light jasmine', so I guess it's just not me.


    After 15 minutes: It smells familiar, but I can't quite remember which perfume it smells like. Ooh, it smells vaguely like Flower by Kenzo when it's dried down on my skin. There's still a hint of that jasmine-but-not-jasmine note, but it's very light, nearly not there.


    After 2 hours: I can barely smell it already. I really saddened by this because the scent was really lovely and I wanted it to stay until the end of my shift (I wore it to work).


    After 4-5 hours: I get a whiff of it every now and then, and when I sniff my left wrist I still smell it (still smells like Flower) by it's nowhere on my right wrist. Odd. Other people cannot smell it all, which I'm a little sad about because I want to tell peeps about BPAL. Darn. I'll probably try again some other time though, because this is such a lovely scent!
