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Everything posted by AEris

  1. I like the lush, humid floral scents in the summer. My favorite is Marae, it reminds me of gardenia. A good clean scent is Wensleydale, it's like fresh cotton sheets dried in the sun.
  2. AEris

    Summoning Stone Play Structure

    The green freshness of this scent reminds me of Gibbous Moon. It has a powdery sweetness from the fresh floral notes, I'd be surprised if linden blossom wasn't a main component. The clover/hay note is lightly musky. I really like the subtletly of the grass.
  3. AEris

    Ile de la Tortue

    Home to the Brethren of the Coast and a notorious safe-haven for pirates, this island was once described as the common place of refuge for all sorts of wickedness, the seminary of pirates and thieves. Damp air trapped in limestone caverns, heady greenery, hothouse orchids, nicotiana blossoms, bois de chandel, elemi, palm wine, garambullo, pega-pega, flame of the forest, and a swirl of Haitian vetiver. My oh my! The pressure of the first review! I'm having trouble putting my finger on any individual notes...this is a fresh, tropical floral, and I am assuming that the orchid is dominating. This is very young and bright, and awfully pretty. I feel like I'm sitting near a freshly arranged bouquet of dewy blossoms. (adjective overload.....) Something about Ile de la Tortue is reminding me of childhood. I feel like I've smelled this kind of scent before, and it's making me smile. It reminds me of gardenia, although I don't think there's any in here. (I guess my nose isn't very sophisticated....) Very nice. I don't know if it's something I would wear regularly, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some all-out raves about this one
  4. AEris

    Recs for the prettiest scents

    Haha! Took the word right out of my mouth. Seconded!
  5. AEris

    Elegy No. 1 S. 196

    The beginning of this scent is loudly lemony with the bergamot. This quickly burns off, and I am left with a lightly musky fragrance with a hint of soft woods. It's inviting, familiar, simple, and easy. It's not terribly unique with my chemistry, but it is pleasant and comforting.
  6. AEris

    Ossa Arida

    A very nice balance between resinous incense notes and rose petal potpourri. I don't get a smooth base like I expected, meaning I can't pick up on the vanilla or balsam. I like it - I think that for me, it is worthy of keeping my decant but I won't be dying to find a bottle.
  7. AEris

    La Lugubre Gondola

    Incredibly deep, golden, sun-warmed precious woods. This one will be a hard-to-find rarity, it's a simple poem in a bottle, so achingly evocative. If it was music it would be a master cello soloist.
  8. AEris

    Pursue Rabbit

    I have to preface my review by stressing that I am possesed - utterly consumed - by orange blossom. At first sniff, I inhale in the slightly bitter orange peel and soft velvet blossom petals, and I know I'm going to love this scent! After the oil has settled into my skin and the bright citrusy flowers start to fade, I can sense the powdery incense and fresh green tea. At this stage, I'm not sensing much of the sandalwood or vanilla, but there is a hint of warmth at the bottom of the incense note that may come out more when the fresh notes fade more. Later, this is a soft incense with a smooth undertone. The opium tar dominates on me, a dark smoky-sweet floral note. Gorgeous!
  9. AEris


    Bottle worthy without question. I friggin love this!!! Fresh and linden blossom Ivory Soap clean - but with a smooth hint of sweetness that rounds out the overall fragrance and makes it smell more like the sweet honeyed blossoms on the tree. Orata nailed it by saying it's Wensleydale, just softer. Gorgeous and wearable. You will smell like you just walked out of the spa on an early summer afternoon, bathed in sunlight and cleanliness.
  10. AEris

    Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies Hair Gloss

    Everyone mentioned O. I didn't think of O, I immediately thought of Anactoria. If you love this hair gloss, find a bottle of Anactoria - it's very similar! I love love love love love this. I definitely need more. The scent is warm and beautiful and lightly sweet, a golden scent. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  11. AEris

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    Isn't it D/Cd? It is, but you can still find some on the forum sometimes. And sometimes people send you presents to try. hehehe
  12. I hugged my 3-year-old son just after putting on Honey Moon '05, and it got on his shirt, I think. Teachers commented on how wonderful he smells. It's a great baby-like scent! I'm cautious and I'm not ready to put anything directly on his skin, but Honey Moon '05 was a hit rubbed off onto his clothes.
  13. AEris

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    DUUUUUUDE Succubus. You have to try Succubus.
  14. AEris

    Peaches in the BPAL Garden Atmosphere Spray

    I am instantly obsessed. I love every note. Fresh happy blossoms, laced with clean greenness, the subtle crack of woody cedar to add dimension, the perfect fruity sparkle giving a light sweetness to balance the overall impression. I knew I would love this but I didn't know it would punch me in the heart like this. Truly perfect. Every note. Love LOVE LUVLUVLUVVVVVVV :wub2: :wub2:
  15. AEris

    Peach V

    I knew that this scent would not disappoint because I love all of the notes, and it works so well on me! The peach is tart, fresh and crisp, not sugary or sticky-sweet. The honeyed tea is like a shot of Gennivre, softly sweet and almost powdery somehow. I can't really pick out the neroli, but I do sense a white floral tone somehow, it's just not prominent or obvious. Overall, the perfume is fresh, bright, clean, and happy. A keeper and a winner for sure.
  16. AEris

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Marae was a gorgeous limited edition scent, a lush tropical floral perfume. "Vanilla orchid, Monoi tiare, gardenia, and light incense." Also, check out this thread: http://www.bpal.org/topic/12583-recs-for-tropical-scents/
  17. AEris

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Would you be willing to take the time to write down all of the scents you tried? I'd love to see if I can help make some recommendations based on my years of perfume obsession/collecting. Hugs! All is not lost, there is a huge market for BPAL and your money is not down the drain!
  18. AEris

    White Noise Fragrances

    I agree that Sea of Glass goes on this list. I'd also add Singing Moon and Succubus.
  19. BNNU = brand new, never used. Lets keep adding to this!
  20. I looked real quick and didn't see anything that stuck out to me - the forum FAQ and BPAL FAQ sections have answers to more specific questions, but I don't see a Newbie Guide. (I bet there is one - or several! - but I didn't find it quickly.) Some abbreviations: LE = Limited Edition GC = General Catalog DC = Discontinued (D)ISO = (Desperately) In Search Of Limited Edition scents are typically around for a couple of months. Some great giant annual updates include Lupercalia (near Valentine's day), Anniversary scents (in the fall), Weenies (near Halloween), and Yules (near the Winter holidays). Lunacy scents come out once a month and celebrate the full moon. They are only available for purchase for a couple of days. General Catalog scents are available at all times, but occasionally GC acents have to be discontinued due to things like component availability issues. Forum-only LE scents are sneaky hidden scents that come out on a whim. When one comes out, the secret link is typically at the bottom of an Announcement in the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab section of the forum. There hasn't been one for a little while. Scents become rare when they are Limited Edition scents that people really love, and therefore they become hard to find after-the-fact; and GC scents that are popular but become discontinued (such as Antique Lace - that scent now has a cult following, it has been DC'ed for over a year now and its value is skyrocketing). New LE scents (outside of the annual usual update times) come out periodically and are kind of unpredictable and glorious. They are insanely creative and wonderful and fabulous.
  21. AEris

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    Gingerbread Poppet has been released several times with the winter Yule update (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010). Here are links to some people selling bottles: http://www.bpal.org/topic/80559-ladywenchs-sales/page__p__2294424__hl__%2Bgingerbread+%2Bpoppet__fromsearch__1#entry2294424 http://www.bpal.org/topic/80234-captainoats-sales/page__p__2282317__hl__%2Bgingerbread+%2Bpoppet__fromsearch__1#entry2282317 http://www.bpal.org/topic/78672-vintage-bpal-5mls-march-hare-mr-nancy-orig-perilous-parlous-original-and-more/page__p__2213611__hl__%2Bgingerbread+%2Bpoppet__fromsearch__1#entry2213611 Mother Ginger is less easy to find, but sounds glorious - now I want some too! Here's some links for decants (imp-sized samples) of it for sale: http://www.bpal.org/topic/80212-sales-of-sheena/page__p__2280778__hl__%2Bmother+%2Bginger__fromsearch__1#entry2280778 http://www.bpal.org/topic/79601-shadesongs-destashing-party/page__p__2255044__hl__%2Bmother+%2Bginger__fromsearch__1#entry2255044 http://www.bpal.org/topic/79201-yummy-les-and-a-tee-oh-my/page__p__2236991__hl__%2Bmother+%2Bginger__fromsearch__1#entry2236991 If you want help learning how to use the advanced search function to quickly find things for sale that you're interested in, PM me and I can give you details.
  22. AEris

    Sleepytime BPAL

    OMG do I ever. I am obsessed with BPAL sleep aromatherapy!!!! Firstly - if you like Somnus, then you will absolutely love the unreleased Twilight Alchemy Lab (TAL) scent, Nocturne. (This is different than the BPAL scent Nocturne, which is floral - gardenia etc.) TAL Nocturne is a rose-lavender based scent in my opinion. It is lovely but more important it is very effective for me, I can easily say that it is the most effective sleep scent I own (and I have probably upwards of 30 sleep scents). You can order it if you put in an order through Paypal to the TAL. Currently each TAL bottle is $25, and shipping rules are at the bottom of the TAL site (for the US, right now orders under $150 are $7.50 shipping). So you just list what scent(s) you want in the comment thread when you make a payment to the TAL (twilight [AT] twilightalchemylab [DOT] com) Review thread for Nocturne here: TAL Nocturne Reviews Link to the TAL site: TAL Link to the "Unreleased but available" TAL thread, which has an awesome listing of the scents currently in that category: Unreleased but Available TAL oils If you like jasmine, another scent to try is from BPAL's Somnium series called Oneiroi. It's a sweet white floral blended with lavender to my nose. It is a nice sleep fragrance (again, that's if you like jasmine - jasmine is a hate it or love it kind of note). Sleepy Moon is a hard-to-find Limited Edition scent but I find it to be intoxicating. It's hard to describe - white floral and opium tar...but so much more than that. It's my favorite BPAL of all time, hands-down. TKO is awesome for me but I can totally see how the marshmallow/vanilla note could come off as cloying for some noses. I'm not always in the mood for it for that reason - it can be intense. But it does work for me, and when I have a desire for it nothing else can fill that void! I also love the TAL scent Peace for relaxation. It is a soft, subtle lavender that isn't sharp or harsh like some varieties can be. It is very soothing and I love it! Another scent to consider is from BPAL's Panacea line called Quietude. For me, it's a gentle lavender with almost a hint of lemon, and it's not a knock-out sleep scent, but is very soothing and calming and is great for meditation or reading or other quiet moments. Some other scents that I enjoy but don't wear as often include Nanshe, Temple of Dreams, Baku, Bluebeard, aged Ode to Melancholy, Lady Amalthea, and the LE scents Beaver Moon '11 and Lady Lilith.
  23. AEris

    Black Lace or Snake Charmer?

    Black Lace, no question.
  24. AEris

    Sexy, heady, incensey recs?

    Sin Event Horizon Mme. Moriarty
  25. AEris

    Dolly Kei

    The vanilla and tobacco are sweet, and the sandalwood is subtle and musky. This scent is as smooth as maple syrup. Heavy, deep, and wildly addictive. The bourbon vanilla tobacco comes to me as one note, must be a scent memory. The incense/resin notes are subtle on me and not easy to recognize. Yup, I get the hype. I think this is one I will wear several days in a row to try and figure out.