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Everything posted by AEris

  1. AEris

    Temple Viper

    In the imp, this smells absolutely decadent and perfect, and just what I was hoping for! Incensey-sweetened goodness! Out of all the snake pit descriptions, Temple Viper seemed to be the one I would like best. However, I just read some of the reviews here, and now that people said "grape!" I am totally getting that. All of a sudden, I think I smell like artificial-cloying grape soda. Hrrmmm.....In the imp, it's just outrageous, but after it dries down on my skin, it smells so grape-y. I don't know if this is as bottle-worthy as I had hoped. Good for my wallet, bad for my expectations. Good thing I have the rest of the snake pit to try out! Edit: Mwah, considering what could happen after this ages for a while, I think I may actually just get a dang bottle. If there's any chance that the Fanta Grape soda note will calm down and this could smell like it does wet in the decant, well....It would be one of my favorites, maybe my #1! I've decided it's worth that chance Edit after 6 months: THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! :D Just as I had hoped, the grape-soda impression totally disappeared, and it smells just gorgeous. A sweet, resinous, incensey Snake Oil. I'm so glad I have an aged bottle to treasure now!! 5 out of 5
  2. AEris


    I received this amongst a soul-warming gift of impsies and chocolate (thanks to brit - you're the best! ). Without having read the notes, Siren's amber oil reminded me very strongly of Jalaine Patchouli, which is superfine patch, vanilla, and musk. (and, $90 for a teeny lil bottle...I only have a bitty sample of Jalaine). So, imagine my surprise to find out there isn't any patch in here! Hrrrrmmmmm.... I suppose it could be possible that patchouli isn't in there, but it's just so reminiscent of that pretty patch blend!....It must be the ginger and spicy night-blooming jasmine that lend the woodsy essence.... Anyway, Siren is very warm, and has a nice balance of vanilla to the ginger and jasmine. The apricot is in the background, thankfully, 'cause I don't personally like overly fruity scents (they go sour and rotten on me sometimes). This scent definitely matches its copper hue. It's warm without being sickeningly sweet, and woodsy without being harsh or obnoxious. Overall, this scent turns apricot into something soft and wearable and balanced on me, and I'm so glad it works!! From reading the reviews, Siren seems to be extremely sensitive to personal chemistry and not everyone falls in love the way I have. I feel so lucky! I mean, it's just so gorgeous! And as I sit here writing, I am falling deeper and deeper into the abyss, and I'm Odysseus and these singing wenches are making me crazy and I'm letting them 'cause they smell so damn good and I don't care if they wrap me up in their horrid arms forever! I'll be hanging on to this little chica for sure, tentatively seeking a bottle as well.... Siren is a work of art. Nuff said.
  3. AEris


    On my skin, the white peach and plum blossom dominate Silence - the other notes are so far in the background that I can't pick them out. It's pretty, but too fruity for my personal taste. If you are into a fresh, delicate, round fruit scent, snag a sample of this scent. Silence is not a loud scent (heh....yeah I know not so clever). The throw is minimal, and it didn't last more than 2 hours on my skin. It's pleasant, but not something I need to keep. Passing it on! Hopefully it will find a good home in time.
  4. AEris

    Grand Guignol

    Whomp whomp, tutti frutti! Not my style, but if you like fruit, especially if you're interested in apricot, this is one to try. I'll be passing this on; I'm sure it'll find a home!
  5. AEris

    The Gibbous Moon

    Right before bedtime, I decided to give this a second chance. The first time I tried the Gibbous Moon, I was so overwhelmed with everything else I had to try that I don't think I ever gave it a swipe on my skin. Then, to try something else, I looked into selling or swapping it, and then.... A little while ago, I thought, "I have this gorgeous little bottle, let's see how the chemistry actually interacts here." This scent is delicate, wispy, light, and cool. Cucumbers don't waft out to me like they do to others, I get a fresh cool night floral instead. Maybe that's just because I love cucumber so much that I don't recognize it as a note, but honestly, it resembles something more organic and fresh than most florals I've fallen in love with (BPAL or not)! I guess it's the moonflower or lily, but I feel so dainty and innocent with this blend hinting its way through the air.... I won't ever part with this bottle. No Way Man!! Mama like!! I think there is a hint of white musk in this blend, there's something very alluring swirling towards me...This is very pretty, I would compare it to crisp white lace (I mean, not musty old dusty lace), or a late summer misty night, swimming under the stars. I think this will give me lovely dreams. Instant fan. I want to write a poem.
  6. AEris

    Sed Non Satiata

    I received Sed Non Satiata as a frimp with my last order, and didn't know what to expect by reading the reviews. Either people think it's dead sexy, or that it's not their type. I'm kind of torn, I'm going to see if blabbing for a bit will help me formulate a true opinion.... This golden oil has a lovely honey smell, and reminds me of Lush's honey lip balm. It also has a soft powdery floral tone, and I think it smells a Lot like Eos. In fact, on me, it's almost the same exact fragrance. While I found Eos to be pretty but a little too happy (try it, it really is like sunshiney meadows), Sed Non Satiata has a softer undertone of honeyed musk to tone down the bright florals. I don't get patch at all, if it's there it's very subtle and only there to provide balance. My fiance thinks it smells like Old Spice. (I know, ???????!) I can't rule that out from my enjoyment of this scent, because I want it to smell good to the people around me who aren't obsessed with fragrance like I am (kind of like when you bring wine to a party, you don't want to go overboard with a wine that is too complex and unfriendly). It's a sexy honey musk, but as much as I like florals, I think I would like this scent a little more if the powderiness of the flowers wasn't as pronounced as it is. Overall, I am enjoying this, but I don't think I would wear it enough to justify a full bottle. But, time will tell....In a few hours I may decide that I can't live without it.... This is making me so bipolar! \ Edit: I wore this yesterday and again today, and I can't get enough!! It develops so beautifully throughout the day and really does put me in a good mood! As soon as the next paycheck rolls around I think a bottle will eventually make a soft landing on my dresser..... Edit again: This is one of my favorite GC's, I totally love it! Just got my 5mL, finally. It just makes me smile like crazy!
  7. AEris


    This scent is more powerful than I gave it credit for at first. I've been having some vivid dreams lately, the kind that you remember trippy scenes long after you've been awake. I hold Oneiroi responsible. Oneiroi seems to be nothing more than jasmine and lavender to me, and also seems to lose most potency after about a half hour or so. It's very pleasant and herbal, and I adore the delicate yet gripping fragrance. Somehow this potion turns my dream state into a theater! Last night I had a dream where I was slowing down fireworks by shifting my perception, and they were so incredibly beautiful, it was complete euphoria.... I had another scene later where I was watching some local rock band play on a classical stage, and a friend of mine was incredibly good at playing the piano for some reason, and proceeded to jam out, and the keys were muffled almost silent. I could barely hear the notes, but I knew how incredible the music was by his ferocity. I never remember stuff like this; I'm not sure whether Oneioi makes these dreams stick or if it's responsible for their existence....Either way, this is several-bottle worthy. Along with Somnus. Out of 5 stars, this is a 6. It's medicinal and incredibly pleasant.
  8. AEris


    Ugh I find this so unpleasant, albeit unharmonious as it should be. This scent is mainly strong, sickening watermelon, with some pleasant 'somethings' in the background. I get a hint of mimosa and nag champa, but it's not worth clawing through the frightening cloud of moldy Jolly Rancher to experience that hint. It lasted about an hour, I was hoping that the fruit would get the hell out so I could love the background, but it was all gone and all at the same ratio of 'ick' to 'I wish' Sad, because of the name, I would have loved this fragrance to be some sort of signature for me! Alas, not meant to be. Out of 5 stars this gets a 1, maybe 1.5.
  9. AEris


    I opened this imp and my first impression was "Lavender." It is a nice lavender, though, so I slathered a bit on my wrists to see how I would sleep. As it dried down, I discovered the eucalyptus note that everyone seems to pick out. I feel like this blend is quite simple. Well.....I don't know if it was just because I had a long day, but about 15 minutes after putting Baku on my wrists, I was Passed Out! This is big for me, since it usually takes me an about an hour to fall asleep. Pleasant and effective. Mama like!
  10. AEris

    Temple of Dreams

    My first impression: I got biffed in the face by Vick's Vapo-Rub...which is to say, there is most certainly eucalyptus or menthol in this blend. After a bit of drydown, the unmistakable scent of cloves wafts in. Also, maybe a hint of basil, which I wouldn't have picked out save for preceding reviews. I do not, however, sense even the faintest trace of lavender. Perhaps the combination of minty menthol and clove swirls to a lavender-esque tribute, but I honestly don't even think that there is any lavender in here. I could blame my chemistry, but I love lavender in all shapes and forms and I can't detect any rising from my wrists right now. This blend is soothing and stimulating at the same time, strangely....I hope I don't have trippy dreams! Ah well, time will tell. Goodnight! Edit: I've been using the Somnium blends almost every night now for a few months, and my opinion of Temple of Dreams is a little different now. After trying it over and over, I think it's mainly lavender and lemongrass (despite my claims on first impression that there isn't any lavender), along with other herbs and essences, which others have guessed to be rosemary, basil, clove, eucalyptus, etc.... It's a citrusy, green, lavender blend. I find all of the Somnium oils to be quite effective and pleasing, ToD included, and once my imps run out I will buy the full set of bottles for my nightstand.
  11. AEris


    I've tried Bitch a few times over the last couple of days, and whether the effect is placebo or not, I have much more control over my moodiness when using this aromatherapy. I agree with everything that has been said about this scent already - strongly green and herbal....pine sap, citrus zing, and black licorice. I only saw one other post that mentioned fennel, so maybe that black licorice is a chemistry thing, but I definitely picked it up. And, of course, chamomile. Not the sweet floral chamomile tea that I drink at night, but a pungent, sharp chamomile. Bitch smells medicinal, but oddly pleasant as well (so long as you don't stick your face in it when it's fresh on your skin, as others have also pointed out). My boyfriend likes this scent a lot. I like its freshness and herbaceous air, maybe I'll get a little jug, we'll see : -) Bottom Line: Herbal and sharp but still friendly. And hey, it works on my inner Bitch!