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Everything posted by Missanneshirleyofgg

  1. Missanneshirleyofgg

    To a Wreath of Snow

    So, this white tobacco flower.... I am covered in Pediophobia, Zorya P, Vision of a Courtesan, Hag Grey HG and To a Wreath of Snow. All have the white tobacco. All throw like no bodies business, so not slather! Slatherer, no Slathering! Thoughts: When I smell Zorya P then transition To a Wreath, I smell only a minty like scent that I attribute to the lavender and white oud. It is pretty, but, if I am not thinking of the fragrance and turn my head, I smell camphor. I actually went and googled this and I guess alot of lavender essential oils do contain camphor. It presents as a chilly note. When I contrast A Vision with To a Wreath, I pick up all that rice milk from Vision. For Wreath soft lavender becomes dominant. A vision is so pretty, borderlining on gourmand, but never veering into foodie. Wreath may share the white tobacco, but is very distinct from this one in blend. You could definitely have both in your collection. When I contrast Pediophobia with To a Wreath, I feel like I am smelling the contrast between a warmer white tobacco blend with a colder one. Interesting since both are yules. Pediophobia reminds me the most of Zorya P. The vanillas and white tobacco, wow! To a Wreath of Snow is the chillier “cousin”. Definitely could have both in your collection. One presents as more year round. I wonder though.... that camphor I pick up in Wreath might make it a lovely Autumn fragrance for when Hotlanta is sweltering! Hag Grey, how I love thee. The ambergris, Nom. So beautiful. The bleached woods immediately surface to distinguish the fragrance as distinct from To a Wreath. These would pair so well together! I mean, wow. The bleached woods is melding with the Lavender and white oud in the prettiest way possible. If you have Hag Grey you need Wreath! OK, so my point was to decide if someone needed every white tobacco flower blend. While Hag Grey presents as a unique blend with lovely layering possibilities To a Wreath of Snow, and A Vision as a slightly gourmand atmospheric, finding that Pediophobia as a more autumnal weather contrast, I think Zorya P is not dissimilar. If Zorya P nails it for you, you might not need To a Wreath of Snow. If, however you have been curious about Zorya P and want to try a yule like slant, Wreath is perfect. If You have Hag Grey you desperately need To A Wreath of Snow. Also, keep in mind I never found this to be a herbal lavender. Its a soft pillowy lavender which on my skin had a slight camphor leaning which I felt added a cooling wintery chill to the blend.
  2. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Black Licorice Smut

    It isnt gourmand at all. The candy aspect of black licorice (which I love) is tempered by the musks. Smells like a strong herbal anise and musks. Almost shampoo like in its herbal intensity. Not at all what I was expecting, I think this actually is a bit masculine. Would be a great scent for anise fans, and definitely those who are a bit gourmand avoidant.
  3. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Possessed Teen

    It is very atmospheric. Really truly smells like the joy a mother of teens feels on the odd occasion they take a shower. Smells more like shampoo than soap, and perfectly catches those tender moments when my kids smell nice and are behaving well, and I smooch their clean heads. It makes me happy to smell this. But, I would rather they wear it than me. If only they would always smell just like this! Sweet.
  4. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Senator Barrial

    This is so nostalgic for me! My cousins and I used to make boxed cakes at my grandmas house. It was how we learned to bake. This one smells like a red velvet boxed mix. That touch of cocoa is there and red food coloring? How it specifically SMELLS red? I am finding that, too. Definitely on skin pick up butter cream. So glad its not cream cheese Frosting on me. Its tooth achey sweet and delicious! This is a keeper for me.
  5. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Plague Doctor v13

    This was frimped to me. ❤️ in bottle I smelled green and thought “celery”. On skin this smells initially like a blast of celery, ash, tobacco and....pine? Kinda interesting! it is drying off so quickly. Now it snells of ash celery and ..,, thats it. Maybe Cucumber???
  6. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Frankincense, Bourbon Tobacco & Tonka Bean

    I do not normally like Frank but had to try a blend with Bourbon Tobacco. I am glad I did! This blend has the yummiest caramelized frankincense. It is a gourmand frank on my skin, rich and chewy. This reminds me of If thats the tonka thats contributing to the sweetness, i am down! As far as tobacco, this is reminding me of Bulgarian tobacco. But whatever it is that smells caramelized to me reminds me of the Scottish Tablet in Picture Books in Winter. Really a lovely blend and I am glad I tried it!
  7. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean Atmosphere Spray

    This one to me is like a Yule Sufganiyiot scent. Its a rich jammy fruit and the vanilla leans to a biscuit. It so yummy and rich and I am excited to try this in the fall. It is a tiny bit sour , which I think makes the fruit smell more genuine where as sweeter fruit blends can tend toward candy. Glad to have this!
  8. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Mouse Circus

    Just reviewing for perspective. Just purchased a GS aged bottle and with aging the popcorn disappeared. For my own reference as a popcorn fan, avoid aged bottles. Its now just a simple vanilla scent which is borderline plastic. Thinking the plastic is the polished wood note.
  9. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Plastic Pink Flamingo

    ^just read @doomsday_disco review saying if she ever saw this in a destash she would grab it and giggled cause we both did just that! First I would love an entire collection of this label art. It has a total atomic vibe going on. MCM fans would adore!!! In bottle it is entirely pink marshmallow fluff but on skin becomes a pink sugary marshmallow peep clutching a dear sweet dandelion. It is so pretty. I think more gourmand than girlish. It is the scent I *need*. With the atomic label art and the fluffy green dandelion, it is like a throw back to simpler times. In the best way I feel all cozy and looking to see if any network is running a Wonder Years marathon. I want to create side walk chalk art and sip mojitos.
  10. Missanneshirleyofgg


    In bottle this is all vanilla licorice (all yum) it is sticky. Like a licorice vanilla taffy pull. yum.Almost caramel like, it is gooey. OmG. WET, more licorice and the vanilla has receded. Rather dry, less gourmand at this stage. More unisex right now, not foodie to me at all. Reminds me of the fresh fennel seeds that are available for digestive purposes at indian restaurants. Dry, little more candy vanilla now. The sticky taffy from bottle is gone and now I am getting actual fennel candy. Whatever residual vanilla that's coming out to play is expressing itself as a hard candy shell on the fennel seed. My favorite stage of this is definitely in bottle. It made me order fennel seed candy from amazon. So, I guess i do have a warm association with that scent. Interesting to see what I wear this with, and how often I reach for it.
  11. Missanneshirleyofgg

    House of Mirrors Atmosphere Spray

    Wow! got this in a recent destash with the perfume oil and atmo. Based on some mislabeling incident in 2008 (?) I quickly read reviews to verify I had the right blend as its different from the atmo. I only just realized the atmo IS different and not the same notes in it at all. The vanilla is only in the atmo, and wow. perfect. Still snaring flr those who might, like me, think they are similar. The scents converge about ten minutes in with only mild discrepancies between the named atmo and oil. On application and wet, the oil is more perfumey. Think a collection of mirrors in a bawdy boudoir. A little bit loud, a little bit crass, owning your sex appeal. The bed is round and it rotates. It screams glam in a Bond film. This is the chick 007 lands and she leaves him high and dry. Her name is probably P*ssy Couture. It has a kitschy vintage vibe thats fun. Mae West. The hair gloss has this nice vanilla aspect that is never really defined in the oil. It is respectable. It is Beautiful. This one fits my personality more. Something classy and glassy. It smells like elegance and refinement, like entering a boudoir and being slightly afraid to touch something. Everything is sparkling, Everything is perfectly placed. Everywhere you look something there are delicate feminine touches and all the mirrors reflect them. This is Myrna Loy.
  12. Missanneshirleyofgg

    House of Mirrors

    Wow! got this in a recent destash with the perfume oil and atmo. Based on some mislabeling incident in 2008 (?) I quickly read reviews to verify I had the right blend as its different from the atmo. The scents converge about ten minutes in with only mild discrepancies between the named atmo and oil. On application and wet, the oil is more perfumey. Think a collection of mirrors in a bawdy boudoir. A little bit loud, a little bit crass, owning your sex appeal. The bed is round and it rotates. It screams glam in a Bond film. This is the chick 007 lands and she leaves him high and dry. Her name is probably P*ssy Couture. It has a kitschy vintage vibe thats fun. Mae West. The hair gloss has this nice vanilla aspect that is never really defined in the oil. It is respectable. It is Beautiful. This one fits my personality more. Something classy and glassy. It smells like elegance and refinement, like entering a boudoir and being slightly afraid to touch something. Everything is sparkling, Everything is perfectly placed. Everywhere you look something there are delicate feminine touches and all the mirrors reflect them. This is Myrna Loy.
  13. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Lavender Lace

    This is lace that seems to show on destash lists and I wondered why. A friend gifted me a bottle and I got to find out! So this is heavy lavender out of the bottle which to lavender fiends smells like a winner, but to lavender suspicious, or cautious probably freaked you out. It is so strong in bottle. Wet more of the same. I get just a hint of the tobacco and lace notes, but it remains predominantely lavender. I have a feeling at this stage those who are not lavender fiends scrubbed it, and those who are were jumping up and down. But. hold on dear scrubbers, save your soap and water for The Rona! At dry down this becomes a very dominant lace scent with lavender only supporting. It is soft, and almost a skin scent for a lavender blend, but a really good lace blend. I was instantly enthralled and have used this as a sleep scent. I love tobacco and sugary notes and while not gourmand, Its very wearable and pretty without being department store. If you are a lavender curious perfume enthusiast I say watch for this on destashes. It might surprise You! and regardless, ots an interesting lace blend.
  14. Missanneshirleyofgg

    The Instinct of Hope

    A hope chest filled with dreams. A violet corsage stored in a cedar lined hope chest.
  15. Missanneshirleyofgg

    No Man is an Island

    To me this is like the gourmand for your Boi. The sage is clarifying and cassis adds a punch go the sage to keep it resonating. This is a perfect scent for two people 1. The person who only wears foodies and begs to try something else outside their gourmand wheelhouse, This is a good entry into more scent profiles. 2. You think you hate gourmands but really want to be proven otherwise. I really like this scent and am happy to own it.
  16. Missanneshirleyofgg


    we are chatting in a group and starfall looked up mimosa flower. It was interesting because when she read that mimosa can have notes of violet I was SHOOK because when I first picked up this bottle I thought I had mistakenly picked up Instinct of Hope as I smelled violet. for me this smells like violets pressed into the pages of a well loved book
  17. Missanneshirleyofgg

    A Glimpse

    Took two hours of wear to get the stank of poop out of it. Why??? These notes read like a dream. Two hours later its a sandalwood single note.
  18. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Orgy with Nine Women

    A friend sent me a decant of this as I am a tobacco fiend and have been experimenting with sugary florals. In vial blast of beeswax/honey so strong I thought I was smelling red musk or even leather. ? On skin this almost instantly morphed into a champaca honey blend. ❤️ So pretty and delicate. Not getting any comparison to St Clare or Red Lantern where the tobacco was rich and boozy. This is creamy and pretty. Feminine. It is excited to find a heady floral I can wear, it appears Champaca is it! Jasmine is headache inducing indoles on me and Rose becomes HELLO ROSE GARDEN in every blend. Smelling this blend Also helped me to isolate the creamy floral in “I will be strange, stout, in yellow stockings”. That is a scent I love, and I can attribute it to Champaca.
  19. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Soil, Oakmoss & Fir Needle

    Cold. Reminds me of summer camp. We walked every morning through the woods to a grove of trees where we had our morning meeting while teenagers graded our cabins for inspection. The best cabin ate at the head table and everyone saluted you. Every morning in West Virginia is cool, even in the hottest of summer. The ground is cold, the trees are dry, the community of being in nature so early in the morning and so far away from anything civilized and boring. No automobiles, no wifi. I feel a little sad thinking my children might could only make this morning walk to circle with their phones in their hands.... So damn yummy I have been sleeping in it. In my dreams I am tech free, and I am still that summer camper hiking around hoping my cabin gets awarded for being the most tidy.
  20. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Fresh Cut Grass, Lemon Peel & Bergamot

    Reminds me of actual matcha tea. Frozen. Its really fresh and light. Not lemon pledge at all. Bright and fun and would be perfect for hot humid summer days when you can not stand your own scent. Something light and fun to take your mind off the heat and make you daydream about that cozy feeling of early morning sleeping in while the gentle hum of a lawn mower that someone else in the distance is pushing across lawns, making neat little rows of sunshine, happy white noise, and wafting spring throughout the air.
  21. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Spiced Rum, Vetiver & Cinnamon Bark

    I am cinnamon sensitive so I did not skin test. In bottle very pretty. Gave me mixed drink vibes. Like a rum chata without the creaminess.
  22. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Red Patchouli, Cherry Wood & Tobacco Absolute

    This scent is more complex than the duets with patchouli and while I know that three notes IS more complex than two, most of the duets (except smoked cedar and warm vanilla) performed on my skin like single notes and layering scents. The patchouli is a dark fruity dank patchouli. This is my favorite variety. It smells ripe. If thats what “red” is then I am down with it. I am not getting tobacco here, This scent is more wet than dry (again it is ripe), and I do not smell the cologne note that often accompanies tobacco. The cherry wood might be contributing to that as well. On dry down more of the cherry wood comes out to play and the patchouli recedes, what was formerly a wet ripe scent is now dark and dry. Tiny bit cologne vibe I often get with tobacco, but its pleasing, tested on a dude. So far the trios are a hit for me!
  23. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Mahogany, Wood Moss, & Smoke

    This is so yummy and I blind bottled. Mahogany is a favorite note of mine and this doesn't disappoint. I am not sure I get wood moss, but, this does seem like a forestry blend in that there is the dry smoke in the background. Its not wet at all or BBQ. It is more acrid. There is no sweetness to the smoke. I think the smoke when sweet is what can be interpreted as BBQ.There is no metal in this but I *swear* I get something gleaming. Maybe thats the wood moss? Really lovely and glad to own it.
  24. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Red Patchouli, Nutmeg & Oudh

    Sampled this at lunacy yesterday. Not very indolic at all, no fecal to this oud. Which is perfect because the patchouli is dry and super dank. The nutmeg adds a nice “grit” to the scent. Super interesting trio, so basic and yet so good. Would love to slather this on a dude.
  25. Missanneshirleyofgg

    Dark Chocolate & Dried Red Fruits

    This was lovely! Initial application on me this Smelled like a dry dark cocoa wafer cookie with fruit. Yes, cookie. I could smell the “crunch”. Today (dry down) it smells less like cookie and more like Brookside dark chocolate covered blueberry and Acai. I think the fruit is more forward than the dark chocolate, which makes this a lovely fruity gourmand blend. very strong throw, and aside from the cookie blast I thought the scent begins with, it stays pretty linear. Closest scent I have sampled to being like this is Arcana Craves Blueberries Crave Cocoa. Yum!