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Everything posted by Usagi

  1. Have you tried Veil? I was just wearing it today, and it's all sweet, lovely violets on my skin. It might be worth a shot, anyway. Veil~ A quiet scent, soft, calm and enigmatic. A perfume of mystery, of whispers, and of secrets behind secrets. White sandalwood, lilac, gardenia, violet, orris, lavender and ylang ylang.
  2. Usagi

    Bohun Upas

    Imp: cologne; slightly sweet, with an underlying smokiness. There's also a wood scent, reminiscent of eucalyptus chips. I get barely a hint of spiced fruit and greenery. Wet: smoky vetiver manliness, and spice. Dry: sweet, green vetiver, a little bit of clean musk, and some spice in the way back. This is delicious, and very relaxing. If you like vetiver, give this a shot.
  3. Usagi

    Am I caught up yet?

    First off, dear Witch, thank you for being so awesome! I wanted to say thank you for the wonderful decants earlier, but I have been running around like a crazy chicken, and I'm a little scattered at the moment. I was so surprised to get that package, you have no idea. I know you said you were packing something up in your mail, but that was literally the day before the package arrived. So either that was the fastest package EVER, or you have minions! Magical minions of awesome. Anyway, I have been having so much fun this weekend, testing things and making everyone else sniff them. My mother really liked Wild Swans at Coole(I was hoping she might). So a bottle of that might be making it's way into her stocking this year. And the only reason I am able to make that call is because you are so awesome! Thank you also for the reading! I think I might know what you are talking about. It does make sense. I only hope it isn't a warning not to go overboard purchasing Yules. Though I don't think you need it--because you are amazing-- here is some quick ketchup(just in case): 10/13/10 Today I got one of the Starbucks Halloween Bearista Bears - it's dressed like a werewolf! Is this something witchees might like? Not really my thing. They are cute, but have a tendency to become clutter around here. Are you interested in Halloween costumes for your pet(s)? No, thank you. 10/14/10 Do you prefer scented or unscented lotions/moisturizers? either/or 10/18/10 So....let's say that you're my witchee, and you have an affinity for widgets. Let's also pretend that I sent you one of these widgets, but in a form that has a very special personal significance to me. Would you find that to be touching (in a "Yay, now I'll always use this and think of my witch!" way) or tacky (in a "My witch is making this all about her!" way)? Anything of significance to you will be loved. But please do include the story of it, if it's not a glaringly obvious association. Have you had a chance to try Halloweenies? If so, which ones are you really really in love with this year? Pomegranate II is probably my favorite. I'm holding off on getting it-- because of SW, and deciding whether I wanted the whole patch... but I've decided it will probably be just that one(at the end of November)-- even thought the other poms are nice. Actually, so many of the 'Weenies this year were really nice, but I don't really *need* them. Pocket shrines! Would you like one, made for a particular obsession of yours? Now that I have seen one, those are adorable. But no need to go out of your way, dear witch. 10/20/10 If you were my witchee, would you want to receive Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, or wouldn't that be your cup of classics? The title sounds interesting. Would you like some homemade snack mix? sure Knitterly Witchees, would you like a yarn bowl? The one linked was lovely, but looks rather fragile. 10/21/10 What are you most interested in from the Yule update? After looking at all of them and letting it sink in: Harlequin and Columbine. But you don't have to worry about that, dear Witch. I have to get it, because it was one of my favorite stories as a child. After that, Waltz of the Flowers, Sugar Plum Fairy, maybe Waltz of the Snowflakes, Autumn and Winter, and a few of the Christmas Carol ones-- but I haven't spent too much time contemplating. There is lots of time for Yule contemplation yet. Oh, and the Butterfly, and maybe the Lilac Wood from the Last Unicorn. But I think I am good for scents. You have spoiled me so much already with LE decants. Thank you!
  4. After about five minutes, Kubla Khan smells like a lighter throw version of Green Tree Viper on my skin. Perhaps it's the icy spices.
  5. Usagi

    Q&A October 6th-12th

    Hey, I haven't missed that many, woo! 10/7/10 Did you forget anything fun/interesting or find something new and exciting? I'm continually adding stuff to my wishlists, which is going to work out well when people ask me what I want for Christmas/my birthday. I can just point them there, and they will be overwhelmed and stop asking. ;P I discover new and exciting things all the time, but I can't remember what they are... I don't think you need to worry about finding stuff, dear Witch. You have been doing so wonderfully, and--should you need ideas-- I've got two of the world's longest wishlists set to inspire you. Seriously, anything vaguely resembling anything off of those would be squeed over-- as would anything you come up with out of your beautiful mind. 10/9/10 I came home with some Dungeon Crawl and some Bedbugs yesterday. If you were my witchee, would you want some of either/both? I'm not sure. I think it would be better to keep the Precious for yourself-- or you could trade it for something you really want? 10/12/10 Would you want your witch to reveal herself? How? Ultimately, Witch, it is your call. If you must observe Ninja Code, so be it. A little selfish part of me would very much like to know, but pay no attention to that.
  6. Usagi

    SW Q&A October 4th and 5th

    10/4/10 Do you have a preferred weight of yarn to work in? Lace, sock, worsted, bulky, handspun with variation? I like yarn. I don't think I am specialized or talented enought to prefer a weight? Anyone like little seasonal decorative wreaths? Like gravevine wreaths embellished with silk flora, etc.? GRAVEVINE! Woo! Sorry, that is the coolest typ-o ever. I like wreaths. They are great, and I hang them up, and everyone is happy, because that is possibly the most ease of decorating thing there is. It's like; here is an entire seasonal display, in one item that you just have to find a hook to hang on. *ta- DAAA*. And everything is festive. Do any witchees need a Snuggie? No. Oh please, no. 10/5/10 Would you like to receive international magazines, even if you don't speak the language it's written in, just to ogle the pictures or for the novelty of it? If yes, what kind of magazines, or what magazines in particular? Yes, international magazines would be awesome. Anything with plants or fashion-- travel, possibly baking. I like magazines in a non Roman script; they just look interesting. It's like the words are beautiful pictures I can't quite figure out. Would you have interest in any of the new Christmas stuff from Lush? Oh dear. I haven't even looked. *sigh* Alright, I checked. I am safe! It started with a Kiss and Snow fairy lip tints look nice. But for the holiday stuff, sadly, I have no bath, and the shower gels that sound wonderful will likely do nasty things to my flesh. Boo... Oh, witchee-poo... if there was one bottle you could have from the NYCC exclusives, what would it be? I'm good, but thank you for asking. If someone were to make you one of the items in this post which would it be? I like #1(the bow tie red one), or #4(the chartreuse wrap with button). If you were my witchee, would you mind a gift certificate where you'd have to do it old school style and mail it in with your order form? That's no problem at all.
  7. Usagi

    SW Q&A Sept.25-October 1st!

    9/25/10 If you could make a scent that represents where you live (or have lived), what would be the ingredients? Are you in need of Roller bottles or anything of the like? I don't think I *need* any, but sure? 9/29/10 Is there one scent that is your goto for comfort on a bad stressful day? Like the perfume equivilent of a security blankie? I used to wear Akuma all the time. but I think I overused it at work, and began associating it with aromatherapy stress relief. So now, we are taking a break(Kumiho is subbing for him). If I really need help sleeping, I will use Absinthe. It reminds me of the anise milk I used to get when I was little. My scent for putting on and just instantly feeling happy and good, and comfortable is Makhanitis. It's just that awesome. But, I have all of these, so please don't feel you need to get me any of them. What are you going to be for Halloween? It was between a tightrope walker(if you've ever seen the painting at Disneyland's Haunted House of the girl over the crocodile pit with her parasol?) or the same botanist character I am gearing up to be at the Steampunk Exhibition next year. But now, it is looking more like gypsy fortune teller/dancer-- which I was last year. It is both fun and comfortable. Is there something just super random you like/enjoy/want/are ogling that has not been and will not be covered by any other questions, because it's just that WEIRD? I don't think so? 9/30/10 Villainess has an update. Anyone wanting anything from it? Maybe Cobwebs? But more Trauma and Peachberry from the last one. How are all the witchees fixed for purses--lunchbags, etc? I currently have an awesome purse. I also have a tendency to use my purses until they end, and I would feel bad doing that to a gift. I don't really use lunchbags. I do use totes, cooler bags for shopping/picnics, and I love the reusable shopping bags that fold down in to a tiny square so I can always have one with me in my purse. Now, I have a question for you. About notes. Which are your favourite ones? Do you have a kind of "note top ten?" Anything that works particularly well on you? Do you have a perfume category (foody, floral, aquatic, musky) that you favour? And are there any notes you have never tried, but think would work well on you? I have a link in my sig to all the notes I know work or not on me. My favorite note include: anise, bergamot, champaca,currant, linden, mimosa, mint, musk, neroli/orange blossom, plum, ,(burgundy)wine, strawberry, and just citrus in general. I like fruit, candy, incense, spices, and happy flowers in general. oh-- and tonka and tobacco have been love recently. I have no idea what scent family I'm most in. I can't think of any notes I haven't tried that I'd like to, but I'll try anything once. Would you like a sugar skull decorated by your witch? Or do you like sugar skull stuff in general? Sure! 10/01/10 So, who here loves pomegranates? Are they good as a fruit, a flavoring or just a scent? It's me! Yes, to all of the above. Haunt Update? Sure, but don't go out of your way. Winter House, Borgia, and Witch-wife sound good.
  8. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 24th

    Just curious, but if your witch was to make an amigurumi critter (or other plushie) just for you, what would it be? Hmm, I can't think of anything specific, but plushies are awesome. Would you want a local/tourist item from your witch? Like a t-shirt, mug or shot glass? sure! Okay, who wants NAlloween and some Vampire Apothecary goodness? Okay, I went and checked. So much enabling in this thread! It's a good thing I can be very forgetful. From NA Deity Moon: Ma'at and Serpent of Chaos, and from VA: Mask La Croix. Venomous Villains? Last Unicorn? the Last Unicorn is lovely, and I can't wait to see scent notes. Who is your fav Disney Villian/villianess? How about hero/herione? (doesn't have to be specifically Disney though) Hmm, I usually root for the good guys, but Maleficent is definitely the most striking. Favorite heroine is Ariel--the Little Mermaid in general. I mean she gave up her life for her true love's happiness. Belle, Aurora, Jasmine, Mulan, and Megaera are awesome as well. Snow White's singing voice grates on my soul. And the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio is beautiful. Favorite hero? Justin from Secret of NIMH... Or, from Disney, Aladdin or Robin Hood. Flesh and Blood non-real characters? Daniel Jackson from Stargate. James Spader was adorable in that movie. i'm going to stop talking now, lest I forge off into the "every awesome character ever" relay.
  9. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 23rd

    Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, ie moonstone, bloodstone, quartz ect. Are there any that you're looking for at the moment? Are you in need of a stone but don't know which kind? I love semi precious stones. At the moment, I am most wanting a piece of larimar, or kambaba jasper, or ocean jasper. But I'm happy with any stone, especially if it is water colored. If you have any magical stones that make all the bad people go away, leave my family alone, and destroy the pants-- and you can spare one-- that would be unbelievably awesome. What's your favorite Halloween Music? "This is Halloween" from Nightmare Before Christmas? I have some goth and old music collections compiled for whiel the trick or treaters come to the door. But lots of them are little, so Rob Zombie has to stay in the house where no one can hear him (I love Living Dead Girl-song and video both).
  10. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 22nd

    Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list? I have a favorites list. It's linked in my original SW post. It's a bit out of date. Haven't had much time to stare at he pretty art lately. Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update? A corset? I think I have the right company... I'm not sure. I haven't really looked at hteh site. I'm sorry! What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes? I am probably hte last person on earth who *needs* shoes. But I love boots. Especially, flats, over the knee. Also, ballet flats. I wear size 9/9.5. Don't mind used, as long as it's shoes you wear socks in. Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books? Sure! Do you like weird scary things as traditionally girly fashion items like heels and handbags? I like the occasional goth or creepy thing. Not so much into gory stuff. What song is on heavy rotation for you right now? Umm, inside my head is like a radio station of utter random. Currently getting heavy play are 'Like a G6'Far East Movement, 'Habibi' Ishtar Alabina, 'Wine Up On Me' Zoelah, and several tunes that I replace the lyrics with random words, or moo/meow, etc. Yeah, I'm kind of strange. Are you coveting any of the NYCC atmospheric sprays? Not coveting. I don't really use roomspray, but British Blondes is so good. If you could get any one thing hand-painted from your witch, what would it be and what would be on it? I'd love anything hadnpainted from my witch. whatever they would enjoy crafting? As to themes, plants, the beach, and mermaids are usually a pretty safe bet. Would you (assumin' you're a yarnie) be interested in a naturally-dyed yarn that's designed to very gradually fade with washing? That sounds cool! If you have played before, what are some of the most memorable things you've gotten? What really made you go WOW? If you haven't played, same thing, but not limited to SW. I have not played before, but my most memorable gift was probably a book. A new Xanth novel had come out around Christmas, but I didn't ask for it, because money was a little tight that year. My parents got it anyway, without me even asking. It felt really good. Books are such a luxury, but also, because they knew what I really wanted and enjoyed without me having to say anything. Don't worry about gifts, dear witch. I'm going to love anything you get me, because you are making this massive effort to read all these questions and posts to get to know me. You are awesome.
  11. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 21st

    Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.? Please, no. Can I talk to you about the living dead? How do you feel about Zombies? Zombies are a cool horror movie monster. I'm also very interested in the anthropological basis for zombification(i.e. religious practices, herbs, and/or blowfish poison) and the folklore surrounding it.
  12. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 20th

    If you happened to be my Witchee, is there something you'd like from the Arcana Halloween update? I don't even know where to find Arcana. If you want to give me something from there, I trust your judgement. How many bottles of BPAL do you have? 58. I said 57 on the thread, but I forgot about the nearly empty bottle of Blood Phoenix. Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect? I love belly dance music, high energy stuff, and mellow, relaxing instrumentals. Anyone else into Emily Autumn? Yes! What's on your walls? Please show us up to three paintings/posters/whatever. If you love a painting so much that you would steal (to watch it with your greedy eyes) one, please share. A giant poster of this hangs above my bed framed. I had it at college, and it brings me zen. My only issues is that it should be 'were' not 'was', but-- seeing as how I have difficulties typing letters in the correct order, I probably should not get all OCD about grammar. There is a tiny cat gargoyle head above my door, and a wall chunk of fanart in slipcovers(including chibis, favorite characters, some cute couples, cute anime/manga guys, and a mermaid). Two oval La Mode Illustree framed pages from 18-something hang opposite an add for Doc Constantine's Pharmacopaeia that a friend got out of a magazine for me(and I then laminated). All of that is in a corner behind my folk harp. In other things that aren't on my wall, but are decorative(and not plants): three geisha dolls in two display cases sit high up; one atop a bookshelf, the other on my wardrobe. I don't think I covet anything particular? I have a poster print of Hylas and the Nymphs, and one of a mermaid that I would like to display, but I have yet to frame them. do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? yes, I like thin mints. What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? I'd love some.
  13. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 20th

    How many bottles do you have? 5mL: 57 10mL: 1 empty 5mL: 2 Any kind of exercise/ activity you are interested in learning, or already do and need stuff for? Umm, I don't think I'm up to learn anything new right now, but I like to practice belly dance moves. Any kind of music or accessories for that would be much appreciated. Or, if you have any fun ideas to get my mother to stick with an exercise routine, that would be absolutely awesome.
  14. Usagi

    SW Q&A I have no idea what date

    I think I missed some, there for here area bunc hof random questions: Edible Arrangements No, thank you. It is still rather warm here, and I think that would not go well. Incense I think I'm more of a traditional incense kinds girl. I like Shoyeido. Kyoto Sakura Blossom is my favorite. I don't burn incense very often, so I still have a bunch, but if you have something you'd like to share, I'll definitely appreciate and use it. Arcana/Possets/Conjure Oils update I have not tried any of these brands, so I have no idea. If you have something you think I'd like, sure, but please don't go out of your way.
  15. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 18th&19th

    September 18th Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? I like hair things! Hair picks/sticks, clips, and small claws Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? No need for child safe. I would rather not receive Teh Pronz, but nudes are fine-- just not the nudes where the only point is, 'here are my bits. Woo!' In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats? Sure to all except hats. I really only wear the occasional newsboy cap--although, if you somehow knit one of those, that would be awesome. How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? Coolness! Is there anything you want from the Violette Market update? Oh dear. I haven't checked. I've never tried them before, either. What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...) In my head, it's a forest by the sea. The forest would be deciduous, and there would be enough sun. See why it's only in my head? I really like the beach, and tropical islands seem nice, but I also like seasons. So I have no real idea. The rainforest looks amazing, but I have a feeling that the extreme humidity would eat my soul. What do you wish you could make/craft if you had the know-how and supplies? Specifically, which particular items? comfortable, supportive bras in my size. Umm, possibly, pretty necklaces; necklaces with real stones and wirework, and all that shiny stuff. Oh and woodblock stamps, but I'm pretty sure I fail at carving. Is there anything you would like from Conjure Oils general catalogue or the new updates that isn't already on your wishlist? Alright. I went to Conjure Oils, because someone mentioned Succubus(I'm sad, I know). So, from the update: Succubus and Four-Leafed Clover sound awesome, and possibly Malocchio and Abbadon. From the GC: mimosa SN, Mercury Retrograde, Sagittarius, Anything from the Caravan section,the Light Maiden, the Shadow Queen, Earl Black, and Mabon look good. Am I alone in this, or is there a Book Fair/Comic Con scent you're dying to get your paws on, too? I try not to pine over the exclusives. It isn't nearly as far away from me as it is from a lot of other BPALers, but I'm just not that hardcore. And I love the scents I already have, so I will leave the exclusives for someone who will really love them. Anyone need address/phone type books? I don't *need* any, but whoever said they wanted one for the BPALer addresses, that's a great idea! I'm currently keeping mine on the computer. September 19th Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it? Sure! I think that there is a list on my questionnaire of my favorite authors. I like the worlds of Xanth, the Myth Adventures series(By Robert Lynn Aspirin), I used to like Pern, and Landover, and some Discworld(haven't read any of those in a billion years). Fantasy-related gifts sound fabulous! Soaps : do you like them? What brands? What scents? Anything you're dying to try? I like soap. I don't use soap that has lauryl/laureth sulfates, because it makes my skin insanely unhappy. But other than that, soaps are awesome. I think I use Lush soaps the most; of which my favorites are Sandstone(so much citrusy love), Demon in the Dark, and Honey I washed the Kids(which I am not supposed to use because of aforementioned fubar:( But it smells so lovely!). My current bar of soap is Olive from BodyShop. I'm not *dying* to try anything , but Paintbox Big in Japan sounds good, and there was a carrot rosehip one somewhere on the worlds longest Etsy wishlist, and a couple from Steambath-- but I'm not sure if that is a 'hey, awesome soap' thing or a 'hey, this soap has a *key* in it!' I like keys.
  16. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 17th

    Are there any particular movies, tv shows or cd’s that you’ve been meaning to buy for years but just never got round to getting? Would you mind a gently used dvd/cd if your witch had it or could get it?? I've got so many things I keep meaning to get, but never do. And used from someone else is still new to me. Is there anything from the Possets' Hallowe'en update you're lusting after? I've never tried anything from Possets before, but Wraith, Gypsy Grave, and Naked Lady look nice, based on the descriptions? Would you like a custom/altered toy either from a seller or from your witch (like My Little Pony, or a Barbie or any particular toy that can be changed?) I'm not sure? Do you like the candy apple, candy corn or pumpkin spice kisses? As in Hershey's kisses? I don't do Hershey's. But I can always give them to people here who do! Anne Taintor, anyone? Cute, but not so much 'me'.
  17. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 16th

    If I were to knit a scarf, would you prefer a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? Wide and long, please. (As I edit this, I realize how wrong it sounds. But, hey, I could have said thick. I am being a good little monkey. Yes...) Don't like scarves? Would a rectangular shawl or triangular shawl be more to your taste? I do like scarves! But a shawl would be gorgeous as well. Dear Witch, please don't feel that such an amount of effort is necessary. It would be stellar, true, but that's a lot of effort, and I hope you are taking time to allow yourself to be spoiled by your Witch as well(because you are awesome and deserve it). How do you feel about recipes? Recipes are wonderful jump off points for culinary creativity. What kind of a cook/baker are you? I am the kind of cook/baker who comes up with spur of the moment things, or adds in an interesting ingredient on a whim. I also fly by the seat of my pants and forget about the existence of recipes sometimes...Okay, alot. Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine, Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? I love to cook and bake, and it usually turns out decent. I would be absolutely thrilled if Food Network signed me for Usagi's Fabulous Ghetto Kitchen Fiesta ('ghetto' because, you know how sometimes all you have in your kitchen is hot sauce, lettuce, scrambled, eggs, pickled things, and some cottage cheese? I can probably make a pretty decent meal from that). If I send you something home made would you like the recipe for it? Oh, please, yes. If you are someone who doesn't want baked goods sent, would you like a collection of some of my favorite recipes? You can send me all the baked goods you want, but if you want to share some of your favorite recipes, I would love it. How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? Awesome. If you are a tea lover, what are your flavor preferences? Green? Black? Herbal (I know, technically those are NOT teas, but tisanes)? Flavored blacks/greens? I love tea. I prefer green, white, and herbal. Black tea tends to be a bit strong for me, caffeine-wise, but I love Earl Grey(yes, it does come in green, white, and decaf as well!), and have some black teas that are kind of like my "treat" teas. Adagio has a host of flavored teas that sound fabulous(and I know some of them are, because i have tried them). Weeee! I caught up!
  18. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 14th

    Chocolate or other types of candy? Is this a vs? I like candy and chocolate; especially real black licorice, dark chocolate, and anything gummy, blackberry, black currant, or raspberry flavored. For tea drinkers, do you prefer loose leaf or tea bags? either/or If you would enjoy something of a knitted persuasion, do you have a preference on type of thing? Since making a scarf for someone who has 10 might be a smidge excessive? Also, how do people feel about shawls? You can never have to many shawls. Shawls are awesome. I also like leg and arm warmers. I dont' really wear beenies. But if you make it, I will. Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? I used to idolize Pippi Longstocking as a small child (okay, kind of now, too...), my sixth grade teacher told me I reminaded her of Anne(of Green Gables)-- but I think that was because we didn't get along. My friend group convinced me to play as Orihime from Bleach on the basis that we were very alike, and thus little cosplay would be involved. I don't know about that, but I'm that group's "Orihime" now. In college, I was compared to both Goldberry and Galadriel(such high praise, I know). The Goldberry I can see, maybe? I don't know. I don't tend to think of myself as anything other than me. Which is kind of boring, I admit. Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? Probably. But other than the spices I'm currently out of, I can't think of much. I'd love any of those fancy metal mold things for cakes and puddings? Or, as someone else said, an apron. Not that I ever remember to wear one. But I like the idea of aprons. Music, do you prefer Live or Studio? Edited or explicit? It depends. I like the crispness of studio, but some of my favorite artists have music they perform only in live instances, and it is awesome. Also, songs like Stephen Lynch does are probably more awesome with the audience reaction in them. I like my lyrics unmessed-with, with rare exception. If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? Dogs: Akita, greyhound, Irish Wolfhound Cats: Cornish Rex, Sphynx, Abyssinian; but my mogs are made of Love, and I would not trade them for purebreds. Random animals: Hedgehogs, seals, herons, dolphins, macaques-- there are very few animals I dislike, actually. Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? Wow, the only possible things that could be longer than a list of animals or manga/anime... I like plants. I think my favorite flower is a type of bistort. I love mint, and Iceberg and rugosa roses, Chestnut trees, holly, seaweed.. Yeah, there are no plants I dislike, although I may be slightly allergic to tomato leaves(this in no way deters me from growing them, disturbingly). Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage? WhateverthehecktheycalltheanonymousregionalwisdomthingiePROVERB! that word. I love words. I can't think of anything super awesome right now, so I will rip off Barm Stoker's Dracula with "True Love Never Dies" and translate an old Fries phrase "If it can't be how it should be, then it should be how it can be" (and if anyone else on this forum understands Fries, they are my HERO) What is a bpal scent that you've been dying to try for awhile but just can't find? (A scent where even a tester would do) I'm kind of in a glut of fabulous, so I don't really quest after too many things. I suppose any of the rare and wonderful things on my wishlist? Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have some children/spawn (1 or more), and, hypothetically speaking, your witch would like to spoil them a little but knows nothing of kids these days. What do they like or dislike? Also is there anything a (sane) adult might think they would like that you don't think is appropriate for whatever reason? (I'm thinking of things like temp tattoos, make up, things that make noise, or anything else that might be bad for non-obvious reasons.) I, sadly, have no spawn, nor have I a significant other. Please feel free to send me anything your heart desires. As long as furballs can't eat it, and get sick. That would make me very sad. Is there anything you would like that can be delivered over the internet? Things like fanfic recs, cat macros, mp3s you are looking for, how-to or amusing videos, things like that. If you've found something entertaining to spam me with, spam away. I do it to my people all the time. What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang) If you are going to kill me, I'd like it over with. I don't enjoy the anticipation of bad things. I probably wouldn't be able to keep food down anyway. NaNoWriMo? Woo HOO! Last year was my first year, and I am so on to do it again this year. I convinced one of my best friends to try it as well. She's a little nervous, but it is going to be fabulous. I even have my plot loosely figured out. It will be the same characters from last year's story, two books later. Weeeee! And some from 9/13 Do you hate any food things with a passion?? mold cheeses(kill it with fire), Hershey's chocolate bars-- you don't want to know. (And maybe not with a fiery passion, but:) onion pieces(it's the texture, not the flavor, pickled baby onions, and powder is okay; funyuns are delicious, for example), garlic in quantity, bell peppers or peppers, beets(tomatoes and beets both tast a lot like blood to me, so I may be allergic to beets as well, but I am so not eating them again to find out). And I don't eat things that live in my garden; no frogs' legs, no snail. Nuh uh. I'm a picky eater. I'm sorry! But I love lots of things it seems pretty common for people to hate, so that makes up for it. Maybe? Would you be opposed to receiving a digital version (via email) of a magazine you like but don't subscribe to...you know, in the interest of saving a tree? This would be *awesomely* fabulous.
  19. Usagi

    SW Q&A September 15th

    How do you feel about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not? Depends on what it is. If you feel it's somethng wholly appropriate to me, that's awesome; as are useful things-- stationary, pens, pencils, stickers, magnets, books, pretty stuff, socks, seeds, hairclips... Okay, you know, aside from statuary, I'm having a hard time coming up with decorative only things available in the dollar section, so I think you're good. Is there a specific book you've been wanting to get but haven't found the time or the opportunity to? Far too many. I'm working on that. Someday, I won't be three years behind on Xanth. Do you read mangas/watch anime? Which ones? Do you have a particular favourite? Would you like to receive manga or anything related to them? Yesss...Are you ready for the super fabulous, insanely long, holy ,why?! list of doom? (it's okay, I'll do the abridged version) Manga: Yami no Matuei(aka Descendants of Darkness) Samurai Deeper Kyo Dragon Knights Demon Diary Kuroshitsuji Petshop of Horrors Yumekui Kenbun Karneval Bleach Sailor Moon Caine Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Pandora Hearts Zombie Loan I'm capping it there, although I'm sure I've missed a ton Anime: Arakawa Under the Bridge(made me laugh so hard; thrilled it's been S2'd) Yami no Matsuei Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Pandora Hearts Gintama Majutsu no Index Railgun Baccano DRRR!! okay, I'll stop now. But as a side note, Koyasu Takehito and Sugita Tomokazu have fabulous speaking voices. Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like? Heck yes! You are the witchee, and anything you pick will lbe fabulous. I love happy surprises. If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? If you make me somethng it will be awesome and I will love it, and it doesn't matter if you used something on a wishlist for inspiration, or came up with something completely different out of your own genius mind. OK, I know that lots of folks love socks. Do you have a preference of length? Materials? Patterns? I like natural fibers(bamboo socks, woo!), ankle, knee, over the knee, Thigh high(but I have thick thighs, so this doesn't always go well), slouchie. Fun socks are cool, regular socks are cool, the socks that have those arch hugging things are awesome. I'm not being very helpful here, am I? How do people feel about word magnets? I love them, but have not much space to put them right now. If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? I have no idea... I'm, umm, kind of curvy, yet for some reason am very attracted to things you might see on a couture runway. Hmm, I guess Victorian modern type things, pretty corsets and foofy gowns, fabrics with beautiful movement. This is a big part of why the steampunk aesthetic is attractive to me, I think. So if I could have any kind of costume stuff, I would like shiny, pretty, faery things. Yes... How do you feel about samples/decants of things other than BPAL? Soap slices, lotion/scrub/shower gel decants, single use make-up/beauty products, etc. That would be awesome. I like to try new things. What are you guys going to be aiming for in the Inquisition? Or do you just plan on ordering individual items? I'm torn on the Inquisition(seriously, am I the only one who sees Mel Brooks dancing every time that word shows up?), partially because of being broke, and partially because, the idea of bonuses is awesome(white pumpkin, woo!), but I have no bath, and would not use patchouli bath oil if I did. I maybe will get Sluagh and/or an an t-Samhuinn soap. Maybe. But it's fine if I don't, because I have a lot of gorgeous stuff to please my nose with already.
  20. I'll be trying to keep up with the questions asked on here. If I miss something, just smack me(or, you know, send an ecard). I will remedy the situation immediately. First, some wishlists. These are really only to give you an idea of the really random stuff I might like, and in no way an advocacy to buy things. Etsy Amazon If this is wonky, I'm sorry. I've never actually shopped on Amazon, and only made the list because ebay/half wouldn't let me share. And here is my Deviantart faves, for more styles/themes/etc. that I like. Be warned, there is a bit of nudity, and it's a little outdated. I have packed these with random things of awesome so you have the broadest possible idea of things I like. Baked Goods: Are delicious? Treats for Family and/or Pets(pamilets?): Certainly in no way necessary or expected, but there are some kitties here that might appreciate a helping of catnip, or fun toys-- should my fabulous Witch feel so inclined. Please, no food items, though. I've got two cats who have been in hospital, and one who is rather large. Anything not meat is being kept to an absolute minimum. I honestly have no idea what anyone(myself included) would get for the humans in my vicinity. samples: Unless it's something I know I love, I appreciate the freedom of samples very much. But I have a thing for bottles. Ultimately, whatever my Witch feels works will be best, even if that is no samples(and trust me, that is absolutely fine as well, since I have a ton of scents to get through still ). Groupons: I think I grasp what these are, but have no experience with them. I also live in BFE, and don't get out much... I'm sorry. Otherwise that would be a totally awesome thing to give! T-Shirt size: is iffy. I have a large chest but smaller shoulders, and it tweeks me when the sleeve seam hangs off my shoulder; partially because it's uncomfortable, partially because I look like a potato. I usually wear small or(<- is changed due to recent clothes shopping, and the realization that I already look like a potato O.o ) medium t-shirts, fitted/stretchy, with a slightly larger neckhole, and no logo, unless it is dyed in, because of image cracking. Pajama Bottoms: are made of WIN. cotton/flannel is my favorite, Large(maybe XL), with a drawstring. Because I like to swim in them, but I would rather they didn't fall off my booty. Mix CDs?: music is Love. It's life, too, and also cookies. Halloween plans: I'll probably be staying home, dressing up, and handing out candy. That's pretty much the usual for me. But! It gives me first dibs on the Halloween candy. The Dots are MIIINEEEE!!! I will also be on the lookout for a scary movie to watch. Or three. That way I can get both classics and newer things. Hmm... Social Networking: I've been accused of becoming a hermit several times already this year. I will work on this, honest. Then I will post links in here. Girliness: I don't consider myself particularly girly. I'm a girl. But those two have different meanings to me. I have some pink stuff, but don't actively look for it. In fact, when I end up with pink things, it's generally because it's a great pattern/cut/design and happens to be pink. I do like to wear skirts and dresses, but sometimes lack the ambient modesty level to not embarrass others while wearing them. Jane Austen: Yes. I believe I own copies of most of them, but any Austen Related stuff, quotes, picture links, etc. is wonderful. I love Regency era clothing. I can't say I'm very positive towards ...and Zombies, but I haven't read it. I may never read it. I was told it basically just parsed up the original text and inserted zombie action, which is significantly less cool than what I had imagined upon first hearing of it. Also, that author seems to be doing the same thing to all kinds of other classics-- I just saw somethng about 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and I admit to finding it slightly offensive. Tarot: I read for myself(and sometimes friends), and I collect decks. If my Witch- or someone e knows- were so inclined, I'd enjoy a reading. My favorite deck is the Dragon Tarot, and sometimes the Faery Wicca tarot. It has the most beautiful representation of the Tower I've ever seen in a tarot deck, and it's based on Celtic tales. Which Hogwart's House would you be sorted into?: I think I've had each House come up at least once in various quizzes. But the quiz linked in the SW thread says Gryffindor, so let's go with that. David Tennant, Alan Rickman, Winchester Boys: No, thank you. But if they were single and amiable, I wouldn't say 'no' to Lucas Bryant, Colin Ferguson, or Hugh Jackman(or at least the characters they play on Haven, Eureka, and various movies[Kate and Leopold, aww]. Oh, Dear Witch, if you *do* like David Tennant--and have not yet seen-- here is a clip of him and Davina McCall on Mastermind for Comic Relief 2009. Things for Cosplay/costuming: I'm not cosplaying right now, but if you happen to run across a good Beast(kuroshitsuji) corset, a link would be fabulously awesome. I modded one last year, and it looked pretty good, but offered no support. In the meantime, some friends and I are hoping to go to the steampunk exhibition in March next year, and steampunky bits and bobs are always appreciated. I only bellydance at home for fun, but I'd love anything I could practice with/in! I like dressing up. TV Guilty Pleasures: I don't think I have any. I fully own my fandom. Besides, we don't have TV, per se. So all my show watching is done on Hulu. The closest thing to a guilty pleasure was a month or so ago, when I watched all the available episodes of "Losing It with Jillian." It was just really great to see people go for a goal and succeed. Update: I have found one: Destination Truth: it's the kind of show that has me yelling 'you are retarded and disrespectful' at my monitor. But they go all these great places, which keeps me watching. I just wasn't watching recently, because they had done something ultimately retarded and disrespectful, and so I didn't watch for the better part of a year. I've blocked out what it was. But they were going to Pompeii, and I got sucked back in. Yeah. I really hope it's just how they edit the show. DVD format: I prefer widescreen, when available. MP3s vs. CD: either or, really. lip balms: are great! Original(peppermint) Burt's Bees is my favorite, and I've been liking Eos lately. I'm not fond of ones containing petrolatum, but I'm up for most all natural lipbalms. knit items: would love them. I do crochet, but am not very skilled with knitting(yet). The effort and artistry behind receiving something handmade always makes it really special. tarts: I dont' use them. I have a few candles that rarely get lit, and that's about it. body mods: I don't have any, or plan to. My sister has a whole lot of beautiful skin art, a beauty mark stud under her lip, and a bunch of ear holes, though. booze: I don't drink. But only because, of the myriad things I've tried, they have tasted foul-- except Jaegger Meister, which tasted like old time cough syrup, but unfortunately made me ill. favorite artist or art style: artists- Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Josephine Wall, John Waterhouse, Brian Froud, and Arthur Rackham to name a few. styles-- pre-Raphaelite, art nouveau...I'm bad with styles. I like botanical drawings, fantasy, aquatic themes, knotwork, several manga artists' styles. formats--watercolor, pen and ink, sketch, photography. I like stuff. anytime snack: all types of goldfish crackers. Walnuts, seaweed paper, and--unfortunately-- a wide variety of chocolates and cookies. But since I eat them so quickly, then they are gone, and I can't have more until I drag my booty to the store. Nail polish: I like it, but am not very good with it. What hobby/craft would you like to learn?: spinning, beadwork, basketweaving, bookmaking, scuba diving, making woodblocks, glassblowing, jewelry making. I'm up for new and interesting things! phobias, squicks, and other "bad things": no real phobias. Maggots and mold are definitely squickful. Anything involving malicious violence-- especially towards children and animals-- is extremely upsetting. Action movies and martial arts type stuff is fine, however. And I have nothing against bad people being maimed. Do you wear makeup?: I love mineral eyeshadow, and I wear mineral powder foundation, when I need to. I usually tend more towards balm, gloss, or stain on my lips. How concrete is your Etsy favorites list?: A lot of it is just 'Oo, that's nice.' So if you find something similar or can make something, that is just as awesome--if not moreso. The only non-negotiable things are ingredients. There are a couple of things I'm allergic to, so if it has that, I won't be able to use it. But there are plenty of people around here who can, and would love it. Giving it to them would make me just as happy. So, in reality, you don't really have to worry about it. Halloween Decorations: cute, creepy, funny, it's all great. ceramics: would be lovely, especially if they are also useful. mortar and pestle: love them ,have three or four, would always like more. Disney Films: the Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty are my favorite, but Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and Mulan are also great. I haven't seen Frog Prince(yet), I'm very much looking forward to Tangled. Not so enthused over Pocahontas, the Lion King, or any of the Toy Story movies. Tech: I've got a computer on Windows 7, DVD player, PS2, Original NES(somewhere), and a Nintendo DS. custom icons: would be awesome. Socks?: I like socks; especially, ankle, knee, and over-the knee. What's your comfort when sick/depressed/in pain?: Singing along to rippingly emotional music(Tori, Ani, opera), chocolate, mint tea, going into the garden and zoning out, reading. Favorite Halloween or scary movies?: Resident Evil: Apocalypse Bram Stoker's Dracula(but I consider it a romance movie...) Dracula(1931, even with bats on strings, Bela Lugosi was,is,and always will be rivetting) Silent Hill In the Mouth of Madness the Gift What Lies Beneath(okay, it's more of a suspense, but it has supernatural elements) Bless the Child Rose Red Shaun of the Dead(yeah, not really a scary movie) Army of Darkness? Watcher in the Woods It The Haunting(1963, out of the films on this list, I think this one is probably the creepiest) Halloween themed movies: the Halloween Town series, Mr. Boogedy, Monster Squad, Nightmare Before Christmas,Rocky Horror Picture Show(can you ever have too much fabulous?), Waxworks, Sleepy Hollow scary books: Dracula. I like ghost stories, but nothing that involves loads of gore, or malicious violence. Plot over plasma! Resonant Symbols: stars-- for hope, and the Orin(double twined ouroborus on the cover of the book in the Neverending Story), which is the only thing I've ever considered getting indelibly etched on my skin. favorite Halloween candy: probably the little boxes of Dots. They had ghost dots last year, which were awesome , because they all looked the same, but were different flavors. rereading books: I don't do it very often. My most favorite of favorite books are the only ones I've ever reread. Dracula, Firebrand, LotR, the Hobbit, Farthest Away Mountain, and a bunch of children's books. Fairytales don't count, though, right? I reread those all the time, and I can probably tell you oral versions of most of them. what fantasy person/thing would you be?: probably a mermaid, or a sorceress-- preferrably a mermaid sorceress, with non-restricted landleg ability. I don't think I'd want to be any specific person, but I might like a vacation home in Xanth. What historical period would you like to live in?: I think I know too much about most of them to want to stay there indefinitely(and, indoor plumbing), but if I had to pick maybe, Oracle at Delphi, scribe in Ancient Egypt, Court Lady in Heian Japan, or a miko or geisha in later times, Classical India--possibly a dancer, oh! I might like to be in Venizia to see Veronica Franco do her thing. It would also be incredibly awesome to covertly go back and observe Pictish culture for a while(but I would need an invisibility cloak...). Comics: I'm really more of a manga/manwha kind of girl. But a long time ago, I used to read X-Men and Elfquest. Favorite manga: Samurai Deeper Kyo, Demon Diary, Dazzle, Yami no Matsuei, Sailor Moon, Kuroshitsuji, Bride of the Water God, Yumekui Kenbun, and a whole bunch(like Karneval and Pandora Hearts) that I just haven't been keeping up with lately, which is sad. I would like to start reading Girl Genius. One of my best friends is on about that one all the time, but it's online, and there is just a massive backlog to catch up to the plot. So I added the first compilation to my wishlist. Any comics or manga/manwha my witch thinks fall in line with my likes I'd love links to. I will get back to reading things again! Soon, I hope. My brain is atrophying from lack of escape... Short stories and films: Interesting. "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is actually one of my favorites from when I was a kid, and a big part of why I went for BPAL. Robot Carnival is a series of animated shorts from Japan which is amazing. favorite baked goods/homemade treats: cookies, caramels. I used to make crumble as a comfort food. Would you be interested in a birth chart?:Sure! Even if the one thing I saw said that I'm a mean miserly person because I have something with Capricorn. I think I'm kind of at odds with my star-given personality. It would be cool to look at similarities and differences. What movies scared you as a child?: I got to see only-the-first-half of It when I was ten, and that was super special, definitely with the added bonus of it being a sleepover and having to sleep next to a round, red nightlight in a strange house right after. The Child-catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang freaked me out; he's still creepy now, but I want to find him and smack him. The Skeksis stripping scene in Dark Crystal(one of my favorite movies ever, though), and the bad toy scene in A Mouse and his Child. That always freaked me out as a child. Name a couple of sites you frequent, other than this one: Etsy, Ebay, Deviantart, Hulu, Animesuki. Okay, that's more than a couple. currently learning: I pretend to learn Japanese. I have three billion resources. What really happens is I make fun lesson plans for one of my friends who is trying to learn. She's doing extremely well, and I'm really proud of her for keeping up her motivation, despite a hectic work and personal life. Me, I have no motivation. I miss my chance to go to Japan, because-- we won't talk about that. It will just make me bitter. Someday, I will have motivation again. I will probably also be fifty, but oh well. ;p Favorite muppets: That's hard! I love them all. Maybe.. the Swedish Chef and Miss Piggy? Bunsen and Beaker were pretty hilarious, too. Yeah, they're all awesome. Pigs in SPAAAAAAAACE!!! If you could have a magical creature for a pet...: a dragon? I little tiny dragon, or one that could change size? It would make feeding it so much easier. I'd probably like having lots of magical creature friends better though. I'd need some intense telepathy skills to go with that. any inconvenient package delivery time?: Someone is here at all times, so no worries. What would your daemon/patronus be?: Awesome! Steampunk?: Yea, all the way! I like the fashion aesthetic, the idea of Victorian Sci-Fi, and shiny things. I love shiny things. honeycrisp apples: sound delicious. The orchard 40 minutes from us doesn't have those; they *do* have JonaGold. But the internet says they won't be ready until October. Which is such crack, since they were ready the first week of September last year, and we haven't had any massive seasonal variation this year. There was even a late frost last year... Where are the delicious apples??? *ahem* receiving knitted items: YES! no fiber allergies. Any of my favorite colors-- heck any colors. Whatever you are inspired to make. Gift certificates: physical/email?: either/or. favorite Yankee Candle? Other brands?: I must admit to not being a big Yankee Candle person; indeed not such a big candle burner. Pumpkin Spice? I do like the Kohl's brand candles in pomegranate tea, mediterranean morning, and Bamboo jasmine(or is this Chesapeake Bay?). Oh, and Christmas tree. I do actually burn candles around Christmas and Halloween. I forgot about that. Zuni animal fetish: I don't know... someone on the thread mentioned something about Akita statuary, but that's not traditional, I'm assuming. If you think I could use one, I will cherish it. glowinthedark radishes: look awesome, but I have not the pierced ears. what places do you visit that you'd like giftcards to?: B&N, Starbucks, home depot, lowe's (I like plants),Ross, does Trader Joe's do giftcards? Ross, lots of online place might be nice, like Adagio or other tea places. You know, whatever you feel is fabulous I will probably be thrilled with. cake or frosting?: unless it's being homemade or at some kind of bakery or patisserie, probably neither. I do occasionally think I want the frosting that the Pillsbury dough Boy hawks in his little cardboard cylinders. And then I remember it is wrong and unhealthy, and makes me unhappy. I like marzipan as frosting. cake truffles: sure! Are you interested in mini bottles(under 100ml for hand luggage) of bath and body products?: no thank you, my lauryl/laureth allergy kind fo precludes cool tiny samples. I used to like them. Vampire shows, literature, etc? Yay or nay?Dracula, Carmilla, old creepy vampire stuff. Blood and Roses--a 1960s movie(extremely) losely based on Carmilla-- is cheeztastic LOVE. Forever Knight(Yes, I am one with the cheez) is awesome. I'm not into Anne Rice, I've lost interest in Anita Blake(why the orgy pronz, why?), and I haven't read Twilight(yet, they just sit there waiting to be read). I am totally blanking on some other show that was about vampires that was good. oh well. If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? PC,PS2,NES(8bit),DS. I put some games in my Amazon list thing. I would like Kingdom Hearts II, because my copy doesn't work. Thank you, Gamestop. Also, any games for my DS. I have four: Ninja Reflex, Spyro(the last one, which is insanely short and disappointing on DS, but awesome on PS), Elite Beat Agents, and an RPG I can't remember the name of from Japan. How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? Flowers and plants are awesome and fantastic, and I must apologize because there are a ton of seed packets on my wishlists, mostly because the plants looked pretty. So anythign flower and plant related is going to be a definite hit. How do you feel about marzipan? Mmmm. Especially the dark chocolate covered kind, or when it is filled pastry. If you could have 3 BPAL bottles fall (gently) out of the sky right this second that you've been looking for or pining for - which 3 would they be? Umm, I'm beginning to realize just how much BPAL I have and how seldom I actually remember to wear it, but... Succubus(just the empty bottle would be fine, I'm hoarding my two imps), Fairy Wine, Hanami maybe? Are there any international treats that you love and have a hard time finding? Holy cow yes. Dutch licorice(likethe kind made from licorice not anise),salmiak,black currant lemon Fanta, revels, wine gums, and the list goes on and on... and there were once these Japanese boxes of what looked like smarties with little space monkey charms in them. I love prizes in my candy. It's double WIN! If you magicked me a dark chocolate pear ganache cake from Plaisir du Chocolat in Edinburgh, I would be stunned with joy and probably in a sugar coma within 15 minutes. But lacking magic, it is highly unlikely ever to happen. If you ever happen to be in Edinburgh, and you like delicious things, please take a moment to check it out. There may even still be an Italian gelatto/sorbet parlor next door, if that's more your speed. For some reason, foreign travel seems to be all about the food for me. Is there anything from the 'Ween BPTP update that you would like but haven't ordered for yourself? I haven't ordered anything, nor do I plan to for a while. I'm a bit strapt, and money is earmarked for Witchee, bills, and Christmas--roughly in that order. ;p BPTP wishes are in my forum wishlist, but the two that are really singing to me at the moment are Sluagh and the an -tSamhuinn soap. And for some reason the Treat bath oil, even though I have no bath. I think it's just the notes sounding yummy. If you are a crafter, would you like to receive supplies from your witch (beads, fabric, yarn/roving etc?) That would be ace. Paper(esp. marker paper), pens, markers, pencils, yarn, anything really. Find your iPod (or other MP3 device), put it on shuffle/random. What are the first five songs to come up? 1. Le Disko- Shiny Toy Guns 2. At the End- iiO 3. Turn off the Lights- Nelly Furtado 4. Faces Like Mine- Emilie Autumn 5. Ugly- Bubba Sparxx Soundtracks you'd like? I may need to get back to you on this. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to last.fm immediately and create an account! Download the scrobbler! Link us to your account! If you reject this assignment, maybe just tell us what your mp3 player says you listen to a lot? Here is my Pandora Profile, with quite a few stations listed on the lower left. Any countries you're interested in? All countries are interesting! The one I'm most yearning to go to right now is Japan, followed by India, because my god daughter is there. She just turned 1, and I have a feeling I'm not going to get to meet her in person for a very long time. but that doesn't mean I can't send her presents throught the mail, right? Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Esp. if scented with some of your favorite BPAL scents? It's weird that my immediate answer to this was 'YES!' even though I don't have a bath, isn't it? If your witch made you something and it didn't come out just right, would you still want it? Of course! Perfection is cold and sterile. I hear master potters purposely add a flaw to their work at the end, as a form of signature, and a way to give their art a soul. If you make me something, I'm going to love it. Are you a foodie? I like to cook and to bake, and I love looking at cookbooks and new recipes; although I have to admit to a very strong propensity for letting the little directions fly out the window. I need improvisation in my food! LOL As to foodies scents, not that much. no aversion(usually), but the only food item I tend to smell like is candy, and that is wholly a reflection of body chemistry. My soul is clearly made of some kind of sugar, probably citrus based. yeah.. Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? Not so much. Dad is an all American football type guy, but we don't have TV anymore. I like to watch soccer with other people, and had the hilarious privilege of hearing all of Edinburgh roar when England lost to Portugal at Euro 2004. For holidays, do you decorate? Would you like decorative stuff, weenie or otherwise? If so, do you lean towards the elegant, the crafty/folksy, or the more, erm, campy? I decorate for Halloween and Christmas, allowing the general fall themed things to stay up after Halloween until the Christmas decorations go up. I would love decorative stuff; especially Fall themed. We have tons of Christmas decorations(although those are always appreciated, too), and significantly less Fall ones. I have an absolutely gorgeous wreath from a lovely forumite last year(LucyBoo21: she who is awesome). It will go up at the end of September. But if you've in mind to wing some things over this way, I will decorate with glee. Especially Halloween stuff, and anything with fall leaves. I love leaves. what interests you from the latest lab update? far too much. I created a special section in my wishlist(link in sig.) just for that. How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? And if you're in favor, do you prefer classic/contemporary or cutesy stuff? I love stationary. All kinds of stationary are fabulous. I enjoy writing by hand and, so like pens and pencils. I've been debating getting a real fountain pen. But I'm left-handed, which may or may not be problematic? But there are so many ink colors available! Yes, I am a writing/drawing nut. Would you like homemade preserves (e.g. marinated vegies, pickled onions, chilli jam?) That would be awesome. If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? partials are great for me; I'm a dabber, so it's the same as getting a full thing to me. Would you like something you have to make yourself? That might be super cool. Say you were my witchee, and I found things on your wishlist that I could totally make. Would you want me to make it? Or would you rather it be purchased for you? If you have got the stuff, the skills and the time, you make that thang! So long as it's what you want to do. It's really up to you. I do love handmade things, but carefully selected bought stuff is great, also. Who is your favorite soap etailer? Lush? I have to admit: I haven't bought a lot of soapy lovelies for myself online. What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? Teacups are awesome. I have a few antique ones. I'd like to have a mish mash vintage tea party someday. Vintage decorative stuff is great as well. I've got a couple of lovely Victorian ladies' magazine prints framed on my wall. With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? This is pretty much up to you, my Witch. I like getting mail, but if you have a plan that requires saving your awesome package until the end, that works, too. What kind of make-up do you wear? What colors? Is there anything you'd like to try but haven't yet? I wear mineral makeup. But mostly, I am lazy and only really wear eyeshadow. I love shadow, though; lots of different colors and shimmers-- or mattes. Here is my Fyrinnae wishlist, for an idea of colors. I have a wishlist at Sassy Minerals as well, but I can't seem to link to it. I'll work on that. I think I need to make a registry. Who would be on your top 5 (IE famous people you’d date/have relations with) I tend not to think of real people like that. After all, you don't know who they really are, do you? What if they are horrible people? Imaginary people, hmm. The books I read with strong male characterization tend to be of the romance variety. I like seeing them end up with their love interests. I fail at this question! I'm sorry! Do you have a place where you list all the BPAL you have or have tried? No... I have a bottle list, but I think it is a couple of bottles out of date. Basically, though, everything GC that I *haven't* tried is on the ginormous wishlist of D00mb linked in my sig. The only ones that aren't are things where the description said something along the lines of "I have combined Tea Rose, Nuclear Jasmine, and Patchouli into the ultimate scent!" in which case, I kind of tiptoed around putting that on the List. I need my sinuses and my grey matter. But I'd be happy to make a list of what I have already tried, if you'd like me to, dear Witch. Do you like maple sugar candy? I'm not sure I've ever had any. It sounds good. What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? I like chocolate. I like bacon. I would rather not have chocolate on my bacon, or bacon in my chocolate. I occasionally like maple syrup on my bacon, though. If you are a tea-drinker do you need a tea-cozie for your pot? Tea cozies are cute! We have a Christmas one and a regular one. But we also have this "issue" where someone forgets to put the thee mutz back on, and then we have a pot of cold tea. Go to your spice cabinet, what are the three most used spices? ground ginger, paprika, and lemon pepper? Microsoft or Apple? Microsoft. Windows 7 is joyful. Where was your last vacation? What did you like most? Last November I planned a weekend to Avila Beach with two of my best friends. My favorite part was the beach. My favorite part is usually the beach. We saw the elephant seals, and sea otters floating with their pups on their bellies. It was very relaxing. Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? I certainly would. I'd be open to swapping the sending of letters to our Witchees. The easiest access I have to postcards is the generic CA ones, but I know a couple of places that might have some more special ones as well.
  21. Usagi

    Sudha Segara

    Kumiho's fresh ginger cousin. It smells like fresh grated ginger, ever so slightly softened with something creamy. When comparing this to Kumiho, it is a stronger scent on me-- and Kumiho makes this smell like ginger ale. But really, this is just gingery ginger. I wonder if wearing this would have the same effect on car sickness as ginger chews? Sudha Segara is a bright, clean, gingery unisex scent to beat the summer heat(and possibly carsickness). Very nice.
  22. Imp: rose and sandalwood Wet: rose and something fizzy; slightly powdery. Is that jasmine? Dry: jasmine and rose, but in a wearable way-- with just a hint of sandalwood in the background. This is a little too regal for me. Nonetheless, Obsidian Widow is a lovely scent.
  23. Usagi

    Enchanted Wood Florist

    Enchanted Wood Florist starts off as a really sharp, perfumey floral-- slightly green, but not in a real things way. As it dries, it becomes softer, and I swear there's some kind of bubblegum/tropical hard candy scent underneath. Very much later-- around eight hours-- it's gone extremely faint, but if I huff my wrists, I smell a soft musk very reminiscent of the Girl. It has a slightly warmer feel than the Girl. This has a lot of staying power on me. Throw for the better part of wear is medium. I find it very nice, leaning towards a more traditional perfume scent. My only qualm is the sharpness at the outset. I'm hoping that calms down a bit with aging, since this bottle is only a month old.
  24. Usagi


    In the bottle and on wet, for me, this is OAKMOSS honey. A very sweet honey, tinged with the bitterish sap smell of oakmoss. Interesting. Once it dries, I still huff oakmoss on my skin, but the throw is straight, light golden, sparkling honey in the summer. It reminds me of the honey in Honey Moon or Hetairae. The throw is pretty strong(I amp honey, though), but not in any way offensive or cloying. I think I like Honey Moon better, because the thyme scent in that just seems to complement the honey more, but I'm looking forward to see how Ronin ages. So, basically, if you were out in the summer, under a mighty oak where bees had built a hive, looking up and getting drizzled in sunwarmed honey. If you love honey, this is definitely something to give a shot. It's not really gender particular, and, I would say, subtly sexy.
  25. Usagi

    Voodoo Queen

    Sexy, clove incense floral that dries down to subtle, incense floral. Beautiful.