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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by purestmaiden_

  1. man: [says something wrong]woman: this is the field i work in, and here is why that thing is wrong. man: sorry yo… https://t.co/BrMUv6fUgW

  2. I didn’t think work could get any weirder than explaining the steps in a bikini wax for a judge but today I had to… https://t.co/Y5dDSLM362

  3. RT @mdoukmas: If you're a journalist interested in criminal justice and you're not paying attention to the ideas and organizing of abolitio…

  4. RT @ejbeals: Journalists report facts, it's not their job to rebut every insane conspiracy theory that's dreamed up as a counter-narrative.…

  5. RT @HoarseWisperer: The KKK got taken down by a lawsuit. A mother of murder victim was literally awarded all of their assets including thei…

  6. RT @showupforthis: Hey y'all! Do me a favor and RT this if you've ever worked in a customer-facing job and ended up crying or otherwise neg…

  7. RT @raffiwriter: One of the main engines of "Russiagate" disinfo is a British troll. His work made it into pubs like @thenation. Trump even…

  8. RT @DanteAtkins: Conservative: “DO YOU WANT HEALTH CARE TO BE RUN LIKE THE POST OFFICE”Me: *drops a letter right outside my door that wil…

  9. RT @Minerrrrrva: DONT @ ME ANYMORE FUCK THESE MILLIONAIRES https://t.co/uLiQJyv9xq
