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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by amaltheagray

  1. amaltheagray

    Sea of Glass

    Upon the Sea of Glass, glowing with the perfection of spiritual union and the radiance of true wisdom, rests the throne of God. A scent of inimitable purity, crystalline grace, and limitless light. this is SO BEAUTIFUL. i feel bad being the first reviewer because i KNOW i can't possibily pick out all, if any, of the notes. there's a bit of floral going on and i don't know my flowers very well. it is lightly floral and lightly aquatic but at the same time it's not a whispersoft light scent. it makes me think of the pearly inside of a sea shell, and the first thing i thought when i cracked the bottle was "tolkien's elves." it's not the scent of lothlorian, but it's the scent of the eldar waking under starlight. yeah. that's what it is. i might not be able to wear it because aquatics have a habit of going sour on me, but it jumped out at me with its delicate yet steadfast beauty. <3
  2. amaltheagray

    The Lady of Shalott

    THE LADY OF SHALLOT -- Heard a carol, mournful, holy, Chanted loudly, chanted lowly, Till her blood was frozen slowly, And her eyes were darkened wholly, Turn'd to tower'd Camelot. For ere she reach'd upon the tide The first house by the water-side, Singing in her song she died, The Lady of Shalott. The scent of calm waters just before a raging storm, limned with achingly-beautiful blooms, an icy scent, but somehow warm, and mirror-bright: bold gardenia, crystalline musk, muguet, water blossoms, clear, slightly tart aquatic notes and a crush of white ginger. seeing this in the list of new scents made me emotional. this is one of my favorite poems and stories and archtypes. i know most of the poem by heart, i love the song version done by loreena mckennitt, i have 3 posters of different versions of the painting (the spinning wheel in the tower one is my favorite, with the threads going everywhere)... okay, now that i've stupidly established my lady of shallot cred... this is a brilliant blend. the aquatics keep the flowers from being too twee. the ginger grounds it and gives it some sharpness. the blooms are indeed achingly-beautiful. regret, nostalgia, loss, anger, betrayal, frustration, being trapped. it's as if the musk, which is present but not over-powering and the ginger are being reined in by the florals. what she wants vs what she must be. i hope the aquatic notes don't force it to go sour on me because i want to be able to wear this so badly. it's stunning.
  3. amaltheagray


    Named after the Roman God of Sleep. This blend helps bring on deep, restful, natural sleep. i have trouble falling asleep so i've been looking forward to receiving this one. it's much sharper than i expected. the only note my unskilled nose can detect is lavender. i'm pretty sure it's lavender, and that would make sense. there are other herbs involved, and it's almost soapy but in a very good way. it smells clean and unfettered. the scent warms up and spreads on drydown. i want to breath deeply of it. i'll try wearing it in bed tonight, and maybe i'll do a follow up if it actually helps me sleep. i'd love to have my sheets smell like this. it's lovely.
  4. i love the smell of clove cigarettes (okay, whatever, i love clove cigarettes) and i love the hint of leather one gets from an old leather coat in the beginning of autumn. which, of course, leads to loving to smoke clove cigarettes while wearing my leather coat in the beginning of autumn. is there any bpal that smells like this? to simplify, i'd be totally happy with a scent that smells like cloves. has anyone tried thesweet clove single note? there's only one review in the section. i have some clove scents pending (three witches, among others i can't remembe right now) but i'm mostly curious to find out if it might be worth it for me to order a 5ml of the sweet clove before it's discontinued. in terms of the leather, i prefer the hint of leather i get off of something like tintagel. i've never tried any of the scents that list leather as an aspect or note. any recommendations?
  5. amaltheagray


    R'LYEH Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. The sunken city of the Great God Cthulhu. A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves. dude. maybe my nose is broken from over-sniffage, but r'lyeh is not hitting me with darkness. evil? yes. madness? oh, yes. broody eternity? moo hahahah! as i said in the "i got my order" thread: r'lyeh is EVIL CTHULU GRAPEFRUIT. it is the GRAPEFRUIT OF DARK UNHOLY DEEDS. i think i'm in love with it. o_0 it's also spicy and aquatic in a way that just might not go acrid on my skin and deep and rich and not sunny, no, but still - GRAPEFRUIT. or maybe i'm just insane. EDIT: no, not insane - it's still ev0l grapefruit. unfortunately, it doesn't work on me. when i first put it on this morning it was wonderful and refreshing yet spicy and grounding. i really wanted to love it. after half an hour or so either the citrus or the aquatics went sour and acrid on me to the point that i had to wash it off. but, as someone who doesn't like or have much experience with citrus scents, this is a kind of citrus that i love. spicy and dark citrus. but into the swap pile it goes, protesting all the while.
  6. amaltheagray


    The legendary site of the Viking colony in Newfoundland founded circa 985. Crisp northern wind blowing over loganberry, wild roses, prairie crocus, iris versicolor Linné, mountain avens, yellow birch bark, mayflower and maple leaf. being able to trace half of my ancestry back to the vikings, i had to try this. i think a lot of you who were excited about this one are going to love it. the loganberry gives it body, roughened by the bark and leaves and... i have no idea what half of these notes even are. it's wonderful and clean and nostalgic. the florals are light, this is like standing in a valley no one has ever been to before, with ice-capped mountains in the distance and a cold wind bringing the scent of flowers and snow and cold water. it's cold and sweet and strong and somewhat sad. also alcoholic in a sharp distilled kind of way. if that makes any sense at all.
  7. amaltheagray

    Lex Talionis

    The law of retaliation and perfect reciprocity: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an arm for an arm, a life for a life. The essence of blunt justice: dark myrrh, vetiver, cardamom, violet, black pepper, sage, cedarwood and black patchouli with a clarion note of sharp white grapefruit. this is so very strong and masculine. not to equate the two. it's not strong *because* it's masculine, but it is both. the vetiver jumps out first, along with the myrrh and black patchouli. (it is not, however, an omg!patchouli scent, in my opinion. for those patchouli haters out there. ) i can't pick out the grapefruit but the violet gives it a bit of softness. the clean ceder and sage keep it from being drowned in dark muskyness. black pepper and cedar really comes through on drydown. the whole thing smells somewhat nutty and very physical, almost like body odor but not in a horrible way. i'm not sure if i like it for myself, or if i would wear it. it may be too masculine. but it's damn good edit: it lightens up on drydown and becomes less masculine and more all around wearable. it's gorgeous! edit2: i am so in love with this. it's nostalgic for me in a very personal way. i have a 5ml on the way. it's *amazing*.
  8. amaltheagray


    holy shit, i love this! this is my rose! this is my dusty heavy redolent rose! i received this is a sample and had no idea what to make of it in the vial. it smelled weird and sharp and green. but i'm slowly trying everything and i dabbed some on today at work. it blew my mind. a little goes a long way, but it is just enveloping. i don't like the light airy scents - i think my body chemistry eats them for breakfast. this, however? the amber is so warm and the musk blends with the rose. this is so glorious. i think my mom would LOVE it. i'm just so amused that something that smelled so foul (imo) in the bottle could transform to such warm, dusky beauty.
  9. amaltheagray

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    oh i *love* this. it was an extra and i put some on today, more or less forgetting anything about the description. the sweet but not sugary fruits jump out first and they are so beautiful and pure. this makes me feel calm and protective and sheltered. the juicy lush explosion that occurs when wet fades pretty quickly and i was left with, dammit, the usual aquatic sourness. it's not as bad as some aquatics i've tried so i may be able to wear it occassionally, and i think i will reapply right now. this scent is so effing gorgeous.
  10. amaltheagray

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    thanks chupachup! i'm going to order a bunch of them today. i can be a clutz sometimes but i'd so prefer to be able to apply from my 5mls with a wand that it'll be worth it. and i'll be careful. because, duh, the precious.
  11. amaltheagray


    this oil is a pleasant surprise! it's all cinnamon and darkness in the bottle, with a weird tangy aftertaste that almost struck me as being animalistic. it lightens upon application and becomes dusty and soft, but still very powerful. as others have said, cinnamon and clove, sandalwood. maybe pepper is what's leaving that odd aftertaste, though that more or less goes away when it hits the skin. this is comforting yet makes me feel strong, and i like that. the imp at least a keeper, maybe i'll be on the prowl for more.
  12. amaltheagray

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    There's no problem with spillage Chupa? These look great and I'm thinking of ordering some, I just want to make sure they'll fit the bottles okay both in the box and when I travel on occasion <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i second this inquiry. i recently got my first set of 5mls and the reducers are driving me mad. i don't want one of those dropper caps either - i want a wand similar to the imp caps. are they leaky? hee. we're so needy.
  13. oh - dragon's milk. it's sweet, almost like strawberry soda, and a good introduction to the more resiny scents in that while it's clearly dragon's blood, it doesn't hit you over the head with it.
  14. oh, i totally second sarahmarie's suggestion of the unicorn. and what a lovely gift!
  15. amaltheagray

    Dia de los Muertos

    i expected this to be very heavy and strong. it's not. it's soft yet rich. it's like the wind blowing past a bakery. it's also very sad and melancholy. "the last time i saw richard" by joni mitchell is playing as i write this and it fits so so well. i mean, i want to wrap myself up in this and have a good cry. it's very sweet and warm. the rich foody smells come out first and foremost, along with some sweet flowers. a hint of tobacco. as it warms to my skin the incense becomes sharper and the food smells darker and heavier. it seems to get heavier as it's worn. it's beautiful.
  16. amaltheagray

    Black Cat

    oh, how i wanted to love this! in the vial it's all green static electricity- minty and herbal and lightly floral. the description brings up some things i'd love to work with in my life right now, particularly the bit about clearing minor crossings and small hexes. unfortunately, for as wonderful as this smells in the bottle, and as lovely as it is during the first five minutes of application, it immediately goes acrid and sour on me. it smells the same as other aquatics on my skin at this point, like water of notre dame and tears. i really wonder what it is about me and aquatics. sigh. i hope this oil works on somebody, because it truly is gorgeous.
  17. amaltheagray


    the smells like mulled wine. specifically, like the mulled wine a friend and i made at a party i threw on friday night. white zin and apple cider and applejack brandy and cinnamon and ginger and lemons and red zinger tea and allspice. it's madness, really. it also smells like wood and crisp air and wind. other people have given better reviews, but i just wanted to drop a little note. also - the first whiff i had of this almost made me cry.
  18. amaltheagray


    good LORD, woman. i'd like to personally thank you for giving me something to think about whenever i wear/sniff this scent. o_0 yes, this is masculine. um, yes. but i think i could pull off wearing it. the leather comes out after the vetiver has rolled around in the back of my throat like the nutty weird beast that it is. i also get some citrus, like a very light lemon. lovely!
  19. amaltheagray

    Blood Kiss

    the first thing to hit me with this is the musk and what must be vetiver. very feral and animalistic. almost too much so. i put some on and the musky verging on muck is immediatly dispersed by the sweet cherry and vanilla. the wine is also there, and the clove is just enough to make it spicy. this is *really* sexy. a lighter version of bloodlust, to some degree, though i don't think there's any dragon's blood here. yeah. sexy, juicy and amazing. would probably smell even more delicious on a man. a long haired man dressed in black velvet. ehem.
  20. you're welcome! hopefully i'll be able to manage it myself some day.
  21. amaltheagray

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    i have NO idea what you're talking about, but now i'm curious. if you have a moment, would you mind explaining? i'm interested in linguistics but lack a great deal of knowledge/skill when it comes to the subject.
  22. oo, clove and nutmeg sounds awesome. i sniffed hellfire from the imp i ordered for a friend and didn't like it much. but my nose was in overdrive and if she doesn't like it i might see if i can get it back.
  23. yay! thanks for the recommendations. (you guys are fast. or maybe just as bored at work as i am... ) clearly i have to try perversion. i sniffed an imp of wanda i ordered for a friend and didn't like it. too too sweet. march hare sounds awesome. i think i might order a bottle of the sweet clove to use for layering. i can think of a number of scents that might benefit (imo) from a clove boost. heh. i don't even remember what i ordered. i do that on purpose - place a big order and then throw out the list so i can be surprised when i receive it. i know i did a search on clove and ordered a bunch of those oils, so who knows, i might have my perfect scent arriving at my door sometime in the near (hopefully soon omg cannot wait for packages so impatient) future.
  24. amaltheagray

    Scent for Halloween?

    i'm hoping to get my LEs by then. if not ... probably bloodlust. mmm. bloodlust.
  25. amaltheagray


    blah. i wrote a review for this which was promptly eaten by the internet connection here at work. hope i don't end up double posting! anyway, zombi is bizarre. i like waving it under people's noses just to see their reactions. the rose is very very dry. the dirt and moss are clearly present and the laying is almost visible. the dirt isn't fecund or sensual in any way, it's dry and rich and cold. the moss and leaves make it insanely sharp, which is intense when combined with the sweetness of the rose. it's like a bouquet of roses left on a grave in the cold of december. ah, in my original post i wrote that the dirt is almost civilized, and it reminds me of how graveyards and buriel rituals "civilize" death. this scent also reminds me of anita blake, for obvious reasons. and because i can imagine her smelling of cemetary dirt and the roses jean-claude's always sending her. a little of this goes a long long way.