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WOSOTD was supposed to be Tombeur + Solstice Scents Snowmint Vanilla, but they wore off before I got my lazy ass around to working out. It was nice while it lasted, though. I did 15 minutes on the stair-stepper and 30 minutes combined on the Bowflex and Ab Coaster late in the afternoon. Yesterday's Tae Bo has me a little sore, so I didn't push it too hard. I have a rather arduous task ahead of me, and being able to move is imperative. Tomorrow's weather forecast is for mid-80's during the day, and then a dip below freezing overnight, so it will be my last opportunity to get outside and dig up my Cannas. We have snow in the forecast early next week. YUCK. Our Autumn is far too short, and the whiplash change in the weather has me feeling blahhh.
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Ahhhight my Witchie Luvs, I'm getting back on track. Buckle up for a looong post, as I am playing catch-up and a lot has happened recently. Apologies in advance, I would spoiler the gory deets if I knew how. First off, thank you to everyone who has been able to keep going, while the rest of us dealt with life, watched from the sidelines, and cheered you on! You all have kept me from sinking into slug mode ? @Seajewel I'm glad you're back! I have never been a distance runner, so two miles is impressive to me. I'm more built for speed, and about one mile is the point where I'm like...I'm good, thanks ? @VetchVesper whaddaya say we modify it from a 30-day Challenge to a For-the-Rest-of-Our-Lives challenge? Oh, and good work getting the husband involved. I still haven't managed to do that. @Madame Mew moving furniture totally counts! I used to do it for a living, and it is WORK. @Lucchesa, thank you for holding it down, sister. I look forward to your posts daily! Granddaughter is back at home this week, and yep, I am the cool Gammaw. She didn't want to go home, and made her daddy call me Sunday night to tell me that she missed me, and to thank me for her rainbows. I have a giant faceted crystal in an East-facing window, and the morning light shining through it is one of her favorite things ever. I made her a necklace with a Swarovski pendant, so she can have her own rainbows when she's not here. It's a pretty amazing feeling to know that a tiny human is thinking about you when you're not around ? One of my husband's work family (a team manager and Hubby's protégé) left the office at 2pm on Friday, and his wife came home at 5pm to find him collapsed and blue on the living room floor. They brought him back temporarily, but emergency efforts to keep him alive were unsuccessful. Autopsy shows a "Berry" aneurysm exploded in the base of his brain. He was younger than us, had kids and a new grandbaby, and everyone loved him dearly. Just an all-around nice guy. It really drives home the fact that we are temporary here, and we should live every day like it's our last. Hubby is not coping well, as we also lost another old friend/former coworker to suicide last month. It is...a lot. Yesterday was a no-go since our sewer line backed up Sunday evening, and I had to wait all day for the plumbers. A tentative "around lunchtime" appointment apparently means 5:45pm 'round these parts, and I didn't want to get sweaty until I could bathe, cuz...eeewww. Today I am wearing a mélange of scents, including a Chaos Snake (crisp white fruit...pear?) that went sharp and sour on me, so I slapped Boomslang over it (not enough "oomph") and then NAVA Vanilla Copal over that. I smell confused. I guess that fits, since I did a 20 minute Adriene yoga video, then an hour of Tae Bo. Totally different worlds, LOL The weather is no longer cooperating with my long walks, so the boring-ass treadmill is looming in my future ? Again...thank you all for keeping me motivated!
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G'morning Workout Witchies! @Supertrooper Omni woooot! Nine miles is freakin' amazing!!! And yes, getting away from the human animals is so cathartic ❤ @Kelthara don't let life burn yourself out, sister. Sometimes we have to take mental health breaks. @VetchVesper I hope you're doing well! And to everyone...you're awesome and beautiful and keeping me motivated ? Yesterday I tested Perfectly Normal Childhood. Yummy fluffy marshmallow cakey goodness. I honestly think that wearing cake keeps me from eating it, LOL! My granddaughter loved it, which is appropriate since I am trying to bring some normalcy and structure into her life. She begged all morning to exercise with me, so we tried some Adriene yoga. That lasted all of three minutes before she got bored, so we headed upstairs to my workout room. I did about 45 minutes of Rhythm Boxing on the Wii, a few sets of crunches on the Ab Coaster, and some leg work on the Bowflex. Neko threw punches alongside me, got on the stair-stepper for a few minutes, and "lifted" (bicep curls at 5 lbs resistance), so I hope I'm instilling good habits and a love for fitness within her. Surprisingly enough, I have lost 2 lbs since my last Wii session. I'll take it, considering the fact that my activity level declined sharply for most of the week. I forsee a ton of gardening in my immediate future. Once again, our temps have dropped precipitously. It is 42° this morning, and I have around 50 Cannas plants to cut down and dig up for winter storage ? Sad face, because I hate even having to prune my houseplants. I just don't like cutting them. Though I know it's necessary, it still feels like I'm hurting them.
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Yay, welcome Niffler! I love your avatar. Giraffes are among my top-five favorite creatures! @VetchVesper glad you're back, too! I wore a variety of NA decants today, namely a combo of Cinder Vanilla and Moonstone Nag Champa Seahorses (with a dab of Purple Potion that I couldn't really smell over the incense). Holy cow. I neeeeed the Seahorses. SERENITY NOW! I did a few sets each of chest presses, bicep curls, and deltoid flies, and about 10 minutes on the stair-stepper early this afternoon. Then I went out and kick-boxed my heavy bag for 30 minutes while granddaughter drew chalk art in the driveway. We then took Chico for his mile walk. Afterwards, we "played" ping pong, which really means I'm teaching her hand-eye coordination and chasing after her wild shots ? Better than vegging on the couch, I suppose. My hubby's Xbox died on Saturday, with my new yoga dvd stuck inside ? I already feel pudgy after missing five days of movement. Gonna have to get creative with a three year-old in tow!
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Pssst... I miss y'all ?
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Just popping in to say "Hi" to my Witchies and give an update, since I'll probably be scarce for a bit. I have my three (almost four) year-old granddaughter Koneko for probably the next week. I picked her up Friday afternoon due to a crisis with her dad and his girlfriend. Grown Kid Drama. I am over this BS, for real. Anyway, I'll have to find ways to incorporate Koneko...I call her Neko...into workout time, though she does help keep me from getting too potato-ish by virtue of the fact that she's three, haha... @VetchVesper love and light and positive vibes your way. I know we are all thinking about you and yours I'll talk to y'all lovies again as soon as I can ?
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MINE TOO! I am dying right now
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@Lucchesa yay, glad you're back! Careful with that Death Adder. It makes people react some kinda way @Madame Mew I have been boxing a lot, so creepy doc would be asking for a black eye LOL! BTW...Hubby says he likes my new BPAL friends way more than he likes my IRL friends. WOSOTD was a combo of Shub-N. and Chimera, over Snake Oil Bath Oil. Oh, and Pumpkin Spice Dragon's Milk HG. I went all out spicy, y'all. Ohhh, so good! Walked for a combined total of 6.5 miles today, one with Chico, and another 5.5 after. The weather is gorgeous, so I just kept going. I am sore as a mofo now, and really looking forward to some gentle yoga this evening!
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Thank you, my wonderful workout buddies! He is much better today, and I really feel dumb for overreacting and forcing him to the ER, but better safe than sorry ?♀️ I think part of it is that he didn't fully grow out of his childhood asthma, as a common cold hits him much harder than it does most people. I do try to encourage him to take walks with me, but he prefers a casual strolling pace, and says I go too fast for him ? Today's WOSOTD was Pumpkin Spice Snake Oil. Mmmm, such a yummy Autumn scent, even though it's back up to 95 degrees today. Indian Summer, for sure. I was finally able to take Chico for his mile around the neighborhood, and then get in another 4.5 miles on my own after that. It is HOT outside, and PSSO had some mega throw! I really enjoyed being able to distinctly smell my perfume today, so I may stick with the strong spicy scents for a while to let my nose reset.
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WOSOTD yesterday was 2007 Death Adder. I got the doggo mile in late yesterday afternoon, but it was mostly a rest day for me, as I took hubby to the ER. I could not watch him struggle to take a full breath any longer, and it was freaking me out. I thought he had pneumonia again, and it was frightening, considering the circumstances. He has a bad case of laryngitis, but all other tests came back normal...lungs clear, no para-influenza, and no covid antibodies. The eventual "diagnosis" was anxiety and hyperventilation. Umm, NO. We both have anxiety and know what an anxiety attack feels like, and he WAS NOT hyperventilating. I detest doctors around here. I kid you not, the ER doc was more focused on my perfume than anything else. Apparently I am becoming nose-blind, because he could smell my Death Adder through his mask, and made it a point to compliment me every time he came into the exam room. Every. Single. Time. It eventually became uncomfortable and awkward. After the fifth mention of how good I smelled, Hubby was justifiably annoyed, and in his extremely raspy voice, he told the doc to stop flirting with me, or he was going to knock him tf out. When we got home, hubby asked "Are you wearing your Snake Oil today? Is that made the doctor lose his damn mind?" ? What a day.
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HAHA! Taika and Jeff are ????? For the longest time I thought that I was a weirdo for having a massive crush on Jeff Goldblum ? I would love to visit and pay homage at your Jeff Goldblum shrine @Kelthara Today's WOSOTD was The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe. To me it feels dirty, but clean at the same time. I don't know how to describe it. That lemony black musk, I guess. Chocolate Pledge, lol So I introduced myself to Adriene today with her Full Body Flow (I think that's what the video was called?) and then Rodney Yee Abs. Still too windy outside for walks, so I begrudgingly did 2.5 miles on the treadmill. I just realized...my back feels better than it has for as long as I can remember. I didn't even know it hurt, until it didn't hurt anymore. Lol yes, my Bowflex is actually based on the mechanics of an archery bow. It uses flexible poly resistance rods instead of weight plates.
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Ahhh, a little time to myself so I can catch up and check in. Question....does anyone else's husband/partner get all needy and attention-starved when you begin to devote more time to yourself, and especially to your body? Mine is very much like that. It is fucking irritating. He's going back to the office tomorrow, so I'll be able check in daily with no wahh-wahh shit to deal with. I've been mostly stuck inside the past few days. The high winds have been a bit much, combined with the lower temperatures. It makes my ears/sinuses hurt to walk when it's windy and chilly outdoors, so it has been Ping Pong, Wii boxing and Bowflex since Friday. Friday's WOSOTD was Mme. Moriarty 2007. I was preparing a package of goodies for a sale, and I was decanting a sample of Mme. into an oversized vial. The caps for these particular vials are extremely hard to put on at first. As I was trying to cap it, it flipped out of my hand and Mme. splashed all over my tank top. I could literally TASTE Mme for the rest of the day. Husband and I played Pong for several hours that evening. I smelled ahhhmazing. Yesterday's WOSOTD was Monsterbait: Underbed. Workout was Wii boxing and Hula Hoop for an hour. Doesn't seem like I'm doing a whole lot in the moment, but boy-howdy...I can definitely feel that my back and oblique muscles have been working afterwards. I did 30 minutes of various balance and stretching exercises after boxing, then about 15 minutes of lifting on the Bowflex and 2 x 25 crunches on the Ab Coaster. After all that, I realized it had warmed up considerably outside. I wanted to get a walk in, but I had paid too much attention to myself already, and Husband was bored and lonely *insert eyeroll emoji here* Looks like I may be able to get a good long walk today. NO WIND! @VetchVesper, yep I am a Marvel geek, but I do love DC as well. I would totally marry Batman. Christopher Reeve/Superman was my very first celebrity crush as a child. And can we talk about how hawwwt Gal Gadot is as Wonder Woman? Ugh, just too cute. It has been suggested by many people over the years that I cosplay Gamora, but according to a Sam & Nic Chapman tutorial I watched...that green makeup is a real bitch to perfect. I may try it somday, just to see if I can pull it off. My cousin is pushing me to do Storm, now that I've let my silver hair grow out. The last time I did any sort of costume was Jessica Rabbit for Halloween, back in 2014 I think? Hubby will be distracted by football today, so I'll pop in briefly and let y'all know how things go later on!
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M'kay, I'm back. My WOSOTD is a combo of Tombeur and Snake Charmer Res. To me, Snake Charmer just needs more depth and fullness. It's too...thin and reedy?...on it's own. Tombeur is just a hair too masculine for me in it's early stages, but the late drydown is gorgeous. The remedy is to layer them together. The combination of the two marry in perfect harmony, and is just sublime. That being said, I would love to get my grubby paws on some original SC. I bet it's glorious by now! Today I was pretty sore, so I took it easy and dusted off my Wii. Yes, they still exist. I did over two hours of Wii Fit Plus...45 minutes each of Rhythmic Boxing and Hula Hoop, a few rounds each of several other activities, and then another 20 minutes of really basic Yoga poses. I realized that my lower back is pretty jacked up. I knew my neck and left shoulder were in bad shape, but the lower back was a surprise. So...I really need to check out this Adriene of whom you all speak. Afterward, I did another 20 minutes of Wii Sports Resort, mostly fencing and bowling, just for fun. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a bit warmer and less windy so I can shoot for another 6+miles. Chico is getting annoyed about missing his walks. And BTW @VetchVesper...I'm much more Gamora than Wonder Woman or Batwoman. I cannot count the number of people who have said that I look like her. My oldest granddaughter was so convinced that I was Gamora that she stood next to the cardboard character cutout at the theater and yelled "This is my Grammaw!" to everyone who passed by. The first time we watched GOTG 2 together, she stared intently at me until I finally told her, "Baby, that is NOT ME" ?
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YAAAAY! @Seajewel @Kelthara @Supertrooper Omni glad to see all of you joining in! And damn, Kelthara...that is an amazing run of consecutive Yoga days! Yesterday was kind of "Meh". The last day of the month for Hubby's job is always intense (he is the Site Director for the local office of a collection agency, and end of month is always a push to hit collection goals). I acted as his "assistant" for most of the workday. Long story, but I used to work in Legal and Compliance there, and my position was "eliminated" in a mass (permanent) lay-off, along with 11 other people in my department, in early 2018. The person who inherited my job duties is always on vacation (her husband is a commercial pilot, so free flights to anywhere), and she always shoves her work off on my Hubs while she's gone. Since that used to be my job....well, you get the picture. Anyway, I felt like some original Temple Viper yesterday morning. Holy smokes, that stuff is gorgeous and lasts ALL DAY on me! After the workday was over, we went out to the ManCave and played PIng Ping (no euphemism, lol!) for around 3 hours off-and-on. The calorie burn was probably offset by a few Michelob Ultras, though. Temple Viper is very calming and meditative for me, which I needed to overcome my frustrations, as I am not an accomplished Pong player. I hate it when he beats me, and that happens a lot. He has been playing since he was young, and introduced me to the game just a few years ago, so the skill levels are a bit lopsided. I need help to keep my Zen about myself since I am competitive AF and hate losing. Temple Viper definitely helps keep me from "taking my ball and going home!" LOL Seems like the weather won't cooperate with my walking routine today, as we have high winds and the temperature has dropped again. I'll check back in later!
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Today's scent is Startled Toad. Appropriate, since I was startled during my walk by a random dude chilling under one of the bridges along the bike trail. I didn't see him until he loudly exclaimed "HI!" and it damn-near scared the pee out of me. He looked like Klaus from Umbrella Academy (Mmmm, dreamy). Luckily, he did not throw his dick at me. Ba-dum-chee ? You gotta google the label art if you're unfamiliar, then you'll get that joke. As far as the scent itself, it blended pretty seamlessly with the various nature smells outdoors. I could not detect it during my walk, but I can faintly smell it now. My skin is sucking up everything I apply lately though, so that could be a factor as well. Thighs were sore this morning, so I hung upside down on the inversion table for 5-ish minutes, which helps stretch things out a bit. Did the doggo mile routine. Dropped him off at home, then headed out to the bike path. I set out in the opposite direction along the path today, and walked the one-mile trail through the park at the head of the path. After that I turned arounded and completed my normal four mile route, then home. My solo walk was 5.5 miles, so 6.5 total for the day. Ooh! I can smell Startled Toad more strongly now! Slightly sweet, slightly musky, slightly resiny...I really like it. And guys...my thighs are already looking a little smaller and less jiggly. I need to try on my jeans and gauge my progress.
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Yay, welcome @a_bear! The more, the merrier! This morning, I could still smell the NAVA Vamp Patchouli Bat that I wore yesterday, so I layered Question Mark over it. I tend to turn any vaguely unisex fragrance into "brawny manly-man", so I did brawny manly-man things today: 20 minutes of weightlifting, 4 x 25 squats, 4 x 25 reps on my Ab Coaster, and 30 minutes punching the heavy bag. Afterward, I push-mowed our yard, then mowed the neighbors' smallish front yards on either side of our house. Both are single women...one is a nurse, and the other is a high school teacher. Even though I'm a chick, I felt very gentlemanly doing that while wearing my "brawny manly-man" scent ? But really, I just wanted to do something nice for my frontline neighbors. All of you Yoga enthusiasts make me wish I was stretchy and bendy! I am def going to check into some of the program recommendations mentioned. Working on my flexibility is probably a necessity at my age. @Madame Mew Aged SO is my favorite yum-yum!
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@Madame Mew yes, it's me! I guessed your forum ID quite a while ago, before we were FB friends. I think you posted somewhere about RR, and I was like...that's her! @VetchVesper I cleaned out my closets a while back, and it ain't no joke! I was sore after sorting and lugging around several 30 gallon bags full of old clothes to drop off at the homeless shelter. It definitely counts toward daily physical activity! Don't feel shamed, you've got us to cheer you on ? @Lucchesa glad the covid test was negative, and wooty-woo on your five miles! And OMG re: your dog being abducted ??? Okay, long story since I didn't check in yesterday... My Hubs is on a 14 day quarantine and working from home. His Coworker's live-in mother tested covid positive on 9/18, and Coworker informed Hubs (his boss) but CONTINUED TO GO INTO THE OFFICE on Saturday and Monday, after he knew his mom was positive! GRRRR, big dummy! Company sent them both home on Monday 9/21. Hubs woke up with a respiratory illness Tuesday morning, immediately went to the Rapid Response clinic for a test, and came back covid negative. Coworker finally went in and tested positive on Thursday, 9/24. Hence, my Hubs was exposed, so they treat it as a positive, despite his negative test result. I want to throat-punch Coworker. Just...sheer stupidity. I took yesterday off as it was cold and rainy. Caught up on laundry, grocery shopping, and general house cleaning. I am not ready to utilize my treadmill yet. It is so boring, and I wait until it is really too cold to get outside before I use it. Today looks more promising, but temps are almost 40 degrees colder than Saturday... from a high of 92° down to 56° right now. There's a saying around here: If you don't like the weather in KS, wait five minutes and it will change If it doesn't warm up enough today, I'll either go upstairs and hit the Bowflex, maybe do a belly dancing video, or go out to the garage and do some kickboxing with my heavy bag. Cannot workout downstairs with the Hubs planted on the couch all day in Zoom meetings. I'll check back in later!
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Workout SOTD: Lady Death Savage. Power suits, Louboutins, cutting glances, and epic RBF. She makes me want to flick my switchblade out at people who get too close to my bubble. Bad bitch vibes, for sure. Did the doggo mile with Chico (my old Pibbull), then another 4.2 miles. Had 20 mph headwinds during the first leg of my journey. I planned it that way so that I'd have tailwinds assisting my return trip... downhill with the headwind, uphill with the tailwind. Thought I might die, but did not. The 4.2 miles took 51 minutes to complete. Left hip is a little achy, but that's normal for me during the first few days of consistent physical activity. 20 years of DH'ing in softball with a mean hip swing put some wear n' tear on the joint. Going to soak in a hot bath now. Ordered Rodney Yee Abs Yoga on DVD today. Used to have it on VHS (omg I am freaking old!) and loved it. Also got a new armband for my phone so I can use the Map My Walk app and distract myself with tunes while walking.
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Hahaha! No, it really is Table Tennis ???? @Lucchesa I know it sucks donkey balls to be stuck inside, but I'm also thankful you're getting some much needed rain in your area. Should help with the air quality, and getting/keeping the fires under control, of course. We had smoke haze all the way over here in KS last week, so I cannot imagine how bad it has been living near the source. Hugs to you
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VETCH! What a great idea, I'd love to join you! It keeps me motivated and accountable when I am "reporting" my activity and results in a group setting. My goals are numerous, but toning and tightening are the main focus. 1) I'd love to lose 10 lbs by November, but losing a few inches is more important to me than the number on the scale 2) Complete two back-to-back Tae-Bo workouts per day, 3x weekly 3) Walk a minimum of 15 miles per week, and get my average mile time back down to 13 minutes (4.6 mph) 4) One hour of weights, squats, and crunches 3 days per week This morning I was in the mood for some slinky Snek Oil. I love how beautifully it wafts from heated skin, and it conjures images of long, lean limbs in body-conscious black leather. It is so sexy. Definitely a pre-workout favorite for me. I took my dog for a short one-mile walk, brought him back home (he's old and doesn't have much stamina anymore), and then set out for the bike trail, walking another four miles by myself. Oh! I forgot to relay how I'm feeling...tanned and fabulous and a little less jiggly, with plenty of energy to spare. I may try to talk the husband into going out to the garage/ManCave and playing a few hours of ping pong with me this evening, after it cools down a bit. I am so down with this! Thank you! PS: my formatting got jacked up after I saved. Yuck!
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Tahitian Vanilla, Mysore Sandalwood & Bergamot
Amazonia replied to zankoku_zen's topic in Duets & Menage A Trois
I tried this ménage for the first time a few weeks ago, and it was a perfect soft vanilla skin scent. I love vanilla and sandalwood, so I thought this would be in my regular rotation. I noticed some subtle differences during my second wear. Tonight is my third try, and it has definitely changed. As previously noted, this is a sweet vanilla floral. I expected the bergamot to give a sharper citrus edge. Instead, the Tahitian Vanilla and bergamot have amalgamated and become honeysuckle. I have Japanese Honeysuckle growing in my back yard, and that is exactly what this blend smells like. It is sickly sweet now. The sandalwood is nearly nonexistent. I wish it were stronger and woodier to help ground the overly sweet floral. I amp florals to dizzying heights, so I am projecting this all over the place. I mostly avoid them, because they tend to veer off into cloying territory on me. That is the case here, unfortunately. It finally calmed down after around three hours. I nodded off on the couch and slept through most of the honeysuckle bombardment, otherwise I would have washed it off. I hope aging deepens this blend and brings the sweet floral down to Earth. I'll give it a try in my locket, but if the "honeysuckle" keeps acting a fool, I'll have to move it to the destash box. -
I am LOVING Please Scream Inside Your Snake Oil, after my initial "Whaaaat is this?!" reaction straight from the mailbox. PSIYSO was literally dried celery seed smothering sharp, fresh Snake Oil that first day. Oh, so weird! I was...alarmed. I put both Screams away in my chilling cabinet and occupied myself with other less-weird perfumes. 10 days later, I gave it another sniff. Still a bit of the vegetal blast initially, as others have noted, but now I could smell other interesting things happening underneath...namely, carb-laden confections and a more developed SO. I decided to give it a chance and skin test. For me, the vegetal notes quickly shrink back after application. That is followed by the scent of a funnel cake, fresh out of the fryer and generously coated in a dusting of powdered sugar. I swear that I can actually smell the hot oil as it soaks up the powdery sugar, making it all gooey and sticky. The fryer oil scent dies away little by little. I also get the sense of dryness mentioned in a previous review. Whereas PSIYH smells more like syrupy cinnamon French Toast to me, PSIYSO is true funnel cake. Within 20 minutes, it is such an accurate interpretation of funnel cakes that I am contemplating a trip to the kitchen to whip up a batch of them, and then stuffing my face until my blood sugar is completely jacked and I pass out. A good way into drydown, the Snake Oil starts to peek out more. It's balanced with the sweet fried dough for a while, and then starts to dominate at around the one hour mark. I am eventually left with a lingering sugary Snake Oil, and I am here for it. I can't wait to find out what a few months does for PSIYSO. I'll happily snap up more bottles for aging.
Don't be quick to judge Please Scream. I sniff everything straight out of the mailbox, because of course I do. Lemme tellya, that first day when I sniffed PSIYH (and the SO sister scent), I was ascairt. I got a very strong and distinct celery seed note emanating from both. I even wandered into the kitchen to sniff around in my spice cabinet, and confirmed that I was, indeed, smelling celery seed. Yikes. I dutifully put them away in my chilling cellar to let them rest, until this morning, when my curiosity got the better of me. Now lemme tellya what else. PSIYH is a testament to the magick of letting your oils settle and age. Six days has completely transformed celery seed into an enormous platter of plump, milky French Toast, fried to a light golden brown, topped with a perfect dusting of cinnamon, and dripping with syrup. And listen to this... French Toast is one of my favorite fucking foods, ever. I want French Toast now. Real real bad.
Okay, I am bad at this, but here goes... I received my bottle Saturday, so let's keep in mind that it's very fresh and unsettled. I'll try to update in a few weeks. I think the smoked vanilla, orange blossom and honey are most prominent right now, and to my nose/skin chem they translate as tobacco. I was actually surprised to revisit the notes and find that tobacco is not a listed component. Not picking up coconut or amber. Tuberose is quiet. I think I recognize the orange blossom from Vixen. Something in On Imagination reminded me strongly enough of Vixen that I hunted-up my imp for comparison purposes. If Vixen is peachy-orange, then On Imagination is a light caramel brown. On Imagination is a sepia photograph of Billie Holiday crooning 'God Bless the Child' in a dimly-lit intimate jazz club at the end of the night, with only her bass player in accompaniment. The only audience members left in attendance are the bartender and a well-dressed gentleman sitting in the corner, absent-mindedly swirling the remnants of his last rocks glass of bourbon, his orange-flavored cigarillo wafting a thin ribbon of smoke into the room. Low throw. Longevity TBD.
This screams "MAN" on me. Super brawny manly-man. Like....damn girl, you smell like a big beefy man who has been stewing in his natural juices all day! In short, too masculine for me. MAN.
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- Black Friday 2019
- Frimp
(and 1 more)
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