I thought I came back to BPAL from a ten year hiatus simply to sell off bottles from old stash that I simply haven't worn enough of over the years. (Un)fortunately, that was easier said than done and I ended up re-ordering a few old standbys that I long ago ran out of. Lyonesse was an early, outlier favorite from like... 2011ish... and upon receiving a fresh bottle, I've fallen all over again.
Lyonesse is at her core the watery, saltiness of the sea, but enriched by a creamy, warm glow. Like a mythical hazy fog or warm sunset covering the ocean. She's unique without being jarring or offensive, light without losing her distinctiveness. She evokes a sweet nostalgia.
I've never really had a signature scent, never committed to any one blend as "mine." But I have no doubt anymore-- Lyonesse is my true love scent and I'll never be without her again. I know what I'll be wearing at my wedding.