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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Ythik

  1. For me this was black musk, black musk, and more black musk.  I never really got any of the other notes. Just a black musk that was relentlessly, aggressively present. It wouldn't leave me alone.  Which I guess fits the concept a bit.  While I like the black musk smell in general, I want something more in a blend than this was giving me, to balance it out a bit.

  2. Wet this smelled most strongly of cinnamon and carnation to me, but the sweetness of the vanilla and a little creaminess, I guess from the ylang ylang, were there too.  The carnation and ylang ylang give it something of a floral feel, without a strong floral smell.  As it begins to dry, the clove takes a strong place for me, and about a half hour in there was a period where it was really nothing but clove.  Thankfully that only lasted about ten minutes and it's settled back into a heavily spiced vanilla with is really quite pleasant.

  3. For me the initial smell here is strongly fruit. It leans towards strawberry a bit, but definitely has that generic fruit cereal smell behind it, where it smells like "fruit" but not any one specific fruit you could name.  I haven't had great experiences in the past with milk/cream notes (and probably wouldn't have tested this if Ajevie hadn't put it in a pack with the Scalias which I did want to test) but I'm not getting too much of either of them here.  If they're there at all, they're in the background just making the fruit a little creamier in texture.


    A couple hours in this remains just relentlessly, aggressively a sweetened fruit smell on me.  I definitely prefer my fruits with something earthier to ground them a bit, so this isn't particularly to my taste, but if you're after a very sweet, sugared fruit with a bit of a soft creamy underlayer, this might be worth checking out.
