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Posts posted by groovyrooby

  1. I never would have chosen this for myself. Silk? Leather? Wine? So many things that I never would've expected to work for me. But I was frimped a sniffie and lo & behold this is wonderful stuff! Goes on sweet & fruity in a resin-y way, almost bubble gum, like Thieves Rosin. It's rich and sweet tart. It seems the dark fruits + frankincense + labdanum combo is a winner for me, because this reminds me of a lighter, more floral version of The Wish, which I also adore. I went ahead and ordered myself a bottle and thanked the frimper for the surprise. I LOVE being surprised! And this defied my expectations. It dries to a powdered sugar-y dark fruit incense. And none of my usual troublemakers are causing me any trouble here. At best, they blend with the versions that I love - leather with the frankincense make it aromatic, wine with the dried cherries give it that rich fruitiness, and silk with the rose petals makes it a sensuous floral. Gorgeous.

  2. Here to rave about Sturgeon Moon!
    I'm trying to blind-bottle less, but I went for it with this one, knowing it was not bloody likely to work for me. Aquatic is NOT usually my thing - too often strikes me as "fresh" like a bar of Irish Spring soap. But because of superstitious mojo reasons, I did it anyway on a hope it would surprise me and it is a LOVE!!
    It's starts with a sweet watery vibe, similar to Sirene Medievale or even The Last Unicorn. Instant love. It dries down to a soft vegetal floral that reminds me of Sunyashniki. Probably the hay & the poppy & driftwood combo? I tried it straight out of the bottle when it arrived yesterday & slathered on more this morning.
    It's a perfect end-of-summer scent. Do not fear the aquatic. 🩵💚🤎

  3. I love & collect black licorice blends. Same with grapefruit, my favorite citrus note! however... black licorice + grapefruit = celery?? Eventually faded to a chewy licorice candy, like I can almost see the yellow/green tooth marks in a bite of that good Australian licorice. Aniseed & molasses. I will have to give it a few more tries before coming to a final verdict on this one. 

  4. Just adore this. I love citrus scents in the morning, and this is a great addition to my current selection. It is uniquely floral citrus - the violet is sweet and not at all soapy - and it lasts longer than most of my favorite citrus blends - including the grapefruit note! Wonderful and a must-have for me. Upgrading from a decant to a full size.

  5. I just adore this. I was so sad there were no Liliths this year, as they are easily my favorite collection. But this will tide me over! Herbal lavender and sweet floral incense - nothing smoky, just really cozy and soft. It's got great, gentle, lasting waft of warm and snuggly lavender. I can't decide when I most enjoy wearing this - in the afternoon with a fuzzy sweater or at night to send me off to sleep. The name is really apt: close, like second skin, effortless and gracefully haunting. Wonderful & the most reached-for bottle I have right now.   

  6. Put this on after swimming laps at the YMCA. Husband walked in the room when I got home and said - Ooh! Smells like candy in here! Life Savers! Red Life Savers!!


    I have been searching for a way to overpower the chlorine aroma from the pool. Slathered this on immediately post-shower in place of lotion, and the clothes I wore afterwards still smell like delicious red candies. We have a winner!!  

  7. I am just loving BPAL's honeyed red fruits scents! And this one with rose!!

    The Triumph in My Song scents have been overwhelmingly winners for me, and this is no exception. On me, this is very rose, the kind I like, velvety and sweet right on the bush, not dried. The honey makes it extra resinous and rich, and the fruits give it yet another layer of sweet-tart sweetness. It ends on the red sandalwood, a nice lingering sweet incensey note. Really beautiful. Blind bottled like a freaking boss and patting myself on the back for it!

  8. Coconut! Not at all tropical. Cozy and snuggly. This actually reminds me of an old imp of Brown Jenkin that I've been hanging onto forever. I got myself a fresh big bottle of Brown Jenkin, because I love that imp so much, and I've been patiently waiting for it to age to the same point as that imp... It's taking forever, and I'm still enjoying the sweeter, more potent coconut for now, but this THIS is like fast forwarding to the aged version! Just what I wanted!


    First bottle sniff was a bit rough - green banana acetone, to my nose. Super aromatic. But it ended dry, scratchy and a hint sweet, almost makes me think this has cocoa, but I think it's just the combination with coconut. I don't think I get any red currant so far, but this was a fairly fresh-from-the-mail test, and it's really nice as-is. Glad I went for this.

  9. Oh boy oh boy this scent is a dream come true. It's like they took all the best parts of some of my favorites and rolled them into one magnificent blend! The rich, resinous fruits of Like the Very Gods or The Wish, plus the candy-sweet red musk of Heartshow, with an extra kick of spice from The Sky Quivered Red Like Flames of Fire HG. Up close, it's dry and toasty, red hot desert spice musk. But the waft is all honeyed fruit. Candied fruits, red musk, and pink spice. Gorgeous. Delicious. Tested it first thing in the morning, just a couple dabs on a wrist, and I could smell it all day while doing yardwork, under my gardening glove, above the sage bushes and the dirt. Exceptional. So glad I blind bottled this. It is love. 


  10. This reminds me a lot of one of my favorite Labors of the Months: And I Wede My Corne Well I-Know. The cardamom is gorgeous and the balsam gives it a spicy even-greener kick. The honey sweetens it to an almost maple-like effect. Husband describes it as a honey-musk. And the patchouli gives it that cozy, scratchy wool feel. It's earthy-sweet, green not dirt, spicy warm, dry, rich and delicious. Love this. definitely a keeper!

  11. Note to self: blue & white musks are not my jam. I prefer red & black, spicy musks. If I had been able to see past the jasmine & benzoin blinders, I would have realized this is pretty much the opposite of where I usually go. Sometimes that's good! But here, it means I came to this for exactly the wrong reasons. This is very blue and floral, fresh, cool, and aromatic.


    It is exactly as described - emphasis on the blue, crystalline, nighttime. If those are your vibes, you are going to love this!

  12. Really those first few notes sum this one up for me - French lilac perfume. Very aromatic, this one floats high above the skin, very floral. More blue than rose. I didn't get much of the warmth here - no spices. Ambergris, maybe. But tinkling bells, I can totally see. A light but distinct announcement when entering a room. Delicate but forthright. This is very close to my kind of lilac, but I like it a little more damp & fresh, more greenery and less precious.

  13. So weird, this one! Right out of the decant, it's got a sourness that reminds me of A Sorceress - I'm thinking it's something to do with the fabric here and silk there? I got a similar (softer) sourness to start here. Kind of like feet? Mixed with the mint. Warmed up to a lovely sweet waft, assuming it's the mallow flower & bourbon vanilla. But up close, I couldn't seem to shake that minty sour smell. Almost worth it for the sweetness! Stuck around a good couple hours. 

  14. I had pretty much 0 expectation that this would be for me, as I don't really enjoy Whip or leather notes and haven't had much success with champagne. The plum and blackcurrant were my only hopes here, but I had the opportunity to swap for it, and that's what swaps are for! Risky trials! 


    Much to my surprise, I REALLY enjoy this! Straightaway, it reminds me of Berlin Girls. Must be the leather/blackcurrant combo. Husband loves Berlin Girls on me, probably even more than I do, and there is a time and a place for that. :) It's got a nice cologne edge to it, slightly fruity, medium throw, just enough to remind me that I'm am in charge. 


    This one I'm wearing for me today, to work, for some extra boss power. It's a little bold, inspiring, and empowering. And this is exactly why I love swaps! 

  15. Just delightful. Fruity scents are tough for me. Cherry & strawberry especially, as they can easily go too far waxy chapstick or fruity incense or potpourri for me, when I want fruity candy. This here is a win for me!! Bright, tart, cherry flavor! The salty note was promising for me, and yep - this is a beautiful combo. Cherry saltwater taffy. Lasts a decent while for me and gradually fades to something a with a little more clean & floral vibe. Put it on at night and wake up smiling. So fun. Gonna be great in the summer!

  16. Golly I am really enjoying this! I haven't encountered much pineapple in BPAL, though I feel like I've gotten pina colada vibes before. This isn't that!


    The pineapple candy is spot-on! Juicy sweet, just like a good gummy bear. Specifically candy, not fruit or juice. FUN!


    I'm about 2 hours in and still getting light pineapple waft from the one testing wrist, just enough to keep going OH YEAH PINEAPPLE to myself, which keeps making me smile. Below that, it's dried down to softly earthy sweet note - not a scratchy as Hanging Johnny, and nothing like the weeeeeed in Ask the Nearest Hippie. Really pleasant and clearly ready for a good time!

  17. This reminds me of Urban Undine, which I love, and I think that's why I grabbed this. But UU is already pretty far on the fringe for me in terms of cold, wet, lavender. This has an added element of lemony fresh to my nose, and I generally don't enjoy lemony fresh. I didn't get any coconut milk, which might have brought this around for me. But this will probably be a big win for folks who like Urban Undine, brisk lemon, or clean laundry smells.


  18. I think the resin - lavender - driftwood combined to make this extra 'fresh' to my nose. Woody, herbal, and almost minty with the lavender. It's not pine fresh, not aquatic fresh, but fresh in a really cold sense. Brown and cold. It's a big clash with my tastes. I needed something to sweeten or warm it up - wax (but like beeswax) or tonka or honey. As is - not my jam.


  19. I'm still finding my way around strawberry. Realizing the carnation + strawberry combo is the unique version here, just like a stick of incense, as others have mentioned. The strawberry stuck around longer than fruity versions do, which was nice, eventually shifting to a strawberry cola - more woody, less floral. It's pretty far out of my usual wardrobe, and I'm surprised how much I liked it!


  20. Wonderfully executed. This has a fruity coconut perfumey sunscreen vibe. Reminds me of napping in the sun, doused in Australian Gold, described as "citrus oasis," not necessarily on vacation, but definitely in a checked-out state of mind. Everyday tropical scene. Well done!

  21. The Lab has had some just really lovely orange scents this year. This is another one! It's so smiley and sunny! Floral and citrus is a sweet spot for me, and this is just delightful. It could last longer, but I often enjoy light citrusy scents first thing in the morning, and I don't necessarily need them to last all day, I just want to start the day on a cheery note. This fits the bill perfectly. Such a joy.


  22. I'm not much of an apple fan, but I love some Snake Oil and have to try all the things. Like some other SOs, this one starts savory and salty. With the apple, it's like a peanut butter apple snack - juicy, red, and peanutty. Fascinating! I'm hanging on to this for awhile to see where it takes us!
