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Everything posted by fairybites

  1. fairybites

    Pure Applesauce

    The apples in this are faint on me, I'm mostly getting the tea with a touch of apple and tobacco. It definitely resembles applesauce though, but within a couple of hours it goes powdery and almost completely fades away. A bummer, this was nice while it lasted.
  2. fairybites

    Pumpkin V (2008)

    Sweet pumpkin and a touch of a cranberry , strawberry, fig, and some florals. I wasn't sure how well I'd like these foods and florals together, but luckily on me the food notes are way stronger than the florals. The cranberry and strawberry smell like jam to me, so this scent reminds me of Thanksgiving. The frankincense is in the background and without looking at the notes I thought it was pumpkin spice. This is a very fall scent, I love it!
  3. fairybites

    Single Note: Clown White

    Vanilla cake and frosting, super sugary and sweet. I don't really get any almond that other reviewers are mentioning, but there's definitely something else here besides those two notes I just can't place my finger on what it is. I am, however, getting some of that play-doh like note but it's not too overpowering. It's creamy and slightly buttery on me, really nice!
  4. fairybites

    Baby’s First Con Panel

    Wow, I didn't get any of the pretzel note sadly. On me, it's mostly chocolate chip cookies with the tiniest bit of salt. The salt note has faded a lot within an hour though. Wanted to love this since I didn't get pretzel in Thrills and Junk Food, but I guess I'm just amping the rest of the notes. Low throw as well. Bummer!
  5. fairybites

    Valuable, Powerful, Deserving

    Finally found an oudh that I like and doesn't get poopy! This is a gorgeous and sweet amber and oudh, I can't pick out any orange blossom though. It could have faded with age. Even though I am over the moon with the oudh in this, I don't think I'll be upgrading. I am disappointed in the lack of the orange blossom, but with just the oudh and amber this is still a nice and comfy scent!
  6. fairybites


    Interesting. I'm not getting any of the apple cider, just the cakes and a little bit of the wisteria. I can smell more of the red velvet than the vanilla. It goes a little playdoh like on me for the first few minutes until it dries, reminds me of Snow White during that phase actually. Very nice, I was hoping to get some more of the apple cider though. I'm sure I could layer this with Our Little Crypt Ghoul and it'll be great. It does have a low throw, sadly.
  7. fairybites

    Lilith Poundcake

    Strong cherry lollipop with just a touch of Dorian. The cherry note almost completely overshadows Dorian. It fades pretty quickly and goes powdery which is a shame. Definitely a great Dorian variant, one of my favorites that I have tried. I just wish it lasted longer on me, and that I got a little bit more Dorian than the cherry lollipop.
  8. fairybites

    Caramel, Smoked Chilis & Black Vanilla

    Smokey, sweet, and spicy caramel. The vanilla stays in the background on me. I swear this reminds me of kettle corn but like a spicy version. Definitely getting mostly the smoked chilis. It smells sooo good and I know you aren't supposed to eat these but I wish I could taste this. Sadly, as much as I enjoy this the throw is on the low side and fades sort of quickly on me. Will try and hunt down a bottle of this, it is gorgeous. I wish I got into BPAL when these Menages were released, I'm interested in all of them!
  9. fairybites

    Playful Wooden Mallets

    Lots and lots of cinnamon with a touch of musk. It reminds me of incense and a little bit of a wood note. It's alright, wishing I got more of the musk, but I don't hate the cinnamon. Will probably use this for layering.
  10. fairybites

    Do You Like Clowns?

    Very sweet black cherry and raspberry lip gloss. I'm not getting any type of ice cream on me, just the fruits and the lip gloss note. It was slightly similar to bubblegum when I first smelled this, but now that it's been on a while the lip gloss note has gotten stronger. It gets a little bit powdery during drydown, but that's fine with me. The throw is also pretty good which I love.
  11. fairybites

    Like Father, Like Daughter

    Juicy sweet and powdery pomegranate. It starts off a little sour when first applied, but that fades quickly and turns into a sweet powdered sugar type of scent. Not getting a whole lot of cotton candy from here, on me it's mostly the pomegranate. Wear time is on the low side, sadly, along with the throw.
  12. fairybites

    Faster Kittycat?

    Wow, I totally see why this was one of Galen's favorites from the 15 Minutes of Fume video. It's a warm, creamy orris butter and amber on me with a very faint patchouli. So nice and sophisticated. I love foodie stuff, but I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy a super buttery perfume oil. I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I am. It's beautiful and soft, but as a patchouli fan I wish that note was a little stronger.
  13. fairybites

    Shadows and Light

    The lavender is pretty low on this, so it's mostly cognac and smoke. Sounds nicer than I thought it would be even though I love lavender. The smoke note isn't harsh, maybe the musk or other notes is softening it. I do wish the lavender was a little stronger, but I don't hate this! It's a bit different from my others BPALs, so I think I'll be using this for layering if I want a smoke or soft lavender.
  14. fairybites

    Velut Luna Statu Variabilis

    Oh, this is lovely. I'm getting a lot of vanilla with some of the ylang ylang and carnation. It smells slightly foodie to me, which was a surprise but I guess I'm just amping the vanilla. It's sweet and creamy with a touch of florals. I kind of wish the vanilla wasn't so strong on me because it's hard to pick out some of the other notes. So if you tend to amp that note but are wanting more of the florals from this, I would probably avoid this.
  15. fairybites

    A Little Piece of Eternity

    Sweet olive blossom and the moss are the main notes on my skin. The orris root and oak bark come out more when drying. It's a soft and earthy floral. It's very nice and I didn't expect that I would like this as much as I did. The throw is a little low on me, but I don't have a lot of this scent so it's probably because I only used a couple drops. Super pretty, fans of moss and florals are probably going to love this.
  16. fairybites

    You Are Not Alone

    A lovely, soft blend of lavender and cotton with a faint hint of books. I see why a lot of people love this: it's definitely a cozy and comforting scent and would be perfect for bedtime. The lavender is sweet but not too strong to overpower the rest of the notes. While there is a book note, I can't smell any ink; I haven't tried many bookish BPALs so I'm not sure if ink is a note that is used with these types of blends. The throw is on the low side, but if I'm wearing this to bed that's not a huge deal breaker for me. I much prefer this to Apocalypse Box, which also had lavender and cotton. If you are itching to try a lavender and cotton blend but was disappointed by that one like I was, give You Are Not Alone a try!
  17. fairybites


    Heavy iron and tobacco, the wood comes out when drying. Luckily, the iron mostly fades away with time and I'm left with a woody tobacco scent. I probably wouldn't wear this much on its own and use it instead for layering. I wish the tobacco was stronger than the wood notes.
  18. fairybites

    A Vigilant Eye at Heaven’s Center

    Minty and green with a faint apple note. It almost reminds me of mouthwash? Sadly doesn't last too long on my skin. Wish the performance was better and I got more of the apple and some of the other notes like amber and tea leaf. It's not bad, but not what I expected. The mint is very strong and almost overshadows the rest of the notes.
  19. fairybites

    Dragon Slide

    First thing, the throw on this is really great! The scent starts off as white chocolate, but as it dries the mint ice cream gets stronger and almost overshadows the chocolate. I agree with the above reviewer that it's similar to Andes mints or even a Peppermint Patty but with less chocolate. It's not super sweet because of the mint. This is a nice mint foodie scent and I'm glad I picked up a bottle of this. It's gorgeous. If you have tried Lavender and White Chocolate Madeleines from the Winter 2020 release, the white chocolate note is very similar. I'm sure this would also work well with Stitched Together hair gloss.
  20. fairybites

    Chattering Teeth

    Sugared vanilla and cherry. Kind of reminds me of Alternative Facts but without the fog and lemon notes. I swear that there is a faint minty note in here because it almost reminds me of candy canes and cherries, must be the "iced vanilla" from the description. I like it, but since I've got a bottle of AF I don't need to upgrade this. It's definitely stronger on the vanilla and sugar than the cherry, which is a little disappointing because I was hoping for lots of cherry.
  21. fairybites


    Sweet and juicy melons, I'm assuming it's a mix of different kinds because it doesn't smell like just one type to me. From the pina colada, I'm only getting the coconut and a little bit of lime. No boozy notes at all, and if I didn't know that it was supposed to have pina colada in this, I'd have assumed it was just melons and some citrus scents. I really like this, however it does not last long at all, almost completely gone within an hour! Not sure if I'll upgrade due to that.
  22. fairybites

    Sue's Great Old Puppet Show

    Hot cocoa and marshmallows! Not getting the unusual notes like glue, must have faded with age or I'm just really amping up the marshmallows and chocolate. I wasn't a big fan of Bliss, but I really like the chocolate note in this. It's sweet and powdery milk chocolate, but while it is one of the stronger notes it doesn't completely overshadow the marshmallows. This is just what I was looking for in a chocolate scent, and I'm glad I got a bottle of this beauty. Perfect for the colder months! The throw is very strong too, which I love.
  23. fairybites

    Corn Riggs

    Smoke and hay, sweet but faint pumpkins and apples, and some incense. Even though it's got pumpkins and apples, it's definitely not foodie to my nose. It's heavier on the hay, smoke, and incense to me. There's a little bit of wood here too from the oak, but it stays in the background on me along with the food notes. I'm not a big fan of smoke blends, but this is done so well that I think even people who usually don't like smoke blends may be interested in this. It's really lovely, but on me the wear isn't as long as I'd like along with the throw.
  24. fairybites

    Eyeball Moss I (Labyrinth prototype)

    Labyrinth is my favorite movie, so I had to get this no matter how small the quantity to try. And wow, I am blown away and I wish this was part of the GC line! It's a soft floral aquatic, pretty clean and almost reminds me of a faint cologne. I'm not crazy about aquatic notes, but this one is really nice. I think it's the florals that make it more wearable for me. I think there's a faint dirt note when it dries down, but that could be the moss. I wish I had more than a 1/4th imp of this, it's so lovely.
  25. fairybites

    Gingerbread Poppet

    This review is for the 2005 version! Maybe it's because this is over a decade old or because I've tested all the Gingerbread Monsters from Winter 2020 very recently, but I really can't pick out any gingerbread in this. All I can smell is just the spices without a bready or cookie note. And what spices I can pick out are very faint, like they were going bad and losing flavor in my spice cabinet. Disappointing, I'll stick to the Monsters collection for my gingerbread fix.