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Everything posted by fairybites

  1. fairybites

    Étienne De Boray Oak

    This is mostly a woodsy honey blend on me when first applied, but turns into a cleanish scent when it's dry. The lavender is faint and resembles soap, but there is also a dirt like note here. I'm thinking that is the mushrooms since I have not tried an oil with this note before. I won't be upgrading, but I will say this is one of the nicer woodsy blends I've tried. I wish the lavender didn't smell so soapy because I don't think it works well with a blend like this.
  2. fairybites

    L337 Skills

    Definitely bubblegum, but this did not resemble fruit punch at all to me. I would say it was more like cotton candy with a little bit of a fruit note. There's a little bit of cinnamon present, which almost makes this resemble another bubblegum Lilith scent called Pop. It doesn't last for very long, a few hours at most. Sweet and fun otherwise!
  3. fairybites


    Super beautiful bubblegum Snake Oil! Lavender is here, but doesn't really appear until it's dried down. And there is a faint bit of a plastic smell to me, could be the gummi bears note. It does resemble red Twizzlers a little like some of the other reviews mention, so licorice fans may enjoy this! It does get a bit powdery after some wear, but to me it resembles powdered sugar instead of a baby power note. I wish the throw was a little stronger, but overall it's beautiful and worth checking out if you like Snake Oil flankers!
  4. fairybites

    The Pillory

    First thing, the throw in this is one of the strongest from BPAL that I have tried. Normally, I don't get compliments when I wear BPAL oils unless it's a hair gloss or I sprayed my clothes with an atmospheric spray. So if you're looking for something with fantastic throw, I suggest checking this one out! Onto the scent, it didn't really smell like ice cream to me? My initial thought without looking at the notes was a cheesecake with some whipped cream and the rum and berry notes. To me, the berries resembled raspberries or strawberries the most. Initial application, the caramelized rum is the strongest note but it fades slightly during drydown which is when the berry notes shine the most. This is super delicious and I am eager to find more oils with a rum note.
  5. fairybites

    Blue Unicorn Moon

    Super sweet and powdery bubblegum with some artificial blueberry. The blueberry note was much stronger in the beginning, as it started the dry the bubblegum note became more prominent. I couldn't really pick out any vanilla notes, although I think that could be what made the perfume smell powdery to me. The wear is on the low side, it was almost completely gone within two hours. Gorgeous otherwise, I wish the blueberry note lasted longer too!
  6. fairybites

    Gas Masks and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

    Lots of cherry jelly beans and cotton candy! This almost reminds me of Jailbait due to the cherry I get from the jelly beans and how the cotton candy almost resembles bubblegum. After a few hours when it starts to fade, the sugar cookie note and a little bit of wax start to appear. Very sweet and fun, would have like the sugar cookie and vanilla frosting to appear more. But regardless, it's still a great scent and one of my favorite Lilith releases I've tried so far!
  7. fairybites

    Con Questions

    Very sugary vanilla mint with a hint of plum and currants in the background. The mint dominated most of the notes for me once it dried down, it's practically a soapy mint scent. I don't mind soapy scents at all so this isn't a deal breaker, but I do wish the mint wasn't as strong as it is. I love the currants in Eat Me and would have loved them to appear in this blend as well.
  8. fairybites

    Lady Lilith

    Pretty citrusy, the mandarin almost overtakes the other notes when it's wet. But as it dries, the tea and soft florals come out and push the mandarin in the background. Rose is the most dominant on my skin, but I can still pick out some faint vanilla as well. It's very pretty, however I am disappointed by the throw. A little does not go a long way with this one, I had to dip into it twice just to get it to stay longer on my skin.
  9. fairybites

    Lilith Victoria

    This is beautiful, I'm mostly getting a lavender blended Snake Oil with a touch of florals. Dorian barely appeared on me, but that's fine since I prefer Snake Oil anyway. It's definitely not a lavender that I'm used to from BPAL, more on the herbal side instead of sweet. But it works wonderfully with these notes. Throw is really great with this, you barely have to use a lot of oil (another bonus since this can be hard to find). If you love Snake Oil, you have to try this. Dorian fans might be disappointed since to me it's definitely more Snake Oil. This is a wonderfully cozy, comforting scent and I'm glad I sprang for a bottle of this beauty.
  10. fairybites

    Vampire Lace

    Sadly, the reviews are correct: this is very stinky. The oud and tobacco make it smell like a dirty diaper and while it does fade, it takes a pretty long time (about 3 ish hours in my case). Once that stage is finally over, it's a nice vanilla scent. Hoping with some more age, the oud fades considerably because it's not too bad once you get past the initial nastiness. Probably not the best choice for my first Lace perfume all things considered.
  11. fairybites

    Carnaval Rat

    So prior to testing this, I have only tried two Carnaval Diabolique scents (Boomslang and Zarita, the Doll Girl 2008). This is really a morpher! It started off super bready with cinnamon, and then changed to a creamy chocolate, and then a blend of florals with rose being the dominant flower. It's really cool and I enjoyed all the different stages this went through. Highly recommend trying this just to see what it ends up being on your skin.
  12. fairybites


    This is amazing, one of the best atmospheric sprays I've tried! I only get the cinnamon and sugar when I first spray it really, it dries to be mostly Samhain with extra sweetness. The dominant notes from Samhain I get in this are the apple and pumpkin. If I didn't know Samhain was in this, I would think it smelled like fried apples and sugar. Definitely try picking this up if you adore Samhain! I haven't tried the regular Samhain atmo, but I think these might be pretty comparable.
  13. fairybites

    Fate's Jester

    The buttercream and lemon are the strongest notes. I don't think I've tried a blend with sugared patchouli before, but if I didn't know this blend had it in here I wouldn't think there was any. The sugar overwhelms the little bit of patchouli I can smell. This reminds me of the Girl Scout lemon cookies! Very sweet and fun.
  14. fairybites

    Dies Patribus

    Fruity sweet cereal with lots of strawberries and a little bit of creamy vanilla. This is stunning and I'm glad I bought a full bottle. The cereal note is a little bit bready, closest thing that I can think of that it resembles is Froot Loops. The fresh strawberries note does fade within a couple hours, so I'm left with the fruity cereal and cream. Throw is pretty great, which is an added bonus.
  15. fairybites

    The Inn Atmosphere Spray

    I also received this as a goblin squirt sample with the prototype label (the oil was light yellow). When I first sprayed this, I couldn't quite place what I was smelling. Just that it was sweet and nutty. My first instinct was maybe peanut brittle. But it definitely does resemble peanut butter and bananas after reading some of these reviews. I wish this wasn't just a prototype, it's a lovely and delicious foodie atmospheric spray!
  16. fairybites


    Boozy orange creamsicle is the first thing that comes to mind to describe this. The pepper was more prominent during the wet stage, but it mostly disappeared once dry. I think the lemon blends in too much with the orange for me to be able to pick it out, but there is definitely a faint citrusy note in this that isn't the orange. Really love this, definitely my favorite from these Trump related scents so far.
  17. fairybites

    Alternative Facts

    Super sweet, immediately get the cherry and lemon notes when first applied. The fruits resemble hard candies to me. The more it dries, the more the fog and vanilla notes come out. Within a couple hours, it's mostly vanilla fog with some cherry in the background. Wear time is on the low side, however. It's a pretty neat scent and I'm hoping the lemon note will stay around longer with some aging.
  18. fairybites

    Unspeakably Evil Temple Atmosphere Spray

    Reminds me of an incense blend, honestly. It's dark and very fitting for an evil temple. Frankincense was the main note I could pick out from this. This has a little bit of spice to it once dried down. Pretty interesting, can't say I'll reach for this all the time but for certain moods this will get lots of love.
  19. fairybites


    Resembles a strong aftershave with metallic notes. Didn't pick out any grease notes, must have softened with age. Weirdly enough, I got a faint citrus smell during dry down and I'm not sure what note could have caused it since it faded as fast as it appeared on my skin. It also started to resemble vinegar when it was drying, but thank God that didn't last long. Sadly, the throw isn't that great. I'd look towards other aftershave blends if that was the main note that appealed to you in this blend.
  20. fairybites

    A Night In the French Quarter

    Heavy on the plum and lavender when wet, it turns a tiny bit powdery on me during the dry down stage. There's a strong alcohol note as well, but it goes away after it completely dries. It's dark and very much resembles mainstream perfume to me, but also has a sweetness to it from the florals. Glad to have received this as a frimp from another seller, I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did. The wear time isn't as good as I'd like, so I won't be upgrading to a bottle. But this is definitely very pretty and is worth a try for floral lovers!
  21. fairybites

    Wererat-Infested Sewer

    Definitely getting the musky water when I first sprayed it on my pillow. I didn't look at the notes when I tried it, so to me the moss note almost resembled seaweed. I got a metallic note strangely enough, might have been the stone. It's a little too dark for my tastes, but it's definitely a unique atmospheric spray and I'm glad to try it. I almost wish I was a Dungeon Master, because I would totally use this if I played D&D in person if we ventured into a sewer or watery place.
  22. fairybites

    Aoede, Melete, Mneme

    I wasn't all too impressed with this at first, but now I'm really digging it. It started off very very faint, so faint that I couldn't smell much of anything unless I had my wrist directly under my nose. But after drying and around 15 minutes, the throw got a lot better and the scent morphed from a sugared cream with a hint of caramel to a delicious buttery popcorn scent! Not sure why, maybe the caramel note has some salt and the sugared cream resembles butter. I wasn't planning on a bottle upgrade initially, but popcorn is one of my top 3 BPAL notes. I'm glad I gave this a chance and didn't write it off.
  23. fairybites

    #2 Pencil

    Wow, this definitely does resemble a freshly sharpened #2 Pencil when it's first applied! The cedar eventually softens as the tea and apple notes amplify. I didn't pick out any honeycomb, my skin chemistry could just me amping the other notes. The apples remind me of Our Little Crypt Ghoul, another 2020 Lilith. So if you liked that, you may enjoy this one too. The throw on this is pretty good and gets a little stronger once dried. But, the wear wasn't as great as I would have liked, this barely lasted an hour on me. I liked it and maybe with more age some things about this will improve.
  24. fairybites

    Fae Forest Atmosphere Spray

    Love this! Initially, I got sweet berries and as it further dried, some of the clean woodsy notes came through. If this wasn't from the RPG line, I could have sworn it was a Yule/Winter scent. Maybe it's just similar wood notes that give me that impression. This is mostly berries and clean woody notes, so if you are a fan of either of those this should be a hit for you!
  25. fairybites

    Butter Rum Cookie

    Review is for the 2008 version! This turned from sweet buttery and slightly boozy cookies to cinnamon potpourri within a span of 10 minutes on my wrist. It's not bad at all, but it was not what I expected. It's pretty much a cinnamon single note on me!