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About Gwydion

  • Rank
    Scent Dragon
  • Birthday 10/18/1969


  • Location
    PNW, USA
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Bite Me
  • Favorite Scents
    Interfecter, Quincey Morris, Beaver Moon 2011, Storyville, Western Diamondback, Banded Sea Snake, Mad Sweeney, Buck Moon, Smiling Spider, Boo, Bite Me, Creepy, March Hare, Adam, Olisbos, Indonesian Clove.

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  • Pronouns
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Politics, culture, literature, music, films, Buddhism, Animism, Tarot, role playing


  • Astrological Info
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    Nothing Selected

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  1. Where are you? We're worried!

    1. Gwydion


      I'm fine.  I think something went wrong with notifications and i got distracted.

    2. thekittenkat


      Good to hear. BTW, sunshinedaisybliss is back. :)

  2. In bottle: The Teakwood and licorice go together rather well. There is a strong element of polish to the wood. Wet: Really nice. The Teakwood warms beautifully on the skin. The licorice and hint of polish give lovely support. It almost makes a civet accord. It almost makes a civet accord. I really like this. Dry: Rich, lovely, vaguely civety teakwood.
  3. Gwydion

    Kitten with Shamisen Daydreams of a Phallus Palanquin

    In bottle: Heavenly pear floating in a gentle sea of musk and milk. It's exquisite and comforting. Wet: Even more pear on the skin, but milk remains strong and the musk grows stronger as it warms. I really do adore this. Dry: Mostly milk with a touch of musk.
  4. Gwydion


    In bottle: Oakmoss dominant, with a strong, chalky musk in support. Wet: Sweeter and softer on the skin, and very well balanced Dry: Oakmoss and a touch of rooibos.
  5. Gwydion

    Keichu Nyoetsu Warai Dogu

    In bottle: Very heady incense. Champaca dominant with strong sandalwood support, softened by coconut,on a gentle canvass of leather. It's too strong for skin testing.
  6. Gwydion

    An Interlude After Sake

    In bottle: intricate and delicate. Fir needle dominant, with the tea gently pervasive, like a wash in the background of a watercolor painting. The oakmoss supports the fir; the amber blends beautifully with the tea. The ginger lends a hint of zing; the apricot a splash of colour. Wet: It remains fir dominant, but it all blends together even better as it warms. The reslt is very clean and smooth. Dry: Oakmoss, tea, and a kiss of ginger.
  7. Gwydion

    I Too Beneath Your Moon

    In bottle: Lavender dominant with strong bergamot support. The Apple is second strongest and beautifully blended with the cream. The patchouli is gentle and supports the apple. Wet: The apple moves into dominance with lavender and bergamot in strong support. It is perfection. The vanilla cream smoothes the edges and that hint of patch is just right, enough to tease the nose without standing out. I wish I had a bottle of this, because I think it would have been a favorite. Dry: Mostly lavender.
  8. Gwydion

    Honeyed Apple

    In bottle: Very green apple and a tad more perfumey than expected. Wet: Sweet and exquisite on the skin, the gentleness of the honey perfectly balances he crispness of the apple. I wish I had a bottle. Dry: Mostly honey with a hint of apple.
  9. Gwydion

    A Hailstorm of Knitting-Needles

    In bottle: They are not kidding about the wood or the polish. The heavy woods and black tea together make a heady combination, with the scent of fresh polish rendering it entirely unfoody despite the hint of vanilla. No for the faint of heart. Wet: A little less extreme on the skin. I would have guessed there was musk, but it's not listed. The black tea adds a warmth like firelight to the polished floor and furniture. The vanilla is understated, but pleasant. Dry: Soft Woods.
  10. Gwydion


    In bottle: Apple dominant, with that crisp apple note I particularly like, gentled by strawberry cream, with soft sweet funnel cake. Wet: Rich apples, with soft strawberry support. The cream and funnel cakes form a canvass on which the fruit can be beautifully displayed Dry: Apple tinged with strawberry.
  11. Gwydion

    Googly Eye Christmas Tree

    In bottle: Very foody and does indeed make one think of pink, silver, and snow as well as cookies. It is light and silly, and inviting. The pink cotton candy note is reminiscent of the pink marshmallow note from some of the Summer fragrances years ago. It blends shocking well with the cinnamon cookies, which I would not have predicted. The white chocolate snow goes along just fine. I think the perfumey edge is likely the tinsel reminding one this is not for eating. Wet: Vaguely nutty on the skin. The pink cotton candy and the white chocolate snow ally in a whole new way. I think it's the cookies lending that touch of nuts. Certainly, the cookies give the whole thing a body and richness it wouldn't have otherwise. The snow has a powdery feel. Dry: Sweet soft, powdery white chocolate.
  12. Gwydion

    The Goddess of Mischief

    In bottle: A cool, pale, lavender dominant scent. The oudh adds a touch of green wood, the amber resin lends a gentle a grounding and bridge to the musk. There real is an inky feel to the musk. Wet: Still lavender dominent, but sexier on the skin as the amber and musk warm. The oudh is understated, but really lovely with the lavander, and combined wth the touch of ink it all makes one think of a love poem just finished with a sprig of lavender attached for effect. Dry: Mostly the inky musk.
  13. Gwydion

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    In bottle: Unusual and reminiscent of a garden in early spring. The tea leaf and lemongrass lend it an herbal, mint, and savoury weight vaguely resembling a certain Thai style soup I am fond of. The floral and sweet elements balance beautifully with the herbal. It is delicate and lovely and a pale green sort of scent. Wet: Even more herbal on the skin. I didn't expect to like this, but I really do. It's more complex than ingredients might suggest and unexpected. As it warms the mint comes out more, suggesting early spring chill. It's a lovely mint note, but possibly a little too strong on me. Dry: Soft savoury tea leaf green.
  14. Gwydion

    Funerary Papyri

    Lilith was incredibly disappointed that she wasnt allowed to touch the Egyptian funerary texts at the British Museum. Myrrh and papyrus reed with a smear of vanilla cream frosting. In bottle: Sweet resin. The vanilla cream is strong and sugary and surprisingly well suited to myrrh and papyrus. I was not expecting it to be nearly this foody, but it really works. Wet: The reediness of the papyrus comes out more on the skin and the myrrh warms on the skin, while the vanilla cream softens. given a few minutes ad the resin wins dominence with the papyrus support. The foody elements really do sweetens and soften, but step into the background to let the other elements shine. Dry: Sexy resin.
  15. Gwydion

    Family Resemblance

    In bottle: Leather and red licorice dominant. Sexy and smooth and liquory. Wet: Rather more chalky on the skin, but the red licorice and leather still stand out. Still very cowboy, but not nearly as sexy as the musk is de-emphasized. Dry: Sweetened leather. That red licorice note has surprising staying power.