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Posts posted by LavenderCoffee

  1. Recently acquired from Etsy. Bottle number appears to be DLX (560), good ol' silver marker on black label did its best.


    In the bottle and freshly applied, I'm getting a big hit of what smells like balsam. Oil is a vivid dark yellow. SO is way off in the distant background at the start, but starts to slither forward in the first ten minutes, and the blend becomes more balanced. I struggle with balsam sometimes but this is real nice. 

  2. Pleasure Abundant lands in a very warm and golden place for me as well. Pink peppercorn is super subtle here, and if I was behind the curtain, I would turn up the volume on the honey. It's a gorgeous orange blossom scent and I enjoy how it works with the frankincense a lot more than I expected.

  3. This is so fun and sparkling, effervescent is a great word for it. Just when I thought peach was done with me, I am reminded of white peach. A gorgeous and subtle floral with a kiss of peach, and I love how bergamot is bringing everything together here. Brighter and cleaner than the champagne of Unarmed and Laughing.

  4. Whew, this one snuck up on me. I did not think it would be my jam, but it might be my favorite of the bunch. It wears so well! I keep getting whiffs of it throughout the day and smiling to myself.

    I would say you ought to enjoy rose to ride this ride, and certainly these notes wear differently for everyone, but I'm getting an effect that skews more to creamy than to powdery. It's soft, vibrant, and well-balanced - not too sweet. Old fashioned in a classy, timeless way, rather than stuffy or outdated.

  5. I just acquired Bottle 557 (DLVII?) from Etsy. As others have mentioned, these were numbered with silver pen on a black label and it seems to have faded a lot over the years.


    I'm calling this one Sailor Dorian, as it is full of, but not dominated by, aquatic goodness. In the bottle this reads as a salty sea breeze, but freshly applied on my skin there is no salt. It waves in the direction of Irish Spring soap but never goes all the way there - I think this is due to how it has blended and aged alongside the Dorian notes. I've never smelled Dorian straight up, but there is a warm, sweetened vanilla tempering the light marine experience. It's definitely not one of the foreboding deep sea scents, and any strong resemblance to Irish Spring is gone after 10 minutes or so. Now I feel like I am smelling the captivating scent of Dorian sans sailor cap, and the sea is in the background. Ahoy! 

  6. Scorched cedar, bergamot and vanilla husk are coming through most clearly for me in this one - agree that there is a lemony quality to it. Not getting much from the fruits or leather, and the oud in this is subtle, not stanky. Overall impression is that of a subtle natural cologne type scent.

  7. I used to be able to wear peach, and now it doesn't agree with my skin chemistry anymore. I was hoping it would not be as prominent in this blend, so I tried a decant, but alas, I am all funky peach amber moss. Would love to pick up anything burnt or smoky, but I'm not getting those bits.

  8. Now that this is rested, I am getting more of the floral notes. At first it was just a lot of lavender and salt, now the lavender blends into the violet and lilac over the rose. I'm not sure where the sugar is, however. This is not a sweet scent, but it is strangely both high-pitched and bruised at the same time.

  9. Green green green green green! Frog Moon is a beautiful burst of lush greenery. I am only picking out the green tea, pine moss and wasabi specifically, but there doesn't seem to be any one dominant note to my nose. It smells so alive you can almost hear a bullfrog in the background. 

  10. This is a fun summery scent. It leads with berries and a drop of floral, but there is a bright, fresh spike of green and citrus punctuated through it. Agree with the callback to the mall scents (mallback?) although I might have placed it in the body shop and not bath and body.

  11. This smells ancient in a wonderful way, very evocative of the artwork! 

    The myrrh hits first and then the rest of the notes whoosh to life, as though you are stepping into the lovingly prepared resting place of the Egyptian cat. Softly sweetened and spiced resins - that terebinth! - all cozily entombed. It's quite comforting, and stays close to the skin.

  12. The vetiver and carnation seem to anchor the blend in an earthy place. The goat is very chill and so are all these notes! There is a subtle creaminess from goat's milk, a subtle sweetness from honeycomb, and the peony is clearly identifiable but doesn't dominate. The vetiver and carnation are not stealing the show either, but both definitely hang out through the drydown.

    The overall effect I get is an enjoyable everyday musk type of scent with a lovely hint of floral. I wore it yesterday and caught whiffs of it all day long, but it doesn't have a big throw.

  13. Here's the dank one of the set, imo. Glossy black patchouli plus cannabis is a slam dunk. The dark musk and champaca petals give it a bit of softness, and the cedar and eucalyptus give it just a hint of a sharp edge. I'm not finding the leather or the charcoal on my skin, but I'm definitely hanging onto this one, so we'll see where it goes. 

  14. This is my favorite of the 420 posters, and I was confused comparing it to the Alice poster because I get something much closer to Knave of Hearts from this. The strawberry/sugar/rose is a delight, and the weed is a demure and pleasant complement. It doesn't have much longevity on my skin, but I haven't tested it in a locket yet. 
