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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by goddessrobyn

  1. 25 minutes ago, Lucchesa said:

    I'm using your 2022 Wolfenoot ?aire as a placeholder, but I know your address has changed.  If your tastes are the same (no misogyny or stupidity!), you can just do the Halloween specific bit and send me your new address and you're good. Or just reply with a thumbs up (or thumbs down if you've got new dietary sensitivities or things have changed significantly) and I can forward the rest to your vampire bat at your convenience.  But please, I need -- ideally -- that thumbs up ASAP as this morning is actually the best time for me to match!!!

    so... 👎 I think? I'd have to find the questionnare to know for sure but to be safe I'd just like to redo it.


    That said I'm doing it NOW and you should have it ASAP... and the old one should be close enough to match me on ... 

  2. we did 5 things... generally "Spring" themed... one thing had to be an actual gnome in whatever form... one thing had to be "shiny" or "golden"... one thing was plant/garden/earth themed... one thing was a written thing (generally speaking a book but didn't specifically have to be)... I can't remember what exactly all else...

    but I felt like it was fun and we did it after the first of the year so after all the holidays were done and people were starting to get back to normal life... which seemed to be good timing for random mail joy

  3. So... I NEVER bother to write reviews but I have a HUGE pile of "to be tested" scents before sending a dozen or so bottles off to sale...

    And todays tester was this one... Half Queen of Cigarettes...

    so... on me this is a really lovely sexy bonfire full of flowers...

    The smoke is super prominent... but I don't hate it (and I am a girl who avoids campfires because I HATE to smell like it...)

    As it dries the smoke fades a bit to allow the floral of the tobacco flower to come out... and there's a lovely softness that I attribute to the amber 

    This is a really sexy sensual scent and although it was a long shot for me... very outside of the box... I'm definitely keeping it!  This one will get lots of wear!

  4. I'd be up to take on the SW Ringleader mantle again... I was one many many years ago (pre 2010ish) and bringing something more akin to Switch Witch back to our lives was obviously my intention with Swap Sprite back in the fall... at the time I was going through a divorce and career change and had pretty much completely stepped away from The Forum in an attempt to regain control over my real life...

    now remarried, though still largely jobless (but this time by choice) I have time to do this stuff again (as evidenced by my perhaps OCD) stalking of the circular swaps threads LOL


    I'm 1000% in for Spring Cleaning also.... thanks for putting it together, yall!


  5. I would LOVE a Spring Cleaning Swap... I have a bunch of things I think would be awesome and will likely never use up myself.


    Haven't heard anything about Switch Witch in forever but would love to see that come back...


    All I know is I just packed up my easter basket so someone needs to organize SOMETHING because I don't have anything to shop for :poke::tongue:

  6. FYI... I'm plotting a gnome themed swap for after the first of the year... probably start sign ups right around that big fat holiday (which I hate!) that takes up the entire last 3-4 months of our year... to give folx something to look forward to...

    thinking matches happen early January and packages arriving late Feb-early March... smaller in scope... 5-6 "things" type swap..

    ( eta: ) @twilighteyes has graciously volunteered to CoHost this with me... so...  

    LMK if any of this sounds interesting to anyone....


    I'm not sure how else to say this but.... it smells like the best parts of Christmas (a holiday I kinda hate LOL)... but like this is all the good things... the homemade treats, extra cleaned and pressed people dressing up to celebrate this life we all live together, crisp winter air...


    It is definitely fruity and sweet and vaguely floral (but not in a way that sets off my floral hatred... because I do usually hate them)...

    Its like a LUSH store (but doesn't actually smell like LUSH) or a department store during the holidays when they stock all sorts of extra "smelly" products - high end candles, limited edition holiday perfumes, etc... it smells good, but there's a lot going on... but in the best way

  8. On 5/26/2022 at 1:10 AM, twilighteyes said:

    yep, 13 nights usually starts opening sooner that that I think, so sending is much earlier.  I think last switch witch we didn't have to send final until movember??


    Also... seems like the SW Ringleaders have sort of had their hands full with life the last year plus so... who even knows if they will be bringing that back for us this year.

    I say go for it... people can always do multiple swaps AND I've heard people say that both SW and 13 nights can sometimes be "too much" because you have to have multiple things for each (well, SW I guess you don't have to but I've never seen a SW box that's just one thing LOL) so someone might like the ability to JUST focus on ONE gift for someone...


    Personally, I am a MORE SWAPS kinda girl!!!  so I say go for it!!!!!

  9. 38 minutes ago, twilighteyes said:


    I might be able to do something ... I have to go back to Seattle twice more in the next month and then surgery two months from my last visit (or longer, depending on their schedule) so I’ll be twiddling my thumbs a lot.

    well... I would be down to organize/co-organize something with someone... 

    am much bored LOL

  10. 10 hours ago, doublehelix said:

    I've finally got forum access restored!! Yippee!!


    Would anyone be up to co host a Book, Sock, Soap Valentine's swap with me? 🖤

    I was totally just thinking about doing some sort of "BPAL-entines" swap... was thinking more along the lines of the ones which have been run in the past in which there are a certain few "categories" of things to include so certainly there could be a Book/Sock/Soap requirement LOL.  But YES... definitely down to co host something!

  11. I received bottles 3 & 12. Have not tried 3 yet because 12 is my favorite number and I started there....



    a very very sexy floral for a woman who doesn't like florals... feminine for sure... but a sexy woman of 35-55... not something brash and juvenile, or innocent and youthful... and neither is this the bouquet of an old lady... no mildewy roses or lilies or whatever scent it is that old women like to wear to make themselves smell like old women.

    waaaaay underneath there is a spice... like someone sliced fresh, green jalapeños


    I'm seriously in love. This blend is near perfect, while smelling like absolutely nothing I own. I cannot stop huffing my wrists.


    I wish I could buy another bottle of it!!!!!!!!!


    I'll report on 3 later when I've had time to test it.


    ETA: Gods this is good!!!!!!!

    sooooooooooooooooo good


    this is what a floral perfume should be.

    I wish sex was this amazing.

  12. My fairy package arrived today!!!


    to my nose this is all oudh...

    i was REALLY hoping for more of the leather and vanilla but I only get the faintest whiff of leather, and only if I inhale deeply very close to my skin... and pretty much zero vanilla or cinnamon (and zero cinnamon style BURN on application, too... so the cinnamon sensitive needn't worry overly much)


    that said... it's lovely...

    sophisticated and elegant... (possibly a little too much for me LOL)

    but not terribly FEMININE in that overly floral way...

    in fact, I think it smells more like a typical MEN's scent without actually BEING masculine... which is a beautiful interpretation of an enterprising young lady.


    not 100% sure this will get enough wear to necessitate both of the bottles I bought... but it is lovely and I'm so glad I have it.

  13. I'm having a really hard time with this one. Again, I tried it on at a MnS at Schackjj's place and its night and day from bottle to skin. In the bottle, its totally foody... warm cookies, probably of the chocolate chip variety as there's definitely chocolate in there


    The instant it touches my skin all food disappears and it turns to Pledge Furniture Polish (if pledge were orange and not lemon)


    Then... it becomes a light orange floral (not a strong floral as I didn't run to wash it off... and I HATE florals)


    It was pretty but not my thing...

  14. I tried this blend at a MnS at the lovely schackjj's place and all I can say is OMNOMNOMNOMNOM.


    Mel and Jo made fun of me because I looked like a TB test gone horribly wrong by the end of the afternoon since to keep track of the oils and what went where I'd circle where I put them and write the name next to the circle. I did Dv2 and the released version on opposite arms to give a comparison. The difference to me was subtle but enough to have be begging Jo to buy her bottle off her throughout the whole afternoon :lol:


    v2 on my skin was very vanilla. In fact, it is the PERFECT vanilla-lavender scent. If you like released Dorian but sometimes wish it were sweeter and more feminine, this is the Dorian you want. When it dried, it was the ultimate smell of southern sweet tea. :yum:


    For the record: I get absolutely NO coconut. There is a faint lavender/tea scent... enough to make sure that you know its Dorian, but with a lovely dab of vanilla cream which fades slowly until the aforementioned sweet tea drydown. It lasted most of the day but gave off little throw. However, it is a winner and plans are currently being finalized for a little BnE at Jo's house to steal the bottle :ninja:

    (just kidding, Jo!)

  15. OMG!! This could be my most perfect BPAL ever...

    This is the perfect blend of vanilla and ginger ever created. Its sweet without being foody and spicey without being overpowering.

    It is very sexy and very feminine and incredibly YUMMY!


    I will need several bottles of this...
