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Everything posted by Viiinylflowers

  1. Viiinylflowers

    Cacao Pod

    On me this is very similar to the review just above mine. Its like a dry cacao powder (but not powder-ey if that makes sense) musk with subtle tones of sandalwood and something like dry coconut warming it up a teeny bit over time. I love the chill sort of gender neutral un gourmand earthy vibe of it. Its not like a chocolate bar, but more like the earthy aspects of cacao - i imagine fresh cacao powder, cracked cacao pod shells, stuff like that. It appeals to me in the same way the hay absolute, cacao and cardamom scent does - but this one is more of that dry cacao kind of note isolated and more defined a bit. I like it a lot
  2. Viiinylflowers

    Sphinx Skin

    updating my review here as I notice my perception of this scent has changed a little now that it’s rested a bit longer. My initial impression of that vaguely time is a Phoenix but much more muted and mildewy in a good way on first application thing - I don’t really notice that so much anymore. As the scent has settled, the dragons blood has gotten more prominent to me and kind of unified everything more. The overall impression/longest lasting scent stage I’m getting is like a cool and slinky dragons Blood style snake smut (minus the snake oil lol) kind of a scent that has an aged vibe. It almost smells like it’s sweetened a little with very aged myrrh, but that might just be a part of the dragons blood or amber I’m smelling. What a freaking delight all of these past bunch of bloodmilk scents have been, I am truly in awe. ——- Putting on sphinx skin for the first time: On application it reminds me of a cross between time is a Phoenix (but much more muted and kinda mildewy in a good way if you can imagine it) and snake smut. As it sits on my skin, whatever slightly evoked time is a Phoenix to me starts to completely burn off and blend in, as it keeps going toward the snake smut direction, but blacker - and minus that brownish umami waft that snake oil has in that blend. Sorry that word is annoying but it’s the best I can think of to describe it haha. It smells like a super worn soft warm black leather jacket with old oils infused in it, and like traces of dried intentional herbs in the pockets. This is an extremely 90s smell lol. I’m thinking The Crow: City of angels Iggy Pop, Death from Sandman, your (or your loved ones) high school leather jacket, poppy z brite novels, etc. That particular kind of sensuous drama/ romance/ mysticalness. It’s not a loud or icky leather - zero headachyness at all, it’s very similar to snake smut leather in finish, but more like a black leather jacket. Very gorgeous, with subtle sneaky projection, just a bit of almost powdery musky aged myrrhy dragons blood incense waft that’s getting a little greener, airy, slinky, and almost clay like as it wears - It’s very pretty and unique. The past handfull of bloodmilk collabs have been some of my favorite scents ever. They’re like exceptionally blended and I love the quality of the notes and the concepts.
  3. Viiinylflowers

    The Serpent in the Roses

    This is so pretty ~ truly an iconic bpal blend that elevates some of their best offerings in a familiar but new way. It smells almost like if bpal and nava were to do a collab in my most magical of dreams haha. Starting out, I get this GORGEOUS insanely intoxicating smooth rose note, with an undulating complex bpal gothy darkness beneath. The scent as a whole has that vibe like it’s already aged and been discovered somewhere. The rose is like…. jammy in a new way I haven’t experienced yet. It’s jammy like you’re smelling sleeping beauty’s dark twisted gem like rose garden on a cool spooky summer evening through a looking glass. If that makes any sense at all ? It’s smooth with all the potential soapiness removed, sweet without being sugary, jammy without smelling like rose jam, garden like without being pitchy, dark without being heavy or losing its ruby red glow, creamy without being milky, ethereal but has a lot of body, spiced without being spice-ey. Got it? ? The muskiness beneath: smells like really complex slightly glowy amberic earthy patchy dark brown- ness undulating with snake oil. As I wear it, first that dreamy dark jammy garden rose thing starts to get a little spiced, and simultaneously I notice the patch coming out more in the stuff beneath. Next, the rose starts to dissipate into the base, leaving just a ghost of itself. Like a faint memory of its spiced jammy sweetness. The snake oil starts to swallow things and I notice especially the dark brown vanilla and vegetal musk mingling w the amber patch and leftover rose. Then it gets a little baby powder musky on me, as snake oil does depending on my skin chem and how it’s aged. Then it blends out and returns to a more faded version of the step before the slight baby powder phase, a little bit more of the sweetness revealing in the shadow of what was left over from the rose. Almost a tinge of chewy jammy rose caramel vanilla nuzzled into the musky snake oil and earthy patch. (V faded though like a skin musk as this is the tail end of the scent) ——— I wore this before going out to dinner and getting in a cab and the driver was like literally moaning lmfao (not in a creepy way despite how that sounds hahaha) and going “WHAT IS THAT, HNNNGGG ITS SOME KIND OF FLOWER BUT *MORE*” and going on and on about how it can’t just be rose and he’s never smelled anything like it. ——- The oil is rich and kinda thick and light translucent brown and just a little drop will project like crazy. (The cab driver situation above was just from me putting on the tiniest like wrist to the bottle cap residue and I didn’t expect anyone to be able to smell it but me) It projects in this most magical spiced flower patchy way like I literally feel like Pepé le Pew to my own scent halo ~ I would absolutely freak out if I smelled something like this on someone in public and tbh I don’t even love encountering perfumes in the wild very often. It is so mysterious and intoxicating and memorable and projects in this come hither not overwhelming sneaky undulating multi layered way. The way it sneakily twists in the air around you is SO gorgeous, mysterious, erotic, kind of sad, smart, chill, grounded - it’s everything lmao. ——- My only “complaint” w this is that it doesn’t last v long on me tbh, only about three hours. And I also want that rose note to last FOREVER omg it’s beyond gorgeous, but it’s mostly a longer lasting opening note for me that becomes a faded part of the overall base notes - lasting maybe 30 mins total. It’s very possible I’m not able to really smell the full extent of this on myself after a while though, as displayed by the cab driver situation lol. I also don’t love the short period of that snake oil musky baby powder but that just happens w snake oil on me sometimes as it’s very changeable w where I’m at skin chem wise during the month. Bpal does amazing things with roses and I haven’t smelled a rose like this from them (or any house) yet. I have two bottles of this and might get a third.
  4. Viiinylflowers


    Oh dear, ok: so I could be wrong but this seems like it’s straight up supposed to be a glam rock scent, like how bpal did that death rock/etc series. 1. It smells like walking into Brian Slade’s dressing room lol. It has ethereal more vintage smelling hairspray as a top note, that “creamy” hair dye kind of a scent, and blendy scents that evoke pale pinky/yellow/greenish/blue glam rock colors that have a surreal vibe w with maybe a cheeky “fruity”ness? 2. 2nd phase: the hair dye scent transitions into a coconutty gardenia, w vintage hairspray top note. It wears like a vague soft outer spacey hair spray musk/vague hint of that color evoking scent before/and like a soft makeup skin musk (powdery/lipstick/soft/almost like soft peach? blossom note) w kiss of gardenia and coconut. The longer I wear it, the more the coconut and skin musk come out. The hair spray never leaves but the whole thing smells unexpectedly good - like it smells good like a special friend you are very fond of or something. 3. I don’t completelyyy understand how the second phase fits into the scent theme so it makes me doubt everything, but then why is the hairspray here? ? so confusing. It does still smell like “glam rock” but with more like a fairyish perfume underneath vintage hair spray, soft powdery makeup skin musk, and hair dye. I suppose that can make sense too ? it’s almost too close to some of the things I personally associate with glam rock, so I’m suspicious of my perceptions lol. WHO EXACTLY IS THIS SCENT SUPPOSED TO BE lol ~ it smells like a *someone*, maybe several someones. What is happening!! it kinda smells like it could be an unreal outer space girl now. PHEW. That was complicated to describe haha. It is so wild how different all the reviews of this are!! And how it doesn’t match the scent notes. Are there different intergalactics floating around?! (Mine was direct from lab via Etsy) I’d say maybe the hairspray is just a weird jasmine note, but it’s SO DISTINCT, it’s so unmistakably there and very realistic. ok final edit: NOW IM GETTING THE CANDIED FRUITS just barely emerging. It smells like a campy vintage illustration of sugar crusted gummies adding another element to the overall musk. so: It’s just All The Intergalactic Things ? - glam rock - android girls - holodeck food - ethereal outer space ness
  5. Viiinylflowers


    A very lush multi toned anamalic musk that unsettlingly and hilariously smells like I’m ….huffing satans neck?? A little too close for comfort, yet compelling. The opening reminds me of the wet stage of aureus a little (well, not exactly but it’s the closest I can think of to compare), but blacker/ more serious even, threaded through with plush musks, and and without the warmer notes hiding inside. Then it starts developing a complicated anamalic black leatherish vetiver scent to the musk with a furry undertone and a fuzzy/huffy…. kinda angry? hormonal heat behind it. But cozy/dangerously erotic? Freakin weird but good. ? I struggle with vetiver especially and this isn’t doing the evil charred skunk glands thing on me, which I had fully expected to happen. Finally it sweetens a little as the sandalwood emerges at the base, and it smells like all stages blended together in a pleasant anamalic musky jumble w a poof of something somehow red musk adjacent, and puff of powdery black amber. It only goes a teensy bit tangy on my skin in comparison to other anamalics I’ve tried. The projection on me is minimal - closest I can describe it is like - a red musk semi sweet sandalwood haze from afar. And up close it’s like oh goodness I’m smelling satan, and he’s in this intense chaotic/erotic mental state.
  6. Viiinylflowers


    ? dark lavender and like a musky fenugreek mixed herbal smell, w a sort of amberish tartness. It’s the kind of tobacco note that smells like weird musky herbal fenugreek on me lol. I can smell tobacco if I look for it, behind the way it twists on my skin. I thinkkkk I’d like this if it wasn’t going weirdly acrid on me as well, because it has a nice nonsweet dusky dark purple and black dark apothecary kind of scent to it. But the fenugreek tobacco ickyness and soft acrid waft on my skin is making it too close to a skanky musty body odor scent.
  7. Viiinylflowers

    Three Pairs of Shoes

    This smells like a concentrated version of mashing your face into a big ol pile of both new and used kinda funky dirty leather boots and taking a deep whiff. Theres something bashfully fetish like about it, that boot accord is just very odd in that way, a little gross while also being good haha. There’s kind of a shoe polish scent is in there too, like this invisible background of a shoe shop or a shoe closet piled high w new and old and some half attempted restored leather boots. It has a similar industrial appeal to how gasoline smells good, but the leather is still just too concentrated for me to really wear this outside of as a short term curiosity here and there. (Edit ok why is this formatting like this lol I can’t get it to stop I’m sorry) It settles down the longer I wear it and that’s when the softer notes come into play but it’s a long game and I can’t make it that long w the intense leather accords till then. i do however find this super cool as a unique scent in my collection, so I’m quite happy to have it : D a nice weird heavy leather scent that I appreciate in a similar way as rivet goth.
  8. Viiinylflowers

    Back in the Recording Studio

    At first I wasn’t into this- it had a lot of personally migraine activating tones to it and wasn’t what I envisioned. I let it sit for a few months ~ and finally worked up the nerve to revisit it. Its really come together, or maybe I just needed more time to get it ~ but what it smells like is the exact recreation of being in like a sort of dark cozy cabin/organic chic style kind of room (a recording studio that records like interesting acoustic acts maybe ? ) and there is some expensive niche candle burning on a piece of foraged driftwood turned into an artistic candleholder ~ and the candle has has semi seaside vibes, like it’s supposed to evoke a house on the sea with dried out gnarled driftwood and lavender bushes and an herb garden and whatnot, and a little bit of witchyness with the hint of clove. (Checks notes - I guess there’s no clove in this but I get a sort of sneaky warm ethereal bite of something in there) It smells more of hot wax/actively burning candle than other candle scents I’ve tried, like it evokes that warm glow in a room very well, and the way this hovers on me really makes me smell like I’ve been lounging in a room like that and the scent clung to my clothes. A lot of the other wax scents I’ve tried smell more like honeycombish to me - but something about the way this hits just does it super realistically. Like I can really smell that hot wax smell in it. this candle would maybe be burning in a secluded recording studio Stevie nicks would work in - but like in the height of fame. Like it’s rustic, cozy, dark, and romantic but definitely a lot of money went into the place and some high profile acts record there and the wood is intentionally unfinished in the decor, maybe with some moss terrariums and stuff like that. It does smell like a vivid memory, and kinda reminds me of the 90s a little, like my mom burning candles and doing witchy stuff but in more of a perfumey way from the sea and driftwood /floral notes. in short(ish) - to sum it up: the resins are more atmospheric than obvious, and create that sense of warm candlelit enclosed space to me (without being like a noticeable dark resin). And the rest is like a “lavender herb garden home on the sea + salty bleached driftwood” scented candle actively burning and filling the room with that hot wax haze. It even has that kind of muted vibe an actively burning candle gives off, with the wax haze over everything. It clings to my clothes like hot wax moody floral lavender beach cabin Stevie nicks vibes. A slight sneaky hit of clove or something is punctuating the notes subtly but that could just be the way this is sitting on me. There’s a little poof of sweet dustiness over top too, but not too much. ???(ok that was long and weird but I’m tryin haha) In the end it’s not my favorite thing ~ i was more attracted to the resins and patchouli in the scent notes and it’s a bit too perfumey on me overall - but it’s interesting and I like how it really pulls off that atmosphere.
  9. Viiinylflowers

    Dried Cherry Incense and Spun Sugar

    This is really pretty and def has that classic old style bpal vibe (like it smells like some very vintage scents I got to try once when a shop that carried bpal was selling old stock a while back) ~ it opens with a tart (not super sour or anything) cherry - kinda emanating darkish ruby red, a bit candied and syrupy at first but in the good bpal way not like an icky overly sweet or cough syrup way. Like I’d prob enjoy this if it was a candy or juice, or some otherworldly and impossible ripe cherry fruit. Anyways, it does that - then it gets easier on the tartness as it sits for a minute, a little less candied too, and spread out. Then the incense begins making itself known. It’s very very pretty and smells expensive, not like a cheapy ashy powdery vape store smoky spicy blemby incense stick quality scent (although I appreciate those here and there in the right places). It’s recognizable but not exactly typical - which I appreciate because I have a lot of incense scents in my life lol. The best way I can describe it is at first to me it smells almost like it has a waft of a dry soft suede or something to it growing beneath the cherry - like slightly indolic in a dry gentle way like that. Then that aspect transitions makes itself known as champa to me, which makes up the bulk of the incense base on me. The type of champa it is, is like a very good quality imported champa resin, probably in the process of being actively burnt. It’s emanating but not smoky. It smells dry but not powdery, and it has that refined nearly suede thing to it, and good nuance. It’s not cloying, and quite interesting. The champa is peppered and layered through with a variety of other incense wafts and resins I guess ~ think of “incense” and you’ll prob imagine correctly what kind I mean. It’s the good kind though, like you bought a more expensive good traditional loose blend w dried resin blobs and crumbles and whatnot from an indie house and are burning it over a hot coal. (I did that once and was surprised at how gorgeous and non smoky that kind of a blend can be). So I get that threading through the champa, it’s mid tone dark, complex, ethereal, and not too flat. Emanating and maybe actively burning but not smoky/burnt, multi textured, kinda dry, powdery and resinous at the same time. And it retains some of that soft suedeyness on me. It’s not super weird or different as an incense blend, but what does make it different is the fact that it has that fancy tone to it. Despite the champa being a big part of the base - it doesn’t flatten and take over everything, it’s quite infused with everything else and I wouldn’t call it a champa scent overall or anything. It’s definitely a darker ruby red cherry scent infused with expensive non powdery incense. Over top is the cherry in various states of blending and settling in. And I rambled a lot so yeahhhh : D edit: oh yeah I forgot - the spun sugar! It’s delightful! So that comes out as I wear it more. It adds like a hot melty cotton candy note. It’s very refined and basically just ever so gently sweetens the mix in a really addicting way that isn’t cloying, and kinda nestles in between the more raspy and flatter tones in the incense blend texturally, and makes me want to keep sneaking up close sniffs of it to study the scent over and over. (this is coming from someone that prefers scents to be less sweet overall)
  10. Viiinylflowers

    Clown Footstool

    This is like an edible and romantic flowered clown lmao. I don’t know how to describe it. The clown aims to please and is covered in sweet vanilla buttercream and holding a bouquet of tuberose. (It ultimately leans more gardenia which isn’t my favorite, but it’s a gentle note) You can smell the face paint just a bit, mingling with the floral and warm buttercream frosting ?.
  11. OooOoO how wonderful. Normally wax scents are too much like strong honey weird on me, but this one is more subtle. It smells like melty wax and cloves in the bottle, but upon application it immediately morphs into a very addicting and mystical fresh and zesty soft green mossy scent. From here the clove starts to slowly return and the more it returns, the more the clove and sparkly mosses both melt down into the wax, which becomes the most prominent note. The wax is much less sweet, and smells kind of “olden” lol. There is a witchy kind of colonial Williamsburg glowy feel with the melted down other notes blended into the melty candle wax. And I start to pick up a bit of the parchment peeking through behind it all, maybe helped along by a really delicious bit of black amber which reads to me as being fairly seamless in how it melds into the parchment. Sort of one in the same ~ or maybe I’d notice it more on another day. It continues to get more complicated on my skin, where I can start smelling some of the other notes blend in and lilt the scent in one direction or another as the scent creeps ever forward toward the longest lingering notes - which seem to be candle wax, parchment, and incensecloveycardemommoss slightly sweetened by ylang. Overall it’s a gentle and cozy scent that really evokes an antique vibe (but like you’re presently in that time, ya know, just huddled over your book in the dark, with witch things and a melting candle.). It’s not one of those super honey wax scents to me, and not assaulting my migraine sensitivities despite containing some testy notes.
  12. Viiinylflowers

    The Necromancer

    I love this oneeee. It smells like a sophisticated cologne kind of scent - the pretty victorian man kind bpal does sometimes that smells to me like smooth fresh greenish lavender water and kind of blended out herbal chypre. Wilde, watson, and jareth are in a similar arena of That Kind of Scent to me (all different in their own way of course) if I’m making any kind of sense. It’s not a Kool Breeze Arctic Blast Spicy Pine Tree Man/Wall Street Man kind of a cologne, but something coming from more natural and fresh/gentle elements. I hate “cologne” smell, but like this style. This smells like those I mentioned above to me at first - but with this studious mage like theme. Honestly, it smells exactly as I expected/hoped from the picture, and from my past experience with similar styles of scents from bpal. Its like he’s got various faded sachets of sophisticated faded dried herbs in his cloak, and he’s just slapped his cheeks with some refreshing but mystical greenish herbal likac-ey lavender water cologne : D Then it gets textured and so beautifully smells like green velvet somehow - somehow, that texture has been translated to a scent, which is wild. And it smells like the velvet is all infused with whatever smells have rubbed onto it from his magical /necromancy mage man doings. Next it gets a little fruity/slightly tart almost from the hint of fig. (This doesn’t last long thankfully, as it wasn’t my favorite part) And finally we’re back into green lightly incensed velvet territory, but with more of a musky + dried herbal chypre scent, and I kiiinddaaa get dusty tomes at this point a little. Like it smells softly dusty musky dried magic stuff and a lil papery. It’s a weirdly sexy scent. Like… beautiful and nice clean smelling ethereal vintage mage creatures with cloaks and secrets and mysterious baggies in their pockets wear this. It also smells like huffing this necromancer’s green velvet cloak. (And you want to do so because he’s so magical and pretty and his cloak is not gross, just smells like lovely things)
  13. Viiinylflowers


    OooOoo I really like this one. It’s much more fresh than I was expecting. Not fresh in a soapy way, but more like a realistic fresh herb /garden scent. it smells like rubbing a tomato leaf plucked from a garden in between your fingers and sniffing it immediately. then it gets brighter - a little too close to celery as the scent blooms. (I’m very sensitive and iffy with green notes though so you can probably take that with a grain of salt if you aren’t) then as I notice the peppery ness come out more, that sort of mitigates the celery scent and pulls it back to garden herb tomato leaf territory - except now there’s a faint fresh tomato scent in there just starting to peek out from beneath. It really smells like a garden tomato, it’s so wild. There’s a bit of a soil smell to this as well - I shift between this smelling like a freshly blended cold soup of garden peppery greens and a little fresh red tomato, or maybe it’s a very garden fresh salad?, or maybe I’m like leaning into a tomato plant in a garden and smelling the whole plant growing with some tomatoes and all, and the fresh soil it’s growing in too. (Not like the soil of zombi and the like, which goes very floral on me) - more of an earthy patchouli kind of a thing, which I prefer. Anyhow, it’s wonderfully fresh, realistic, snappy, and nice. Mostly a peppery green tomato leaf/plant smell with the tiniest kiss of soil and fresh tomato. It leans a litttleee too celery ish on me in some ways , but also wayyy less celery than other scents in this wheelhouse I’ve tried so far. It’s also lingering very nicely too, like I can’t believe I’m still smelling the fresh tomato leaf so prominently. I think I might need to FS the Soup ? I could see this being an oddly addicting relax/focus/sleep scent. (If I can stop sniffing it that is : P ) edit like an hour later: hmm maybe more testing is needed, I thought it was done going through all its phases, but a Final Phase happened that I’m not sure is for me just yet. It becomes like a watery slightly green sheer fresh cracked peppercorn musk - it smells very good but the pepper really amps on me over much with a wide projection. I thought the soft earthy notes that were smoothing things out would settle as the base, but they have disappeared and I’m getting cool plant water and pepper that needs constant attention. I’m gonna test this more and put a little less on to see how it fares or if I’m just gonna keep amping the pepper no matter what. Not giving up on you yet Soup!
  14. Viiinylflowers

    Bobbing for Blood Kisses

    Apple isn’t my favorite scent, but I like it once in a blue moon. I got this entirely for the blood kiss - which is one of my favorite bpal scents (and all I’ve ever had of it is one single leetle imp : D ) I figured this would be like some amount of apple + blood kiss, but the blood kiss in this sits really weird on my skin in ways that my imp doesn’t. It smells husky musky in a sorta powdery way that is a very tactile back of your throat kinda scent - like the feral musk is amping on me a lot. After the apple opening (which smells to me like a sour red or maybe yellow? candied apple and burns off pretty fast). - I mostly get the feral musk front and center - then second - a hint of greenish vetiver that smells like a cross between vetiver and the green cardamom note as I’ve experienced it in the past - adding a little something. Then the other notes serve to sweeten it a little and kind of round things off. The sweetness smells a little red and vaguely honeyed, and the poppy is more textural on me, if I really look for it, it’s like slightly sweet petals smoothing into the musk. And there’s a sort of hovering candy sour apple vetiver ness floating above, blending into the hovering musk.
  15. Viiinylflowers

    Snow White Rabbit

    I love this one ~ it’s got a cool clean smell at first- in freshly washed laundry territory, but it’s not cloying, just rather uplifting. I’m not really a laundry scent person, but something about the finish of this works for me, I guess just all the other good stuff balancing it out and taking away any soapy cloying chemical edges. So it’s just fresh without the bothersome parts. The ginger and pepper don’t read as super obvious (spicy) to me- they come off as more of like a part of the floatiness the sheets or something. then it starts leaning into the snow white more - it gets a cool oddly creamy coconutty faintest hint of floral snowy overlay. The coconut starts getting a little fruity or tangy on me for a short time but thankfully it doesn’t last long. and in the final stage, it becomes a pale gently sweetened creamy vanilla tea, with maybe a slight tone of boba to it or bubble tea vibe - but that aspect isn’t super obvious. the whole scent is pure white tones and very ethereal and clean and pretty. My favorite part about it is how it has three distinct stages and wears a pretty long time for each one (scents tend to go through their phases pretty quickly on me usually)
  16. Viiinylflowers

    A Sorceress

    I absolutely loved the concept and bottle art for this one - but it is unfortunately really not my cup of tea. To my senses this is a high pitched very clangy metallic harsh white amber with pitchy musky florals. This is accented by an underwaft of what I can only describe as a what smells like a very dirty petsmart style snake cage. Like a hot poopy serpent smell snaking it’s way through the scent. It doesn’t really evolve for me, maybe it grows a bit more metallic as I wear it, which serves to create even more of a noxious juxtaposition between the funk and the intense perfumey notes.
  17. Viiinylflowers

    Bobbing for Snake Oil

    It took a while for me to fall in love with this one. I love trying all the snake oil variants and this certainly was festive, but idk it was weird at first on me. The mixture of red apple hitting the SO vanilla was evocative of icky floral-musky snake oil pie crust perfume after the initial refined apple pop, and mostly remained that way. I had hope though because SO often smells weird like that on me for the first month of aging/susceptible to smelling more powdery/musky/stale/floral during hormonal shifts. But with time, it always deepens, gets richer and smoother, and all those odd raspy parts settle into a beautiful odd addicting thing. Slowly I started craving it more and more, and it was better each time I tried it. It kinda snuck up on me. At this point I perceive it as having a wonderful balance of the complex snake oil and a drop of uplifting/ refreshing crisp red apple just subtly in there. It makes for a really nice juxtaposition that really works when you crave that richness of snake oil but also don’t want to be dragged down by the scent too much.
  18. Viiinylflowers

    Torta Setteveli

    I don’t know why but this smells like lots of grainy stale cocoa powder with slight hazelnut flavor dusted onto blemby thin warm vanilla on me. BPAL does my favorite chocolate notes, but this one so far isn’t working for me, unfortunately - it’s not reading realistic, rich, and smooth like I’m used to from BPAL chocolate scents - it has that harsh texture. I’m gonna let it sit longer and revisit in a month though, and I’ll update ? Editing to add: that I got covid shortly after reviewing this - so once I can confirm my senses are normal again, I will revisit and update my review to see if I was experiencing some pre-anosmia weirdness when I reviewed this. Edit again: nose back to normal, and she’s not grainy anymore : D (so that was def covid rearing it’s ugly head) smells like it’s supposed to ~ smooth nutty multi layered dark chocolate. Delicious.
  19. Viiinylflowers

    Queen of Elphame

    On me, this wears like a soft wash over the skin like a watery muted sweet anise sort of scent, with a blended something in the aura of the listed notes. That blended something creates a sort of ethereal softly sweet floral blend, like flowers blended together trying their best to create a Fae like softly sweet sheer vanilla. The orris starts to steal the show from the anise like note on center stage after I wear it for a bit, but it’s subtle, just a little prickery amidst that cool floral blended vanilla style skin scent. it is overall a springy but cool toned scent, and wears like the notes are all watered down in a very Fae fashion. It wears on me like an aura blendy skin scent. This is sort of a contender for me to seek out a FS but I’m not 100% sure yet.
  20. Viiinylflowers

    Elphame's Feast

    This is almost a perfect scent for me - like it starts out incredibly beautiful, it basically smells like a beautiful faerie banquet table covered in overgrown greenery of various sorts in the middle of a silvery green misty ethereal forest. So that translates scent wise to - basically a soft ethereal foggy multi cool greenish blend with bits of a soft vanillic buttery tea cake peeking through, maybe a very subtle sprinkle of a yellowy white floral idk. Like the table has some minimal tiny wildflowers here and there. The problem is as soon as this sits on my skin for like ten mins, it starts amping a “taste in the back of your throat” metallic clanging aquatic white amber that just smashes through that diorama like a wrecking ball. Something in this definitely hates my skin. And that is what persists until I have to wash it off. I am keeping my imp just to experience that beautiful opening now and then, but it’s not something I would do unless I was going to take a shower soon or if I was feeling minimally migrainey that day and could tolerate a longer wear. I want this so badly to return in some iteration without whatever that note/s are. (now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder if it’s green cardamom… I remember experiencing that having this clangy aspect to it in other blends)
  21. Viiinylflowers

    First Class Upgrade

    This is such a strange and interesting scent. On me it definitely has a weird quality of that feeling you get in your head when you are on an airplane + a sort of muffled sterile cottony thing + “fancy person” perfume. It’s like all these high pitched things creating a really strong higher atmosphere perfume. A very odd and cool sensory experience! it is very perfumey and there is a sort of high pitched creamy sterile cotton + high pitched Frankincense and white amber happening prominently on me - the Frankincense I think is giving it a funny tone up close, almost a tinge of sterile clear fruityness wafting over the cotton and department store style perfume
  22. Viiinylflowers

    Be Happy Still Lil

    This is very high pitched, almost silvery/icy orange blossom that creates a nearly seamless ombré into fresh lotus. The white musk cradles the florals but not in an assaulting way. It wears like a subtle clean silvery-pale orange skin musk. It’s so beautiful. It has a very cozy aspect to it despite being a high pitched freshly washed kind of a scent. I don’t know what it is about this exactly but there’s something very human/contemplative about it, which I wouldn’t normally associate with a clean floral like this.
  23. Viiinylflowers


    This is very very pretty for the type of scent it is, which is a bit out of my wheelhouse. Overall, it’s a sort of melancholy whispy ethereal iris musk. I’m getting dusky iced over twilight purple and dusty lavender color w some bruised bits and foggy white - as an overall scent color impression. It tugs at the heartstrings and smells loving but melancholy somehow. Somewhere in between the memory of a dewy cold iris plant, and a freshly washed person you have heartfelt contemplative feelings for. So to go into the specifics - at first I get a strong hit of the iris butter. It smells like a condensed brick of iris, it makes the smell a unified/smooth combo of: resinous powdery musky buttery and fresh all combined into one note. I don’t like iris generally, but this is a good note. It’s condensed but smooth enough that it almost leans anise like at first. As it opens up on my skin, what leaned in the anise direction, starts to grow indolic in a very refined dry way. The scent grows more dry, musky, serene but wistful, and the orris adds that soapy kind of freshly washed tone it often does. So at this point it’s very moody soapy dusky pale lavender colored with a kiss of that refined fresh but indolic iris over top. Scents like this often remind me of Easter mornings of my childhood with like a cold chill in the air, and walking over cut grass church lawns. Where it would be super early in the morning and I’d be in some fancy dress and the grass would whip at my feet and get the tights inside my little white patent leather Mary Jane shoes wet. And there would be tiny purple flowers in the grass, and the scent of the older ladies perfumes sort of hovering about, mingling with the cool fresh early morning air. Overall- this is a nice cozy but clean purple floral musk that leans melancholy and sort of dry/indolic the entire wear time. Beyond that condensed beautiful buttery anise-iris opening - it leaves a freshly washed aspect on the skin, like you washed your hands with an iris bar soap + some iris tinted dry indole. But the scent is more refined and sophisticated/a bit more natural than just that also.
  24. Viiinylflowers


    bought direct from the lab’s Etsy shop ^___^ (also, sorry for the size of the text ? idk how to fix it) Wet: heavily mildewed, heavy black leather jacket. Drydown: serious/scary/sexy dom dressed entirely in heavy oiled-up black leather (maybe masked as well), standing in a dark streetlight-lit warehouse club in Berlin + …..a hint of chlorine (noooo). After a bit: similar, but the leather starts to smell more chewy. More like the softer nubby unfinished other side, vs the slick side. It’s wearing more “gently”/lived in, but no less intimidating. Not your average “black leather jacket” note, this smells very real, like someone is standing next to me. Chlorine is still present wafting a bit in the background. A little bit later lol: I think the industrial notes are starting to emerge. Maybe hints of motor oil. It’s doing a slight call back to the mildew phase as it transitions. Five mins later haha: chlorine aspect is pretty much gone. Motor oil subtly present and blendy with the chewy/worn but oiled heavy black leather. I think I smell something unsettling in the background, which might be the rust. It’s not strong and is barely noticeable in fact, but it makes my brain think “I’m crouching in a warehouse in the dark in a sisters of mercy music video surrounded by things I could unexpectedly hurt myself on, but that’s part of the fun.” Overall - I’m so glad I tried this. It’s super evocative and nostalgic, and smells like post-apocalyptic romance and intrigue. Literally the smell of lurking in the dark next to someone who is wearing lots of intimidating but sexy oiled black leather in a moody industrial atmosphere. Am I with a gang of post-apocalyptic rapscallions (one of whom I’m secretly desperately in love with), hiding from some evil government forces in a dilapidated city building at night? Am I about to get my a$$ beat by a very exclusive, very bohemian dom from a poppy z brite novel, who wears surreal imported German leather costumes and only operates out of abandoned warehouses at night? Am I awkwardly standing alone at a pop-up illegal industrial night party in some moldy abandoned warehouse somewhere, feeling kind of lonely, but then turn to my right and the boy who will be the future love of my life just so happens to be standing there too, and we shyly lock eyes as the moonlight gently illuminates the tips of his beautiful dark hair and black leather jacket? I don’t know, but I’m glad I can open this bottle any time for a little escape ?
  25. Viiinylflowers

    Leaf Moon 2021

    On first application it smells almost like fresh wet red tea or something, which realizes itself quickly into a soft fresh red leaf note, a little bit of sweet burning woodsmoke, and soft earthy-sweet red musk. The scent when it first goes on is so addicting ? one of my favorite renditions of a “leaf” scent ever ~ it’s just so *fresh* and red, and gets more brownish/dry the longer it’s on my skin. That opening is divine. It quickly settles into a soft fresh/dry red leaf-tinged, see through-ey red musk, with a waft of burning woodsmoke. It wears like a skin scent, and is very cozy and evocative of fall. Like walking into a forest clearing that is just entirely covered in vivid red leaves sort of blanketing the ground, both dry and wet, and there’s a log burning in the background. I can smell a tiny bit of the char of the wood, but it’s very elegant and subtle/ethereal. dead leaf note wise - It’s different to me than other dead leaf notes. Maybe a tiny drop of the bell pepper thing (which I don’t mind most of the time and see the purpose of), but it’s also not performing like the others I’ve tried. The opening is more red tea-like with a tiny drop of bell pepper, vs a bell pepper burst that lifts and then reveals the notes. Throughout the wear time it does kinda smell like “red tea” the whole time, but it is also undeniably a leafy fall thing at the same time. I absolutely love this scent (not to mention the bottle artwork). I just wish the opening lasted longer because it’s sooo good. It’s a very very quiet scent for most of the wear time. Like a softly sweet red leafy gentle woodsmoke tinged red musk. I have to remember the patchouli is in there, because it so seamlessly becomes a part of the atmospheric image to me that I don’t register it unless I think about it. When I think about it, it’s definitely noticeable- but if I don’t make myself isolate that note, then I just perceive it as something that adds a little depth/grounding to the overall image being evoked, like adding contrast or shadowing lol.