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Posts posted by dancingchair

  1. Predominately citrus on me, but I like the depth that the herbal notes add. I was a bit nervous about this one since I think I amp oakmoss but I can hardly smell it in this blend. It does not stick around for long, so it's a brief but fun blast of citrus and herbs.

  2. This is mostly a bright, citrusy perfume. The grapefruit is quite prominent to me and realistic, it's that cloud of zest that spritzes in the air after you peel away the rind. I do get a hint of florals that round out the perfume and make it a bit soapy. A fresh and clean smell overall.

  3. Wet, I get a dark undercurrent of incense and a lot of bright citrusy lemongrass. Dry, the incense fades more and I still get tons of lemongrass. I also occasionally get whiffs of indolic jasmine. I think this is another perfume I'd like to scent soap or something with instead of wearing myself.

  4. Pumpkin, chocolate, coffee bean, vanilla bean, and hazelnut


    I was kindly gifted a testable sniffle of this. Wet, it's a very cinnamon-forward pumpkin, but there's a good chance that's just my skin. As it dries, the coffee and nuttiness come out a bit more. It ends up being a sweet and creamy hazelnut pumpkin spice latte. I don't get much of the vanilla or chocolate.

  5. This is a perfume I want to use but not really wear. It smells soapy and citrusy, a bit like a nice cleaner. It'd be great on clean sheets or to scent a scrubby soap. I should probably revisit this when it's not cold out because I don't really want a scent like this in January.

  6. Heavy incense notes waft lazily through a mix of carnation, jasmine, bergamot, and neroli over a lush bed of dark mosses, iris blossom, deep patchouli and indolent vetiver.

    A big, lush floral party. The jasmine was the most prominent and I wasn't really able to pick out any other individual floral notes. After the perfume dries, I do get a bit of incense.


    This is lovely but it's not for me.

  7. I am also in the cumin party group. I get some aldehydes a faint sweetness, too, but not enough to bring down the cumin party. For whatever reason, there is a soapiness to this perfume, too, but I'm not sure where that's coming from. I think I'd be down for the cumin party if the coconut and other spices were stronger. I will sit on this one and see if it mellows out after a while.

  8. I got this as a frimp from the lab, and I'm not super familiar with most of the notes so I probably wouldn't have picked this up otherwise. I think the myrrh in this almost smells like ambergris to me? It has an aquatic vibe that I like but is borderline soapy. The balsam gives it a bit of a woodsy edge. Something is giving it a sweetness, which is probably the storax? It's not really incense-y to me, but it is nice. It's a clean aquatic/woods perfume. Not what I expected at all but I like it!

  9. Wet, it's a pile of astringent herbs. Lavender is the strongest with rosemary a close second. As it dries, a lemony sweetness appears, the verbena? It transforms into an herbal sweet lemon scent, which is quite nice.

  10. 2016 version

    On me, this is mostly a duel between patchouli/sandalwood and black current. Patchouli and sandalwood have teamed up to be a sharp floral, which isn't my favorite. Close to the skin, they both smell like a beautiful sparkling woody incense but in the waft it's definitely a sharp, pungent floral. The black currant is very strong and sweet, counterbalancing the sharp patchouli/sandalwood combo a bit. The cinnamon is also there in the background, adding a nice spice to the incensy patchouli/sandalwood. I was hoping for caramel and tobacco, but I don't really smell them at all.


    I have conflicting feelings about this one because I love how it smells on my skin but I don't like catching whiffs of it. I have a love/hate relationship with patchouli I guess.

  11. Opens with a lot of ginger and pepper. Settles into a great spice blend, but I don't get very much cream or coffee. @Little Bird mentioned that it smells like gingerbread spices and I agree, it's gingerbread spices without any of the sweetness. My skin amps cinnamon usually but the cinnamon in this is a supporting player. It's there but it doesn't smother everything else. I like this and I think it would be great for layering!

  12. Wet, this was a sweet gooey indulgent mess that couldn't decide what it wanted to be. As it dried, it settled on becoming a pineapple custard. It's very sweet and creamy with a hint of caramel, reminiscent of thick condensed milk or a flan. The pineapple is very prominent for me and it smells caramelized.


    I could see this being a morpher so I'll probably try it again some other time. I like it but it is very sweet and rich so it's not really an everyday perfume.
