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Posts posted by dancingchair

  1. Begins as a delicious honeyed cake oozing with jammy berries. Very yummy! Eventually it becomes a nice sweet powdery smell, like someone ate up the cake and left a plate of crumbs and traces of powdered sugar. I'm not sure where I get honey from since it's not listed in the notes, but it is there and mingling with a vanilla cake note.

  2. This is mostly Schneeballen and Lebkuchen on me. The combination of the chocolate and marzipan with Lebkuchen is stellar. The spices balance out the sweetness of the chocolatey marzipan wonderfully. I think the Mutzenmandeln bring a more savory oily note that rounds out the other sweets.


    I bought this perfume second-hand from someone because I miss traveling terribly. The photo on the label brings back fond memories of visiting endless Weihnachtsmärkte during a December trip to Germany. The perfume itself is reminiscent of eating tons of Lebkuchen, chocolate, and other sweet treats in between sightseeing. I am happy I found a bottle of this! :wub2:

  3. I was generously frimped this by a forum member! This is pretty true to the description. I get cranberry, lime, booze, and a hint of some effervescence. Unfortunately I don't really enjoy aldehydes that much so this isn't for me, but I'm glad I got to try it!

  4. Really close to being amazing, but the sandalwood plus carnation combo is too sharp and floral and it makes me sneeze. I can smell incense-y spices and something sweet, the vanilla other reviewers are also noticing. It reminds me of Western Diamondback with the desert air, sandalwood, and vanilla combo, but I do prefer the lack of perfume-y florals in Western Diamondback.

  5. A lethal poison bundled up in a dainty, innocent little package that was oft times found in ancient witches’ flying ointments and astral projection balms. A warm, soft, ruddy scent, earthy and mild.


    It's a nice blend of sweet, freshly turned earth and patchouli. The patchouli isn't overwhelming to me like it can be sometimes. It's dirty, but quite wearable.

  6. 2018 version

    Snake Oil smothered in sweet cream with a hint of honey. The musk and spices of Snake Oil keep this from being cloying. It's not as strong as other Snake Oils or BPAL honey perfumes so it's pretty wearable. It's very snuggly, I like it!


    I tried this next to Womb Furie, and Womb Furie is way more honey with less Snake Oil. They are different enough that I'm happy to have both, but I slightly prefer Womb Furie because I love the honey note.

  7. There's something delicious and caramelized in this blend, maybe that's the glow? The peach is stronger on me than the pumpkin. I don't get a lot of spice, which I'm happy about because I have a lot of spicy pumpkin perfumes. It is also pretty faint on me, so it's like a gently glowing peachy pumpkin jack-o-lantern.

  8. Very strong aquatic cologne. I get a lot of oceanic musk, salty air, waterlogged wood, and well-worn leather. The spices are lurking under the surface of the waves of this perfume, adding complexity. It doesn't go soapy or laundry to me. I really enjoy this, it begins as a deceptively straightforward aquatic cologne but there's actually a lot going on and I am here for all of it. :lovestruck:

  9. Very floral opening that makes me a bit nervous. As it dries, the milk and honey become more prominent and turn everything powdery. The bergamot is there, adding something tea-like. The rose is quite jammy and the carnation adds just a touch of spice. Alice isn't really me but it is nice!

  10. I think this needs some time to rest for it to work on me. In the bottle it smells like a buttery brown sugar cookie. Wet on my skin, it goes plasticky. After it dries, the plastic mostly fades away and I get a powdery sugar cookie. It smells very close to being delicious all the way through, so I think that if I wait a month or so this will be wearable for me. In the mean time, I've been using it for layering because it is mostly a fun, sugary perfume that pairs well with many other perfumes I have.

  11. 2021 imp


    Wet on my skin this is honey-sweetened bitter almond. As it dries it becomes a powdery milky honey smell without much almond. This isn't very long-lasting or strong on me, but it's nice while it lasts!

  12. Voluptuous and indulgent! A deep chocolate scent, with black cherry and orange blossom.

    At first, this is all cherries with something kind of peppery in the background. After the cherries calm down a bit as the scent dries, the chocolate and the orange blossom join forces to become almost incense-like and headshop-y. After an hour or so it becomes a faint chocolate cherry floral. Nice but not what I expected!

  13. Wet, this somehow gives me the impression of honeyed lettuce? I get the crispness of a fresh piece of romaine, it's weird. Thankfully, this goes away as the scent dries down. I'm left with a powdery, sweet creamy wood scent. I think the vetiver is a bit grassy or something, which might be what gives me the lettuce feeling. I do still detect a grassy note in here but it's more like a pot of decorative grasses on an ornate wooden table instead of lettuce. I'm happy I got to try it but the lettuce makes me wary so I don't think I will seek out a full size.

  14. Incensy clouds of herbal lavender and tobacco. It is quite sweet and a touch smoky. I was worried about the nag champa since that tends to go screechy on me but it is very subdued. I like this, it's a meditative scent.

  15. Good

    A delicate floral wreathed in light honey and soft vanilla. There's a squeaky clean note, maybe the musk? It is powdery, but in an angelic cherub dusted with baby powder kind of way. Very simple and light, good for situations where you want to smell nice without overdoing it.

  16. In the decant, I mostly get dead leaves. Wet on my skin, it's strong dead leaves on a pile of clean laundry. As it dries, I get more sweet cream. I think the tea note blends really well with the dead leaves note so it's kind of hard to pick out on its own, but I can smell it when I'm looking for it. On me, it could be renamed to Dead Leaves, a Cozy Sweater, and a Mug of Tea with Cream since it's all about the dead leaves. I'm not sure that I want to full size it, but I'm happy with my decant!

  17. A straightforward orange smell, almost exactly like peeling an orange. The fig is there beneath the bright, zesty orange adding subtle spice and molassesy caramel, but the orange is definitely the star of the show.

  18. Rogue: Soft, well-worn black leather, hemp, and rosin.
    Bliss: A shot of pure, self-indulgent euphoria! A scent that is very, very wicked in its own way: the serotonin-slathered scent of pure milk chocolate.
    Black Rider: Black leather, oppoponax, tobacco, and black amber.

    Wet on the skin, this is sticky sweet chocolate backed by tons of leather and a chewy touch of tobacco. As it dries, chocolate pulls back a bit and it becomes more like chocolate-sweetened leather. I can definitely smell the hemp from Rogue and it's giving the perfume an edge that keeps it from being too overwhelmingly sweet. I haven't tried Bliss so to me this is a great Rogue blend.

  19. In the decant it is screechingly strong cherry. Wet on the skin, it starts out very strong on the cherry but it melts away into a really nice cherry and honey combo. As it dries, the peppercorn and the carnation become more prominent and it turns into a beautiful sweet and spicy floral. It does remind me a bit of a cherry potpourri because something about the carnation smells dried or something. Maybe that's the peppercorn at work? I do not get cherry lozenge thankfully, but I also don't get a lot of cherry in the dry-down. I am very picky about florals but this is really nice.

  20. Bewitched is straightforward berry and sage for the most part, with the dark musk adding a deep and mysterious note reminiscent of dark woods and incense. I don't get much green tea, but it could be subtly adding a grassy effect in the background. It is a bit soapy but that doesn't bother me. Very witchy, I like it!
