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BPAL Madness!


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About Grim

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    casual sniffer

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  1. Grim

    Beaver Moon: Violet and Vanilla Chiffon

    To me, this is the epitome of late 80s to mid 90s girl childhood. This smells like pastel floral bedspreads against white iron bed frames, white wicker chairs, and scented plastic baby dolls. Absolutely sentimental and I adore
  2. Grim

    The Veil Falls Like Leaves

    So this is FRESH out if the mail. In the bottle and wet on skin, immediately strong dead leaves and nothing else. It eventually fades into (to me) notes that don’t exist in it. I no longer smell leaves, but it does smell exactly light 90s Goth from Black Baccara, minus the clove. It smells like dark waxy lipstick and hairspray. I enjoy it, and it’s pleasant, but not what I was expecting or hoping for.
  3. Grim

    The Storm

    If Shut Me Up in Prose and Zorya P had a baby, this would be it
  4. Grim


    I feel really sad about this one. I’m very, very late to the Haunted party. I never tried it before, despite being a longtime Bpal buyer. About 2 years ago I got a frimp of it and fell absolutely in love and ordered a full size. The FS smelled basically nothing of the imp. I chocked it up to age. A year later, I got another lab frimp of it and it smelled amazing, but the FA still smelled totally different. I emailed the lab and they graciously sent another bottle, but same issue. Both frimps smell deep and resiny and soft and vanilla-leather like. The FS’s I received are 100% baby powder. totally heartbroken.
  5. Katrina Van Tassel in hair gloss form. Creamy, pink, sugary vanilla rose. This is now my second favorite gloss behind So You Are A Princess, and I’m buying several more backups
  6. Grim

    Portrait of Princess Marthe Bibesco

    This is 100% pure butterscotch. I literally cannot detect a single other note. Super disappointed.
  7. Grim

    Iris in a Vase

    On me this smells nearly identical to rose quartz bedroom. I did a side by side skin sniff and they are basically indistinguishable. So for anyone who missed out, this would be a perfect substitute
  8. Grim


    For anyone sad about missing out on Lucille Sharpe, on my skin they are very similar.
  9. Grim


    This is fresh out of the mailbox, so take that at it’s worth. There’s no orchid note listed, but I feel that’s predominantly what I’m smelling? It smells almost steamy, like there’s a wet heat to it (that’s such a gross descriptor and I apologize. Ha ha). It’s in the same realm of OLLA Ava or Flower Bomb. I do also smell a lot of jasmine, but it’s not the stinky kind, thankfully. Sadly not getting any rose, sandalwood, or bourbon vanilla.
  10. Grim


    Granted, this is fresh out of the mailbox, but it smells just like the lab’s pomegranate note and a touch of balsam? Weird. Not really getting anything outside those two notes. Unfortunately at this moment, it smells just like potpourri to me, which is how basically everything with the labs pom smells on me. But obviously there’s no pom here, so I’m really hoping in a few weeks everything settles and smells much better. For right now, it’s just like that artificial smelling floral powder grandmas used to put on their carpets after vacuuming.
  11. Grim


    Smells very nice, but smells NOTHING like OG Dorian
  12. Grim

    Ghost Dragon’s Mama

    Sour milk that stains your nostrils for hours. Seriously. 2+ hours in and no matter what, the pungent milk lingers