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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by AbbyNormal

  1. AbbyNormal

    Wooden Path in Autumn

    This scent is simply beautiful. It really does smell exactly like what the painting looks like. I get the rooibos fairly strongly, combined with non-dead leaves, and I don’t know how it’s possible but it really is the scent of fresh cut grass if you could make it golden instead of green. Absolutely stunning and I’m so glad I got a bottle.
  2. AbbyNormal

    Meatball Jazz Hands

    Everything about Meatball Jazz Hands was screaming at me to order it, so I did. It arrived today and I’m so happy I listened to it! Granted, I know it’s dealing with mail shock, but in the bottle is just gloriously warm. The ginger cider is making it presence known, and the rest just kinda hangs back. When I put on a drop it was initially a blast of ginger but after a few the labdanum and fig come forward. This scent is so me and I just want to lick my arm, even though it’s not really a gourmand. My only wish is that the chicken lady had made it onto the bottle artwork, but I do love that when I open my BPAL cabinet there’s a giant meatball staring back at me
  3. AbbyNormal

    Beaver Moon: Blackberry and Tobacco Absolute

    When I first put this on it was rich and deep and glorious. Then it shifted to a scented 80s plastic doll for about an hour or two. It gradually went back to rich and decadent, and much fainter, but the plastic ruined the possibility of upgrading to a full bottle for me. I wish it had stayed how it was when I first applied it. I may try a scent locket or something because it was initially amazing, it just didn’t play well with my skin chemistry.
  4. AbbyNormal

    Practical Occultism

    I got my decant of this yesterday and decided to give it a try today. In the imp it smells incredible, lightly spicy, and I can pick out the anise. The instant it touches my skin? Baby powder. I’m writing this right now in the throes of baby powder purgatory, desperately hoping it’ll shift so I don’t have to go scrub it off. I’m glad I only put on a small swipe. I keep trying to pick out any of the notes but it’s powder all the way down. Damn you skin chemistry!
  5. AbbyNormal

    Pumpkin Spice Sufganiyot

    So far it’s very fall candle-ish, but I’m not mad at it. I do like it but it seems to be lacking a bit of oomph that I crave so I’ll have to see what I can layer it with. It is a very pumpkin spice scent with just a tiny hint of baked something. I keep huffing it because it honestly does smell delicious, but I do need to add a little bit of darkness to make it totally me.
  6. AbbyNormal

    Psychodynamic Discharge

    When I first put this on straight from the mail carrier it was an incredibly rich and spicy amazingness that I couldn’t stop huffing. Now after a few minutes it’s settled down and the rose has come out to play. I am an avowed rose hater but surprisingly I’m not mad at this. I’m curious to see how it behaves when it has a chance to recover from the mail shock.
  7. AbbyNormal

    Hot Buttered Snake Oil

    Granted, I just plucked this out of the mail carrier’s hands about 10 minutes ago, but this smells exactly as you’d expect, and the spice (mainly cinnamon) is much more prominent than I thought it would be. I know it still needs to settle from the mail shock but even so this is glorious! I’ll update after it has a chance to calm down a bit. Hopefully it doesn’t morph too much ????
  8. AbbyNormal

    Pinched With Four Aces

    A few years ago I bought Pinched w/ Four Pumpkins and fell head over heels. I knew there was pretty much zero chance of ever being able to try the original Pinched but I adored it so much that I didn’t care. Thanks to a very generous forumite I now have a tester of the OG in my grubby little hands. I can see why it is so sought after! I put on the tiniest drop and it bloomed into a glorious tobacco with a touch of cinnamon and creaminess. I don’t get any coffee, and the woods are there but hanging out in the background. That said, and this might sound a bit blasphemous, but I actually prefer Pumpkins ? (probably just because it was the one I encountered first). But that doesn’t mean I won’t treasure every drop of Aces and be so grateful that I was given the opportunity to try it ?
  9. AbbyNormal

    Swapping to Wand Caps or Reducer Caps

    I have a large vase on my dresser and I just toss them in there as a cacophonous air freshener for the room
  10. AbbyNormal


    I tacked an imp of this onto my last order, tried it once and immediately ordered a full size bottle. As far as I know I’ve only tried one other civet blend, Black Annis, and it doesn’t go poopy on me at all (or at least according to my sniffer). If it does smell like it to others they’re just gonna have to deal. I LOVE THIS. I adore red musk, and this is just rich and musky and everything I want to smell like. It kind of reminds me of Heartshow just a bit, even though the only thing they have in common is the red musk. I’m so happy this is a GC so I can get more when I inevitably run out from slathering.
  11. AbbyNormal

    The Autumn Folk

    I am so glad I gave this a chance to recover from mail shock. When it first arrived I tried a small drop and it immediately smelled like poop. There was a pleasantness underneath it, but poop was definitely the forefront. The same thing happened with my Hatman from the same order. So I set them aside. Today I tried them again and there were zero signs of poop. The Autumn Folk is much brighter than I expected, almost a touch effervescent when first applied. The leaves are present but hanging back quite a bit, and it’s much sweeter than I thought it would be from the mead. There’s a touch of pumpkin and it reminds me of the pumpkin in Pinched w/ 4 Pumpkins (pumpkin is starting to not look like a word anymore). In fact, the longer I have it on the more it reminds me of Pinched, if you swapped out the coffee and cinnamon for leaves and mead. I’m very happy I went for a full sized bottle!
  12. AbbyNormal

    Copperhead Snake on Dead Leaves

    My decant arrived today and I am in love! It’s similar to Haunt 2021, and while I’m not really familiar with cistus or orris root, the neroli is present and overall it’s shifted to something nearly aquatic. My brain is interpreting it as Haunt 2021 at the beach. I’m going to wait a day or two to see if this changes after going through the mail but I’m pretty sure I need a bottle of this.
  13. AbbyNormal

    Filthy Peach Pulp

    This arrived today and we’re in the middle of a 100+ heat wave but I couldn’t wait for this to rest. It’s everything I thought it would be!!! I have a bottle of Imp that is unbelievably dirty and sexy, and this is very similar but amped up even more. I can’t wait to see how this will be once it’s had a chance to settle for a bit. But so far I am IN LOVE
  14. AbbyNormal

    The Witches Have a Fire Again

    Started on the smoky side and I didn’t think much of it. While I was making my coffee I kept getting whiffs of something amazing, yet familiar, sniffed my wrist and got a nose full of a gorgeous sweetness that reminds me a lot of the dry down of Haunt 2021. I have Haunt so I’m not sure I need a bottle of this one but it really is stunning after the smoke dissipates.
  15. AbbyNormal

    Fancy Pups

    I added this into my decant order as a last minute decision, thinking it sounded interesting but might not entirely be up my alley. I got my package yesterday and this one was by far my favorite of everything I sampled. I’ve already added it to my cart and am just waiting until I decide on a few weenies before I order a full bottle. I mainly get a tropical papaya/mango, but I do pick up a hint of tobacco and leather that fill in the gaps and make a very well rounded scent. I don’t know if it was somehow a trace of Dorian that didn’t wash out of my shirt or if this really does dry down to Dorian, but I slathered again earlier for science and should find out in a few hours if my skin chemistry really does morph this into almost an exact Dorian replica somehow. I will report back with my findings… **edit** a few hours later and this definitely dries down to something very Dorian adjacent. I don’t know how, but it’s incredible! **edit number 2** the weirdest thing, it’s Dorian on my chest, but nothing like Dorian on my arm. I may need to test more..:
  16. AbbyNormal

    Dried is the Blood of Thy Lover

    Granted, my bottle just arrived today so I should probably give it a couple of days to get past the mail shock, but I could not wait. This manages to somehow be the love child of Lust, Krampus, and Black Phoenix, Now with Added Cinnamon!™️ It doesn’t make any sense but that’s what I’m getting. The clove is pretty strong upfront, enough to make the skin on my chest tingle more than a little, but after it dries down it throws Black Phoenix a ton, mixed with the dusty/woody notes from Krampus, and sweetened by the red musk and myrrh of Lust. I adore all of those scents alone, and together it’s definitely an interesting mix that I wasn’t expecting. I really like this one and I’m glad I bought it, but it’s hasn’t progressed to full on love yet. I’m sure it will once it’s rested, and especially after some aging.
  17. AbbyNormal

    Snake Oil Hot Toddy

    I tried my decant this morning and couldn’t stop huffing myself all day. I thought it smelled familiar (I mean, it’s Snake Oil so of course it does, but like a Snek variant I knew) and it wasn’t until this evening that it hit me, this is the same Snek as Bobbing for Snake Oil! There’s no apple, but otherwise it’s very similar to my nose. I do adore this one, and ended up slathering when I got home from work, but now that I’ve figured out what it reminds me of I don’t think I need a full bottle since I already have Bobbing. *edit* jokes on me, I have a full bottle now! ?
  18. AbbyNormal

    Performing Cunnilingus on a Colleague

    When I first got this it was almost overpowering carnation so I sniffed it a put it aside. Every so often I’d sniff it again and still “BAM CARNATION” so I never really got around to testing it. Tonight I gave it a good shake before finally trying it on and now I’m kicking myself for waiting so long. The carnation is definitely still there, but the ginger and cassis are making their presence known. I can pick up a hint of red musk and I’m hoping it becomes more prominent as it dries because the lab’s red musk is one of my favorite notes. Its much spicier than I ever thought it would be from sniffing the bottle, and I will definitely be wearing it now.
  19. AbbyNormal

    Pumpkin Spice Cranberry Vodka

    Cranberry, faint spice, and wet metal. Like I sniffed the inside of the cocktail shaker after making a cranberry cocktail and served it with dry, hard spice cookies.
  20. AbbyNormal

    Witch in the Woods

    In the decant this was a delicious blackberry herbal tea, but when I applied it I got plastic and fruit. I knew the smell but couldn’t place it at first and then it hit me. A Strawberry Shortcake doll!!! I even had my partner confirm that I wasn’t losing it and he very enthusiastically agreed. This is the smell of my childhood! It’s kind of unnerving how spot on it is, if I closed my eyes I’d swear it was a doll.
  21. AbbyNormal

    Batty Perversion

    I tried an imp of the original Perversion earlier this year a promptly added it to my wishlist, and then when Batty Perversion came out I blind bought a bottle. I honestly don’t remember what the OG smelled like, only that I liked it enough to want to upgrade, and I absolutely adore BP. I mainly get the Chardonnay (which in wine I’m not really a fan) and an overall sweetness. I loved it enough to pick it as the scent I wore when I saw Hozier so now it has all of those good association woven in with it. I do get a hint of leather, but nowhere near as strong as in Snooty Bat (my other bat comparison), and combined with the tonka and tobacco it just blends into a sweet amazingness.
  22. AbbyNormal

    Pumpkin Spice Hot Buttered Rum

    When I first got this from the mail it smelled exactly as expected, a literal pumpkin spice hot buttered rum. But when I waited a bit and tried it I’m not getting any sort of beverage. It’s much smokier than I expected, almost scorched. When I first put it on I get a strong blast of cinnamon and the smoke stepped back a lot, but as it’s dried the smoke has come forward again. It’s not quite in the Thanks Marie Callender’s territory, but close. At first I wasn’t sure about a singed pumpkin smell but the longer I’m wearing it the more it’s growing on me. I don’t think I need a full bottle but I’m glad I tried it.
  23. AbbyNormal

    The Harvest Haunt

    In the decant I also get a blast of buttery popcorn, but once it’s on it becomes the bastard love child of Pumpkin Rum Cake and Sin in the Pumpkin Patch. The buttery, pumpkiny kettle corn of PRC mixed with the spicy (although in this case it’s more incensey) dryness of SitPP. I haven’t waited for this to fully dry yet to see if it does any other changing.
  24. AbbyNormal

    Drag is for Everyone

    When I first got this I wore it a few times and really enjoyed it but then it kept getting skipped over for some of my favorites. When deciding what to wear I’d open the bottle, sniff, and pick something else because it just wasn’t calling to me. Tonight I put it on again despite being a bit meh when I sniffed the bottle again and I love it! I think it might be one of those that doesn’t smell like something I’m super into in the bottle but then blooms into something gorgeous when it’s on my skin. I have to remember this in the future so it gets some much deserved love. It’s rich, creamy vanilla and musk and super comforting. I don’t get lemon but I do get something that reminds me of the feel/essence of lemon.
  25. AbbyNormal

    Batty Snake Oil

    When I first received this I adored it straight out of the mailbox and then decided to let it rest a few days to recover from the shock. When I opened the bottle again it just smelled musty, and plasticky, and generally unpleasant with just a hint of Snake Oil underneath and I was super disappointed. Tonight I decided to give it another shot based off of how much I loved it in the beginning and I wasn’t disappointed! The smell in the bottle still isn’t the best but on my skin it blooms into a very vanilla-y Snake Oil with just a touch of soft suedey leather. Along with something almost nutty, but more like the leftover skins from nuts in the bottom of the bag after you’ve eaten them all if that makes any sense.