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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by geophagustapajos

  1. Lives up to the name! It's berry forward but the berry is very bitter/tart and not at all sweet. But the poisonous edge doesn't last forever, it goes out on that soft non sweet berry and an almost vanillic background after a few hours on the skin. Unfortunately it goes a bit soapy on my skin at that point but this is a really fun scent.

  2. I am a fan of industrials and thought the initial reviews didn't sound so bad.


    It is truly horrific, stomach turning, masterful in execution. To me, it smells like a hospital room of someone who not in the ER freshly bleeding out but scabbed over and covered in antiseptic wrappings. The antiseptic smell is the strongest, only a small waft of a revolting, nauseating scabby smell. I struggled to identify it as blood because it doesn't come off as iron/coppery forward as blood notes I've experienced before from other houses, so I defer to the other reviewers for that. My skin also tends to amp ozone so it may have been a bit obscured. It does smell like mangled flesh though. In favor of this scent is it does not at least smell like the wounds are rotting, which I think would be the only way to make this scent worse for me. So I think this patient will live.


    10/10 will keep imp and never smell it again.


  3. Okay, I love this.


    What it is not: an ultra realistic industrial.


    What it is: difficult to describe. There's two paths: the one where I read the notes while sniffing and the one where I don't.


    While reading the notes: sweet yummy motor oil, green tinged, drizzled over metal wires. The metal is tangy but not sharp.


    Sniffing blind: juicy sweet cucumber, like the perfume kind, edged with metal as described in the above.


    The name is perfect. It feels like a femme android scent. It's wearable and only slightly weird. 

  4. To me I'm getting a lot of tonka in this. The honey is barely there, not very sweet. I can't shake the sensation of there being a floral note in this, maybe part of the amber. I can also just barely get a hint of the almond. It leans mainstream well blended perfume and is generally nice and inoffensive. I think based on this I have a medium (hopefully?) quality vagina, it's not quite for me.

  5. I feel like a downer but I guess after all the hype I was a little underwhelmed by this one. It's reading to me as a lotiony body butter, skin musk, non foody vanilla and just the barest hint of sandalwood. Low throw and strength. I was hoping for something more spicy sandalwood and tobacco but this is not that.

  6. This really gives the impression of petting a very soft owl, it is smooth and creamy soft and edged in powder. I would say the tonka bean comes across as the most prominent note and it is buttery and fragrant.The almond is subdued, the beeswax is present but not overwhelming. I'm not exactly sure I am able to pick up the rest of the notes though I'm sure they are playing supportive background roles here.


    I find this to be an owl you could take to the office with you. My one caveat here is mind how much you apply because despite the impression of softness this one has big owl energy throw and sillage. I kind of want to add it to some lotion- it gives me body butter vibes.


  7. I guess I will be first!


    Okay on wet it starts off something like caramel, very sweet, but the caramel impression dries off very quickly into benzoin and peppy zingy patch with a subdued marshmallow note.


    This is the friendliest incense perfume I have. It's youthful, a little spicy and a little sweet. I think this will be a popular scent.

  8. This one is absolutely enthralling. If you're like me and tired of all the usual cast of flowers, this is for you. The wildflowers are stunningly realistic, I am not a wildflower expert and can't tell you which flowers are more prominent, but it's honestly thrilling and beautiful and untamed. There's a deep bed of greenness under it and glowing dewiness on top. A real banger. I feel this one will be popular.


    My one critique is while it comes on really strong and loud, the longevity is very short. It's there one moment and then completely gone the next. I'm hoping some age helps out with this.

  9. Guess I'll be going first.


    I do not detect any sweetness whatsoever in this. I also cannot pick out the individual flowers, it feels like a creamy yellow arrangement of nondistinct florals. Overall this is a linen scent, it's coming across a bit soapy and very clean laundry. There is a tiny barely noticable salty ending but I have to do a lot of huffing to find it.


    I bought for the violets, roses, and sugar and came away empty handed.

  10. A lab frimp.


    When I'm smelling up close I can get the lemon, nag champa, and something sweet and grassy/herbal, but what is throwing my brain insists is spicy floofy orange dreamsicle, which is probably bergamot, maybe a very light patchouli or resin, something sweet, and vanilla. Interesting to see how divisive and skin chemistry dependent this one is, I love it and I'm going to end up getting a 5ml.
