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BPAL Madness!


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About yellowrose

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    1/32 too few

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  • Favorite Scents
    Favorite Scents: 13. Snake Charmer, Kunstkammer, Queen of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds, Dia de los Muertos (2004), Wolf Moon, Carnivale, Black Cat, Dragon's Milk. And please feel free to contact me if you have any of these in need of good homes. Favorite notes: vanilla, sandalwood, amber, white grapefruit, and blood orange. Divining more soon. Notes that don't seem to like me: cinnamon, cassia, fig, jasmine and oakmoss. Some oils like lemon and cinnamon and cassia cause welts/rash on contact. No apple-related anything, please. p.s. I really wanted to be "harried" at one point, but that isn't an option. "Pre-occupied" isn't either. Grumble. Grumble.

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Huge nerd and quasi-professional musician enjoys reading, doing crafty stuff, sipping (black tea) and supping (vegetarian) with friends, especially following an afternoon of gardening. Also a fan of long walks on the beach or out in nature, birding or not; movies of all kinds with big ol' tubs o' popcorn; and going to museums and aquariums. Love swapping stuff with forumites and also active BookCross-er. <br /><br />Other ideas of interest (Danger! Constantly being revised!): community building, permaculture, Icelandic literature, cooking with grains, preserving foods, music history and biz, backgammon, travel (anywhere but here!), so-duko, world history from roughly WWI to 1950s, etc., etc.<br /><br />Some faves in purposefully random order: Katherine Hepburn, Georgia O'Keeffe, yellow, David Grisman, Andy Statman, PowerPuff Girls, Near and Middle Eastern music, Simon Thoumire, Sleater-Kinney, dark chocolate, Ellen Gilchrist, a profusion of bracelets, orange, Earl Gray, Django!, big dogs, homegrown tomatoes, fireflies, comics and/or graphic novels, fluffy towels out of the dryer, and rainy days and Sundays always let me down.
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    Western: Goat Eastern: Tigger, not Thumper
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected


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  1. The lovely incense in The Caterpillar couldn't make it through the jasmine, which my skin amps until there are no other notes left. By contrast, how can something like Snake Charmer work wonderfully and Jacob's Ladder cause a very bad allergic reaction? Doesn't make sense without knowing exactly what the components are.
  2. Yes, in my experience there is a lot of variance between orange notes. It depends on the oil and the supporting notes. Orange blossom smells totally different on me than blood orange. Kunstkammer is all kinds of wonderful on me and for me. The much-lauded Moxie did not work on me. Although its citrus note is kumquat, try Tweedledee and see what you think.
  3. yellowrose

    Gingerbread Poppet

    This decanted imp of Gingerbread Poppet '05 is traveling as part of the General Catalogue swap. Not to repeat any other posts or reviews, but cinnamon oil typically causes a horrible reaction on my skin. Who says I can't sniff?!? Ah, I understand why so many forumites are in love with this scent. It is truly THE very scent of warm gingerbread. Lovely. Rich. Spicy. Very evocative of the holiday kitchen. Happy to have had the opportunity to at least get a whiff of it. Thanks, brownbear. Safe travels wandering imp!
  4. yellowrose

    The Caterpillar

    This imp is traveling as part of the General Catalogue swap. The Caterpillar. Not thinking or smelling, I swabbed it on and immediately regreted it. Jasmine. It's a very old-fashioned smoky floral and instantly brings to mind that hookah smoking caterpillar. But jasmine. Yes, this note gets amped up to the exclusion of all others. This scent and its incense is no exception. It was so powerful, I'm afraid I had to wash it off. And it still refuses to budge. Ah well, there are other mad things in the tea party to love. Safe travels wandering imp!
  5. yellowrose

    Kuang Shi

    This imp is circulating as part of the General Catalogue Swap. I have been eager to try this. It's been on my wishlist for some time now. Yay! Wet: musk and sandalwood with a touch of lemon. Why? Mmmm. Drying: not much else in the mix. Not so much as a hint of mango. The mandarin must be responsible for what I get as lemon. It's mostly musk and sandalwood, which I like, I just wish the other notes would come out and play. Vanishes in less than 30 minutes to a sour hint of scent. Drats! Glad I was able to try this. Safe travels little imp!
  6. yellowrose


    This imp is circulating as part of the General Catalogue swap. Upon opening Catherine, there is a note that reminds me of jasmine, but isn't. It's sharp, bitter, and not something I want to put on my skin. I'm sticking to sniffing in the bottle and good thing. My nose has not stopped running since the initial exploratory sniff and now, it's completely stuffy. Neroli is the most likely culprit. And it's on my fingers. Ack! Safe travels little imp.
  7. yellowrose


    This imp is circulating as part of the General Catalogue swap. Hurricane is one I'm sniffing in the bottle. It is a sharpish aquatic, a type of scent that usually doesn't fare well on my skin. Very brash with a deep note, probably vetivert. Safe travels little imp!
  8. yellowrose


    Our Nightmarebane. Named after the Baku, benevolent Japanese spirits that eat nightmares. In Japanese tradition, nightmares are gifts from malevolent spirits; when you wake up from one, you may call, "Baku, please eat my dreams!", and if you are virtuous and merciful in spirit, the Baku will devour the evil, transforming it into a blessing of good fortune. Baku was a gifted imp. I tried it on a night when I was exceedingly anxious and hoped it would help me sleep. I wore Calliope as well. I was restless and had horrible dreams the entire night. I don't know if using it in tandem with Calliope (also a lavendar scent) somehow changed the efficacy of the sleep formula. The anise note was disconcerting, but ... I'm not sure if I've done it justice, but I am wary of trying it again. I need my sleep!
  9. yellowrose


    This imp of Eris is circulating as part of the General Catalogue Swap brought to you by the lovely quikslvr and generous participants including brownbear! Wet: Fruity! Drying: melons and flowers and fruits and where was this for curing the summertime blues circa 2006? Drying: Oh yeah! There’s some funky note that I really like in the mix. Yes, it is the promised gleeful mayhem. This is an adult glee. The fruits and florals are very regal and statuesque. Well, I could see Angelica Huston working this, if you get what I mean. Dries a little dusty. But, wow! I thought I’d love to have a imp of Eris to wear in on hot summer nights in rotation with Numb and Ephemera and Asphodel. It screams of summer and does so boldly. Sadly, it became too much during the dry-down. Had some breathing problems about an hour after the first application. It’s still a lovely scent. I may give it another go some day. Save travels imp! Go forth and enable!
  10. yellowrose

    Embalming Fluid

    This imp is traveling as part of the General Catalogue Swap. Ah, the fabled Embalming Fluid. Why have I never sniffed you?! Wet: Lemon of doom! Drying: Scent mellows some, but still LEMON OF DOOM! No welts, which can happen with lemon oil. This is good. But my throat did begin to tighten the longer I wore it. What happened to the musk, tea, and aloe? Yeah, hidden by the amped lemon. Although I loathe comparing any one oil to another oil (as I think each has its merits and should be able to be reviewed independently), Embalming Fluid is the kissing cousin of Zephyr, which really wasn’t my thing either. Pass. Safe travels lemony implet!
  11. Those who love Kunstkammer might try Tweedledee. It's very similar to Kunstkammer or at least my bottle of Kunstkammer as it has aged right up to dry down. The dry down is lovely.
  12. yellowrose

    Jazz Funeral

    This imp is traveling as part of the General Catalogue swap. This particular batch of imps -- Ava Maria Gratia Plena, Hymn to Propserine, Jazz Funeral, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint – consists almost exclusively of notes that give me trouble. These include booze, apple and jasmine. Because I’m way, way behind and want to get the imps circulating, I’m sending it on its way having sniffed it in the bottle and determining that, well, for all the BPAL scents I love, I just don’t want to risk not loving it. Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans? Le sigh. Safe travels little imp!
  13. yellowrose

    Jolly Roger

    This imp is traveling as part of the General Catalogue swap. This particular batch of imps -- Ava Maria Gratia Plena, Hymn to Propserine, Jazz Funeral, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint – consists almost exclusively of notes that give me trouble. These include booze, apple and jasmine. Because I’m way, way behind and want to get the imps circulating, I’m sending it on its way having sniffed it in the bottle and determining that, well, for all the BPAL scents I love, I just don’t want to risk not loving it as Jack Sparrow might. Safe travels little imp!
  14. yellowrose

    Juke Joint

    This imp is traveling as part of the General Catalogue swap. This particular batch of imps -- Ava Maria Gratia Plena, Hymn to Propserine, Jazz Funeral, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint – consists almost exclusively of notes that give me trouble. These include booze, apple and jasmine. Because I’m way, way behind and want to get the imps circulating, I’m sending it on its way having sniffed it in the bottle and determining that, well, for all the BPAL scents I love, I just don’t want to risk not loving it. Safe travels little imp!
  15. yellowrose

    Hymn to Proserpine

    This imp is traveling as part of the General Catalogue swap. This particular batch of imps -- Ava Maria Gratia Plena, Hymn to Propserine, Jazz Funeral, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint – consists almost exclusively of notes that give me trouble. These include booze, jasmine and … well, what fruits are Prosperine’s? Apple?? Although I'm guessing pomegranate, I can't risk it. Because I’m way, way behind and want to get the imps circulating, I’m sending it on its way, I just don’t want to risk an allergic reaction even sniffing. I may have to contact the Lab to see if there is apple ... yes, I'm intrigued. Safe travels little imp!