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Posts posted by kittystryker

  1. This has a chewiness I really wasn't expecting but I absolutely love it! The peach is fresh and juicy, very much a sun-warmed ripe peach over a more perfume-y peach, and I'm so glad. The coconut adds depth and creaminess that makes this an immediate favorite. I'm so glad I took a chance. 

  2. I love the smell of this, but there is enough spice in it to give me a skin rash, so its scent lockets only.


    I definitely smell the spice upfront, with a bit of lemon brightness. I wish I got more greenery! Monocainsheresy nailed it by calling it a Christmas candle. 

  3. Oooh I really really like this! I'm still learning how to recognize scent notes - I get the wild grasses and vetiver, but there's a sweetness, too. Not exactly fruit-y but also... not NOT fruity? Hard to pin down and describe, but I find this to be like a little bottle of summer, lazing in the park grass, watching the clouds drift by. 

  4. Eeep this is my 3rd? 4th? review on here - I don't have a very fine-tuned nose, so please bear with me! 

    This smells STRONGLY floral on my skin, powerful rose and geranium with some patchouli giving it a groundedness. I don't smell the plum, but that may be my newness at identifying scents. It's not my usual type of scent - I'm a gourmand girly - but I like this a lot for a romantic date where we're canoodling in a moonlit garden on a warm summer night. 

  5. I am very new to posting reviews, and I do not have a particularly fine tuned sniffer... But I really enjoy this scent! initially, I got a very strong, herbal lavender with moss and greenery, like the long abandoned herb garden at the ruins of an old church. After dry down, I’m getting a little bit of that smokiness as well, like a leaf pile that was set on fire in the town center and is drifting towards the abandoned herb garden. I’ll be very curious to give it another sniff in a weeks time.

  6. This is definitely crunchy leaves on my skin, with the freshness of a scooped out pumpkin. I haven't caught the orange yet, but I don't honestly mind - for me this is the fall version of grassy "freshness", that dead plant matter smell, and I love it. 
