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Everything posted by Jarek

  1. Jarek

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    @ShadowEtienne Wow thank-you so much! Yes, Cthulhu is really fantastic, and I'm very tempted to get the beard oil as well, though I only grow out a beard sometimes. If I had hair left I'd get it as a hair gloss (if that were available) too. xD Nyarlathotep and Lightning are in my "interested in trying out" private wishlists, and I will definitely consider these two specifically for my next order from BPAL. I'm quite interested in aquatics in general, and the overall Arkham series, in fact I have three more from that series though with very different scent profiles to still try from my last order. I had not picked up on potentially liking Night-Gaunt, I'm less certain I'll like florals but Vicomte de Valmont has florals and today I just tried Veil (sandalwood & florals) and I quite enjoy that, so I appreciate the suggestion very much! (Not to mention I did not realise it's potentially in the same scent family!) And thank-you so very much for the suggestions from the discontinued and LE scents, including the further Arkham series ones, but also just all of them. I will add them to my posted wishlist and keep an eye out for them from folks selling from their collections. :3
  2. Jarek


    I got this one as a frimp in my recent order, and I wasn't certain about it as I'm not certain about liking florals, but I do like sandalwood In the imp & wet on skin: oh my, the sandalwood! I can tell this is a floral too, and those notes are definitely very present and not drowned out, but I find the sandalwood very prominent. Which I like a lot. I'm less experienced with what most of the florals smell like, I do know lavender and lilac, I'm kind of meh on lavender and I like lilac, but I find the florals overall are blending together and with the sandalwood that I can't quite pick out even the notes I should know. Dry on skin: warm sandalwood, with floral accompanying. I actually really like this. It is gentle and quiet. A couple hours later: That kind of creamy sweetness I associate with sandalwood has faded to be much less prominent. But it's still very much present, just more blended with the florals. I still like this but maybe a bit less than I did an hour and a half ago. I might update this again after wearing it even longer, I think this one fades quite quickly in general and I want to see if I'm right. I am not sure I'll get a bottle of this, but yeah I like it a lot more than I thought I would. Edit: So it continues fading but not as quickly, it stays floral + woody without the very noticeable sandalwood sweet/creamy features I associate with white sandalwood oil. It might still be noticeably sandalwood just of a different type, but it's still different from how it starts out. This is okay though as it still smells quite lovely. Still very soft and gentle. I was very much not expecting to like this one at all, and it was a random frimp, and now I'm thinking of getting a bottle of it.
  3. Jarek

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    I am still very new to BPAL, I can put together a list of four that I want in bottles (or have in a bottle) but I will talk about other imps I have as well. Cthulhu - I just bought as my first bottle. (seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters) Y’ha-nthlei - imp just tried the other day and though it's pretty close to Cthulhu I think I like it enough to get a bottle. (the deepest marine notes with bergamot, eucalyptus and foamy ambergris) Vicomte de Valmont - I have used up this imp finally and I am sad because I really really like it and now I have to wait to get a bottle. xD (ambergris, white musk, white sandalwood, Spanish Moss, orange blossom, three mints, jasmine, rose geranium and a spike of rosemary) The Apothecary - frimp that just arrived with my last order and I tried it today and I am very enamored with it. (Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig) Imps I like but not quite enough to get a full bottle (though I might change my mind): Ranger, Cairo, Scales of Deprivation, Famine (this is discontinued anyways), Whitechapel, The Black Rider, Dee, The Antikythera Mechanism, Iago, Fighter, R'Lyeh (I thought I'd really like this one, and it's very nice, but not as good as Cthulhu to me). Imps I have that I am less of a fan of but have still been wearing: Czernobog, Imp, Oberon, Sherlock Holmes, Mad Hatter, Scherezade, Bloodlust, Snake Oil (I really wanted to like this one, and it's kind of growing on me, but I don't know.) I have a few more imps that I bought & received to try out, and I have been going through some rec lists here for things & looking at stuff on the site that has notes I might like or want to try, and I've amassed a private wishlist of well over 100 scents in stock currently to try out . xD But I'm very interested in further suggestions, especially from LEs or discontinued or out of stock or whatever that I might look to obtain from BPAL collectors. :3
  4. Jarek

    The Apothecary

    I received this as a frimp in my last order, but then I realised I had put it on one of my wishlists to try, I've been wanting to try some green perfumes. So I decided to try it today! Green and herby and a bit of a tang in there, maybe the moss or tea? Or even the ginger? That's in the bottle and wet on my skin. Very green and herby and lovely. Not quite citrus or sweet but something feels close to that. It fades a fair amount after five or six hours, I can still smell a bit of herbs and maybe moss on my skin, though I'm less familiar with moss scents so far, and it loses the near citrus/sweet notes. I agree that this is likely a better one to not overwhelm others' noses when out and about. And yeah I'm still learning the gender of scents but I thought this one seemed androgynous and it looks like many reviewers agreed with me. Edit: So in the imp it's fairly grassy, very bright green. Wet on my skin it is this as well. There's hints of the other hings but I find the fresh green grassy notes and maybe the tea leaf dominate. After about half an hour the grassy fades a bit and the herbs and ginger come through. It's not "spices" but it is a bit of a zing or zest, probably the ginger. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what fig smells like. The moss is more noticeable too. Moss and herbs are fairly green as well, but it's different from the grassy green. After quite a few hours the ginger and herb notes have faded a fair amount, though a bit of the herbs still remain, and you smell the moss and tea and grass more again. The grass never really left, it seems, the other notes just really bloom on my skin after initial application. Overall it's a really lovely blend and definitely paints pictures in my mind of an old apothecary's shop filled with fresh herbs and plants and some roots and things for making medicines.
  5. Jarek


    It definitely smells a bit like Cthulhu but different too. I find this one closer to Cthulhu than R'lyeh (which is also compared to Cthulhu) but in a way I really enjoy and, though I am not certain yet, might lead to me purchasing a 5mL bottle of this. In the bottle: those notes I am recognising as "dark aquatic" like in Cthulhu & R'lyeh but with some elements of... I want to say plant-ish-ness, which Cthulhu also has just different kind of plants, and also this is more "warm" in a way. Wet on skin: More of the same, not really detecting a lot of ambergris but I still don't fully appreciate what ambergris smells like outside of one perfume so far. There might be some bergamot? I'm less familiar with eucalyptus. Dry on skin: the aquatic sharpness is toned down a bit and the other stuff is coming through a bit more. I think I'm getting more bergamot and some ambergris. It's a lot of what I like about Cthulhu, again, but slightly different. Six hours later: I'm definitely noticing the ambergris scent more, what I've been able to recognise as ambergris. Bergamot and "plant" are a bit more noticeable too, moreso the bergamot. The aquatic notes are still there but very much toned down. I quite like it. :3 Edit: trying it again and yes, it is similar to Cthulhu but still noticeably different. The tangier aquatic notes are softened by the ambergris, which remains largely hidden beneath everything else until later. Unlike Cthulhu and R'Lyeh, this one I find morphs a lot more as it evaporates. I think in the initial dryness I can pick out eucalyptus, which is a bit crisp to the nose and green but not salty-watery green like the ocean plants & seaweed in Cthulhu. I really really like it, and I think I will add it to my list of things to acquire a bottle of.
  6. Jarek

    Snake Oil

    I have no idea when my little Imp of Snake Oil was made, but I'm going to presume 2024 as it's when I bought it. In fact it arrived just a couple days ago! Snake Oil is very much unlike most other BPAL perfumes I've tried, though the dark spices reminds me of a couple that aren't entirely my favourites, but I thought I'd give it a try after reading the description. I'm still pretty new to BPAL so I didn't realise all the history surrounding this one until quite recently! It's fascinating. :3 Well, on to the review! In the imp: spiced vanilla musk with a hint of patchouli. Like really exactly what it says in the description. The spices and vanilla are most prominent but everything else is there too. I'm still learning the smells of things but I think I've tried enough to be able to pick these notes out. I like it! Wet on skin: more of the same, a touch more spices and patchouli. Not getting sugary, vanilla isn't coming through as strong or sweetly, it's a pretty dark scent overall and I'm liking it a lot. Dry on skin, 1/2 later: Vanilla is mich more subtle, like still there but it's blending so well with everything, mostly underneath everything. There's some patchouli base to the spices and musk but it's mostly spices and musk now. With hints of vanilla and patchouli. I haven't been super into spiced perfumes from BPAL yet, though I want to be, and I find I quite like this one so yay! Not sure yet if I'd get a bigger bottle but I've got time to decide and figure out how I feel about it. I'm going to enjoy wearing the Imp. Edit: so I have a slight change of opinion after wearing this all day. Still going to wear out the imp I think. Like that's the goal. But maybe I won't. We'll see. Like I really wanted to like this one, it sounded amazing and I do like vanilla. But the vanilla kind of fades away really quickly on me, and I'm not so big on the remaining blend, even though I like all those notes individually. Less so on spices but I sure do like some spices. So yeah, unfortunately I don't think Snake Oil, at least this version of it, is really for me. I'll give it another shot in a few weeks to a month, maybe it needs to settle from its journey through the mail. Edit 2: So I still smelled it a bit on myself the next morning despite showering the night before and sleeping and it being at least 12 - 16 hours since my last application, and you know I think the vanilla is still there, and has possibly been there the whole time, I just find the spices especially kind of hide most of what I think of when I think of vanilla. But it's one of the longest lasting components, I think. So yeah I will revisit it a few more times anyways and get back to either write a new review or just add to this one once I get a better grasp on it. Edit 3: So my last edit was Nov. 9th, but now it's Dec. 1st, and I tried it again. I find I like it a lot more if I'm not putting my wrist right beside my nose, which is okay, I can do that. The spices and musks and patchouli and vanilla all blend pretty well but up close it's a very dry dark spices moreso than the rest and I'm less certain I like that. I wore Scherezade yesterday and the spices are a little similar but not quite, I think maybe I'd like this more with those spices or musk, but this is still pretty nice. I'll keep the imp and wear it out, and I'll do my best to age it a couple years as I do hear it gets better with age. My Scherezade is 2+ years old, so that might be connected. Edit January 2025: Okay this has aged 2 ½ months with me now, plus it's grown on me, and I simply love it now. I'm always putting my wrist up to my nose to smell it. I love the musks and the spices and the drier vanilla and the hints of patchouli. It's not really patchouli-forward though, so might be good for those wanting to try a patchouli but don't want it to overpower everything. Just gorgeous. And now in my wishlist of desired bottles.
  7. Jarek

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I'm terribly interested in how folks are dividing scents according to gender, and in how those trends have changed over time. I'm trans and nonbinary and I started out as a pretty feminine nonbinary trans guy, for years now though I have been presenting more masculinely and I've been on testosterone for years and I am read very often as a man in look and voice, but the smallest things can get me read as a woman instead, like what hat I'm wearing or if I have a colourful face mask or a bunch of colourful pins on my bag. I don't mind that as I am a man and a woman and also a few types of nonbinary, but I'd like to know what I'm doing more on purpose! Like I really think sometimes my BPAL gets me read more as a woman, or maybe as a man, and I'd like to play with that more intentionally. I also think it likely differs by culture, as in my scent might be understood as "masculine" by my western colonial culture but another different culture might read it quite differently. I like some of the things listed on BPAL as "masculine" or similar, but not exclusively, and I ordered an Imp of Snake Oil because I think it sounds amazing and I'm excited to try it out. So far I really like Cthulhu, Vicomte de Valmont, Famine, and Ranger, but also Cairo, Scales of Deprivation, Dee, and Imp. I think tomorrow I'll try Snake Oil and see if I like it, I suspect that I will. I'm not personally a fan of Oberon but I think that's personal preference more than it being too "feminine".
  8. Jarek

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I don't have allergies but I have always been pretty easily overloaded by most perfumes & colognes I've encountered from stores, and I don't like to layer too many scented products on my body at once. I can get headaches or nausea or just generally be very overstimulated and need a quiet and scent free zone to come down in. So it's pretty relieving to read that many other people experience similar issues! Like, I don't know if I could ever work in perfumery, just being around so much or certain ones could totally take me out. I've never worn perfume or cologne before aside from very very simple oils when I was younger, like vanilla. And scented ailes of perfumes or cleaning products are so bad! (And yet I love aquatics!) I never thought I might be reacting to certain scents or oils though. I've never really narrowed it down. So far every BPAL perfume I've tried I've either liked a lot, liked okay, wasn't a fan of, etc. or whatever, but nothing that sets off headaches and nausea. I'm wary of layering scents, but maybe that's never been my true problem? I'm so curious now what sets me off! And I have noticed increasing tolerance as I age, and presumably my sense of smell deteriorates. But things still smell pretty powerful to me! I'll definitely look into this more, especially if I encounter something through BPAL that does set me off worse than mere preference.
  9. Jarek


    My first review! Not my first BPAL perfume oil, but it is a new one from my new order that I just received yesterday! And I am a new member! I am rather unpracticed in the ways of perfumes but I have been doing a lot of reading. :3 In the imp: wet and sweet, a lot brighter than I was expecting, given my past experience with Cthulhu (which I love). I don't get "grapefruit" but I can see why others do. Wet on skin: more pronounced sweet & wet, but those aquatic notes are way more noticeable. I tend to enjoy aquatic scents and this is no exception. Dry on skin: The sweet is mostly gone and it's a bit darker now but still makes me think of other products that often use aquatics, like how they're commonly put into laundry soap. But not saying this one is soapy or makes me smell like laundry! Just, very much aquatic. Which I like! (Hi I only recently started researching perfumes & scents, I knew I often liked "rain" and "water" scented things and I really like Cthulhu, so now I know more about aquatics and it's so cool!) I reapplied and do quite enjoy this one, but I don't think I like it enough to get a 5mL bottle like I did with Cthulhu. But it may grow on me more as I continue to wear it, I do fully intend to wear out the Imp. Edit: trying this one again, just after a day where I wore Cthulhu, and I can really smell the difference now. R'Lyeh is sweeter, seems less "dark", definitely aquatic and also less salty and green. The almost fruitiness mostly goes away as it dries, though some remains, and it still reminds me a bit of clean laundry though mostly just the clean laundry smell and not soapy at all. I like it a lot more than the first time I tried it, and I might get a bottle of.it after all. Also I am excited to try "Dirty" from BPAL for a more intentional clean laundry smell.