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BPAL Madness!


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About Nimthiriel

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 01/29/1987


  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    nimthiriel at gmail dot com
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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Greed, Manila, and most things containing cinnamon, moss, honey or patchouli.

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  • Interests
    Creative activities of all varieties (such as writing or painting), history, spirituality, and a zillion other things.


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  1. Nimthiriel


    Initial impression: It really smells like warm, sweet skin, warmed by the sun. First on: Something dry... clove and ginger, but very faint. Dry: This really disappears onme. I wonder why? There's the faintest touch of spice here, butnothing else. Finally: No throw at all. Oh well.
  2. Nimthiriel


    Initial impression: The colour of this is STUNNING. Scent-wise: cinnamon and pepper. Mm! First on: Hot, dry spices – it's scorching and fierce. Dry: After about 20 mins, it'sa dry and scorching scent of mainly clove, with a touch of the otheringredients. Finally: I really, really like it.Keeping.
  3. Nimthiriel


    Lilith’s monstrous dragon steed: dragon’s blood resin, patchouli, pomegranate, myrrh, mimosa, cassia, blood musk and smoke. Initial impression: Lush pomegranate mixed with sweet myrrh - wow! First on: The lush fruityness of the pomegranate is drowned by the dry patchouliand dragon's blood, and the florals. Dry: After about 10-15 mins,it's all resin, patchouli, myrrh and smoke. Very dry, not at all watit was like in its wet state. 30 mins afterapplication, it's still a very dry incense scent, but the blood muskis coming through more. Finally: Lush, refined, but notquite as amazing as it could've been. Lovely to try, though!
  4. Nimthiriel


    First on: Laurel and something almost prickly. o_O Dry: After about 20 mins, it's a sweet sort of wine scent, with the intense herbal of laurellingering in the background. I'm not getting much incense, though. The wine feels very boozyafter a while, but the honey quality to it isn't directlyidentifiable as honey, just something sweet. I was hoping for more,y'know, honey. There is a touch of smoke to it, but not much. It'ssophisticated, ancient and mysterious – almost gothic in itsdarkness. Finally: Lovely, mysterious scent,but I shall pass it on. Wonderful to try though.
  5. Nimthiriel


    Initial impression: A fruity sort of floral. Pleasant, cool, friendly. First on: Amber, carnation and apple blossom. Very lovely! Dry: After about 10 mins, thescent smells oddly dry and herbal – the myrtle, perhaps? The apple blossom andamber returns after another half an hour, but it still has a dry feelto it, not the initially fruity one. Finally: A playful, warm andfriendly scent – but not for me.
  6. Nimthiriel

    Day of the Skulls

    Initial impression: This is very soft and gentle, very kind and comforting. Flowers, incenseand wax. First on: Roses, ugh. But with something soft and warm in the background. Dry: After about 10 mins, it'sall roses with a warm background scent I can't define. It remains pretty muchall roses, with an almost melony fruityness to it. Finally: Blasted roses – theyalways ruin it for me.
  7. Nimthiriel


    Initial impression: The dreaded roses really stand out in the vial. But I also get nectarand a hint of lovely copal. First on: Roses, roses, roses – and tobacco. Dry: After about 10 mins, it'sa soapy rose with tobacco. Guh, not impressed so far. 50 mins after appliation, it's still all rose and tobacco on me. Damn it. Finally: I'm really disappointed. Blasted roses... Giving this one up.
  8. Nimthiriel

    John Barleycorn

    Initial impression: Something boozy – yes, it does mimic whiskey fairly well! First on: There is a strange sweetness to it, that might be the so-called blood. Dry: After about 10 mins, ithas become more balanced and well-rounded. It's barley and... wine?No, wine and beer. I swear that's not whiskey – it's red wine. Another 30 mins later,it's a lovely boozy-but-down-to-earth scent. I'm loving this. Finally: Mmm, think I might keep this – against my better knowing...
  9. Nimthiriel


    Initial impression: At first sniff, this is sandalwood, copal and moss – it reminds me ofmy all-time favourite, Greed, which also shares the copal and oakmossnotes. First on: Straight on, I get a lot of moonflower, a touch of neroli, and something Ican't pinpoint – something dark. Dry: After about 10 mins, it'sa surprisingly powerful scent that smells... purple. Bizarredescription, I know. Sandalwood, amber, musk, moss, copal, neroli andtobacco all crowd for attention. 20 mins later, it's alush pomegranate scent with sandalwood, copal, oakmoss, neroli, amberand musk – it's fantastic. Finally: I loveloveLOVE this. Yum.Keeping this precious little decant.
  10. Nimthiriel

    Lune Noire

    Initial impression: In the vial, this is a cool and dark scent of orchids, pears and a mixof soft florals. First on: Dark orchid and a hint of green... There is a soapy quality to it,probably my skin disapproving of the blue musk. Dry: After about 10 mins, it'sa faint greenish floral, not very defined. 20 mins later, it's amuch more pleasant scent, with warm tonka and a touch of clove addingto the coolness of the orchids. Finally: Sadly, this wasn't whatI'd hoped for... Swapping this beauty.
  11. Nimthiriel

    Schwarzer Mond

    Initial impression: Intense! I could've sworn there was vetiver in this one – vetiver andalmonds. o_O First on: I still swear this is like... vetiver marzipan on me. Dry: After about 10 mins, thescent has ”calmed down” - it's dry, a mix of amber, an almostsweet patchouli and a touch of myrrh. After another 20 mins,it's a potent scent of amber, musk, patchouli, myrrh and something Ican't name. It's powerful and dark, very dark. Finally: To my disappointment, this wasn't quite what I had in mind. It's beautiful, foreboding and sinister – I'm happy to pass it on with high marks!
  12. Nimthiriel

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    Initial impression: I get a sniff full of cypress and something floral, I think. None of the notes I was hoping for... First on: It's surprisingly soft, almost non-existant... A touch of cypress andsomething sweeter, maybe the honey or the myrrh – I can't tellwhich one. Dry: After about 10 mins, it'sa faint and dry scent – the sandalwood is there for sure, and the frankincense and amber. Another 20 mins later,the scent has warmed up a little, adding a touch of myrrh andcardamom to my skin. It's nice, far more Egyptian now, but it's stillnot nearly as good as I'd hoped... Finally: I didn't like it much atfirst, but it grew on me. Even so, it was a little disappointing, soI'm passing this decant on.
  13. Nimthiriel

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    Initial impression: This is an earthy, almost chocolate-like myrrh scent. Gorgeous! First on: Earthy, almost like pure vetiver. Dry: After about 10 mins, this is a dry cinnamon mixed with warm sweet myrrh - lovely! Finally: Beautiful scent. Keeping for the time being.
  14. Nimthiriel

    Ichabod Crane

    Initial impression: This... confuses my nose. Floral, but creamy, but not! First on: Muguet, creamy tea, burning wax – a slightly strange combination. Dry: After about 10 mins, this is a bit sickly on me. Finally: This really didn't agree with my skin chemistry. Ugh. Swapping!
  15. Nimthiriel

    The Lion

    Initial impression: Mm, amber, but with a spicy twist! First on: This completely disappears on my skin. o_O Dry: After about 15 mins, this is a skin-close amber with a dry, warm quality to it. It matures into a warm, sensual and almost creamy amber. Finally: This was lovely to try, but not special enough for me to keep...