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Everything posted by lizzieborden
Heavy incense notes waft lazily through a mix of carnation, jasmine, bergamot, and neroli over a lush bed of dark mosses, iris blossom, deep patchouli and indolent vetiver. This scent definitely sent me for a whirl. Sweet almost to the point of cloying but in an intoxicating way. It was definitely a layered scent, with light flowers on top, but still a heavy darker smell at the bottom that you had to concentrate to smell, and other levels inbetween. I really don't know the individual smells of most of Elizabeth's oils yet, and this is definitely a loaded scent (look at how many are listed just in the description!) so it was very interesting but frustrating to try and analyze it. All I can say is it is one of the most complicated florals ever, which will probably lead to mixed results. But I'm keeping my sample for now
Sea spray with an undercurrent of leather, Bay Rum, and salty, dry woods. Out of the 16[squeal!] perfumes I just recieved, on first smell, I was drawn to this one. I immediately poped it open and slid some on. First: I'm on a boat, rocking with the waves. An absolute distillment of ocean water. Growing up on my dad's boat, I thoroughly know that scent. It smells completely unisex, with a ruggedness, but still softness of water. It's sharp when I smell my wrist closely, due to the leather and salt, but otherwise, I'm just sitting here inhaling myself. I'm about to embark on camping, so I can't wait to see how this matures with sweat. If you're thinking about ordering this - DO!
A celebration of one of the first commercially produced perfumes of America's Old West. A rugged, warm blend of vanilla, balsam and sassafras layered over Virginia cedar. On first sniff: Sharp, just a little foody, not sure if I like it, but it's definitely sending my sniffer for a whirl. Wearing: I'll probably have to keep this on awhile to have a fully developed opinion cuz its definitely a confusing scent. One second I love it, the next YUCK. I had a similar reaction to Spellbound, making me think its a good scent, just not *me*. The only scent I can pick out is the vanilla, and its a thick, rugged vanilla. I think the cedar is what's causing the intense sharpness at the top. It's almost minty in that way, but also kinda cleansing. I'd definitely like other opinions from anyone else who recieves this, I'm too unedjamukated to describe it. I wish I could find a little scentreel like you do for paint colors or hair colors, to sort of help learn the different scents Further Wearing: This is reminding me a lot of when I was Vivian Leigh for an event. She wore Joy, which also had cedar (w/ rosewood, neroli, peach, ylang-ylang, and vetiver). And I had a sandalwood fan, so either it's the cedar or there is some definite sandalwood in there with it. It's slowly mellowing, which is nice. The vanilla is still a lot like Snake Oil's vanilla, but much more low and lazy. And the mintiness is just wafting over. Overall, it's enjoyable but too foody for me. I don't see myself being able to give it up though either. >Packrat< I can definitely see this being part of the Old West though. Edit: Much more manly on my second wearing, much darker... Still really wish i knew what sassafras and balsum smell like, and i really need to smell cedar and sandalwood against each other. Now I'm regretting not sending this to my boyfriend though...
A scent swirling with dark rage, unbridled jealousy, and murderous intent. Violet, lavender, white musk, and vetiver. When I first opened the bottle, all I thought was YUCK and put it back down, thinking maybe this was a room scent, or a ritual scent, because I couldn't imagine wanting to smell like that. Well, I'm sitting at home, and trying to sniff everything so I can decided which to send off to my boy and which to keep safe with me, and decided what the hell. I'm not sure what it is, but this stuff hits you between the eyes wet. So I put a bit on and wait... soon something starts smelling pretty good. I'm a lavender fan, so that's what stands out the most to me in the scent. But its not Johnson's Nighttime Lavender, or Aromatherapy lavender. This is lavender with a past. In the beginning, you can smell just a bit of the dark seas that inspired this scent, but as it dries down the lavender and violet stand out more and more, creating a very womanly scent (well, i'm assuming its the violet that creates this ripe floral at the top of the scent). It still does have a bit of a jealous, woman-scorned feel though. It's dark, but not in a woodsy or old sense, its vindictive. This just further proves, give everything a full try. Definitely something to put on early in the morning, so it mellows before you step out the door.
Before BPAL discovery, I wore GAP's dream and GAP's dream alone. I still wear it occasionally because I'm in love with the shimmer cream stuff and the body mist isn't too chemical. I have absolutely no idea what its sposed to smell like, other than very fresh floral, crisp. After wearing all these dark, sexy BPAL scents, it's what makes me feel innocent and normal again. If any of you have sniffered this at the mall, any idea what would match? Something with the richer, more long-lastingness of BPAL?
oh god! BPAL parties. beth sends imps in bulk, throw a party, maybe have everyone choose one of their imps ears and make candles together. have single notes go around so you know what scents are your favorites to base your blends from! teach everyone the art of BPAL poetry descriptions (jotting notes of course for the board). i wish i had female friends! i lurve going to tastefully simple parties and this would be just great. way better than those stupid yankee candle parties. (i hate yankee candles... a lot.)
Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...
lizzieborden replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
Honestly, I'd like this to be an option as soon as possible. I just sent a package the other way (SoFla to SoCal), a big ass box for my boy (containing BPAL!), through UPS, and it took exactly one week ground, safe and sound. After all this, I really don't feel comfortable ordering with USPS, if nothing else, for the extra expence for Beth in having to reship my order. I'm happy to pay full shipping, and even extra for the seperate trip, to make sure I get my first time around order. Esp. since it's gonna be a *big* order. I'm happy to use PayPal too, since CCNow hurts Beth's profits even more. But really, I can't order until Old Dublin is official (unless there's a prototype imp w/ my name on it ) beth replied to me when i emailed her at that addy, so i assume it works. -
This reminds me a lot of the comments about bath bars and such too from LUSH. You'll even notice this in paint or fabric. Every batch comes out different. And each imp will have a different exact amount of everythin even. I think its interesting when they are the same scent but... not. This didn't happen with the second imp of snake oil i ordered for my boy though.
Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...
lizzieborden replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
very interesting to hear about all these different problems. hard to believe that USPS is one cohesive national government organization. <insert political rant about government organizations> Personally, I want to switch to UPS. Even if this doesn't get done, I'd really like to pay more through Paypal to use UPS (and be a huge pain in the butt). Honestly, I don't trust my mailman, he's an asshole who broke my mailbox, has completely ruined the front of our lawn (he delivers the mail in his pickup truck and refuses to get out), and knocked the numbers off the mailbox. I'm never sure whether or not to blame him or some random kids when they throw eggs in our box. Fortunately, my BPAL packages all fit in the mailbox. We'll see how UPS goes when I get my big LUSH box, but with all my mom's recent camping orders, they ring the doorbell, wait for someone to come, and if not, prop the box under the eave of our door. Never mishandled, but I do live in a pretty good semi-gated neighborhood, and we are technically considered rural. About signing, well, I worry about my package, hence why I want a tracking number (the USPS doesn't really track, had a huge convo about this with the nice guy at the UPS store, and the people at the insanely busy post office), but I'm not sure how my asshole mailman would deal with having to get out of his truck. Oh and my g'ma has a huge crush on the UPS guy. -
Whee! Healthy Beth! I was very happy to see your post on BUST meaning you were still alive. I can't even begin to imagine the email hell your inbox must be, esp. with the USPS and CCNow crap finally dying down but still... You jes tell us when things are back to normal so I can put in my third order. If I didn't have swaps and LUSH coming, I'd be shaking with withdrawls. Now the only thing left to do is stay better *knock on wood*
clue as to why it prob didn't work "accidentally": you must click search - enter is not a viable substitute, it will simply refresh the page (this causes me accidental annoyance frequently since i am a fast typer and am used to jamming the enter button at the end of typing. i get equally annoyed when i type a password and hit enter by typing tab+shift, only to see the shift key place a space at the end of my password. that is to say, it causes me annoyance with myself and my lack of patience)
After chatting up the UPS Store guy today, and dealing with shippings, and coughing up a painful 11$+ for LUSH shipping - i say switch to insured UPS right. now.
oh gosh do you know how hard it is to be going crazy about not getting a response email (it only has to do with changing my entire life and switching coasts and moving out and *tears hair out*) and feeling sorry for you? Actually, my worry for you wins out easily. was this something you knew about beforehand, or an emergency? i hope you recover fast too, for your sake as well as ours lol. when it rains, it pours, right?
Email. Well, I knew I'd f*ck it up, and I did.
lizzieborden replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
Ok, resent a loooong (read: 1 full page in 10 Times New Roman in Word) email of the past two emails and two PMs. will now sit impatiently waiting for reply (don't worry - i do everything impatiently ) -
Email. Well, I knew I'd f*ck it up, and I did.
lizzieborden replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
only one q - which email is the working one? -
Ebony, I know this sounds silly, but... so many people I've hired haven't been able to do these simple things! I'm not going to launch into a litany of grief here [no matter how tempting!] but it's taken me over a year to find someone who could affix a label straight, fill out a customs form correctly, cut labels without butchering them, fill orders without screwing them up. No joke! Once the shipping snafu is completely behind me, I need to hire more people. Beth - did you get any of my emails wanting more info about the job? I thought I'd at least get thru that email before the gentle let down about not getting the job But I also know you have screwy email, and busy PM inbox, so I thought I'd check in thread. If its better for you, I can call you to talk about the job anytime after 4 PST. [if you can't tell, i'm really desperate for a job when i move to increase my chances of not living with my boyfriend's mother]
Name Lizzie Borden URL, if applicable http://www.livejournal.com/users/lizzyborden711/ Photo, if you don't mind http://www.photos.yahoo.com/rokstarr712/ Sin of choice A dangerous mix of sloth, gluttony, and lust. Virtue you embody Open-mindedness Astrological Info All I know is I'm a very strong Cancer, but if anyone wants to tell me what a person born on 7/11/87 Saturday at 4:50pm. I'd be happy to know How you found out about BPAL Busting! Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general <3Beth<3! BPAL was given me an appreciation for scent that I never had before. And honestly, I'm throwing more money at you people. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't something addictive in these blends (other than I know you three are too sweet for that )
na no worries about whether you like a masc scent. i have bluebeard and the catepillar and was confused by the idea of them on a guy... but i'm not good with getting male scents (my poor white trash ass likes every man to smell like old spice so i got help from bethy when getting my boy scents) and i think thats what the list'll be used for. Scents good to introduce men to perfumery. my vote goes to Iago : ) i think jolly roger is more gender neutral...
whee!!! all those back orders gone bye bye (and hopefully to their rightful owners). Honestly, I'm happy for very selfish reasons. I felt guilty about ordering more until i knew things were taken care of! And my Blood Rose imp is getting frighteningly low (can i get a woot woot for my first 5ml?). Plus, Dana O'Shee WILL be mine... unless of course there is a reshipment waiting out there in the mist (Beth - did you get my PM about that and the job?) But still, yay for Scent Goddess getting out from under!
icons Well, I tried to set it up there, but the linking for the avatars here puts a limit on the length of the URL : ( But these don't have the lil shadow things yahoo puts on them, so there ya go...
woah boy i have no life so i gots a few done already for perusal its faster to put 'em in yahoo photos, but you can't link to them or upload them from there so its more jes for feedback and/or other ideas Icons does anyone know a good site that will let me set up a photo album you *can* link to and upload from?
oo oo oo - i gots an idea I'm not sure how much work (or site space) is involved in putting these avs up, but it would be awesome to have bpal ones specifically, for some of the most popular scents. I'd be happy to volunteer myself to make them. I normally make all my own AVs but for some reason, everytime I try to, I get errors all over the place. I just love the names and imagery of some of the scents, they'd make the images themselves. The only hard part would be limiting which scents to make!
Home early, because I can't take the strain.
lizzieborden replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
I posted happy thoughts at Bust too, but I'm gonna drop a line here too... Beth, darling, don't stress too much. I think closing for a little bit will be good to wait to see the packages filtered out. You'll have to find out which oils that swapping person had to see if they were legit or stealers. Also, I was wondering if you would remember which samples you put in my "lost" shipment (which appeared friday) and which were in the secondary because of my requests. If it happens to be the first, maybe the USPS is jes REALLY slow lately (And I will be sending you 20$ for the second package, don't argue with me woman). I hate to be asking anything of you right now, but it jes shows that you'll be able to get it all figured out and better. Deep breathes, get all that yuckiness out. I can't wait til I'm out there to join the crew. You know we all want to help, and actually being able to hands-on help you guys will be great! Again, it will all work out and be fine, esp. since all your customers love you so much and will be uber understanding because of all the communication you help foster. Its what gets you customers and keeps your customers. WE LOVE YOU! (oh and belated happy b-day bad lizzie forgot to post on this board/bust/lj because i was trying to fig out which to use!) -
Ooo, I'm liking this. At first sniff, I was turned off by the juniper, but from my smellings lately, wet juniper is just too sharp for me. When it mellows tho, it becomes a nice refreshing soft mint type smell. And plus, this is roses so I have to love it. And I do love the floral mix on top. With the dirty bottom, its far from cloying, instead relaxing and sweet, what real flowers smell like. I'm not sure what wet, fertile dirt is sposed to smell like (we're not allowed to garden much in my neighborhood), but i'm assuming from this forum that all that darkness on the bottom is what it smells like. Whichever way, yes, this is a composed dark rose, what a stolid olderwoman would smell like. Just the slightest bit of romance buried in a hard, finite core. I'd imagine this would be a good work smell because the darkness will make them take you seriously, but the rose will let you linger in their minds. I really should just give up and order everything Beth has with roses in it.
This is my personal scent now. Since the first day I wore it, I've been in love with it. I love rose scents, but this is something else. It's just a bursting, fully open rose, glistening with moisture. It is a very strong feminine scent - a woman who knows what she wants but goes about it in a gentle persuading way. I just am always bowled over by how juicy this rose is. I guess it's the fruit woven in it, but its gorgeous either way.