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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by milo

  1. Such a wild description of this scent to what it actually smells like. To me, this is a very delicate, powdery, slightly floral scent, quite reminiscent of a couple of the Graveyard Book oils. Ghostly, ethereal, and whispy. I wonder if I got the wrong oil in the imp? BTW, I do like this, if it is actually SNS. Will read back a few more reviews.

  2. Mmm, I so love this! Miss Lupescu has an ethereal quality, whispy, soft, kind of like The Lady on the Grey, but different in it's own way. This blend is sweet, slightly musky with a touch of what I think is cinnamon. This is a close-to-the-skin scent, fading quite quickly, but still there. This adds to the "ghostly" quality. Love it, and will probably spring for a bottle eventually.

  3. I usually love or at least like incense blends. This one however, has too much floral for my tastes. I do get the incense, and a wonderful vanilla which must be the sugared candies (?). I wish this amped on me rather than the floral. I can see how this would be amazing on some people, just not me.

  4. Hmm, I just don't know about this one yet..I love lavender and incense, but the mix with the other notes just seems "wrong". There is a sourness about this blend, maybe the geranium (?), but I definitely see the potential. As I'm typing it seems to be settling down, and turning into something very mysterious and dark, kind of florally and definitely feminine. There is a note in this, that I absolutely love, but I can't really identify it. That being said, I don't know if this is "me" quite yet, but I haven't written this one off.


    eta: Thirty minutes after applying, this has turned into a spicy, incensy, dark fruity blend, just like I'd hope it would when I seen the description. I will definitely hang onto this baby now!!


    Gah another edit. It's now been 4 hours, and this is the most smokiest, sultry blend I've tried. The benzoin made an appearance, and it brings a vanilla-y creaminess along with the plummy incense. I would imagine a gypsy fortune teller smelling something like this. This may even make my top ten.

  5. Oh the jokes that you can make with this one! Anyways, I only bought one bottle of this, as I am not a true foody and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised with Beaver'versary. If I'd known there was a spicy component, I probably would have ordered at least one more. This goes on gloriously spicy, I get the comparison to the graham cracker crust. There is a touch of "real", not fake strawberry, the first bpal strawberry I've enjoyed, and found not to be fake. (I'm sure there are others out there!) The cheesecake is subdued, but there. I really, really like this, and will treasure my lone little bottle.

  6. This is quite strong wet, but if fades pretty quickly to what I would say is a fire that had burned stuff that shouldn't have been burned. It is quite faint, however, and not overpowering at all. This would probably be great layered with something to give it a "smoky" vibe. On the right person, it would be phenomenal (perhaps a guy!), just not me.

  7. This smells so great in the bottle. I love green/aquatics, but they do not love me most of the time. There is a sharp aquatic or green note that just amps on my skin, and unfortuneately, Serpent's is no exception. (mind you to a much lesser extent than pretty much all greens/aquatics that I've tried) The lime and fruit's are taking only a slight background to the greens, and is actually quite pleasant on my skin 20 minutes after wet. This would be a great summer blend, nice and cooling, quite reminiscent of SGA. I like this, but do not love.

  8. This is the Resurrected version.

    I get a lot of coconut, and spicy vanilla, and a touch of plum, silimar to the fruit in Hellion, though I can't remember if there was plum in that blend. This is also a very "smooth" blend, the name matches the oil very well, like an actual Snake Charmer seducing it's unwary victims. As a comparison to Snake Oil, there is definitely a similarity, but it stops there for me, like another cousin, perhaps. To me, Snake Oil is heavier, more suited to Fall/Winter, while SC would be nicer in the Spring/Summer with the lovely fruit vibe. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this, and glad that I have plenty of back-ups. :blush: As another note, it seems to fade faster than snake oil and the original SC that I have. Maybe it just needs a bit of aging.

  9. Wow, this is very different in the bottle wet to the dry-down. I really thought this would be off to the swaps when first sniffed. Very strong, aggressive and masculine, with an unpleasant sharpness to it. Dry, this is really like two different blends. Words coming to mind to describe at this staget is sandy, hot, sexy, dirty, with a touch of spice, but all seeming quite mild at the same time. Slightly powdery, but I like soft powdery scents, and this is better, as the spice keeps the powder in check. This kind of reminds me of Morocco, it has that same kind of "Eastern" feel about it, though I'd say this really isn't a foody or sweet blend. This will be AMAZING aged. A very warm, inviting, mysterious, smoldering and sexy blend. I like Bpal surprises!

  10. This is such a beautiful blend. The lavender and lychee are perfectly blended to create it's one uniqueness. I'm so glad I don't get any kind of snow note, as the lab's snow does not work for me. That being said, this is a "chilly" blend, perfect to represent January. I'm always very sad that aquatics/snows do not work for me, and I've finally found a blend that is a good substitute. Will be using this one sparingly!

  11. For a candy scent, I really don't mind this. It's sweet, but not overly so. I don't really get the Lush Creamy Candy/Rock Star comparison, they are much sweeter and more plastic to my nose, but I'm sure they would compliment one another. This would be a great summertime scent, at the beach perhaps. I probably won't reach for it too often, not being a true foodie, maybe when I'm craving jelly bellies or something like that.

  12. This is a delicious milk chocolate scent, GOOD pure chocolate, not the "chocolate liquor", or other fake names that chocolate sometimes has. This is very much like Gelt to me, but without the amber. I don't wear straight up chocolate scents, but like to layer them with spice, resin, or incense. This would definitely be perfect for that purpose. A win!

  13. This is a very fresh floral, just the kind that I like. I thought it was a sleep blend, so I tried it before I went to bed. It kind of reminded me of sleeping with your window open, and the scent of flowers wafts into your room. I find this scent very comforting, with mild violets and lilac. It does disappear quite quickly though.

  14. I could have sworn there was apple in this, maybe it has something to do with the name. The Temptation smells like a fruity apple alcoholic drink, I think it's called Sour Puss. I really get a tropical floral as well, probably the cala lily. The apple scent is probably the peach, which usually doesn't work for me. Thankfully the rose is staying at bay. I'm not one for tropical, fruity scents, so this one is off to swaps.


    I'd like to add, that this is smelling more and more like Tiki Queen. If you are fans of TQ, or just wanted to know what it smelled like, this is almost a dead ringer.

  15. The new Phoenix's seem to be morphers. Fire Phoenix smells a little odd in the imp, fizzy, musky rootbeer perhaps. Quite complex. It dries to a soft, musky spicy cinnamoney scent. I thought this one would scream at you, with the title, but really, it is a close to skin scent for one that is supposed to be spicy. I like this, but don't love it like I thought I would.


    eta: It's been two hours, and I'm quite enjoying Fire Phoenix. It is more of a smoldering fire, constant, and very warm. I get more of a musky fruitiness, with a touch of the wonderful complex spice. A definite keeper now, and glad that I have a bottle coming.

  16. Wet, and on for about twenty minutes, this is a gorgeous spicy and creamy scent with lovely woods and a bit of a caramel-like foody note. It actually makes me think of really good caramel cookies baking on a wooden plank. A very warm, spicy, comforting scent. After it dries, it is just one horrible perfume note that I can't really identify. It's actually making me feel kind of ill.:cry2: After an hour, it is quite nice, reminiscent of the first stage, only faded somewhat. I don't know if I can last through the second phase though for it to get there, and it is not an OMG scent after the hour. I probably won't be keeping this one.

  17. I love aquatics and snow notes in the imps or bottles, but they really turn into something nasty on me. I thought I'd try this, (love lavender),as there are always exceptions, as I found with Metal Phoenix. This unfortuneately does not work, typical overbearing aquatic. Very hard, cold, just not me.

  18. Tenacity, force, strength, stability, and determination: Chinese musk and gleaming white metal with honeysuckle, rose mallow, verbena, and carnation.

    Hmm, I wasn't expecting to like this, so this one is a bit of a surprise. It is very fresh, light and airy, perfect for spring or summer. Just a touch of floral and what must be soft metal. I've never tried a metal besides Torture Queen, and I didn't like her. I'll just have to decide if I like it enough for a bottle. Decisions decisions...Gah, I think I'll be making an unplanned lab order. Well, there could be worse unplanned things!

  19. I've never tried a pineapple scent, honestly it's not really my thing to wear total fruit scents. This one is very fruity, but I'm enjoying this tropical scent in the middle of winter. There is something in here non-foody which is keeping the blend from being too overwhelming. Probably another day, I'd scrub this off, but for now I'm enjoying it. Not getting any rum, just a citrussy pineapple. Craving a tropical drink now!! Seems to be fading pretty fast.


    eta: An hour later, and this has the yucky waxy scent of a fruity Bonne Bell lip gloss that I used to wear as a kid. MB Bloody Mary did this too me as well.

  20. Baneberry has made my day. This to me is quite similar to Hellion, of which I only have a couple of imps worth. It is just not as musky/spicy as Hellion, more fruit-like. Whereas Hellion is more musky/spicy with a touch of fruit. I get a very smooth, plumlike berry, and a touch of exotic spice from Baneberry. They both remind me of Shalimar, only better.


    eta: I must edit to mention that the Baneberry fades away very quickly, within an hour, so really the Hellion comparison is rather fleeting. The Hellion lasted for HOURS on me, and I applied much less than the Baneberry. Oh well.

  21. I read somewhere that this was like Midnight Mass, so I was looking very forward to trying this one. I really don't get the comparison, it is just a very light vetiver scent (or cedar, can't really tell these notes apart). I don't even get any incense, maybe just a touch of smoke. I'll stick to my beloved Midnight Mass.
