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Highest Quality Vagina

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The package sat by my door overnight, which is inside and upstairs in my apartment complex, but still cold in the hallway. This first test is straight from bringing it inside, so will update as it ages.


Upon first application, and without rereading the notes, ah there's frankincense! The incense note is lovely, dry and very recognizable. None of the other notes are identifiable but they definitely cause the incense to be sweeter and very pretty. I slathered some on my wrist and called my husband over to sniff. He said "Nice" and I said "It's the Highest Quality Vagina" and he laughed and said "Well it certainly is!"  ?


As it dries down, I can smell the amber and maybe almond, but fortunately not strong sweet almond, is that usually amps and doesn't go well with my chemistry. Overall the honey, sweet almond, and amber are supporting players who lend a gentleness and sweetness to the incense.


Can't wait to wear this and tell people what I'm wearing! I'm meeting my friend at the movies this afternoon and definitely wearing it.



Edited by Poenari

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Floral whoop? no, it's the incense (this is a significantly more incensey incense than Dried Cherry Incense and Spun Sugar) I have the feeling the sweet almond and incense are overwhelming this blend right now. I wouldn't weigh in one way or another until it's rested, as it's a bit of a cacaphony right now.

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I tested this one pretty much right out of the mail, but since it's one that so many are excited for I wanted to do a quick and dirty (lol) review.


Initially when I applied a touch of this oil, it smelled very much like sweet coconut to me. I think that's the combination of the milk, almond, and honey reading as nutty sweetness, but either way, it is very warm and pleasantly sweet -- not cloyingly so. The amber brings the warmth like it is apt to do.


I don't get incense in a smoky way, but I can catch a resinous hum in the background bringing some depth to all the sweetness.


I will give this one just a little rest before testing it again, but based on my first impressions I am anticipating this one being a very beloved sweet semi-gourmand fav from this year's batch!



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Highest Quality Vagina is a very soft, pillowy scent.


Right away I get the amber and honey, with the vanilla milk joining shortly. The amber is definitely golden but a bit floofy as well. It creates a nimbus of glow around the milky creaminess while the honey adds a bit of sweetness that isn't overwhelming nor cloying.


I'm not getting any nuttiness from the almond and if the incense is frankincense, then I feel like it's joined by some nag champa as well as there is a definite floral aspect to it.


A very glowy blend that reads to me as spa like without being green or overtly fresh, if that makes sense.

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A dry, incense-y, almost powder-y nut scent. Almond and incense really dominant in this, surprisingly, as someone who really tends to amp the hell out of vanilla. I was expecting a "sexy" scent, but perhaps because of the strong incense reminding me of a Buddhist temple, this is much more of an ancient and sacred scent to me. If I didn't know the name, I would guess it was from BPAL's Egyptian Gods collection or something.

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This is less gourmand than I expected, more of a perfumey (though not sharply so) scent. Wet, it's amber forward. The almond is almost sweet but is more dry, not the usual cherry almond at all. The incense smells kind of like frankincense to me? Or a Japanese incense maybe? It's a really nice, elegant incense note. I don't find the vanilla or honey to be very pronounced. 

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This goes incense & amber on me, basically amping the frank & Amber.   HQV, like Kon Kurabe from this drop, smells very different bottle v skin on me.   I smell the honey ,& almond strong in bottle but none on. (Surprisingly). soft and incense dominant, a little powdery which I actually like.  Wasn't what I expected but a nice addition to the hoard.

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almond is a note that rides the line of too much for me at times, but i think this sweet almond variant hits it just right for my tastes.  it comes on strongest at first, but settles into a creamy sweet almond milk that the rest of the ingredients are steeping in.  the incense is gentle and pillowy, leading with champa to me, but carrying soft hints of sandalwood (i think) and some amorphous resin that i'd probably have to do side-by-side comparisons with to identify with any certainty. amber fills out the back end to give this some robust perfumey body without necessarily making it amber-forward.

i would characterize this as an incense blend that is creamy, sweet, and mildly nutty.  it feels soothing and somewhat nurturing.  very enjoyable!

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This was almost a blind bottle for me, but I held off because of the incense, and I'm glad I did.


Because the incense is sadly what I get most of out of this, although it's a light one. It's a light champaca-infused incense on me throughout wear backed by a little milk. Alas, I was not able to detect any almond, which is really weird, as that's usually a powerhouse when a scent is freshly applied. I did get the amber with the incense by the end of the day, but there was just not enough sweetness (wherefore art thou, almond, vanilla, and honey!?) on me to make me love it.


And I was so hoping I would love it because of the name! ?

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this opens with amber and incense, and a minute or so later i get the vanilla milk and almond. this is a soft, light cozy perfume. in a nutshell: milky almond with a hint of soft incense on a soft  amber background. glad i got a bottle of this! the only downside it is very soft on the skin and doesn't project much.

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In the bottle: Light incense and burning beeswax candles.


Wet: Sweetness from the honey and that light incense/melting beeswax combo.


Dry: Vanilla-flavored something or other, light incense/beeswax, a warm amber, and I swear I get something red musk-adjascent that's dialed down to the palest blush. This is a stupidly amazing perfume that creates a warm scent bubble of sexiness on me. I don't get any almond, and whatever is carrying the vanilla does not smell like milk but that doesn't matter since it's already so good. If those two scents develop later, it'll be a nice bonus.


UPDATE: Oh skin chemistry, why are you like this??? HQV went from a sexy incense blend to smelling straight up like a toxic petrochemical-based candle. You know that smell. The absolute cheapest, buy-in-bulk candles that smell like melting traffic cones when you light them up. I am sadness = (

Edited by Tamarinda

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A soft, warm, powdery scent. The honey and vanilla milk bring a delicate sweetness to the resinous warmth of the amber and frankincense. There’s a soft touch of almond too.  This is a gentle, feminine perfume. I feel like it encapsulates the “soft girl life” and “vanilla life” aesthetics popular on tiktok.

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This vagina smells like Cleopatra. I can imagine Egyptian perfumers obsessed with creating the perfect scent for their queen. Burning resins, sticky amber, milk and honey all swirled together to dress her, to cover that unwashed wind. There are watery grasses here too, the queen is floating on a reed grass basket boat in the blinding sunlight, browning her skin and airing it all out.
Perhaps I am going astray dear reader by taking this in a direction not mentioned in the notes, but clearly these are ancient materials.
They say Cleopatra used fragrance to seduce Mark Antony, with even the floor of her room strewn ankle deep with roses, leading a passageway to her bed. 
'The barge she sat in, like a brunish'd throne, 

Burn'd on the water, the poop was beaten gold,

Purple the sails, and so perfumed that

The winds were lovesick with them...." Shakespeare. 


Edited by Jenjin

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To me I'm getting a lot of tonka in this. The honey is barely there, not very sweet. I can't shake the sensation of there being a floral note in this, maybe part of the amber. I can also just barely get a hint of the almond. It leans mainstream well blended perfume and is generally nice and inoffensive. I think based on this I have a medium (hopefully?) quality vagina, it's not quite for me.

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This is all about the incense on me. Billowing clouds of strong incense curling around a soft and fluffy base of sweet amber and lightly honeyed milk. The almond is barely there, flavoring the other notes.

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This is very much an incense blend on me. The milk comes out in the late drydown: incense milk. The other notes are barely in the background, keeping everything sweet. 

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Without looking at the notes, I got almond blossom and something almost herbal/minty, with a bit of light fizziness(the amber). It's a little bit hairspray, but not in a terrible way. Then an airy incense note starts to emerge. It smells very spring appropriate (for gently warm weather) and it's reminding me a lot of a more tepid Cat Chasing Butterflies. Not getting any honey or milk. Incense is becoming the predominate note as it warms up and the fizziness is gone, as is my CCB impression. 


I'm not impressed yet, but I just got it in the mail, so perhaps it will gain a bit more personality after it sits. I will return and report if it does. ;)


PS @Jenjin Skimming the reviews, the first words my eyes alighted on were, "the poop was beaten gold..." T'was a weird and amusing moment. 

Edited by VetchVesper

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On 8/26/2023 at 9:22 AM, VetchVesper said:

PS @Jenjin Skimming the reviews, the first words my eyes alighted on were, "the poop was beaten gold..." T'was a weird and amusing moment. 

You can thank Shakespeare for the poem. The word 'poop' here refers to the part of a ship, not the contemporary meaning. 
"Taken from the Latin word “puppis” and the French term “la poupe,” the term references the 
aft or back end of a sailing ship. The captain and sailors used the poop deck for a specific purpose in its time.

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My skin just amps honey and almond (and eats milk and vanilla) so that's mostly what I got out of this. ?


Wet - BLAST of almond, then a lot of honey, no incense, some amber (BPAL's amber goes to powder on me mostly), maybe a bit of vanilla. 


Drydown - A lot less almond, thankfully, and a vague sweet smell -- not a big pouf of sweetness, and no incense. The amber turns powdery. Very low throw.


Dry - It lasted maybe 45 minutes on my skin! I wanted to love this (okay, largely because of the name) but it wound up being kind of bland and faint as well as short-lived. I wonder if the incense would come out more as it ages.


I agree that it's more perfumey, not as foodie as I was expecting, and is rather "soft girl" or "vanilla life" (even if I didn't get much vanilla). My husband said "this is one of those very light scents."

Edited by theredshoes

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Highest Quality feels like a soft glow of a scent, but it actually has really good staying power and throw on me.  I was worried about the almond, but there's no cherry / almond extract here at all.  I was also worried that the honey would be too much and too strong, but this has my favorite type of honey and almond combo, where it's like a soft, sweet, grainy, golden gourmand that's cozy and creamy.  Vintage Dana O'Shee vibes.  The golden amber, vanilla milk, and incense are so beautiful, creamy, lightly sweet, and slightly powdery.  It's just an easy to wear, cuddly type of scent, and I love fragrances that are gourmand + incense because they always make me think of an altar stocked with offerings.

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