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Pay your respects with steaming rivulets of black and green tea dribbling across black crepe and memorial lilies.

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The copy reads: "Pay your respects with steaming rivulets of black and green tea dribbling across black crepe and memorial lilies." 

 I'm honestly not sure about this one yet.

Tea scents on me tend to be light, vaguely lemon-y and a bit 
astringent, in a lovely, bracing springtime way. Unfortunately for me, I don't think the lilies are playing in my favor. It's sad but true: a good many florals simply don't work with my skin chemistry. Alas, the lilies here seem to be turning toward the mini-soaps you find in fancy bathrooms on me and safer still, the black crepe has gone directly to ozone-ocean-salt on me, do not pass Go, do not collect lovely smellies on the way around the board. 

I do wanted to love this, but also knew that half the notes were risky for me. Sometimes the risk pays off but...not this time :cry2:

Off to the swap pile!

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For me, this is just about perfect!  The tea notes and lilies are perfectly balanced and if I try, I can smell both the green and black tea.  I can't really pick out anything like black crepe, nothing oceanic like VioletChaos mentions above, that doesn't happen on me (although I probably would like that).  For me it's clean, but not soapy.  It's not powdery (I thought the crepe note might be powdery, but so far it's not).  And it's a light scent but not too light.  It's one of those scents that is just the right level of throw.  I've worn it twice and it seems to last a pretty long while, but it does get weaker over time as you would expect.  


This is lovely for spring time, and in fact might be my new favorite spring scent.  I think of it as bright and lively, in contrast to the name.  I love this one! 

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Oooh, this is delicious and light and, indeed, very clean. I can smell quite strong tea--and I was worried that it would get drowned out by the other notes, accompanied by a bouquet of lilies. I think with some ageing, this might become even more delicious. I really want to be overwhelmed by tea when I bought this.

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Tea Funeral isn't really much of a tea scent on me. I get a ton of white lily, backed by a sweet and somewhat cloying floral note (I'm not sure if that's another lily variety or something else). The tea notes are confined to a background role, unable to overtake the floral notes, but I do get more green tea than black tea in the hints of tea that I do get.


I wish this were more tea and less floral. Alas.



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In the bottle, it's a lot of smells, but nothing, in particular, stands out to me.  Wet on skin it's all lilies and maybe a hint of something like mint.  I'm not getting any of the tea of black crepe, though I'm not sure what it's supposed to smell like.  Dry, it's the exact same, all lilies, no tea.  There's something sweet, but that's probably the lily note, and I'm still getting a cooling note, it's akin to mint, but not quite the same.  I'm hoping this one ages well, and by that, I mean that I hope with time the tea note will become more prominent. 

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I was sure enough on the notes of this to blind bottle it before there were any reviews, and tea and lilies have not let me down. On me it is true to the notes if perhaps not to the mood implied by the title.


This is the scent of drinking tea outdoors on a spring morning with dew on the lilies blooming in the garden, and a bit of tea has spilled on a crisp silk crepe but it is mostly dried. The combination of teas may be contributing to how the lilies smell alive and growing and freshly bloomed on me. There's something very fresh and airy about the scent, but also something elegant, perhaps because it does smell distinctly like silk as part of its scent profile.


I may honestly have to consider a second bottle of this before it goes away.

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In the imp I get waxy lily and a touch of a slightly smoky black tea. On my skin the silk note comes out, and I get more green tea than black. Not a super crisp greek tea, more mellow and vegetal and it melds with the lily. 

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Creamy, realistic lilies on a table set with crisp, clean, white linens (a hint of breezy, slightly soapy, clean laundry).  As it dries down, I can smell the tea notes and I get a bright, slightly lemony, green tea and a hint of metallic, smoky, astringent black tea.  Pretty and clean yet sort of stark and austere.  I think I need more sweetness in my tea, some sugar and cream.

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Lilies amp on me, and this is a whole lot of lily.  I can smell the tea in the imp, but on my skin the lilies overpower it, the way a bouquet with stargazer lilies will smell like lilies and nothing else.  Great throw and wear length.  Thank you, @Teamama, for letting me try this one!

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for me this smells like an astringent green tea with lemon. i almost thought it was a mint tea at first. i smell the lilies and crepe in the background which add a floral and slightly animalic component. the crepe gets stronger over time and this smells like a green floral perfume spilled on fabric. slightly vintage vibe, which i do like but i'm not sure it's for me due to the astringency i am getting here.

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