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Purslane, Dandelions, and Petrichor

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Full disclaimer: I am not familiar with the scent of purslane.


I expected this to be a slam dunk because I love dandelions and petrichor. But the green purslane is pretty prominent with the dandelion, and I'm not sure I would have been able to be like "aww yiss, this is dandelion" if the trio didn't have it in its name. It's not the same dandelion as Wild Dandelion SN to my nose, and it's more perfume-y than expected, although that could be from the purslane interacting with it (though Google says the actual plant doesn't really have an odor). It takes a long time for the petrichor to emerge. Once it does, it slowly creeps out, first being comprised only of the dust, and then later, it's less dusty and more about the Lab's rain note (like in Waiting 2016 and Lavender, Sea Salt, and Rain). Eventually, the rain accord overtakes the other notes, but the floral and green aspects of the scents haven't completely dissipated. I kind of wish the petrichor were the dust and rain all at once, but maybe that will change once this scent has had more time to settle (I tested this after letting it rest for one day).


At the moment, this is not a love for me -- I don't think I'd reach for it over my other dandelion scents and or other rain scents. But I'm going to set it aside for a month and see if it just needs more time to settle. I'll update this if my experience and opinion change.

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So far, this scent, to me, is green and bitter. I get a hint of a nice petrichor-ish note now and then, but overall this is too bitter for me (maybe the purslane note?). I'm going to let it age a bit and see if it smooths out. I adore Summer Rain and the "Lightning Strikes" rainy scents, and Death Cap for an earthy petrichor, so maybe I just prefer a hint of sweetness with my rain. 

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My yard contains more "weeds" than grass, on purpose, and this smells exactly like stepping out on the lawn on a rainy day. Wet greenery, very evocative - I look forward to trying this in the winter when I am dying for a little green outside.

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I'd been hoping to get a chance to try this before ordering a full bottle and a friend had a decant that she passed along to me. I tested it lightly at a sniff things party and enjoyed it, and today, I'm giving it a proper wear test. "Green" scents (leaves, grass, lettuce, and such, but not a lot of specific herbs) haven't historically been my friend, amping to the point that they cover up all other scents. Dandelion and purslane don't seem to be doing that to me, so I'm excited!


This is a fresh, green but not overpoweringly so, aquatic and specifically that lovely just had the first rain in a while petrichor scent. I don't know that I could specifically identify what purslane smells like (in fact a cursory search indicates to me that a lot of the plants in that family don't really have a distinct aroma). This smells so much like going for a walk along a nearby trail during a first rain in a while, fresh and green and a little sweet a little bitter in the greenery, but not unpleasantly bitter. I do like that this scent calls to mind the rain itself as well as just the petrichor for me.


I'm going to be seriously considering a full bottle of this, and I'm also excited to try layering this with some florals!

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I'm having the same experience as doomsday up thread, tragically. 


The slightly bitter purslane leads and dandelions never really bloom, giving this a generic, commercial spa vibe. The peritrichor is dusty and too understated for me, with just an okay rain note that goes slightly shampoo-ish, which I'm inclined to blame the purslane for causing lol.


I'll retest in a month to see if I get a better result. I was really hoping this would be an instant FS, because I want to smell like dandelions so so bad ?

Edited by Llanval

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