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Pretty good, pretty good. This is the pumpkin that has that popcorn, carnival edge plus some dark incense behind it. 


Yeah, pumpkin carnival incense.

Edited by RoseThornAndOak

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Sticky, resinous, deep, dark pumpkin incense. This is not a bright and shiny drug-store candle candy pumpkin. This is a spooky-ass, kinda warped and warty pumpkin that's seen some shit whilst perched on a porch on a rough street. Like if that smell of the inside of the lid of a lovingly carved, candlelit Jack o'Lantern was tranformed and captured into tears of resinous incense to smolder. Maybe a touch of the motor oil note making it just that much more blackened and viscous, or maybe it's a touch of very black musk. Whatever it is, it's exactly what I was hoping for, and pairs amazingly with Pumpkin Incense atmo spray!

Edited by elissamay

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Straight from the mailbox, sniffing, there is pumpkin and incense. Not cloying or heavy like I thought it might be, which to me, isn't a bad thing! :)  On my skin, like above, I get pumpkin, but not the sweet pumpkin spice, but real aged pumpkin with a swirl of soft incense. Not too shabby.. have to see how this one ages. 

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This is like a Goth Jack. In the bottle and straight up on the skin it's that buttery pumpkin note but with something deeper lurking beneath. The drydown has hints of pumpkin and lots of dark incense which isn't caramel-y. This never smells like pumpkin pie or pumpkin spice. It has a touch of popcorn. A spooky and quirky carnival pumpkin that ends up being mostly dark incense.

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OH WOW this is utterly intoxicating, the first thing that hits me is a blast of boozy sweet pumpkin coated in brown sugar being chased by a whisper of incense. Its the kind of open that you want to draw completely into your lungs, maybe even your soul. 


Wet on the skin - The same players are present but less sweet and with more of the incense coming through. Once it's dry the incense really starts to make its presence known and becomes the main body but the pumpkin serves to liven the dry incense. 🎃

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When wet this is buttery pumpkin and brown sugar. As it dries it gradually becomes a dark, dry incense, thickened and sweetened by those first notes. I'm also getting just the faintest whiff of fresh vegetal pumpkin somewhere in there. Exactly as advertised. I love it.

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Dang RoseThornAndOak really nails it with the dark carnival pumpkin vibe. I'm getting the same thing: vaguely sweet, a bit of popcorn, but also dark and sticky. Like hanging out with a pumpkin carny hitting a vape. Kinda dangerous.

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In the decant I also get a blast of buttery popcorn, but once it’s on it becomes the bastard love child of Pumpkin Rum Cake and Sin in the Pumpkin Patch. The buttery, pumpkiny kettle corn of PRC mixed with the spicy (although in this case it’s more incensey) dryness of SitPP. I haven’t waited for this to fully dry yet to see if it does any other changing. 

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This is NOT your Yankee Candle pumpkin spice. It’s a dark, desiccated, moldering pumpkin incense. I love how it’s so dark and weird, no hint of cloying cinnamon and sugar, but the pumpkin remains strong and pungent. This rules.

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Dark pumpkin and incense. This is not the sweet candied spice scent. If you love this, get The Harvest Haunt perfume too, as they are almost the same! I love it. Atmospheric and autumnal, this one's going in my car.


Oops! Posted this about the Pumpkin Incense atmo! But keeping it because it fits.


Here's what I posted about the perfume, in the Pumpkin Incense Atmo spray thread.


A little sweeter than the Pumpkin Incense atmo, but very very close. Not a sweet pumpkin spice blend, but a darker drying pumpkin with the incense blending into it perfectly. These make such a great set to really be atmospheric.

Edited by Poenari
Accidentally posted in wrong place

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Cooked pumpkin smell, popcorn texture underneath with some caramel.

Sometimes I could swear there's cumin and mild dry chilies in the mix. But it quickly disappears and the cooked pumpkin caramel comes back.


Edited by patina

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A haunted fun ride at night! Boozy, buttery pumpkin, i am also getting something popcorny, (hay?, wood?), and i am getting that incense note, but it's more of a dusty hay note to me than incense.

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Buttery pumpkin, sans spice, with popcorn balls. The popcorn fades quickly and the incense takes center stage. Does this pumpkin hang out on the streets of Detroit? That incense could seriously be SoD Lite.


The Harvest Haunt is as close as a pumpkin scent can get to working on me, and I'll keep my decant to slather while binging Are You Afraid of the Dark? and other nostalgic Halloweeny shows.

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dark, buttery, unsweetened pumpkin flesh, and what almost seems like an oud incense.  it's been kind of a sleeper hit for me lately.  i usually lean into seasonal scents, but i've been continually drawn back to this one, in april no less...   i just find myself craving it randomly. 

Edited by MamaMoth

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Sometimes bpal's pumpkin notes smell like pure, melted butter with some sugar, and that's the kind of pumpkin that I get here.  The black incense keeps making me think of an abandoned old house that's caked with dust, grime, hints of fecal matter and urine, and rotting wood and fabric.  Slightly nag champa-y, but also very dusty and leaning animalic / indolic.  Mixed with the sugary, melted butter, this is really stomach churning to me.  It takes about 45 minutes for the cloying and indolic parts to calm down to where I'm left with a dark, incensey haze, what smells like dried grass with hints of green grass, and a hint of butter.  I actually like this somber, dead meadow and spooky incense stage, but it's rough getting there for me.

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