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Pumpkin Buttercream

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Super smoky pumpkin rind with a bit of sweetness behind it. But mostly it's smoke. My hair smells like I spent all night hanging near a bonfire and am now effectively smoked. It's very "heavy" but thankfully does calm down with wear, leaving the heavy smoke to only interrupt my senses in wafts. Definitely not the sweet gourmand I was expecting based on the name and description though.

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In the bottle this is tooth achingly sweet warm pumpkin swimming in buttercream. Dry in the hair it does a total 180 and becomes a baked dark brown sugar dusted pumpkin no buttercream to be detected.

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To my nose there's no smoke or spice in this. It's simple, pure, uncooked pumpkin flesh and sweet, warm buttercream. There's nothing discordant or sharp about it, it's very soft and comforting.

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Fresh from the mail- My dentist would have words if this was edible.
Spiced fresh pumpkin in a too sweet buttercream with a bonfire note at the back, okkkkk it's gone to rest.

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you found the perfect pumpkin at the patch, & brought it home. you don’t fully know why, but you rolled your new friend around in raw sugar, then set it on fire. this is what my hairses smell like, and i’m rather pleased. also, makes my hairs so, SO silky soft. ??

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First few wears: I get the puree and I get the buttercream, but that’s not all we’ve got here to frost your cakes. There is also a cheeky bit of clove...Or maybe it's some baked, caramelized swirl of pumpkin roulade snickety-snacking about.
Now: Aha! Pumpkin spice cheesecake.

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My sample was also smoky. I don't get much sweetness or buttercream, really. There's quite a bit of spice: mostly clove backed by cinnamon and nutmeg. I said it was smoky but it's not excessive, more like someone roasted the pumpkin over a fire. When I get whiffs of this one while I'm wearing it, I mostly get the spices.

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Straight up butter, burnt sugar, and pumpkin. If you enjoy buttery scents, this is your hair gloss. Pumpkin spice is set to low. I keep trying pumpkin scents, when will I learn? (Never, the answer is never.)

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So... all of the reviews mentioned smokiness worried me, and indeed, my decant smelled hella smoke-y, so I never tried this in my hair and only sprayed it on my skin yesterday after it sat in my to-test pile for months.


I don't really get pumpkin from this, or buttercream, but a sweet smokiness. It reminds me of the smoke note from Hexennacht's All Souls' Night if it were toned down by a different source of sugary sweetness. Like dancingchair said, it's as if the pumpkin was roasted over a bonfire... but then they only incorporated the charred bits into the not-very-buttercream-y buttercream.


I don't hate this, but I can see myself getting easily overwhelmed by it due to the smoke, so I'm glad I did not apply this to my hair. I'd recommend this to fans of smoky scents who don't mind a backdrop of gourmand sweetness.

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This was actually my first-ever BPAL hair gloss, so...I have conflicted feelings! I've had this for a while, and kept putting off writing a review. But I suppose I should!


I *love* pumpkin and sweetness, especially sweet vanillas, so I was really hoping for...some sort of sweet pumpkiny frosting, like the name promises! It finally tempted me into buying a hair gloss, because it sounded like exactly the things I like!


Alas, I am one of those who got ALL the smoke. It's sort of a sweet smoke - caramelized - I absolutely agree with Tiobe's review above: this pumpkin got rolled in sugar (maybe dark brown sugar), and then set on fire, or roasted in an oven, or something. There's still a hint of sweetness and a hint of pumpkin, but if it's sugar it's a dark burnt sugar, and it's hanging out at a nighttime witches' party with a bonfire going.


I don't in fact dislike it - actually I kind of like it, especially as a fall scent, and my husband said "something smells good!" after I walked past - but it is definitely not what I hoped I would be getting!


About the gloss as a hair gloss: my hair is both fine and frizzy, so I'm always looking for ways to tame the frizz without flattening it more! This doesn't totally tame the flyaways, but it does leave my hair feeling nice and definitely softer - I've done it on shower-damp hair and also a quick spritz on dry hair before teaching. The one day I bothered to do a little curling, I think it helped hold the curl - it stayed in place really well!


I don't know that I'd buy this specific one again, but I will try other scents!

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I wore this all winter long.To me, it's the perfect blend of spice & sweetness. I don't care for smoke but didn't find it overly smokey - the note complements the spices. I had a decant first & liked it so much that I quickly upgraded to a bottle. ?

Edited by alterosen

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