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Now with more snoot. All the sugared incense you can shake a wing at with double the leather and a dollop of thick, inky black musk.

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When I opened my latest Lab package yesterday, it smelled strongly of incense and I knew that something had gone wrong.  I carefully unwrapped everything and found the culprit.  My bottle of Snootier Bat has a cracked bottle top and it aggressively scented the entire rest of the package with itself.  Snootier Bat clearly has too much snoot in it and it cannot be contained by normal measures.  Thankfully, I love the scent and the rest of my family also loves it.  I was surprised at how well it was received and how many "it smells so nice in here" comments it elicited because I didn't think that the rest of my family loved darker, incensey blends as much as I do.  I'm currently stuck in bed because the nerve hyperactivity that affects my lower back and legs has rendered me unable to walk again.  I got Snootier Bat all over my sheets and then the bubblewrap went into the trash beside my bed.  So my whole room is Snootier Bat scented now.  I have no complaints.

Wearing Snooty Bat and Snootier Bat side by side today, I actually prefer Snootier, and I loved the original.  Side by Side, Snooty Bat's leather and smokiness seem almost sharp and gritty and I find myself wanting to cuddle back into Snootier Bat.  The leather in the original is sticking out a lot more for me.  The description for this one says double the leather, but I don't find Snootier to have a strong leather; I think it's just subtly adding to the overall dark vibe of this scent.  The sugared incense is turned way up, especially the sugar.  It's not cloying at all, but it's almost like a nag champa cotton candy, but darker and heavier than cotton candy.  I also keep thinking that this smells like a much nicer and more complex Smut or a Snake Oil flanker.  Slinky, sugared, dark musk and the nicest nag champa rolling in sugary floof.  

I hope that this review makes sense.  I just took another painpill and probably should stop writing.

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Snooty Bat slapped me in the face with a black leather glove, but if I allowed the sting to subside, I could ride it out and find its dark patchouli and incense heart. It was a lot of leather, though.


Snootier Bat, despite its promise of "double the leather," is a pure black musk sugar incense dream to my nose, with nearly no leather to speak of. If you love Streets of Detroit or By Day She Turned Herself Into a Cat, you will want all the Snoot this Bat can throw you. It lasts and lasts, and I loved catching it as I moved or my sleeve brushed it.


So dark, so sweet, so musky, and so wearable right out of the gate!

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Snootier Bat has leather at the forefront when you open the bottle and sniff it, and even on initial application. 20 minutes in, though, it's a soft, sophisticated incense with a dark and slightly sweet vibe that has a decent amount of staying power. My only complaint is that I wish there was more leather in the dry down!

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In the bottle I smell....nothing?!?

on my skin....sugared incense, emphasis on the sugar. 

WHERE is my leather? *cries*


My skin definitely amps it, which is good, otherwise I wouldn't even know what it smells like. But all i get is sweet, almost tooth-achingly sweet. 


*edit, ooh hey, some black musk joins in after about 30 or so minutes...dragging a whiff of leather with it. Now this smells good. Not at all what I was expecting, but good.

Edited by Roogna

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Wet, this is a lot of snappy black leather backed up by black musk. Black musk tends to be a a little indolic or bitter or something to me in a way that I don't like, but this black musk doesn't have that. As the perfume dries, it does become all about the sugared incense and musk. I can still smell the leather lurking in the background, but it's not very strong. The incense is soft and sweet, a little powdery.


Side by side next to Snooty Bat, this perfume is much softer. The nag champa was sharp on me in Snooty Bat and there isn't a note that goes sharp here. The clove also added extra bite that isn't present in Snootier Bat. This bat might be snootier, but they are cuddly and soft when you get to know them.

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This is strongest on the sugared incense on me. It's backed by a bit of leather at first, but it's definitely not double the leather of Snooty Bat, whose leather was way too intense on me. No, this leather is actually much softer. While the sugared incense remains the dominant aspect of this scent throughout wear, I get more musk along with it than leather by the end of the day. There's a phase where the musk and the incense threaten to veer into soap territory, but fortunately, it never goes completely there.


I enjoy this more than Snooty Bat, but I'm basic and would prefer just the sugared incense without any of the leather or the musk, so no bottle for me. ?

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This is my second go with Snootier Bat. First try a few months ago, the black leather was too much for me.  It is still a bit ACK on first application, but it now quickly morphs into amazing black musk and incense. It lasts forever and has a sweet edge to it. Gorgeous!

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 Nag champa can sometimes get unpleasantly powdery or soapy on me, but there's so much black musk and sugary incense that it smooths the whole thing over. Don't get me wrong, this is primarily a champa perfume.  I get leather, but I can't really separate it from the rest of the scent. Then again my skin eats leather rather than amping it.


This is a scent about swanning into a head shop in a big black cape. It's not bad on me, it's super smooth but I'm not entirely sure about it either. This may be too cloying for me and I'm someone who likes sweet scents and musks. Maybe I'd like Snooty Bat better, but then that doesn't have the musk to smooth out the champa.

Edited by patina

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My first experience with Snootier bat was in Jan 2024 and I was surprised! I didn't anticipate to like it but wowowow that sugared incense. Like why would I even bother with this when Snooty bat didn't catch my eye, but here we are. Sweet incense, very soft leather and black musk - I could vibe with this.


THEN I REVISITED THIS TWO MONTHS LATER: bruh. what happened. It's a slightly sweetened leather blast with black musk close behind it, and I don't know where my beautiful sugared incense went? Great throw though, I'll give it that. I can also see this lasting a good 8 hours but I'll end up scrubbing it before that. Just...not for me lol. I don't do leather often and most definitely not with patchouli. So we're veering into headache territory. I'm glad to have tried this though - I get the hype of the snooty/ier bats. 

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Snootier Bat is strong, dark incense on me in the beginning, with a deep black murky musk, and the leather and sugar are not very present other than possibly being the notes taking this to a weird place that I'm not too sure I like.


However, this does mellow over the course of the day, and there's a very strong resemblance to Blood Rose without the rose. It's possible dragon's blood resin is present along side a nag champa like note. Clean, yet dark incense. There is a resemblance to opium here too, sort of that rich, deep powdery but nice note, but more red black.


This blend smooths out in final drydown even further and is now more black in hue than red, with not much sugar or leather. It's quite nice. Very BPAL.

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I’ve had this imp for ages and am only now just trying it. 

in imp: super strong black leather with a touch of nag champa right at the end. 

wet: straight nag champa which I’m absolutely loving. 
dry (20 mins): same as above, let’s see if it morphs throughout the day 

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