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up front, i'm getting lots of bready, almost savory cookie with just a hint of ginger & warming spices. i can barely detect a subtle molasses note adding a tinge of sweetness, but this is not a sweet scent at all; to me, this is a warm, freshly baked gingerbread cookie, not yet iced.

at first, the gingerbread is crisp and brown around the edges, a thinner cookie, if you will. however, as it wears, it softens into a chewier, doughier cookie, with a cakey roundness to it. if you like a very spicy gingerbread scent, this one may not be for you, but i prefer my gingerbread light on the ginger and heavy on the bread, so this is a winner for me!

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This one is delicious - one of my favorite Gingerbread variants! Very present gingerbread & medium spicy gingerbread spices sit upon a steady backdrop of warm and frothy milk! Not as milky as Snake Milk (thankfully for me, that one because just a little too much), this one really feels exactly like freshly baked gingerbread cookies dunked in milk ?? Sometimes both BPAL’s gingerbread and milk notes verge on too much for me (I’m looking at you ? Deep Fried Gingerbread!) with a muskiness that slightly turns my stomach, but the gingerbread here has none of that. Just pure YUM ? Low to medium throw but great longevity! I mayyy just need another bottle given how of a dent I’ve already made in the one I got ?

Edited by myla.mouse.n.di

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LOVE THIS! :heart: Undeniably warm milk plays a large role in the way this scent smells, it's wild Beth could capture that super specific smell. The milk featured is full fat, no 2% or watery milk alternatives here. It’s slightly savory in the opening, almost goat’s milk adjacent due to richer, creamier qualities, minus the goat. I went into this expecting a sweeter gingerbread scent with the scorched/condensed milk accord, this isn’t that. And I’m not mad about it! It’s a concoction on the stove, stirred and spiced but removed from heat prior to the milk sugars caramelizing.

It’s an aromatic golden moon milk; a warming bedtime blend to soothe and comfort in the way milk and cookies do once the weather turns frigid. There’s a soothing quality to this scent, a relaxing tight hug that warms from the inside and lulls you safely to sleep. I cannot stop reaching for this ‘fume. All of the BPAL gingerbread spice players are present: the molasses, cinnamon, clove, cardamom and of course tons of glorious ginger. I adore enjoy wearing this scent, it’s unique to my collection and I’m so happy to have a FS!! 

Throw: medium, longevity: 8+ hours. :wub2:

Edited by MonBon

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Crazy how much this smells like sweet warm milk. How that smell can be captured and put into a bottle… props to the lab!


The overall scent immediately makes me think of cosying up in a blanket with a nice warm bowl of spiced rice pudding. It’s comforting, it’s creamy, it’s warm with spice. It’s lovely!

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I was worried I might be one of those people for whom milk notes go wrong. And yep, I am one of those people. It smells like sour stinky feet with a light dusting of gingerbread. I felt like I was in a thick fog of it too. 

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In the other scents I've tried from this year's Gingerbread Cotillion, the gingerbread has been the star of the show. But Gingerbread Milk is an exception. The gingerbread is only the star during the wet phase of the scent, but even then, the milk is still noticeable. It doesn't take long for the milk to overtake the gingerbread, and then it becomes the dominant note throughout wear, and smells like a warm milk to me, first, accompanied with gingerbread spices, and then eventually, all that remains is the milk. This milk is not like the Lab's goat milk note, and the gingerbread here is mostly about the ginger and some strong cinnamon (that doesn't burn). To my nose, Banana Gingerbread, Gingerbread Hot Cocoa, and this scent all share the same gingerbread note.


I was hoping that there would be more gingerbread with this milk, but the milk in this is too strong for me. This is definitely a scent for someone who enjoys milk notes.

Edited by doomsday_disco

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I seem to be the odd one out, but I only smell sharp gingerbread spices and no milk.  My skin tends to amp spices and this one irritates my skin a little (slight redness where applied).  Mostly this is a sharp, powdery cinnamon and nutmeg type of scent on me and it never changes and the milk never shows up.  I wish it were an overdose of milk, but it never gets there for me.  Three Witches, Pickled Imp, and The Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn are some of my go tos for spicy scents.  I will probably wind up rehoming Gingerbread Milk.

Edited by Little Bird

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I get a combination of the gingerbread spices and a sweet, milky note. I can pick out the nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger and freshly baked gingerbread. The milk is sweet and frothy and kind of reminds me of a chai latte with a large piece of gingerbread on the side. I can pick out both the gingerbread and the milk but I think the gingerbread and the spices might be slightly more prominent on me here. 

Edited by becca_s

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I get the milk note and the gingerbread cookie note, not necessarily in equal amounts. Looks like the gingebread cookie wins over the milk note. The blend is slowly evening out and i finally get a mental picture: a freshly milk dipped gingebread cookie. The gingerbread cookie smells like a real freshly baked one that had some to cool off, while the milk adds an extra layer of milky sweetness and texture. The gingerbread cookie note, notably the spices, gradually assert themselves over the frothy milk.

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WOAH. This perfume smells exactly as it says on the tin. As soon as I put it on, my skin instantly smelled like lush gingerbread. It straight-up smells spiced, but it somehow also smells caramelized and chewy that it made me keep thinking about those wonderful Pierniczki cookies (seriously, they're the closest thing that smells like the gingerbread note of this perfume).


Sadly, the gingerbread only sticks around for 15 minutes--and once the 15 minute wear-time passed, I wound up smelling like a tidal-wave of thick, frothy, and boiling milk. It got to the point that I could smell a whiff of sticky milk skin with the milk note, and that part almost got a little cheesey*, but it thankfully didn't get too noticeable thanks to the gingery spices that sit around the 'edge' of the perfume. This is definitely a 'fair-weathered friend' scent (this scent will NOT help disguise any sweat. It will also definitely be too heavy to wear during muggy/damp winters), but I'm utterly wowed by the realistic gingerbread note which makes me perfectly happy to grin and bear the also realistic 'milk skin' note.


However, I would say that this scent is VERY much a gourmand perfume, to the point that it will raise a few eyebrows in the workplace (it's not like Shub Niggurath which smells more refreshing, light and likeable for people that are used to mainstream perfumes). The milk note in this perfume also lasts a LONG time. I had applied a little bit today at 9:00am and my skin still smells heavily like steamed milk at 8:00pm. So while I personally love this, I would only be able to wear this during very cold winters.


*Disclaimer: So...I grew up drinking a lot of boiled milk (not because my family's into it, but because my abuela couldn't find  pasteurized milk in supermarkets until the 1990s). So I'm very used to this kind of smell and don't mind the cheesiness at all. So if you're reading this and want to check whether this perfume would be a hit or a miss before you buy a bottle--I would absolutely recommend boiling a small pot of milk and giving it a good whiff. If you find it nice and comforting, give this perfume a try. If you find it gross, definitely give this a pass.

Edited by AutoroboticTribal

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