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Rich, melty, milky, chocolate with smooth warm musk.


it reminds me of another “Chocolate and…” but I can’t remember which one. I’ll try to edit if I remember.  But where that other one was raspy and sharp edged, Chocolate Musk is smooth, round, friendly, and gloopy in the best way.


i can’t pinpoint the exact musk, but it’s not white musk, black musk, not red musk, or Siberian musk.  My best guess is brown?  It’s a very nuzzle your face in a friendly cat’s belly fur or snuggle up with your soft puppy kind of musk.


There’s not a lot to expound on here.  What you see is what you get.  But oh how they come together.  So seemingly simple, but a perfectly balanced marriage of two of my most favorite notes.


if you like chocolate and you like musk, RUN, don’t walk.  It’s back-up worthy.

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I hesitated on Chocolate Musk because I was afraid it would smell "dirty." Not dirty-like-stinky, but dirty-like-dirt. Ultimately I doubled back because it sounded like one of those scents where I'd regret never knowing. I am SO GLAD I did. This is NOT dirty. It's not sweaty, either. It's not that kind of musk. It is... warm. Gooey. Sexy, sophisticated musk plus wholly melted chocolate. 


I wouldn't pass this up. I agree that it's back-up worthy. 

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Intensely sweet chocolate, powder, and red musk.  I already have a few hoards of Nocturne Alchemy's Kashmir (red musk) + chocolate blends, and they don't turn so powdery or cloying on me, so I'm glad that I just went with a decant of Chocolate Musk.  I also prefer Bpal's Boomslang over this because it's smoother, creamier, and not powdery, but still has the Snake Oil musk and chocolate.  If you want a super sugary chocolate and don't mind warm, powdery tones, this is a really long lasting, strong chocolate scent with slightly animalic, heavy, sweet red musk, though.

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I agree that this is a very sweet, melted milk chocolate. I was hoping for a more dry, cocoa powder vibe but the warm, sweet musks might be adding to the vibe there. The musks here do remind me of SO, as Little Bird mentioned. Kinda a mix of red/brown/black? Fuzzy but not too furry/animalic. Not dirty. This is on the verge of being sooo good, but is just a tad too sweet for me. I find a lot of chocolate scents read as cloying on me lately, so I assume it's a me issue. In the bottle this is stunning, but after an hour or so it starts wear on me and I end up washing it off. Great longevity and throw though!

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Out of the gate, I get a toasty cocoa powder/hot cocoa mix but also a deep, rich dark chocolate, with a very present musk. I would guess red musk, but it's less intense than most red musks at this stage. There is a spike of something bright, like how red and other musks have a high soprano note mingling with gritty animalic mid notes, but it's sexy. Scrumptious.


Over the course of a few minutes, this is becoming feral red musk with cocoa and dark chocolate receding but still tempering the musk.


*this broadcast interrupted by a shower before hurricane Helene hits* Maybe about 1.5 hrs after application and after taking a shower, mostly the musk smoothed out, with a bit of dark chocolate still present.


This is very nice. It reminds me of Lavender Brownie a bit, so if you liked the chocolate in that one, and can role with red musk, I'd say go for it! Red musk can be a bit much, but here it's niiiiice. 

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