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Rose Petals, Marshmallows, and Afterglow Hair Gloss

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A sweet, sexy scent for when you want to get some, just finished getting some, or want to smell like you got some.

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Katrina Van Tassel in hair gloss form. Creamy, pink, sugary vanilla rose. This is now my second favorite gloss behind So You Are A Princess, and I’m buying several more backups 

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First ever review I've left on the forum! To second Grim , it's a wonderful sugary, creamy, and certainly PINK rose scent. Something in this is slightly mentholated or minty in the bottle and upon fresh application. Ive never smelled bpals rose note or used a hair gloss so idk if that comes with the territory. Personally I'm choosing to assume thats part of the afterglow interpretation because to me it makes the scent glow like sunlight on silk. It feels playfully venusian in nature,  I can see myself lounging about on some silky pillows in a fancy nightgown lazily munching on rose infused marshmallows letting the powdered sugar fall haphazardly upon myself. The hair gloss itself has been absolutely wonderful for defining and smoothing my poor box dyed curls.

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Mmmh. Pink pink pink pinky pink. Pink marshmallows and pink roses with pink sugar and maybe even a dollop of pink whipped cream. I am never not slathered in oil- body, hair, clothes and linens, all of it is covered in BPAL smellz- and this has been the #1 recently. it’s really, really good. I too need several backups- it’s just that damn good. I can’t wait for my hair to get down to my mid-back- imagine 3 feet of curly black hair scented like lovely marshmallows and roses….. now i’m rambling. 


Get this: If u like SWEET, PINK, ROSE. 

Sillage: Strong- people smell it from feet away from you.

Longevity: 7-8 ish hours? It clings to clothes and sheets much longer.

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Upon application, I got sweet vanilla like rose. Very Katrina, with afterglow which smelled, errr, smutty. Not like Smut, but...smut. :nervous: Throughout the day, the afterglowy bits tame down about 90%, and I'm left with gorgeous sweet rosey, vanillowy marshmallow. I don't get that plastic edge marshmallow can have on occasion, and yeah this is pretty, pretty.

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Fun, playful, sugar-coated pink rose! It's fairly strong and makes me smile. Goes flawlessly with a goat milk moisturizer I use sometimes called "Victorian Rose."


This is my favorite HG so far (I haven't tried many yet, but still, it's my favorite!). Hopefully I'll have some pocket change available to get some backup bottles before the Lupers go.

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Fluffy, mellow rose. I really only get the marshmallow and rose. I'd guess that afterglow would smell like a skin musk. Either way, I can't pick anything else out. The marshmallow does have a more musky, less foody, but still sweet and light nature to it. It really lightens the rose, which does read more pink to me and is the strongest note on me. Overall, somewhere between rose marshmallows and rose clouds.

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Yup, that's sexy alright. A softer, more "grown up"-marshmallow and strong white rose and something skin-musky indeed, dare i say something... fluid-related in there. Hee.

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oh gosh the 'afterglow' is relentless. it smells sweaty and salty (but different to fancy pup's sweat !) and kind of beachy? it smells a tad like sunscreen. for a while I can't make out anything but the afterglow which is not ideal to be in my hair and creating a lil post-"activities" sweat scented aura around my being. after a lot of what I can assume brutal and bloody fighting the rose finally emerges (yay) and is holding hands with the mallow. the end result is what would happen to a sweet, mild rose perfume after some sweaty debauchery. it's very nice in the end but I'd be wary about wearing this in the BO-filled summer months

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