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BPAL Madness!

Euer Narren lache ich allen, denn nur ihre Kolben tun gefallen

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The scent of denial, of looking the other way, of tolerating the intolerable: white peppercorn peering slyly through green tangerine, mandarin, mimosa, and red lotus root.

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One of those different than the sum of its parts scents. I can pick out the mandarin, peppercorn, and floral root, but combined together they make something that is not really any of the them. Despite the mandarin being the strongest note on me, and aided by the peppercorn, overall this scent is more of a floral root scent. I cannot pick out the mimosa or lotus specifically, but definitely the root nature of the latter. The result ends up being surprisingly not all that citrus for how strong the mandarin is. I'd shelve this under root scent before anything else, it's noticeably floral, while the other notes bring a sweet bright zest that doesn't particularly read as citrus.

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This one didn't jive well with me. It is predominantly about the citrus notes and the mimosa, backed by the red lotus root. I'm not able to pick out the white peppercorn. But one of the citrus notes, perhaps the tangerine, combined with something else, perhaps the red lotus root, is making this smell somewhat medicinal to me, and the citrus is combining with the mimosa to make this smell like... somewhat medicinal citrus SweeTarts??? And I tried this twice, so it wasn't a fluke.


I prefer my citrus sans florals.

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