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Pink Moon: Marshmallow and Candyfloss Hair Gloss

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Got this so fast! It’s exactly what I was hoping for….pure, sweet, sugary candy & marshmallow. I was worried the candy floss might go hairspray, but it does not. This would be a great gloss for layering! 

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My bottle leaked in transit. (I ordered it through a decanter instead of through the Lab, but it still was in the Lab original packaging and the sprayer lid was off and that's where it was leaking from. The sticky stuff the Lab uses to cover the bottle didn't do anything to prevent the leaking, plus I find it to be a chore to get off bottles and it sometimes scuffs up labels, so I miss the colorful tape of yore. But I digress.) The reason I am mentioning this is that it arrived in triple digit heat, and I could tell that it was leaking through the package, which was wet in spots from it, and the smell was really strong. It ended up being so intense that I still felt engulfed by the scent after throwing out the packaging and wiping down the bottle of hair gloss and placing it in another room. I think some of it must have gotten on a blanket on the couch from the packaging, and plus a lot of it got on me after I tried to clean the bottle.


After this experience, I was sure I didn't need to test it because the scent wasn't going to be for me. Still, I decided to wait a few days and test it on the back of my hand (I didn't want to put this in my hair and then feel overwhelmed by the scent). Fortunately, the scent wasn't engulfing me, probably because it was no longer being amplified by the heat it absorbed in the mailbox. This is mostly about the pink candyfloss, backed by some marshmallow. The marshmallow gains some strength over time, but doesn't overtake the candyfloss on me. I was really hoping this would be like Pink Wig Spray, but the cotton candy note in this is not the same, even though they are both pink. This has more of a powdery candy dip or children's vitamin vibe to me than fluffy cotton candy. :( 


I wish I had gotten a decant instead of a bottle.

Edited by doomsday_disco

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This is the marshmallow note that turns a little salty to my nose, and I’m not getting any candy floss at all. I’m really bummed.

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It's more candyfloss than marshmallow on me & I'm getting a definite 'pink' note which I'm reading as strawberry with a smidgen of rose. I like it! :wub:

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I've been around for long enough that I generally know which BPAL notes work on me and which don't, so it's rare nowadays for me not to like something that I blind-bought (especially with HGs, I can't recall any HG I disliked). Unfortunately, this is one of those rare occurances.


I was hoping for a lovely, floofy sweet puff of a scent like Stekk, but what I got was a similar experience to doomsday_disco - sickly-sweet and powdery children's vitamins in a chemical-y pink, vaguely cherries/berries flavour. I don't get much marshmallow at all except for maybe a barely-there vanillic undertone, this is really all about that artificial-flavouring pink sugar. I tried layering it with Pink Moon, but it's still definitely not my thing - the chemical-fruit-sweetness just becomes amplified. 


Definitely a bit bummed about this one. I'll let it sit and age for a bit, but likely will end up going to a new home. 

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My feelings are the same as Amoraexcena's.  I thought this was a safe blind buy and figured it'd be a sweet, simple gloss and I couldn't go wrong with marshmallow and cotton candy.  I was also hoping for creamy Stekk marshmallow.  This is like circus peanuts on me, though.  Gummy, chewy, unpleasant, slightly artificial banana and generic froot smell mixed with sugary dye.  It's like a cheap candy that tastes sickly of dye and artificial things that you probably shouldn't be consuming.  It smells stale rather than creamy, and not fluffy or gooey or marshmallow or reminiscent of real cotton candy at all.  I 100% get that sickly orange color and stale chewiness and artificial monstrosity that is circus peanuts.

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For me, this one opens up with a blast of burned marshmallow smell, but thankfully that goes away within the first few minutes. And what's left? sweet, pink candyfloss on a background of marshmallow-y vanilla. Big surprise, right? But this one is exactly what it says on the tin!


Highly recommended if you enjoy spending your day with your head inside a bag of pink marshmallows. But without the risk of suffocation. 

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