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Wild fig, buttercream honey, bourbon cream sweetened with a bit of condensed milk, and warm, snuggly russet patchouli.

Proceeds from the sale of each bottle will benefit Cuddly, who assists rescue organizations and animal-focused non-profits.

Edited by Jenjin

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Vanilla buttercream frosting with frothy milk that cuts down on some of the buttercream sweetness.  The honey is barely there in the opening and I don't get any bourbon, but the fig and patchouli come in subtly and mesh together into a beautiful, dark, earthy-woody scent melded into pulpy-sticky-fruit.  

I was worried that this would be cloying, but I don't get a powdered sugar scent to the buttercream; it's more of a whipped, creamy vanilla frosting, and the milk is warm and frothy rather than thickly sweet and caramelized.  The fig and patchouli also help to even out the sweetness.  So it's a strong vanilla frosting (I'd say it's 80% vanilla-y and 20% patchouli and fig), but the other notes keep it from being sickly sweet or too simple.

I have a ton of vanilla and patchouli scents (and not enough patchouli and fig scents), but I'm happy to add this one to my collection too ^_^ and will add a backup bottle into my next order.  

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I wondered how this would compare to Narr from The Fool's Journey (I wonder if the tarot collection is going to resume?), as they share some similar notes. Well, despite them both containing fig, honey, and buttercream, they are quite different.


Cosmic Critters is very earthy on me, as it is mostly about the patch on my skin, backed by the fig. My skin chemistry just didn't bring out the sweet notes, and ran away with the earthiness. There was a brief phase where I smelled a bit of creamy sweetness, but it was quickly beaten back by the patch and fig. Wahh.


I really wanted those sweet notes and wish I had had Little Bird's experience!

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So I’m gonna have to retest Cosmic Critters—probably multiple times. I first sniffed it straight out of the mailbox, which isn’t the wisest idea in VA in July, but it is what it is. That first sniff gave me Golletes. 😳 Pastry and pink sugar. Say what?! I let the bottle sit in the house A/C for a day and tried again. Golletes. This time on the dry-down I got something like Lilith’s lavender in the background. Um, okay. I’m about to test again with a good slathering and see how we fare, but I wonder if this is one of those experiences where it’s my *mind* smelling, and not my nose, and that first impression is gonna stick. Not complaining because I love and miss Golletes, but super duper weird.


Glad I bought a bottle, both for the scent experience and the cause. 💜

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Fig dominated frosting on me. I get the fig note the strongest. The other notes come together to give the impression of a frosting heavy cupcake. I don't get any honey or patchouli, just buttercream with big chunks of fig. Despite it being a fruit, fig on me doesn't read as foodie. So on me the buttercream and strength of the fig note felt a little at odds. The former, and the other notes, wanting this to be a gourmand scent, and the latter not so much on me. I think this comes down to personal taste though, so if fig cupcakes seems strikes your fancy, this might be the scent for you.

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