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Flower Moon: Belladonna Berries and Sugared Black Tea Hair Gloss

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I really enjoy this hair gloss. It's a sweet and juicy dark berry but NOT sweet and juicy like eating a peach with juice dripping down your chin. It's more of a hint of juice, a tease of sweetness with something more nefarious hiding in the shadows. I don't smell the black tea note distinctly but it's definitely there grounding the entire scent.


This hair gloss is slightly sweet, slightly dark, without being overpowering or cloying. The belladonna berries are the most prominent note but they are well blended with the sugared black tea to keep them in check. These berries are an alluring siren call, providing you with a ghost of their sweetness and tempting you to drink that mysterious cup of tea.

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Note: I tested this on the back of my hand and not in my hair. I'll update once I do a two day hair wear applied to both wet and dry hair.


This is a berry-centric hair gloss for sure, but the tea is definitely there. The combo of the berries with the sugar reminds me a bit of a berry scone without the foodie pastry, although this is a tarter, dark berry.


I think this would pair perfectly with scents like Witches' Tea and Beautiful Death.


The decant I ordered came in the original bottle, and I am keeping it! :) 



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This combination was such an obvious winner for me that I picked up the smallest decant size, knowing that unless something went horribly wrong I would need to upgrade  


I love the Lab's belladonna berry note, and love black tea. This smells exactly how I hoped. Luscious, waxy berries and sugared black tea. The tea in this smells just like the pitchers of sweet iced tea I keep in my fridge all summer. 


I only spritzed this on my arm, but I would be delighted to have my hair smell like this every day. For a duet, it's deceptively complex and sophisticated. I think this would be very sexy on someone masculine leaning as well.


I may need 2 or 3 bottles of this. :wub:

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I like this one - though we seem to be continuing a sequence of...every hair gloss I try isn't quite, in some odd way, what I expect it to be! Never in a bad way, just...for instance, Pumpkin Buttercream, which I thought would be lighter and sweeter, went all dark toasted smoky sugar, and the Peach Honey Cake is just straight heavy peaches in syrup (no cake), and this one...


...this one's full of dark tart berries, purple and shadowy, and then, under that, there's this...sharp/bitter note, like tannins from the tea? I don't really get any sugar at all, unless it's keeping the tea from being even more dark! I think this tea has steeped for quite a while and is very black - which is not a bad thing, because I like black tea, and the contrast with the berries is intriguing! This feels very witchy, potion-y, good for fall. I keep reaching for it because it's so interesting!

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