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Strawberry Moon... and Friends!

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It's Strawberry Moon season, and this month's Lunacy launch is resplendent with summertime treats.


The whole shebang can be browsed here: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/june-2024/


In addition to the usual Lunacy perfumes, Duets, Hair Gloss, sticker, and Ars Anni offerings, we've added:


  • 2 more GC Hair Gloss options: FLEURS D'ORANGER and MIEL ET AMBER
  • A new Pride month Activism scent benefiting Lambda Legal: OBERGEFELL V. HODGES
  • 2 new Limited Edition perfume oils: JUNE GLOOM and THE SERPENT IN THE BERRIES


Here's your reminder that within a week or so, we're gonna chop Yule 2023, NYE, SNOW MOON Lunacy and all its helpmeets, and FREDERIC.


Have a wonderful weekend!



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