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I'm basic so I'm a happy camper with caramelized (sweet but with a kick) amber scents


That being said, I love this so I'm gonna get a full bottle of this!


It reminds me of the Vagina Treasure HG from Lupercalia 2017 which I remember as honey, amber, and a hint of something else. Some people in those reviews said carnation aka something spicy. I might have that tester lying around. Will update this if I can find that decant!

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This was an immediate blind buy bottle for me, as honey and amber are two of my very favorite things.  I’m not disappointed, that’s for sure!  The honey is strong and the amber is there too, glowing in the background making it warm, snuggly, and earthy-sweet.  If you don’t like honey heavy scents you won’t like this.  I think it’s gorgeous and might be my favorite hair gloss out of the dozen that I own. 

Edited to add: The scent is heavenly but it doesn’t have any staying power in my hair.  I usually put my glosses in my hair wet and when I do that, Miel Et Ambre is undetectable.  I have to put it in dry to even get a whiff.  

Edited by Foodie

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I was expecting something like an O hair gloss, which was sexy without being raunchy or heavy. All my nose gets is heavy foodie sweetness that's really cloying. 

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a creamy honey with amber in the background. lovely, warm and cozy. honey is the strongest note. i figured i would really like this and i do.

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